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The Chiller
The Chiller
The Chiller
Ebook180 pages2 hours

The Chiller

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I've awoken. I'm alone in a cold, meat chiller, surrounded by large, animal carcasses. How did I get here? I have no recollection at all, and as far as I'm aware, I don't have any enemies, so this has me puzzled. I'm a nomad, a drifter, I travel alone and don't mingle with others for this very reason.

Anyway, I better find out, or I won't be breathing much longer.

PublisherMario Walsh
Release dateSep 26, 2022
The Chiller

Mario Walsh

Firstly, thank you for supporting my Seven novels; Episode III, Episode IV, Episode V, Episode II, I, VI and recently The Chiller. A lot of hard work and time has gone into this story. I've been working on this series since September 2007, and have released Episode III first as I feel it was necessary to tell Syra's story first. The order that I will release the series is Episode III, IV, V, and then Episode II, followed by I and VI: Prologue. Now that all five are available, you can read them in chronological order as well. Episode VI: Epilogue will be released afterwards.A bit about meI'm a 39 year old author from West Auckland, New Zealand. I love action and Science Fiction - especially time travel. This series is my attempt of merging both these loves into one.My father introduced me to the 'Back to the Future' trilogy at age 6, so since then I've always been pretty obsessed with Time travel.If you have any questions about my series, like my facebook page and ask anything you like, i'd be happy to answer.One last thing. My book has a lot of violence in it, which does not mean that I condone it in the real world. You see, I dissect a scene in my head and describe it on paper how I see it. It's just how I have always been; I love vivid detail, and want to reader to be able to see what unfolded in my head as I wrote it.Again, a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. Positive or negitive reviews, thank you for reading my creation. It has taken nearly 15 years to tell this story, and it'll take plenty more.Books by Mario WalshTales of The Arter GemsEpisode III - The Chosen One - FREEEpisode IV - A Twist of Fate - FREEEpisode V - Syra's Paradox - FREEEpisode II - The Pinnacles of Fate - FREEEpisode I - The Prophet and her Legacy - FREEEpisode VI - The Syndicate of Time 'Prologue' - FREEAndBeyond the F.O.G SeriesEpisode I - The Chiller - FREEEpisode II - the Dark Messiah - FREEEpisode III - 2023Episode IV - 2025COMING SOONEpisode VI - The Syndicate of Time Full Edition + 'Epilogue' - 2025

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    The Chiller - Mario Walsh






    Mario Walsh

    Episode I

    The Chiller

    Copyright 2022 Mario Walsh

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for purchasing this eBook. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be reproduced, copied or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoy this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy at where they can discover other works by this author. Thank you for your support.



    ‘Baldz / Bubbah'

    I’ve been writing off and on since 2007, and I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. My seventh book in my last series has been an on and off project since 2014, and I haven’t written a word on it since before the pandemic started, so I had really lost the last of any believe I had in myself. That’s until we met. Thank you so much for giving me back my passion and belief in myself. You’re an. amazing influence on everyone you touch, and I can’t thank you enough. I like to think it’s destiny that we met, and I have nothing but so much love and respect for you. You’re my muse, from your biggest admirer of all your accomplishments. I love you with all my heart and soul.



    Enjoy the sausages bro. Thanks for being awesome. Miss the good times.


    ‘Chris Jonkers'

    This year will be ten years since you passed. It feels like yesterday since I was hanging out with you, getting your unique point of view on life. You were years ahead of the world, years ahead of the way man is, and your spiritual side was well before people would be leaning into it. To me, you were the Gandhi in my life, and of this generation. Always had an answer for any question I had, and you were much younger than me. I was lucky to have met you, as was anyone who’s life you touched. Much love bro. Thank you


    Awakening in a meat chiller, surrounded by carcasses, and no recollection of how I got here. What is the motivation? Why am I here? And who has me captive? I’m a very nice guy, I don’t have any grudges, nor do I hold them; and, I treat all others with respect, this is why it’s all so baffling to me. I must know, I must find out, or die trying. This is where this story begins.


    I - Hanging Out

    II - Nice to 'Meat' You

    III - A Fresh Perspective

    IV - Building Trust

    V - The Proposition

    VI - Forgive me Father for I have Sinned

    VII - Saw That Coming

    VIII - The Historian

    IX - Nemesis

    X – Fresh Meat

    XI - Desperate Times

    XII - Interesting Revelations

    XIII - Behind the Curtain

    XIV - Golden Opportunity

    XV - Story Time

    XVI - Pee Break

    XVII - The Man in the Pastel Suit

    XVIII - The Order of Chaos

    XIX - The Middle Man

    XX – Russian Roulette

    XXI – A Wolf in Sheep’s clothing

    XXII – Smoke and Mirrors

    XXIII – The Dark Messiah

    I - Hanging Out

    Who would have thought I'd be lucky enough to indulge in such beauty in my lifetime. A warm summer breeze, with birds chirping in the lone tree providing shade for this cliff; a pale pink sky like a rose on a hot summer's day, the sun setting in the west like it's destiny. Water and hills in the distance, boats passing through the harbour... I couldn't think of a more pristine moment in my life. I'm sitting cross-legged, mediating on Mount Atkinson, Titirangi, West Auckland, New Zealand. A favourite spot to visit whenever I was passing through Titirangi when I lived here, or Auckland if I lived away. But, being surrounded by all this perfection, I have a few questions. Where is my daughter? She is usually with me, so being alone feels richly bizarre. And why does my skin suddenly feel... Frozen, like an ice cold beer, straight out of a freezer. On top of that, I feel like I'm breathing in an arctic frost. It makes no sense, especially considering where I am. A cold shiver comes over me, and I can't stop shaking. My teeth are chattering, and my brain is trying to work this out. Vertigo comes over me, like all my blood is rushing to my head.

    I awaken in a cold freezer, hanging upside down from the roof, my feet are hog-tied together, and I'm surrounded by dead cows. My arms are tied behind my back, and I can't describe how cold I am. Damn I wish I was on Mount Atkinson. Just another wishful dream for this Kiwi.

    Help! I yell, with little hope in my voice.

    How did I even get here? Last I remember, I was entering a farm to check for food. Now, it appears like I'm going to freeze to death.

    Anybody?! I yell, with much less energy this time.

    I begin swinging my body, as much as possible, trying to escape this arctic trap, but a little movement is all that's possible.

    SHIT! I yell, frustration swelling inside.

    A little anxiety comes over me. This isn't the best spot to be in, especially by myself. I don't want to sound like I'm blowing my own trumpet, but I'm a pretty sharp guy, and even I am stumped of what to do, or how the heck I ended up this way.

    Hello, is someone there?  A helpless male voice asks.

    Yes, I'm here! I reply, grinning.

    Where are we? the person asks, sounding scared, and a lot younger than me.

    That is a good question, I'm trying to find that out myself.

    What is your name?

    Mine is Corban. You?

    I’m Rexy.

    After the T-Rex?

    Nah, after the RX7. My father apparently owned one before the world changed.

    Must be destiny us meeting then.

    What makes you say that?

    I got given an RX7 years ago.

    Before this all started?

    No, during believe it or not.

    Wow, that's so cool. I've never seen one, just heard stories.

    If we get out of here alive, I can show you mine.

    That would be choice as bro.

    How old are you? To me, you sound very young.

    You’re right.. But I just don't know. My father called me a teenager.

    Were you....

    Born before? No.... Mum was pregnant with me when shit in this country was hitting the fan.

    Ssssh, someone is coming.

    I close my eyes, acting unconscious. Whether they interact with me or not, it’s better to assess what's going on without them noticing me, or hopefully Rexy too.

    Damn brother, what do you mean? a male asks.

    We’ve got to mince up the plumper one, as we need some sausages for our brothers, the other one replies.

    Is he alive?

    I hope so. Cunt wouldn't give me any information about the Tradies. Those bastards have been a thorn in our side for too long.

    Well, this is us sending them a message. No one messes with Undisputed. We have and will always run the show, and they need to learn that.

    Hard bro. Okay we'll come back in ten minutes.

    They leave the room, and I hear them muttering away as the doors shudder.

    Oh shit... Oh shit.... Oh shit, Rexy says, panicking.

    What's wrong?

    They're going to carve us up alive.

    If it's any consolation, I've been in much worse situations.

    I find that hard to believe.

    It's true. Especially when this all started. There is an important lesson you need to take away from all of this.

    Tell me, I'm hanging out to hear what you say, Rexy quips.

    Not everyone alive is out to get you. Remember that.

    Another thing I find hard to believe.

    You don't need to believe me, but it's the only truth I know these days. Some days, it’s what keeps me from going insane.

    Silence floods the ambiance, but maybe it is just what we both need to gather our composure. All of a sudden, an unfamiliar voice speaks from somewhere else in this chiller.

    Get me out of here! Somebody, anybody, please help!

    II - Nice to 'Meat' You

    Who said that? Rexy asks.

    I’m Hone. You sound young? He replies.

    I am. My Dad always called me a teenager, whatever that means. Nice to meet you anyway, I’m Rexy.

    Sup bro. Do you know where we are?

    We're in a fridge bro. I know that much, I quip.

    Someone else is here?

    There sure is. I'm Corban.

    Hone bro, nice to meet you.

    You too. Are you part of the Tradies?

    Sure am.

    Well that explains why you're here. Undisputed has a tonne of beef with your clan.

    Shit bro, you're not wrong.. Who are you with?

    No one... I'm a nomad, I don't take sides.

    Okay bro, and you Rexy?

    I..... Nah, that makes two of us. Both nomads, Rexy replies.

    And you guys don't know each other?

    Nah bro, we just met today, I chime in.

    That's like destiny bro. It has been many years since I've met two people in the same room that aren’t aligned with a clan, it’s rare as these days.

    Now that you mention it.... You might be right.

    So why are you both here?

    I personally don't know why I am. I was doing a usual search for food, supplies, you know, the usual to get by, and I was on a farm; then, here I am. I don't remember how I got here, or why. Guess I trespassed on land that was occupied.

    And you Rexy?

    I.... Must have been the same farm I think, Rexy replies, sounding unconvincing.

    Come on boy. I can tell a bull-shitter by the shakiness in their voice. I used to be a foreman of five hundred staff, and I've heard every excuse in the world, and every lie. I know you're not telling us something.

    I am not lying!

    Don't be so hard on him. We are hanging from a roof in a meat chiller, and he is a lot younger than both of us. I'd be lying if I said I wasn’t a little scared, so how do you think he feels? I say, as calmly as possible.

    Fine.... But you will tell me boy, Hone says, sternly.

    Whatever, Rexy replies.

    We're sharing a prolonged period of silence. The meat hanging from the roof and the chill air makes it difficult to see anything. The feeling of blood rushing to my head is still unsettling; I just wish I could be upright, even for a moment. The scary part is, that I know for a fact that Undisputed are very open with the notion that they eat humans, so we are in here to die and be a future feast. I don’t think I’ll ever be calm about this.

    So, we aren't talking now, Hone says, in a snarky manner.

    No one said that. Can't several adults share comfortable silence? I reply.

    I suppose so.

    We are all dinner, aren't we? Rexy pipes in.

    We are, as sad as that sounds, I reply, sounding as deflated as I feel.

    Wait, so they are going to eat us? Hone asks, worried.

    Look, I don't want to sugar coat this for you. We are food for these pigs. Undisputed don't really hide the fact that they'll eat anything.

    Shit.... You aren’t wrong.

    Were you asleep before?

    Well I wasn't awake, why do you ask?

    So you didn't hear the two guys come in here before?

    No.... Why's that?

    What do you look like, Hone? Rexy asks.


    Just tell me... What is your build?

    Well, I'm not as fit as I once was, Hone jokes.

    That..... Damn, I say, feeling sorry for him.

    What's up?

    "You're going to

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