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Tanned, Toned, and Boned: A FMF Spring Break Threesome
Tanned, Toned, and Boned: A FMF Spring Break Threesome
Tanned, Toned, and Boned: A FMF Spring Break Threesome
Ebook27 pages24 minutes

Tanned, Toned, and Boned: A FMF Spring Break Threesome

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Bobby has gone to a Florida beach town for spring break. One night, he accidentally witnesses two girls having sex in a neighboring hotel room. The next morning, they confront him. If he's willing to crossdress as a cheerleader and cheer them on during a beach volleyball tournament, they might consider sharing their bed with him.

WARNING! This short story contains graphic and explicit depictions of hardcore sex. It is intended only for mature audiences of legal age. Here is an excerpt ....

“Fine.” Julie reached into her purse and pulled out a flier. She handed it to him.

He took it and looked. It depicted a woman spiking a ball over the net. In an athletic font, it simple read Sandy Cove Beach Volleyball Classic. It was running later that day. It listed a grand prize of one thousand dollars for first place.

“She,” Fiona hiked a thumb at Julie, “isn’t just my girlfriend. She’s my partner.”

“In life,” Julie said. “But more importantly, in volleyball.” She clasped her hands together on the diner table. “So, we have a proposal. If you want some no-strings-attached fun with both of us, you need to do something.”
Bobby looked up from the flier, first at Fiona and then at Julie. “What?”

“We need some motivation -- if you can find a cheerleader’s outfit.”

“For a girl, not a guy” Fiona interjected.

“Yes,” Julie said. “Exactly that. If you can find that, put it on, and come cheer us on at the tournament, we can teach you a few things later.”

“But.” Fiona shot him a stern glance. “And this is a big but –you have to be totally sober while doing it. If you’re drunk, you don’t get...” She made pointing back and forth between her and her girlfriend. “So,” she got up from the table. Julie got up too. “This is where we will leave it. It’s your decision.”

Release dateSep 26, 2022
Tanned, Toned, and Boned: A FMF Spring Break Threesome

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    Tanned, Toned, and Boned - Mia Milferson

    Tanned, Toned, and Boned: A FMF Spring Break Threesome


    Mia Milferson

    Copyright 2022, Mia Milferson

    License Notes

    The sexual situations depicted in this work of fiction involves only consenting adults above the age of 18. This is a work of fiction, and any similarities with real-life persons are purely coincidental.

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The cover is based on a royalty-free, licensed image downloaded from a stock photo agency. Use of this photo does not imply, in any way, shape, or form, an endorsement of this eBook.

    Tanned, Toned, and Boned: A FMF Spring Break Threesome

    He really didn’t know how long he stood there, but Bobby watched through a partially open hotel door, and he stood silently transfixed as he watched a girl bury her face between her friend’s splayed thighs. He dared not even breathe – lest they hear him. He knew he shouldn’t be watching how the girl with the black hair had fistfuls of her pal’s brown tresses and forced her mouth into her the stubble of her pussy. The black-haired girl moaned a lot, but those moans grew louder when her brown haired friend growled like a tiger while eating her out.

    His eyes followed the curves of their bodies, and one thing jumped out the most. Both of them were deeply tanned, but their sunbathed complexions were sharply contrasted by very pale spaces of skin. Both

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