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Secrets of the Universe Mystic Rituals: Divine, #1
Secrets of the Universe Mystic Rituals: Divine, #1
Secrets of the Universe Mystic Rituals: Divine, #1
Ebook41 pages29 minutes

Secrets of the Universe Mystic Rituals: Divine, #1

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About this ebook

Divine Magick Secrets of the Universe Mysticism, The most powerful ritual that will completely shift your reality.
The Magickal rituals you will find in these books go beyond anything you have ever witnessed.
Other writers of these works will overcomplicate the rituals and turn many readers away from Divine Kabalist magick. The Magickal rituals I am sharing with you in this book cannot be found anywhere. I have found them through my mystical studies.

How do I know they work?
I am a mystic and have my spiritual business where I work with clients and their personal affairs. Through the rituals I share in my book I have changed the lives of hundreds of my clients.
The truth is many who studied Occult work do not share this knowledge because they feel it will take their own abilities and power. That is not true.

What will I find in the book?
In the first few pages, I share exactly what you will witness in my short yet powerful book.
The rituals are
New Beginnings
Creation of what you are desiring
Expanding your horizons.
Now you might read the above phrases and wonder what that creates.
If you are living in a dire situation feel blocked, or maybe think you are cursed the first ritual will clear all that energy.
Then the next ritual will give you a fresh start. Think of the first day of school when everything is fresh and you even have a A on the teacher's grade book.
Creation ritual is everything you have ever desired of creating.
love relationship
Your imagination will align with that precise divine energy to create just what you want.
Expanding your horizons means just that.
Expanding your business
or reach
You can have anything you want with this powerful book.
There are no coincidences you are here for a reason.
The choice is yours.

PublisherMystic Angel
Release dateSep 28, 2022
Secrets of the Universe Mystic Rituals: Divine, #1

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    Secrets of the Universe Mystic Rituals - daisy fabelo

    Powerful divine names of manifesting

    Manifesting has become a truly purposed filled aspect of my life.

    As someone that studies the occult and mysticism. I have come across some real secrets of the universe.

    The reason for my work is wealth. I have health, I have a loving family, and I am truly happy but wealth has always been a low point in my life. What occurs is, I will manifest some amazing wealth. Then either lose it all, or end up at the starting point yet again.

    I have had multiple six-figure businesses and courses of income. Somehow I get bored and either sell or spend the money. Or worse give it all away.

    My last super manifesting wealth passage was right in the chaos of covid. Covid kicked all our asses and I needed great wealth. I screamed at God. I need fucken money to pay these bastards and live more freely.

    At my core, I am a giver. I am the female version of Elvis Presley. What I mean is my family feeds off of all of me. Whatever I make I share and give freely. Now I do not regret this (though that is how it sounds). It does take all of what I make. Also has me at starting points multiple times in my life. This last time was quite different. I will explain why, as it has to do with the grand creation of this book.

    Now not all of you will have come here for anything less than divine synchronicity. This is not regular magick. This is divine magick. Truth is what I am sharing with you in this book; a true mystic would never share. Rabbis would never share. I wasn't even going to share. The reason why I have is due to permission from the Divine. Great mystics do not share these findings because this magick is to come to us at perfect timings and; through different levels of our counsciousness.

    Let us get back to covid madness.

    When we were in this dire life situation friends and family were passing or really sick. Bill collectors did not give a shit and started to virtually hunt us down. I remember calling our state Senator and saying maybe we should all die rather than live like this. As this is no way of living. Many of you are probably criticizing me. That is okay I am not

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