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Proverbs of A Broken Man
Proverbs of A Broken Man
Proverbs of A Broken Man
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Proverbs of A Broken Man

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It was January 2, 2015, when I received the greatest blessing of my life. I was at the bottom, with no hope, when I finally cried out to God and asked Him to please kill me. That's when I physically heard His voice in my ear, and He told me, "No." It was the greatest "no" I ever heard. I then asked Him to tell me what to do and I will do it. Ever since then, I have been doing the best I can to do just that. Now, I'm no one special, I have no particular talents. I'm just an average guy, but God told me that He would not only restore me but make me better than ever before. Situations are still the same, but He has given me a whole new perspective. He has brought me to a whole new level of existence. Now, I'm doing things I never dreamed possible, like writing this book. I'm not a book writer, but the Lord has given me everything in it. All I had to do is listen and believe. God does not lie. Trust in Him and you, too, will he healed.

Release dateSep 29, 2022
Proverbs of A Broken Man

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    Proverbs of A Broken Man - Darrell Skeel

    Proverbs of A Broken Man


    Darrell Skeel

    Copyright © 2022 by Darrell Skeel

    ISBN: 978-1-959449-30-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Proverbs of a broken man

    Father God, why do I feel so far from you? Forgive me for that which has distanced me from you.

    Draw me near so that I may feel your touch.

    Just think about it, we were living our past in sin and darkness. Then Jesus called us and changed our future. Where would we be now if it wasn't for our Lord and Savior?

    The darkest days of the righteous are brighter than the brightest days of the wicked.

    You can read and memorize all the scripture you want, but if you are not living them, they're just words in your mind.

    The giant in front of you is not bigger than the God inside of you.

    I am different now, for God has brought me to a whole new level of life. A life of the spirit not of the flesh and this world.

    There is a difference between a believer and a follower, but you can't be a follower without being a believer.

    Praising God is giving Him Glory and Honor. Worshiping God is giving Him Love.

    I will live and speak the Word of God, for the Word is in me and I in it.

    If you need to be concerned about anything.....I will let you know. So says the Lord.

    Don't feed the Beast. There are many out there that feed on anger, fear, lust, guilt, well you get the picture. Giving in to these things only feeds the Beast. No one can make you angry that's a choice.

    We have the choice to feed the Beast or not. Stop feeding the Beast.

    An excuse is nothing more than an explanation of why we failed. The Lord is not interested in our excuses, just our faithfulness. He would rather we just admitted our failure, ask for forgiveness, and move on. Rather than dwell in self-pity over it.

    Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall reading from the Word of God that we should achieve the perfection of Christ. Only that we should continue to strive for that perfection. Many of us are bogged down by trying to achieve it, but that's humanly impossible.

    For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't, no proof is possible. (A quote)

    If you feel like you are under a dark cloud, just remember that the cloud is only dark on the bottom.

    It is not by scripture that I have come to know Jesus is real, but by the evidence in my heart.

    A Vision From the Lord

    I looked up and saw the hand of God reaching down to me. He said, here I have a gift for you.

    I reached up and took it. Upon looking at it, I saw that it was a container. It had some kind of green slimy looking stuff in it. When I opened it, I was over whelmed by the foul smell. It also had a bunch of small squirming things. It was a container of Pond scum. I looked up to God and said, uh, Thank you? I put it in my pack and continued on my way.

    Many years later I had long forgotten about the container of pond scum. Then I came across a big beautiful home with big columns in front and two real nice cars in the driveway, but all the land it was on looked barren. All the grass in the yard was dead and the trees had no leaves.

    There was a man sitting on the curb in front of the house weeping. I walked up to him and asked, what’s wrong? He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and said, This my home and I'm about to lose it all. Why? I asked. You see, he said, All the property is dead. Nothing will grow here anymore, and I'm about to lose everything. I even have a big pond out back that's dead too. Really, I said, remembering the pond scum in my pack. I asked him to take me back to the pond.

    Upon reaching the pond I reached into my pack and pulled out the pond scum. Then I opened it. When I poured out the scum unto the pond, it started to come to life. Lilly pads and cat tails came up. Fish returned. Frogs, crawling up on the Lilly pads. Even mosquitoes. All the things around the pond started to turn green and spread throughout the rest of the land.

    The land was healed, and the man fell to his knees praising God!

    You see? The pond scum is all the wrongs we have done in our past that God uses to heal others. There is life in the pond scum. Share your pound scum with someone in need so God may heal them as well. Praise God!

    God would rather us be mad at Him than to ignore Him. If we are mad at Him, it shows Him that we are paying attention.

    Some may say I'm brain washed. Jesus this and Jesus that. I have to ask, what are you brain washed with, drugs alcohol, sex, television? What is it of this world that has you brain washed? Better to be brain washed with the Blood of the Lamb than anything of this world.

    I'm not saying, not to remember where you came from, that's healthy. But looking back with regret is not. Consider Lot's wife, looking back with regret turned her into a pillar of salt. Looking back with regret freezes us up from moving forward with the Lord.

    Father God, I cry out to you. Is there no justice or defense for your children? We bare your armor,

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