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Scrub Kids, Book 1, Molding Destiny
Scrub Kids, Book 1, Molding Destiny
Scrub Kids, Book 1, Molding Destiny
Ebook219 pages4 hours

Scrub Kids, Book 1, Molding Destiny

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A group of kids go wandering around, looking for something to do. When the group realizes that one of them has gone missing, they all come together, working tirelessly trying to bring him back. In the missing boys place, the group finds a mysterious object, discovering it as a gateway between space and time. Meeting all kinds of friends and foes along the way, finding themselves on new worlds they'd never imagined, Zac, John and James set themselves off to find their friend AJ and bring him back home.

PublisherZachery Lee
Release dateSep 28, 2022
Scrub Kids, Book 1, Molding Destiny

Zachery Lee

Just some guy that lived a troubled past life and found writing as a good release. I grew up with storytelling, it wasn't the easiest thing being the first child to go through the Belleville schooling system with Epilepsy. We made it work though, tirelessly, always hoping and working for a brighter tomorrow. The hope here is to gain enough growth with this book series to make an actual difference in what bit of life I have left. This world goes darker and darker every day, I want to bring some light back in the mix, and hopefully, someday be able to live through my investments and see the day when my writings really spread out and make a hopeful difference.

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    Scrub Kids, Book 1, Molding Destiny - Zachery Lee

    Scrub Kids

    Book 1, Molding Destiny

    Written by Zachery Lee

    Copyright 2022 Zachery Lee

    This is a self-published manuscript, all properties and rights are owned by the author, created for your enjoyment

    Dedicated to the Late Austin Cazier and his loving family. Rest In Peace Brother, I’m sorry I was so late.

    A Product of C.O.B. Enterprize, LLC


    Scrub Kids Productions™

    Chapter 1: Discovery

    We’ll begin this tale in a small city of Ballard. Where the city is buzzing, the people are friendly (for the most part), and the gangs of children run wild in the nights. Our story won’t be taking place in the city though. No, it all begins in a treehouse in the woods behind a powerline field that runs across the back of a quaint middle-class subdivision. A tall treehouse, with a desk by the back window where our friend James sits. Posters lining the walls near shelves full of different knick-knacks. An old mattress on the floor, where Zac lay back in relaxation and, an old rigged up computer system where James is playing music. As the bass wobbles the treehouse, AJ, A scraggly haired boy with a colorful attitude, holding a tidbit of chunk to him approaches the desk. Throwing up his hands very dramatically and saying, "I’m bored! Can we do something else?! ".

    James, a very skinny, pale boy with shoulder length winged out hair, turns to AJ in the desk chair slowly. Throwing his hands to the sky and shouting back, "WHAT?! You don’t like my music?! . As AJ ducked back and walked toward the window of the treehouse, he continues to say, It’s not that, we’ve just been doing the same thing for DAYS! Where’s the excitement? The adventure? I feel like a caged bird let me FLYYYYY-AHHHHHHHH! ".

    AJ had fallen out of the window of the treehouse, plummeting down to the ground. James rushed over to the window as Zac, a short, skinny, kind of stocky boy with lengthy straight hair, got up and wandered over behind him, muttering, "Well so much for that idea…, then shouting down to AJ, You alright down there?! Anything broken?! . AJ let out a loud groan as he responded to the boys, I’m fine, it’s just my pride.. Zac continues, GOOD! Get yourself together then, we’re gonna go see what’s up at Nicks place! ".

    James turned to Zac questionably with an eyebrow raised. As they both walked toward and climbed down the ladder, he says, "I think Nicks grounded.. Zac snapped with haste as they both froze momentarily on the ladder, WHAT?! AGAIN?! . With a slight stutter, James looked down to Zac as they continued to climb down, I-I-I think John is free though, we could see how he’s doing? ".

    The two climbed the rest of the way down the ladder and picked up AJ off the ground, dragging him off to the side of the tree and leaning him upright for a moment. Zac approached Austin snapping his fingers and waiving his hands in front of his face, trying to get him out of the daze. "AJ, dude, HEY! . AJ snapped himself up and nearly head-butted Zac on the way, WHAT?! I’m up, I’m up.".

    James looked down to AJ as he and Zac lean in to pick him up off the ground, calmly saying, "Good dude, good, well we’re gonna head over to John’s house to see what’s up with those guys. You coming? . As they prop AJ up on his feet, he responds with a slight slur, Sure man, I could use a walk.".

    The boys all flutter off out of the woods and through the powerline field as they head back into the subdivision where everyone, but AJ lived. Full of lower middle class suburban living, the neighborhood was decently kept up. Mostly, they walked down the street laughing and gallivanting with one another. Just doing what kids do on a bright sunny day. When they approached John’s house, they settled down. Walking up to the porch, they see Grandad sitting on the with a beer in one hand, and a cigar in the other. He turned quick to the boys and yelled out with an ornery tone, "NICKS GROUNDED! GO AWAY! . The boys froze in their tracks about halfway up the driveway. Zac looked up to Grandad and spoke in a very subtle but firm tone, We know, is John around? . Grandad turned hastily to the door and screamed out, JOHN! GET OUT HERE! YOU GOT COMPANY! ".

    John was a stocky, dark haired string bean of a boy. Once he heard that shout, he’d raced to the door, throwing it open as he wiped his eyes with a cringed look on his face. He looked like he’d been inside for days, cooped up in his room dying from lack of sunlight. Looking to the boys, clearing his throat to speak, "Hey guys, what’s up? ".

    The boys looked to their feet and one by one spoke out with answers like, "Not much., Bored., and What you up to man? ".

    John’s face brightened like a kid walking into a candy store as he exclaimed, "Oh you know, just playing that new ALIEN SLAYER on the system. You guys wanna come check it out?! ".

    Just then, his mom approached the door. She’s a small woman but, crazy, like a stereotyped pit bull. Beautiful, but can be mean as all get out. She stood in the doorway and spoke in an aggressive tone when the boys started walking through, "Nicks Grounded! No company! Why don’t you boys go find something else to do while you still got this nice weather? . John whimpered to his mom while the group stood off to the side, AWE MOM!.. FINE! ".

    When his mom turned away, he looked sadly back to the group and softly spoke, "Well, what now? . James excitedly jumped up and shouted brightly, MUSIC?! . AJ shouted back, NOO! . Zac looked around the group suggestively, Why don’t we just start walking, I’m sure we’ll figure something out along the way.".

    So, the group nods and begins walking through the subdivision. Just another suburban land, filled with ranch style houses, plain front porches and homes with tacky paintjobs. Kicking cans and dancing away their issues while the afternoon fades to evening. They decided that they would walk up to the party store and hangout for a while, grab some drinks while they wind down this eventful day. So they headed to the back of the subdivision and started on down this old path through the woods, where AJ would perk up, complaining, "Sooo, when we get there, is there going to be a place to sit down? Preettyyy sore in the feet area if you know what I mean.. The group was silent as AJ continued. Guys? Hey Guys? GUYS! . All then snapping back, DUDE! . Then James continued while the rest of the group turned back around, Just calm down man, we’re almost there, ok? ".

    So the group kept walking, leaving AJ to hang back on the woodsy trail as they kept walking up toward the party store. Spotting something at the base of a tree, AJ held himself up for a moment while still trying to talk to the group ahead of him. "Ooh shiny. Hey guys, there’s a thing over here and, it’s um, well, glowing? ".

    Just then, a loud thundering crash arose and the group froze in their tracks. Turning back slowly, Zac speaks first, "AJ? Buddy? Where you at? . Hearing no response, James steps forward and slightly snaps out, Come on man! AJ, where you at? . With still no response, John steps forward, snapping off, Alright dude, enough is enough! Where are you? ".

    They still heard nothing back, as they peered through this cloudy fog that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. After the thundering echo faded out, the smoke began to clear. Zac then spoke out to the group beginning to ponder their situation, "So, did anyone see what AJ was talking about? ".

    James, shrugging his shoulders as he looked to Zac for an answer. With nothing to say, Zac turned to John, also shrugging his shoulders. "No, you see anything John? Nah... John said, looking to the ground in disbelief. Suddenly, a sparkle appeared at the base of a tree in the distance. Sweeping up his arm, John shouted as they all rushed over. Wait! What’s that?! . When the group got to the base of the tree, they found this small chromium sphere with these strange designs on it. The designs somewhat resembled what the Illuminati triangle would look if it were a sphere in shape. Zac picks up the ball, questionably handing it off. It’s uh, James?. Timidly taking the sphere, examining it closely as he spurts out, It’s not natural is what it is, where do you think it came from? . Tossing it back to Zac, who fumbles and catches it. Then looking to the group saying, I don’t know but, whatever it is, it might be the reason AJ’s gone. Let’s bring it back to the treehouse and see if we can’t find anything on it.".

    When the boys get back to the treehouse, they set up shop in a circle. Keeping the orb in the middle of the group while they take out their phones trying to find anything that would resemble the object they found. After a while of the investigation going nowhere, John perks up and speaks with frustration to the group, "Well, I got nothing, any ideas? . James throws his hands up, dropping his phone in his lap, Not a clue man. Not. A. Clue.. As James turns to Zac, who still has his eyes glued to the phone screen, Zac brings the conflict to a halt saying, You can’t just give up THAT easy, either of you guys want to try and explain this to his PARENTS?! . James and John are silent as Zac slowly peaks up from his phone, Thought not.".

    Pondering on the other side of the room, James looks up to say, "Well, what if we tell them he’s staying at my house? . John looks up to Josh with a high raised brow, But, I thought AJ’s parents hated him hanging out with us? . Josh pondering for a moment, then with a eureka face palm says, Oh yeah, I guess that kind of slipped the mind.. Zac looks up to the group speaking outright with subtle agitation, Well, my place is out of the question. Pops thinks we’re all WAY too loud and says we all probably have more than a few mental issues... James darting his eyes to Zac, EXTREMELY offended in tone, WHAT?! . John leading up from behind speaking softly, I mean, I guess I can understand WHY he would think that. We already established that his parents don’t like us either but, you guys remember that sleep over we had at your dads? You know, when I brought the game system down to the basement? "…

    Flashing back to Zac’s Dad’s basement, where the boys had a game system set up. The floor and couches, flooded with chip bags and candy wrappers, with two liters of soda trolling on the floor. James is at the computer desk on the back wall blaring music, while Zac and John are glued to the TV with game controllers in hand. The loudest, wobbliest bass that you’d ever heard comes to a screeching halt as James begins to scream at the others over the game system, "What do you guys want to hear next? . Zac then shouting back, I don’t care! Too involved with this game to worry about it! . John then props up, with a mouth full of chips, Nobody cares dude, just make it bump, HARD! . Just then, among from all of the candy and soda piled up on the couch, AJ emerges, muffling out with a mouth full, YEAH! HARD! . Then preceding to gulp down a two liter as James looks to him with accomplishment. Raising his voice as he turns back to the computer, Alright. Works for me! ". The boys continue to rage on through the night just like that. No remorse, no regret, just gaming it out and having a blast of a time.

    When they come out of this flashback, they all have reminiscent looks about them. James perks up, laughing out, "Ha! Yeah, but you gotta admit though, DJ was on POINT that night! . Zac is looking out the window while John and James are in the background hamming it up. With a big sigh, he turns to the group saying, Totally worth the screaming.. John propped himself next to the window looking to Zac, Definitely.".

    There was a long pause as the boys sat and thought about things, then suddenly James popped up out of nowhere wondering, "Hey, do you guys remember that night that we all got caught walking around at three in the morning and, the cops made Zac call his dad to come pick us up? ".

    There was a silence that overcame the group as James wanders into his own little flashback. It was a pretty bad night for everyone but, as sneaky as James was with his parents, they were the worst. Sitting in the middle of the back seat of Zac’s dads big black truck, he’s extremely panicked, going back and forth with himself through the whole ride to his house. This is what it sounded like as Josh was thinking, "Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no nO NO NO! What do I do? My parents are going to kill me if they find out. Wait. I think I got it! I got it! Yes, it’s not going to….wait, no that won’t work…yeah wait no, yeah no no oh no yeah no . STOP! Listen dude, you need to relax.. James muttered to himself. Just sneak around back and climb through the window, if anything happens, pretend you’d been home the entire time. Deal? ".

    Freaking out, James continues back and forth with himself, "But, what about my parents? If he wakes them up, we’re dead! No friends, no video games, no computer?! I don’t think I can do that again! It’s my life! If we lose that, then what?...YOU FIX THIS!......Well?! . With a suspenseful pause, the secondary voice continues. No. Chill out. We’re here.. The truck then pulls into the driveway of this ranch style home. Upon getting out, the driveway s transforms into a cracked abyss, flooded with fire and lined with spikes. As James is guided by Zac’s dad up the drive and onto the walkway, it stretches out like an extremely long corridor. Putting his hand on James’s shoulder, Zac’s dad guides him up to the front door of what now looks to be a large, decrepit hell house with claw marks all over, fire burning through the windows, a hole in the roof with a troll peeking out of it, and a shackled-up skeleton hanging next to the doorway. As they walked up James’s initial thoughts are, Winging it! ".

    Then, as Zac’s dad bangs on the front door of the house, two creatures appear in the doorway. Morphing into large scale demonic creatures as Zac’s dad looks to them, with his hand on Josh’s shoulder saying, "I believe THIS belongs to you.". The demon parents of James look down to him, screeching out as they tipped their heads back and DEVOURED his head! The flashback comes to an abrupt stop, leaving James sitting there in a blank stare. John and Zac shaking him out of this zone he was trapped in, yelling out, "James.. James.. JAMES! . Snapping back, James shrieks, and Zac continues, You good dude? Thought we lost you there.. With a deep breath, Josh lets out a massive sigh of relief, exhaustedly saying, WHOA! Yeah, we’re NEVER doing that again.. John peeks into the group with a very lowly tone, Agreed. So what’s next? ".

    The boys huddle together and come up with a plan to meet back at the treehouse with proper supplies so they might spend the night researching this THING they found in the woods where AJ disappeared. When they get back up to the treehouse, they’ve all got backpacks with them. Holding flashlights and book bags, Zac is wheeling a generator behind the group with extension cords hooked onto the sides. Approaching the bottom of the ladder to the treehouse, John speaks up while James stands back rubbing his chin with question, "So Zac, what’s the plan again? . Zac responding with a certain firm determination, Well, first off. Does everyone have what they were supposed to bring? . Emptying out their bags in the middle of them and naming off the items they were assigned, James pulls out a case of soda and begins, Soda, chips, and best of all... MUSIC! . John chimes in, pulling a blanket out of his bag, I got blankets, pillows and phone chargers... And of course, you know I had to snag the game system JUST IN CASE.... Zac shines the flashlight on the generator that he wheels behind them, And I snagged the generator and some extension cords from pops garage. You guys ready to party? ".

    Climbing up to the treehouse, the group struggles to get the generator up but, when they did things went smoothly. With phone chargers and lights stretched out around the room, the boys had set up shop in the corner by the one mattress they had already placed up there. James is sitting in the computer chair, John is laying up on the mattress, and Zac is huddled up in the corner by the window. All of them are faced in their phones, searching desperately for answers. Suddenly, James stumbles on a match for the Sphere they had found earlier and group huddles around as he explains, "Well, it says this THING is called the Omniplex. Apparently, it holds the Realm of Simultaneous Chaos and Understanding. It says it was designed by ‘Devine Beings’ and channeled through ‘Chicken McGreen’ in times of anguish, pleasure, confusion, isolation, and excitement. Whatever that means… Oh, and it’s supposed to bring peace and understanding through forgiveness and ascension.".

    The group stares to each other, all with brows raised high. Confused, Zac speaks up. "Uhhhh….What? . James rebuttals firmly, Yeah I don’t know dude. This doesn’t really tell me anything about WHY it would have taken Austin.. No dude., Zac continues, What the hell is Chicken McGreen?". Oh, says James, "I dunno, all of this sounds kind of nuts to me... I guess I’ll just keep looking.".

    John walks off into the background and picks up the sphere. Fiddling with it while James and Zac continue staring at their phone screens, trying to piece things together. He presses the eye, and it starts to open up. With a ‘Click-ZZZT-clack clack clack-SHHH’ sound, John freezes up and exclaims to the group, "Uh, Guys. I think I just opened it.".

    Just then, a red and purple flash of light shoots to the ceiling, spreading around the orb as it floats up off the ground. Floating face level with Zac, blasting a beam of light straight into his forehead. James and John panic as they watch Zac drop down to the floor. Screaming as the catch him before hitting the ground, "Zac?! . James continues, Ahh shit! Don’t be dead, PLEASE don’t be dead.. Dazed and confused, Zac slowly starts to come too as James and John hover over top of him. Amid the chaos that transpired, none of the boys had realized this cloud of smoke that surrounds the sphere. Out of the smoke, rose a ghostly figure in a tattered cloak, wearing bright white theatre style gloves. When his head lifted it revealed to the boys as a smiley face but, instead of eyes, there were two X’s. One was bigger than the other and, in the middle of his forehead there was a split. Filling the massive split in his head looked to be a cluster of stars and darkness. Zac speaks up to let the boys know he’s alright. It’s alright guys, NO idea WHAT just happened but, I think I’m ok.. John, noticing the smoke, turns to see the new floating figure in the room. Panicked, WHAT THE FU-. I am the Keeper of the Omniplex! , quickly interrupted by the floating creature, A guide if you will. From this world, to the next, and every other in between. You have a GREAT journey ahead of you,

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