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Ordinary Me: Perseverance Personified
Ordinary Me: Perseverance Personified
Ordinary Me: Perseverance Personified
Ebook105 pages52 minutes

Ordinary Me: Perseverance Personified

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About this ebook

After Stitches and Scars was published, I felt I had so much more to say about myself and my life, which includes living with a disability due to Cerebral Palsy. Losing many family members and friends at an early age really took a toll on me and is part of the inspiration for writing Ordinary Me, as well as my first book. Peace and God bless!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 28, 2022
Ordinary Me: Perseverance Personified

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    Ordinary Me - Martin Schimcek

    Copyright © 2022 by Martin Schimcek.

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    Rev. date: 09/28/2022




    For my great niece

    Sarah Ghannam

    who left this world way too soon?

    Love, Uncle Martin


    Pick Out a Star

    For Baby Sarah

    Heaven’s Playground

    When That Texas Sunsets





    With Love



    Our Spirit




    Life’s Rimes

    Just Ordinary Me

    Comfortable, In Our Skin

    The Big Picture


    With This


    Broken Fences


    Time Just Ticks Away


    Our Dreams


    1,300 ft.

    The Dark Side of the Rainbow


    The Right Path

    That Tattered Blue T-Shirt

    Little One

    The Rumor


    Rainy Day

    A Poet’s Last Request

    The Quiet Kid in the Lunchroom!

    The Hurt


    A War Corpse

    Whisper of Wind

    Oblivion-the Future

    Where Have All the People Gone?

    A Tribute to My Mother

    When the Day Wakes Up Golden

    The Sparrow



    A Speck of Truth





    The Circle

    Between the Cracks

    This literary journey has sure taken me in so many, different directions, over my sixty-three years living on this great and beautiful planet we call Earth. Growing up poor and physically disabled is not such a great way to start a writer’s literary existence. I struggled for many years with depression and low self-esteem. My salvation and or redemption started when I graduated from El Campo High School. I survived so much within, those four years, things like losing my dad at the age of thirteen. He died painfully alone on a quiet, highway tragically by a hit-and-run drunk driver. I experienced isolated bullying incidents during my freshman and sophomore years. I found my true niche for writing at Wharton County Junior College. That is where I truly hit my creative stride. Ordinary Me is my initial attempt to write on my own. This book is filled with victories and defeats, heartache, and that warm and fuzzy feeling called love and acceptance that took way too long to achieve. This is also my first attempt to venture off into the literary world of short story writing, dealing with a variety of subjects. My overall goal for Ordinary Me is simply to let my readers get to know me a little better, with each turn of the page. My new mantra for life is Live in the moment, always! May Ordinary Me be my reader’s own, literary, comfort zone, a heartfelt easy read. I graciously dedicate this book to my long-deceased father, Edmund Edward Schimcek, who truly deserves so much more. Also included is my sister Earlene Janak, who helped me through so many things growing up. I truly hope all the readers of Ordinary Me feel the honest message that I was trying to convey, which is to love each other and to always pay it forward because in the end, what do we all have left regarding leaving something behind for the whole world to enjoy. Stop the hatred, and let us all embrace the better idea of universal peace and find the answer to the overall humanitarian equation. That has yet to be solved. I am dedicating this book to our Father Edmund Edward Schimcek, and my middle sister, Earlene Jean Janak Schimcek, who both deserved so much more out of life.

    Pick Out a Star

    On a clear cool Christmas night

    A small child in a manager lie still

    In his loving mother’s arms.

    The world outside was filled

    With pain and sorrow and nonbelievers.

    It is amazing that even after two thousand years

    We still have so many people that doubt their faith.

    On this holy night let us pick out a star

    For the soldiers who died a-far.

    On this blessed eve, let us pick out a star,

    And learn to forgive, and be thankful for the simple things.

    On a

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