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Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy
Ebook112 pages46 minutes

Red Light Therapy

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About this ebook

What if there was a safe, natural treatment that could do all of the following and more?
• Reduce pain
• Lose fat
• Eliminate anxiety
• Boost your immune system
• Detoxify your body
• Fight aging
• Improve gastrointestinal disorders
• Reduce blood pressure
• Improve many skin conditions
• Increase energy levels

There is… it's called red light therapy. Red light therapy has become the go-to treatment for health-conscious people looking to improve their quality of life via natural methods and without having to rely on pharmaceutical drugs… many of which come with a laundry list of side effects.

Red light therapy is a natural, economical, and highly effective way to heal and repair your body.

This book is for you if you are looking for a safe, natural way to improve your health.

Release dateOct 1, 2022
Red Light Therapy

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    Red Light Therapy - Daniel Jackson

    What is Red Light Therapy?

    Light therapy's health advantages are nothing new.

    People used it in the late 1800s to treat tuberculosis, and NASA utilized it in the 1980s to cultivate plants in space. It has also been a part of professional or at-home skincare treatments for quite some time.

    Light therapy works by visible light penetrating through the skin that is then absorbed by the cells in your body.

    Different colors of light have different wavelengths, which means some are better at treating certain conditions more effectively than others.  Red light is one of the best colors when it comes to treating common health problems.

    Red light therapy, sometimes referred to as red laser therapy or infrared heat treatment, uses a particular natural wavelength of light for therapeutic purposes, both medical and cosmetic. It is derived from an infrared light source that also emits heat.

    There is a wide range of visible light frequencies and wavelengths of light. Red light at its wavelength is known to be bio-active in human cells and, as such, can directly and specifically influence and enhance cellular function.

    Our skin is permeable to red light, which means it can get into the deeper layers called the dermis. When light enters the cells, it is absorbed and transformed into cellular energy.

    It’s actually the photons in red light that are able to penetrate deep into the tissue, and this process works on a molecular level to stimulate ATP production (the aforementioned cellular energy).

    It can also increase circulation and collagen synthesis, which has positive benefits for the skin.

    Red light also suppresses inflammation by decreasing leukotrienes and prostaglandin PGE2 production, and can also increase cellular oxygen, which helps to detoxify cells. So, in other words, by increasing the oxygenation process, red light further enhances metabolic function and tissue repair.

    It also has an antibacterial effect by stimulating white blood cells responsible for fighting infection within the body.

    Red light energy also increases nitric oxide production and therefore has what’s referred to as a vasodilating effect.

    This helps with skin conditions such as psoriasis because it allows the capillaries to open up and increase blood flow within the skin, while at the same time reducing redness and inflammation.

    Types of Red Light Therapy


    Today, alternative kinds of red light therapy (RLT) are available and these different therapy types positively affect conditions like acne, hyperhidrosis, psoriasis, and many other skin disorders.

    One can use red light therapy in the form of lasers and LED lights to treat specific medical conditions.

    A brief explanation of each type will help you understand how this modality works as it’s important that you know what kind of therapy is best to adopt, and not just go for any form of red light therapy.

    Photobiomodulation (PBM)

    This is the most common type of red light therapy and is used for various disorders. PBM has been used to treat psoriasis, acne, diabetic ulcers, and many neurodegenerative diseases, and the treatment uses LED light to generate both red and near-infrared light.

    The wavelengths of the two are different, but they both have beneficial effects on cell activity.

    It’s important not to confuse PBM with low-level laser therapy (LLLT).

    The mechanism of action of PBM has been studied in detail by researchers and scientists all over the world and the therapy works in two ways: -

    i)  it increases cell energy production

    ii)  it increases blood flow to the affected area

    Both of these actions help reduce pain and promote tissue regeneration.

    Therapies that use PBM are known to increase ATP levels in the cells which is the molecule involved in cellular metabolism.

    Low-level laser therapy (LLLT)

    This is another form of red light therapy that uses lasers to treat psoriasis, acne, wounds, and

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