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The Prince's Pursuit
The Prince's Pursuit
The Prince's Pursuit
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The Prince's Pursuit

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After Jane’s father passes away, she's surprised to receive an invitation from the Prince. He's looking for his bride, and all eligible women in the country of Armany are invited.

To Jane, the idea is ludicrous. Devising a plan only her family and close friends know about, she dresses as a boy to avoid the event.

But even the best plans don't always go as they were supposed to. Soon, the paths of Jane and the Prince are bound to cross, and both of their lives will change forever.

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Release dateOct 4, 2022
The Prince's Pursuit

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    The Prince's Pursuit - Morgan Utley


    Twenty-six-year-old Jane Addison was sitting by her father’s bedside, dabbing his forehead with a cool washcloth. As she examined him, she listened intently to all the sounds around her. The closest sound was her father’s breath, quiet and quick. Then, she noticed the harsh winter air blowing hard against the windows, reminding her that a cold, brutal winter had arrived. Lastly, she heard her mom gently reprimanding her little brothers on the other side of the door. From what she could hear, they had gotten into something in the kitchen and made quite the mess. The twins were always into mischief.

    All these sounds were her favorites, and for a moment, she was content-although it was easy to hear anything in a small three-bedroom, one-bath cottage and the walls were very thin. She smiled to herself as she watched her father sleep. She could tell he was restless, as he was constantly fidgeting in his sleep, getting the occasional cold sweats. The poor man was shaking despite the many blankets she’d laid over him.

    As Jane monitored and took care of her father, she silently prayed, hoping he would heal from his terrible illness. He started becoming sick a few weeks ago, not thinking it was anything but a cold. As the days passed, he began feeling worse and weakened to the point where he could barely move his body. Her poor family didn’t have the money to pay for a doctor, let alone the medicine, so they did their best with home remedies. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to fight the sickness. She needed a miracle.

    Her mother was a mess, but was putting on a tough face for her brothers. In her way, she was trying to protect them from any unnecessary heartache, but Jane thought this idea was pointless. In the last couple days, it had been proving to be harder to pretend everything was okay, and her brothers weren’t clueless. Jane and her mother noticed that her father’s breathing was becoming shallower and more staggered, and she was sure the stress was showing all over their faces. His time was coming, and now it was just a waiting game.

    It broke her heart that not two weeks ago, she and her family had been running around, building leaf piles for her brothers to jump in. It had quickly turned into a leaf fight, and pretty soon, they were all covered in leaves and dirt, accompanied with big smiles. They prepared for the first snow, making sure there was enough food storage ready for them and the animals, and that the barn was completely weather-proof. Jane and her father chopped wood and stacked many cords of wood so that their house stayed warm. It was hard work, but they were always grateful later for the warmth.

    Christmas was coming in a matter of weeks, and there was nothing better than her mom splurging and buying a ham with some of the money they had saved over the year. They were hardly ever able to buy ham. They usually ate a lot of chicken, and sometimes beef if they could risk butchering a cow, but not ham. There was even talk of her mother baking an apple pie to make it an extra-special Christmas. The apple had done so well this year, Jane and her mother were able to preserve some of them. It was turning out to be a very exciting Christmas.

    Jane’s family did the best they could to make a living. At the beginning of her parents’ marriage, her father wanted to try growing an apple orchard. He figured if he grew enough and was successful, it could provide for their family and they wouldn’t need to struggle. However, after years of trying to perfect how to grow the apples and bring forth the most fruit, he was only successful at growing five trees. Usually, if the trees grew enough fruit, they would pick them and take it to the local village to sell. The goal was to make enough money to last throughout the year. Some years were better than others, but they were always able to figure it out. When they had better years at selling the apples, her parents had gradually bought chickens, goats and even splurged on a couple dairy cows. This livestock helped put food on the table when they couldn’t make a lot of money, especially in the winter months when they didn’t have a garden.

    Life on the farm wasn’t always easy, but when Christmas came around and they were able to buy a Christmas ham, it sure made it worth it.

    If there was anything Jane would remember from her dad, it was that he was hardworking, selfless, and humble. He knew that growing the apple trees was a risky idea, and it frustrated him during years when the trees didn’t bear much fruit. In years when the rainfall was minimal and the apples were scarce, it took everything in her mother’s power to not grab the axe and chop down the wretched trees that took so much time to take care for. But she was patient and restrained herself, because she knew how much her husband loved those precious trees. From the way he took care of them, watered them, and gently pruned the branches, he took great pride in them. She wouldn’t take that away from him.

    While Jane took care of her father, she daydreamed about the good times she’d had with him and the lessons she had learned from him. He had taught her how to tend to the apple trees and which branches to prune to help produce the best-tasting healthiest apples. He’d taken the time to teach her how to milk the cows and goats and keep the animals as healthy as possible, and to watch for signs of illness or lame animals. He taught her how to take care of the land, prevent it from being overgrown, and even how to build the fences surrounding it to protect it from outside predators. He taught her patience, and that good things always came to those who worked hard and waited. He taught her that if she was kind to others, even when it was hard, she would be blessed. Last of all, his greatest lesson was to love. To love the good moments, and be grateful for the bad. To love the rich, and even more so, the poor. And to love her friends and family, even the ones with the most hardened hearts.

    Jane wasn’t always perfect, but she constantly strived to abide by her father’s lessons. He was the smartest, kindest, and happiest man she had ever met, and she knew he was because he followed his own lessons. She hoped to be just like him someday. Her mom teased her that she was already so much like him with her strong hands, athletic build, and high cheekbones. Not to mention, she wasn’t very graceful or ladylike, and was often called a tomboy within her family. Sure, she knew how to act like a lady, but it didn’t come to her naturally. She had to constantly work at it, and her mother often reminded to remember the importance of being a lady.

    Jane’s thoughts were interrupted when her father began violently coughing. She quickly reached over to the bedside table she’d watched her dad build with an old rusty hammer and a few bent nails, and grabbed a glass of water. She gently lifted his head and brought the cup to his lips. Once he had sleepily taken a sip, she lowered his head onto his very flat pillow and put the cup back. The table also held a couple of interesting rocks her brothers found for him and a drawing Jane had done of his beloved apple trees, all in an attempt to keep his spirits up.

    She stared into her father’s face and did her best to memorize every wrinkle, every freckle, and every blemish so that she would never forget him. Her father was in his young fifties, so he wasn’t very old, but his illness had aged him. He had a full head of wavy blond hair, like Jane, but his gray hair was beginning to show through around his ears and on his sideburns. His face always wore a scruffy beard that matched the color of his hair, covering half of his face. She couldn’t see them now, but his eyes were a beautiful light amber color. Jane wished her eyes had the same color, but she’d ended up with her mother’s sea-green eyes instead. He had wrinkles around his eyes that had deepened over time from his constant smiling and laughing. No matter how tired he was, he always went out of his way to make people happy and smile. He would always tell her, Life is meant to be enjoyed-not to be in a constant state of worry. That’s just not living. Right now, it was really hard for Jane to heed to her father’s counsel because she knew it was only a matter of time she wouldn’t hear it anymore. Not to mention it was hard to find joy in anything, considering her current situation.

    Jane closed her eyes and felt tears fall down from her face, feeling herself slowly lose her composure. She felt a hand cup her face and a calloused thumb brush over her cheek to wipe away the tears. She placed her hand on her father’s and held it there, feeling the warmth of his hand on her face.

    Jane, her father whispered in his deep, gruff voice. Jane opened her eyes and saw that her father was looking at her affectionately.

    Yes, Papa, she replied, lowering his hand slowly and laying it down by his side.

    I think you know that my time on this earth is coming to a close.

    Jane nodded, choking back a sob. She knew he was dying, but for him to admit it out loud felt like a stab to the heart.

    I need you to be strong. I’ve already asked so much of you already. But I will rest easier knowing that while I’m gone, you’ll do whatever you can to help your mother lighten the load, he said.

    I will, Papa. I’ll do whatever I can to ease her burden, she tried to assure him, but everything came out in a blubber.

    I’m so sorry I can’t be there to help, her father continued. But my body grows weaker, and the light is becoming darker. I need you to know that I’m not frightened by any means. I’m only scared that my beautiful family won’t be taken care of. Jane saw tears well up in his eyes.

    Papa, no. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure everything and everyone around here is taken care of, no matter what. I promise.

    I know you will. You are by far my greatest joy, and I love you with all my heart. You outshine any apple I have ever grown. You have grown up to be a beautiful young lady, and I hope that someday, you will have your own children. No other thing can bring you greater joy. You are worth more to me than any apple tree. He smiled weakly at her and stroked the back of her hand. Never forget your worth, Jane. Never.

    I love you, too, Papa. I promise I won’t.

    Good. Now if you don’t mind fetching your mother. I would like to speak with her please, he said slowly.

    Sure thing. I’ll send her right in.

    Jane quickly left the room and hurried to the kitchen to grab her mother, who appeared to be mopping up egg yolks.

    Mama, Papa needs you quickly! Jane exclaimed. Her mother stood up at once and rushed to his side.

    Jane looked over at the table, where her little brothers were drawing again. She felt pity for them. They had some idea of what was happening to their father, but didn’t fully understand. She walked over to them and wrapped her arms around them.

    It was not long until her mother came out of her room with tears streaked down her face. She beckoned for the boys to come see their father. Jane and her mother followed behind them and watched them each give their father a hug and listened to the last bit of wisdom he wanted to share with them. After several more hugs, everyone but mother left the room. Her father was becoming sleepy again and announced that he needed to rest.

    Jane took the liberty of putting her brothers to bed and cleaning up the rest of the egg mess. Once she was sure the boys were asleep and the house back in order, she went to bed. Unfortunately, in the middle of the night, her mother shook her awake, informing her that some time during the night, her father had stopped breathing and finally passed away.

    Just like that, Jane and her brothers were fatherless, her mother was a widow, and her heart was broken.


    Prince Lucas was gazing out the palace window, looking out onto the marketplace full of villagers exchanging and selling food. He was mesmerized by all the people hurriedly walking around the square like busy worker bees. It almost looked like a dance, with everyone weaving through the crowds, trying to hurry to their intended destinations.

    Prince Lucas, someone called behind him. He internally groaned and took a deep breath.

    Yes? he responded, and turned to look at the guard dressed in his blue and white uniform.

    Your father requests your presence in the throne room, the guard informed him.

    Prince Lucas nodded, immediately leaving the window and walking down the long vaulted hallway that held beautiful painted portraits of the royal family both past and present. Sometimes Prince Lucas would venture down the hall and stare at each of the pictures, wondering if he would ever be ready to become king and be the kind of leader his country needed.

    He walked into the large, ornate throne room and saw his parents sitting on their thrones. Large marble pillars lined the hall that held up a beautiful painted ceiling done by fellow Armanians, which surrounded a big dome window to allow light to shine through. There was a blue and white carpet down the center of the hall that led to the prince’s throne that made the room feel even more lavish. Pictures of Armany’s lush countryside with extravagant wooden picture frames decorated the walls along with gold lights spacing each picture. Behind the throne was a dark blue velvet curtain that acted as a regal backdrop. It was one of Prince Lucas’s favorite rooms in the entire castle.

    The king’s throne was the largest chair, made of wood with gold inlaid in it along with the family crest. Next to it sat the smaller queen’s throne, though easily the second largest chair in the room. It looked like the king’s chair, except it didn’t have as much gold and the countries flower were engraved in the chair to give it a feminine look. On either side of the thrones were guards standing at attention in their blue and white uniforms, though these guards were wearing silver breastplates engraved with the family crest. They wore silver helmets with blue plumes on top, and long swords hung down on their sides. They were ready for battle at a moment’s notice.

    Prince Lucas walked confidently up to the thrones, gave a slight bow, and greeted his parents. Good morning, Mother. Hello, Father. I heard I was needed. He clasped his hands behind his back and waited for their reply.

    Yes. His father cleared his throat, which quickly turned into a cough. Prince Lucas continued to wait patiently. Yes, we need to speak to you about something. It’s a matter of importance.

    Surely it can’t be that bad. What is it?

    Son, you’re almost thirty years old. I know you haven’t wanted to think about it, but it’s time for you to marry. We’ve had many balls here and dinners with other families from distant lands with beautiful daughters, and you haven’t managed to even talk to one of them.

    Ugh, this again, the prince scoffed, and slowly spinning around in aggravation. Father, those women you speak of were absolutely horrible. There was no way I could even think about marrying one of them, let alone having a nice conversation. Besides, I haven’t felt the need to marry. I’m perfectly content being your son and serving our country.

    Good, son, because that is exactly what we need you to do, his mother intoned.

    What do you mean? Prince Lucas asked curiously. He kept looking back and forth between the king and queen, but couldn’t get an idea from either one of them. They had the best poker faces he had ever witnessed.

    In his eyes, his mother was the epitome of grace, and she had aged beautifully. She had dark brown curly hair with streaks of gray, which was usually pinned up into an elegant twist with curls framing her face. She had dark brooding eyes with long dark eyelashes to compliment. her beautiful face. She was always put together, and always looked her best. She often said, If you look your best, you feel your best. The queen was gracious, humble, and generous with her time. She was always the first to step up to offer help to any one in need, and never ceased to be extremely thoughtful.

    Your father grows weak, Lucas. It’s time for you to prepare yourself to assume the throne and become king of Armany, the queen told her son. Her breast swelled with pride, but the king’s face remained solemn.

    Concern flooded Prince Lucas’s mind as he looked more closely at his father, What’s wrong, Father?

    I’m getting older son and tired. My body doesn’t respond the way it used to and my mind is struggling to keep up as well. Who knows how much longer I have left, but in the meantime, we need to make sure we get you as prepared as possible before… The king paused for a moment seemingly struggling for words.

    The queen spoke up,Before he can’t anymore. She smiled at her husband.

    Well, I am ready, Father! Prince Lucas proclaimed. I’m ready to assume the throne and lead these people and do whatever I must to become the best and most just ruler I can be. Prince Lucas opened his arms out to emphasize the point. But despite his best efforts, his father shook his head.

    We know in your heart, you’re ready, the king told his son. But there is still something you must do before you can place this crown on your head and give you full command.

    Prince Lucas stood there, waiting for his father to tell him what he needed to do. He was racking his brain trying to figure it out, but couldn’t come to any conclusions.

    His father grunted, then continued, You must be married.

    What! Prince Lucas exclaimed in outrage. You’re joking. I don’t need to marry anyone to become king. He was so shocked and caught off-guard that he began pacing in front of his parents. You’ve never told me that I would need to marry someone to rule. I don’t recall this conversation ever taking place.

    That’s because we thought you would be married by now, sweetheart, his mother said plainly.

    He scoffed, Thank you, mother.

    Well, she held her hands up in surrender, you have had your share of women through your life.

    The red-headed princess from Luthen, the blonde princess from Lizen, the ling rattled off.

    The brunette from the town square he met in the pub, the queen added.

    Oh, she was a feisty one, the king chuckled. And not a very good decision.

    I believed you walked through the castle doors with a black eye, the queen teased the prince. Luckily the cook had a spare steak to help with the swelling that night.

    Okay, okay, I get it. Prince Lucas was becoming exasperated. Still, I don’t understand why I have to be married in order to become king.

    Because it is the law, the king’s voice boomed throughout the hall. It has been the law for centuries, and it’s not about to change now. You must have a queen by your side in order to become king.

    Father, this is absolutely ridiculous. I-

    Lucas, his mother warned, pursing her lips.

    The folded his arms and breathed a heavy sigh. He looked down at the floor and did everything he could bite his tongue, to not say something he would regret later. Fine. Fine. Who did you have in mind? The maid? The woman from the pub? Some random lady walking in the square?

    For the sake of our country, it would be wise for you to marry Princess Louisa from Roland. You know as well as I do that we have been at odds with Roland for years, and our fear is that they want to start a war. A marriage… The king paused, eyeing the prince, and continued, A marriage would help create a bond between our two countries and prevent a war that would do harm to both our people.

    Prince Lucas pondered on what his father had said, and suddenly, something clicked in his mind. "Wait a second. Are you talking about that girl who insisted on dancing with me at the New Year’s ball, when I had just turned sixteen? The one who purposely kept stepping on my feet and tripping me? Then when midnight struck, she still expected me to kiss her, and when I didn’t, she doused me with her punch? That princess?"

    His parents thought for a moment, and his mother smiled, Oh yes, I remember her now. She was quite fond of you, poor girl, I just don’t think she knew how to express her feelings in a kind way. She chuckled at the memory and his father joined in.

    Yes, she was interesting, wasn’t she? The king mused, Her parent’s were so upset she had done that. She is a little younger than you, though, so I guess it makes a little sense. Plus, with your forked tongue at that age, you probably had it coming. I’ve heard she’s grown up to be quite the beautiful young lady. Willing to do anything for her country, he emphasized, but Prince Lucas wasn’t buying it.

    Oh no. I’ve seen Princess Louisa since then. She’s still a spoiled brat. There is no way on this planet that I would ever consider marrying her. That would make for a trying marriage, the prince admitted, shaking his head.

    Sometimes doing what’s right is not always easy, his mother told him, as she so often did. He rolled his eyes and turned around so that they couldn’t see him muttering under his breath.

    Think of the good you would do for Armany, Lucas. You would save us from an unnecessary war, create a marital bond, and relieve me of my kingly duties, his father reminded him.

    Yes father, I know. But marriage is a huge step. We’re talking about someone I would spend the rest of my life with, someone with whom I would create a family. That decision is not to be taken lightly. I don’t want to marry someone I do not love.

    Well, his mother sighed, putting her hand on her chest, I never considered you to be a romantic.

    "I’m not. But if I’m to become King, sooner rather than later, I want to be with someone who actually wants to be with me. Who will be with me through the tough times and bad, support me and love me regardless of what happens. I’m sure that if I were to marry Princess Louisa, we would end up hating and despising each other just a year after we marry-I’m convinced of this. She would drive me absolutely crazy, and I’m sure I would do the same to her."

    His mother smiled at her son, but his father stared at him blankly.

    Then what would you have us do? I don’t have years to wait for you to meet some young lady upon happenstance and hope that you both fall in love. We need this to happen soon, the king urged.

    How soon? Clearly you have a timeline in mind. When do I need to be married and relieve you of the throne? Prince Lucas waited on bated breath for their answer.

    One year, the queen said after a long pause. Sooner if possible, but ideally, one year. Otherwise, the crown goes to your cousin Nathaniel, who’s already married. Parliament won’t let you become king until you’re married. Otherwise, you forfeit the throne.

    I love how my life has become an ultimatum, the prince mumbled, and his mother looked at him with pity.

    I know, sweetheart. We thought we would be able to avoid this in hopes you would have married by now but since it hasn’t happened, we had to have this conversation whether you like it or not. His mother smiled at him again, but he wasn’t feeling very cheerful.

    "Okay, well, what do I do? I don’t want to marry Princess Louisa,

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