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The noble Polish family Gembicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gembicki.
The noble Polish family Gembicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gembicki.
The noble Polish family Gembicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gembicki.
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The noble Polish family Gembicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gembicki.

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This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French.
Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch.
Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous apprendrez tout sur : l'ascendance, la noblesse, la littérature aristocratique, les terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, l'association aristocratique, la généalogie, la bibliographie, les livres, la recherche familiale, la recherche, la généalogie, l'histoire, l'héraldique, l'heraldique, l'herboristerie, l'information, la littérature, les noms, dossiers aristocratiques, noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Szlachta, armoiries, recherche d'armoiries, littérature d'armoiries, noblesse, chevaliers, Pologne, herbarz. Conglomération, traductions en : anglais, allemand, français.
Release dateOct 4, 2022
The noble Polish family Gembicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gembicki.

Werner Zurek

The Zurek family comes from an old noble Polish family Werner Zurek was born on March 13, 1952 in Voelklingen in the Saarland as the son of the employee Heinz Kurt Zurek and his wife Maria, née Kußler. At the age of 6 he attended the Catholic elementary school Voelklingen - Geislautern and finished secondary school in Geislautern in 1968 From 1968 to 1970 he began training as a machine fitter. From 1970 to 1972 he completed an apprenticeship at Roechling - Völklingen as a rolling mill (metallurgical skilled worker). From 1972 to 1974 he was a two-year soldier with the German Federal Armed Forces in Daun, where he was trained as a radio operator in electronic combat reconnaissance. He finished his service as a sergeant. As a reservist, he was promoted to sergeant-major. Acquisition of secondary school leaving certificate at ILS From 1975 he was a civil servant candidate in the Ministry of Finance (Federal Customs Administration). After passing the final examination, he served as a border inspection officer according to the Federal Border Guard Act and as a customs officer in customs and tax matters and was therefore also an assistant to the public prosecutor In 1975 he married his wife Ulrike, née Daub. In 1982 his daughter Sandra was born. In 2014 he retired. Awards: Air defense training at the technical aid organization Rifle line of the Federal Armed Forces Training at the German Red Cross State Explosives Permit Basic certificate from the German Lifesaving Society European police sport badge at the Federal Customs Administration. Also valid for the European Community. Admission to the Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius. Protector is the heir to the throne of Portugal, HRH the Duke of Braganza. Bundeswehr veteran badge. Aid organization sponsor: Bringing Hope to the Community Uganda (BHCU) Member of the Brotherhood of Blessed Gérard

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    The noble Polish family Gembicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gembicki. - Werner Zurek

    The noble Polish family Gembicki. Die adlige polnische Familie Gembicki.



    The noble Polish family Gembicki.

    Die adlige polnische Familie Gembicki.

    The noble Polish family Gembicki, Gębicki, coat of arms Biały Zawój.

    Gembicki, Gębicki, coat of arms Biały Zawój, Mustafa Sulima (Sulimita, Oporów)Gembicki. 1635, manor houses in Iskritno and Ostrovno.

    The noble Polish family Gembicki.

    The noble Polish family Gembicki.

    Newspapers 18th Century

    242 (Polish Courier) 1756

    Spezifikation der Ämter und königlichen Ländereien ... adie 28 octobris of 1756. (Ankündigung im Kurier nach dem Datum des 29. Dezember). Potocki, Woiwodschaft Kiew. voiv. Kiev. -Franc. Salery Potocki, Provinz. Wolhynien. voiv. Sieradzkie -.... Dąbski, Kronmundschenk der Provinz. Wołyńskie -.... Ossoliński, Hofchor, cor. Schloss Poznań -... Grudziński, Truhe. Gnesen. Burg von Gniezno -.... Zbijewski, Truhe. Nakielski Burg von Nakło -.... Gajewski, Starost von Kościan Burg von Sanok -.... Zakrzewski, Burg von Warschau -.... Sołtyk, Kastell von Lublin, Starost von Radziejów, Burg von Nowogr. -... Chreptowicz, Absolvent. Brest-Lithium Schloss Radom -.... Moszyński, Teilgut von Sandom. Schloss Płock -.... Zboiński, Chor Dobrzyński Schloss Chełm -.... Komorowski, Untergemeinde Schloss Chełm in Elbląg -.... Skorzewski, General des Schlosses in Ledz -.... Miaskowski, Stern. Gembicki, Kastell von Inowłock -.... Ustrzycki, Kastell von Lemberg, Unterland von WXL -.... Rzewuski, Kammerherr von WXL -.... Massalski, Stern. Kronwächter von Wołkowysk -.... Podoski, Domherr von Gniezno. Krone Infrarot -.... Czacki, Stern. Nowogrodzki Chorąswto nad. WXL -.... Miaskowski, Chor der Kalisz-Krankheit in Kalisz -.... Niegolewski, Stolnik Poznań. Posen -.... Turno stolnik Kalisz stolnik. Kalisz ... Miaskowski, Ortsteil Posen, Ortsteil Posen -.... Rydzyński, Stern. Dembski Unterkammer von Inowłock. -.... Mirosławski, Stern. Klecki-Fischen für den Sandom. -Teodor Zieliński, Stolnnik. Płockie -.... Dembowski, der Jäger von Zawskrzyński der Jäger der Niesrzyński-Region -.... Zakrzewski, der Burggraf der Burg Krak. -.... Łęntowski-Krankheit von Dobrzyń -.... Zboiński, Dobrzyński-Jäger Dobrzyń-Jagd -.... Paprocki, Dobrzyński-Schatzmeister, Dobrzyń-Schatzmeister -... Entenschwertfisch. latyczowskie -.... Suszczewicz-Schwertfisch. Halickie -.... Niewęgłowski und Brzeg kuj. -.... Dąbski, Chor inowrocł. Staroste Radom -.... Szydłowski-Nr. 262 schwach. Es gibt einen Granowski-Czemnik. Kowalewski -.... Zakrzewski, die Untergerichtsbarkeit von Tschernihiw -Józef Orlewski, der Schatzmeister. Kiew -.... Pruszyński, Stolnik Starodubowski, Schatzmeister. Brombeeren. -.... Beniks Teetasse. Warschau -Seweryn Szydłowski Woiwodschaft Sanów -.... Woiwodschaft Bukowski Lubaczeńskie-Jan Piaskowski Woiwodschaft Wielatyczewskie -Marcin Jałowicki Woiwodschaft Daniczewsk -Józef Stecki Woiwodschaft Hadzieckie -Tadeusz Przyłuski General Majority infant. Cor. -ks. Marcin Lubomirski das königliche Land Tuczno in der Provinz. inowłocki -.... Komierowski as above Sroki, Buki, Bakoszyn in der Provinz. Kiev. -.... Trzciński, Mundschenk sochacz. as above Polędno in der Provinz. Pommern. -Adam Podoski j. Dorf Ciukowa, Dąbrowa, Karaczków, Bieła, Koniuszki in der Provinz. Podolsk. -.... Małachowski, Krajczy Cor. as above Bieniec in der Provinz. orr. -.... Płoszczyński, Cor. Regent. (No. 180)

    Grodzkie und Land Gniezno Teil 1

    975 (No. 71) 1611

    Stefan Gembicki, Sr. Pater Jan G. Mundschenk von Poznań vom 1. und Mikołaj Chlebowski and Katarzyna Kąssinowska vom 2. Zähler. Pachtverträge des Dorfes Boguniewo, pv 200 Zloty (f. 62v)

    4551 (No. 60) 1582

    Amtszeit von Adam Baliński. Gembicki, Fähnrich and inowrocł. und Anna Balińska heirateten. (f. 100)

    4581 (No. 60) 1582

    Jan Gembicki, Annie aus Kociełkowa Górka im Dorf nach ol. Łukasz Chłapowski, att. Schulden 100 Zloty. (f. 170v)

    6925 (No. 76) 1622

    X. Andrzej Gembicki, the abbot and the Tremesn calendar, and the whole monastery with I and Nicholas. Działyński, Chamberlain of Dobrzyń. from II. Receipt. with meter closed between ol. X. Wojc. Mielinski, Op. and three. and in this journal for rent the city of Kazmierz and the villages of Przyl. Babicz, Prawęczycz, Sobienie, Chrosna and the villages of Bryski, Gora, Kossino p.Łęczyce. from 8/3. (f.27). Ciz see counters rent these goods on the 3rd census. 5/6 1621 from Op. Gem. (f. 27)

    7531 (#79) 1631

    Stefan from Gembic Gembicki Rogoz clan. in them. St. and wife Elżb. from Grudny, for cons. King. lifetime mayor. Nakiel. young Bielawa and Łanów called Zalkowskie cedes Jan Mikoł. from Smogulec to the Smogulecki Manor. JKMci, do it. (f. 501v)

    7532 (#79) 1631

    Stefan Gembicki, the Rogoz clan, according to Contr. list. between him and Zofja von Zebrzydowice, in to ol. Mother. The Starost of Bydgoszcz in Smogulec, 2-o BC. Stanisla. The Niemojewski clan of Chelmno. i.e. and Jan Mikołaj S. Court. JKMci, her son, lives her rights. to Nakielski, Jan-Mik. S. resigns (f. 506v). Mo in wig. St Szym. and Judy

    7550 (#80) 1635

    And. Gembicki, bishop theodosjeń., suffr. gn., op. treble. with I and Stanisł. The Biech clan by Przyborowski. from the 2nd check Ö Kloster Gąsawa, SV 4,000 PLN p. (f. 26)

    7839 (#80) 1638

    X. Jan Gembicki, possibly kruśw., kust. gn., secret. and Regen's office. age. JKMci with I and Bartł. Bułakowski in them. St. and f. his Anna von Drozdowo from the 2nd exam. rent in the village of Kąpiel in the northern part of (f. 430v)

    7840 (#80) 1638

    [X Jan] Gembicki with I and Jan Wygrozowski in it. St. and f. barbs. von Wybranowa z II, counter. rent the village Duszno S. gn. (f. 431v). Łukasz Wybranowski, father and son of Piotr W. (f. 432v)

    8841 (No. 82) 1653

    Paweł Gembicki, the international clan cki, heirs dd.: Lubiechowo, Dłusko, Karczówki in the Poznan century (f. 765)

    9743 (#88) 1684

    Stefan Gembicki, clan Płock, heir of Lubiechów (f. 14v)

    10562 (#91) 1701

    Maciej Gembicki, s. Father Paweł G., class Łęczyc., Zapping in the town of Łabiszyn and in the villages. 3,000 PLNp. Mrs. Dorota Grotów, in return for the sum that she received from the hands of Jan Rokossowski, in the village of Międzylesie, Mr. Kc. Security (f. 12)

    13857 (#100) 1763

    Stanisla. Gembicki, s. Vater Józef G. von ol. Barbara Tracewska und ol. Konstantego G. Klanica Łęczycki nepos und ol. Paweł G., der Łęczyca-Clan. pronepos, kas. Ihr Manifesto. hergestellt in gr. Warschau. 1763 Transaktionen seiner Brüder mit Franciszek Dressed Skorzewski, General Lt. Cor. (f. 20v) Tadeusz G. seine Bruderfamilie (f. 21) Tadeusz und Stanisław darin. St. und: Jan, Władysł., Ignacy and Piotr GG., pp. Pater Józefa G. von Felicjana Czyżowny 2. v. Geburt, Gut Łabiszyn Stadt und Dörfer: Piłatowo, Konieckowo, Ojrzanowo, Brzołczyna, Załachowo, Sosnowiec, Wymysłowa, Wałownica, Oporowo, Oborznica, Smerzyno, Smerzynko, Sumówko, Smogorzewo, Smogorzewo, Rynarzewo Stadt und Dörfer: Zamoście, Rudy in S. Inowrocł., Dörfer: Dąbrówka, Górki, Niwki, Woiwodschaft Dzięciołowo behandeln. für 32,356 PLN. Skorzewski von früher. (f. 21)

    15057 (No. 106) 1779

    Ignacy Gembicki, S. Ol. Josef aus ol. Barbara Tracewska, ol. Konstantego G. Klanic Łęczycki nepos, ol. Paweł G. aus dem Łęczyca-Clan pronepos, gemäß den Verpflichtungen von durch das Zeugnis gegeben und seine Brüder 1762, die Stadt Łabiszyn und die Dörfer: Piłatowa, Konieckowa, Ojzrzanowa, Pszczołczyna Zułachowa, Sosnowa, Wymysłowa, Wiatownica, Opoczno, Op. , Smerzynka, Siemowka, Smogorzewa, Smolnik, sowie die Stadt Rynarzewo und die Dörfer Zamście, Rudy in der Provinz. Kalis. und inowrocł. und die Dörfer: Dąbrówki, Górka, Niwek, Dzięciołowa in der Woiwodschaft behandeln. Erben von Ol. Franciszka gekleidet Skorzewski, Generalleutnant. Truppen Cor., Rotm. Panzerwagen, Reg. com. Pferdeprinz für 32.356 Gold. (f. 115)

    Grodzkie und Land Kalisz Resignationen, 16. Jahrhundert

    3533 (No. 11) 1631

    Marcin Żegocki Ostrichter, Wacław z Wrzący Zajączek Kalis Richter, Mac. Jaskólski kalis podędek, Tyburcy Złotnicki Fähnrich von Kalis., Stanisł. Leipzig Couchtisch Poznań, Zygm. Zapolski, Aug., Adrian Radlicki, Pis. GR. cogn., Dobrog. Gembicki-Stern. Zawiszyn., Wojc. aus Szczodrzyków Gądkowski Schwertfisch Kalis., Jan Biskupski burgr. zs. Kalis. (f. 243v)

    Grodzkie and Land Kcynia

    2244 (No. 131) 1672

    Stefan Gęmbicki Rogoz-Clan. und Anna geb. Krasny Krasińska, geb. I und Stanisław and Joanna-Katarzyna de Malczian geb. Malchian. Ulatowski vom 2. Zähler. mieten Stadt Margonina und das Dorf Margońska rob. (f. 312v)

    2372 (No. 131) 1677

    Obl. from size Posen 1676. And. from Gębice Gęmbicki, the seat of the Nowodwor., the sister of Father Krzysztof Klan, the town of Łabiszyn and the villages of Psczołczyn, Pielatowo, Oporowo, Załachowo, Smerzyno, Oborznia, Smerzynko, Konieckowo, Smogorzewo and the town of Rynarzew, Wałownica, Ruda , the young lieutenants from Pawłowo, the łęczyc clan. for PLN 145,000. Before. (f. 652v)

    4887 (#130) 1664

    And. Gembic Gembicki became nowodworski from I and Stanisław Sampolski from II. Counterattack. rent Gembic S. Kc. (f. 369)

    4933 (#130) 1665

    Andrzej from Gembice Gembicki is nowodwor., S. Ol. Krzysztof G. Klan gn., On his estates (except the sum in Tarnów in the emergency room) Katarzyna Czarnkowska, approx. Fr. Franc. Th. Poznań clan. With. mean, commit to frame 100,000 PLN. Pos. (f. 418v)

    Grodzkie and Land Kcynia

    5444 (#134) 1714

    Konstantyn von Gembice Gembicki, see Father Paweł, count. in Łabiszyn G. Clan of Łęczyce. stydybow. by Ol. Eleonora von Mniewo, ol. Maciej G. Klan inowrocł. nakiel. Family brother and according to Bp. + -th heir, of I and Chryzostom de Grabie Wilkostowski, s. i.e. Dąbrówka, Górka, Niwki in the voivodeship. and Kołaczkowo in the Civil Code. list. 4/5 r. B., PV 68,000 T. (F. 163)

    Grodzkie and Land Konin

    7934 (#46) 1632

    G. Dobrog. Gembicki, St. Stawiszyński, in them. St. and the X. Andrzej G-go suffrage. gn. Abbot of the trio, a family brother, is supported by NN. Melchjor Tokarski and Teofila nee Mchów, mussel. (f. 655v)

    9567 (#58) 1662

    M. Stefan Gembicki, see Paweł G., family clan. by Ol. Barbara Rozdrażewska, (f. 157)

    10383 (#60) 1675

    Obl. from 1674 G. Władysław. by Lubieniec Niemojewski, in them. St. and f. Dorota de Roszki from I and Paweł from Gembica Gembicki from Łęczyca clan from II meter. Substitute villages Wysokie sv 10,000 PLNp. (f. 816)

    10783 (#63) 1681

    M. Paweł Gembicki, clan of Łęczyca and Eleonora Mniewska married, heir to the village of Zabłocie and N. Wojciech Cieszyński, administrator. these and other estates of the clan, courtiers and their Hajducy (f. 490v) lament. by G. Jan Kielczewski, see Father Zygm. Zygmunt Kielcz. exactly the +; oil. Elżbieta Iwańska, mother of Jan Kielcz. (f. 494)

    10942 (#66) 1685

    JM Paweł Gembicki, of the Łęczyca clan, and Eleonora Mniewska, married. Complaint by G. Wojc. Grembecki and Marjanna Godlewska married, partial heirs of the village of Wrząca (f. 53)

    11671 (#70) 1697

    M. Maciej from Gembice Gembicki, a clan from Łęczyca, country envoy to the Warsaw Sejm, elec. with the voiv. Łęczyc., heir to the village of Borzysławice, protest from the brother of the family Konstanty G. (f. 191v)

    13844 (#77) 1742

    M. Me. Miaskowski, St. Gembicki, in the village of Rzgów zap. Wojciech, Antoni, Jakub and Marjanna Cielecki, children of Adam C. from Ol. Marjanny Tomicka, 1st from Popowska, 2nd v. Ce, minor, inheritance ol. mother, 3,500 zlotys (f. 283v)

    14435 (#78) 1755

    M. Michał Miaskowski, Stern. Gembicki, heir to the Rzgow estates, Adam Borzewski, see father Wojc., from ol. Barbara Sokolnicka born, note, p. 1. 726 zlotys (p. 950)

    Grodzkie and Land Kościan inscriptions

    3939 (#267) 1587

    Wawrzyniec Gembicki, secretary of JKMci, introduced the king to the estate. Ox. Naydaka (Naydalka) near the town of Kościan, by a donation from the king. from 1586 (f. 2)

    9765 (#320) 1739

    Wojc. Miaskowski stolnik Wschowa, permanent Gembicki, commissioner elected to the tribunal. Treasure. Radomsky, regiment. USAR disease Prince Fryderyk and former Lieutenant Chorus Panzer. oil. Józef Mycielski, crown capital; Barbara born Zakładzki after ol. Alex. Gniewoszu, Bielitz subdistrict, rotm. by the same Pannantian, mother of minors. Arnulf Gn. (p. 377)

    Grodzkie and Land Nakło Part 1

    1244 (No. 66 Rel.) 1631

    He gave up your nails. Stefan. Gembicki, Rogoz clan, Mikołaj Smogulecki (f. 213v)

    3809 (#176) 1628

    Stefan Gembicki, the Rogozin clan, formerly Naklo, takes care of the children of Ol. Piotr Smiełowski, secretary of the JKMci (f. 309)

    5788 (#192) 1702

    Maciej hr. in Łabiszyn and Gembice Gembicki Clanic from Łęczyca sta N., oblate. his privilege in creating N. von + Marcin Smogulecki 1702 29 / I r. (p. 1)

    5858 (#192) 1707

    Maciej hr. in Łabiszyn, Gembice Gembicki clan from Inowrocław, sta N., Mszański, Solecki, married to I and Krzysztof Kiełpiński and Teresa Wałdowska from the 2nd check before. the village of Zurczyna in Bydgoszcz District. pv 8,400 bar (p. 208). He's a big loser. tęż w w. G-mu for the same sum as before. (p. 209)

    5886 (#192) 1708

    Maciej hr. in Łabiszyn and Gembice, the Gembicki clan from Inowrocław. and Solecki, the town of Rynarzew and the village of Ruda with young Hamer in the Civil Code and Zamość and the Hall. Zamojskie belongs. to this city in S. Bydgoszcz. Paweł von Grabu Grabski, substitute judge. GR. N. for 20,000 PLN p. for l 3 ref. (p. 277)

    5890a (#192) 1709

    Maciej hr. in Łabiszyn with Gembice Gembicki Clan inowrocł., permanent n., mszań., solec., cons. King. from 12/X. 1705 zed. lifetime mayor. Baba village in the province. treat. Władysław Lipczewski and Katarzyna Jaroszewska, married. (p. 313)

    Grodzkie and Land Nakło Part 2

    179 (No. 222) 1620

    Stefan Gembicki, Rogozin clan, permanent resident of Naklo, Piotr Kucharski, town judge of Naklo, Stanisław Kruszewski, pis. GR. n / A (f. 280)

    302 (No. 222) 1623

    Stefan. The Gembitch Rogoz clan, permanent Nakiel. - Stanislaus. Orzelski, Sr. Fr. Mac. O. according to contra. with Katarzyna von Rusocice, died after ol. Saints Radziejow., The whole village Mrs. N.'s dairy gives her life. user (f. 489v)

    654 (No. 223) 1625

    Stefan Gembicki Rogozin clan, settled Naklo, 1/2 of the village of Dobrzyniewo in the Nakielski area, Zygmunt Grudziński in Inowrocławsk. Before. for PLN 8,000. (f. 666v)

    City and Country Poznań Inscriptions 16th Century Part 2

    737 (#951) 1589

    Wawrzyniec Gembicki Secret of JKMcia, pw Zofja Zbyszewska from Gosławice, died after Jan Zbyszewski (f. 603v)

    5372 (#948) 1587

    Jan Gembicki op. her children: Stefan, Piotr, Małgorzata and Zofja GG. by Kat. Cielecka, nee, gives his wife Wawrzyniec, Maciej nee, and Wawrzyniec a Stryjecz. bciom my GG., et al. (f. 171)

    8229 (#934) 1580

    Katarzyna Cielecka, father Mikołaj Janowicz, C., w. Jan Gembicki, in Comrade Dobrogosta, uncle of the family C., her husband's envelope in Gembice p. Poznań is deleted (f. 186v). Wawrzyniec Gembicki pays tribute to his family's brother. Jan Gembicki, from PLN 1,600. (f. 187).

    8617 (#931) 1578

    Jan Gembicki, gives the commitment. Malgorzata Galewska, died after ol. Mikołaj Cielecki, Jan Roskowski, the Przemyśl clan, Mikołaj Spławski and Jan Cielecki Adamowicz opp. kids Mikołaj C. that after + his mother Dorota Ninińska, Mrs. on Gembice, or after attribution for 1/2 part of the father. and acquired by Gen. Wawrzyniec G.'s brother in Gembice near Poznań, will bind 1,200 zlotys. Pos. and v. Katarzyna Cielecka, former father Mikoł., his future wife (f. 13v). 16.IV.

    8878 (#936) 1581

    Pawel Gembicki 800 PLN per piece. to his daughters: Regina and Anna (f. 154v), pos. and 200 PLN each. lead out

    8980 (#936) 1581

    Paweł Gembicki nominated Opp. Children: f. Regina Skrzetuska, Marcin S. Czulta and others. (f. 574v)

    9285 (#938) 1582

    Marcin Skrzetuski, Regina S-ej, d. after Paweł Gembicki for Wojciech Loszinski, spr. Counter rent Gembic (f. 699). Wawrzyniec Gembicki, s. Father Paweł G. commits L-give Regina S. d. to Ol. Pawle G. (f. 700)

    10398 (#945) 1585

    Introduction by Jan Gembicki. to all cz and domains. the village of Boguniewo near Poznan. for PLN 6,000. by Mikołaj Sapiński (f. 615v)

    Grodzkie and Land Poznań inscriptions 17th century

    479 (#968) 1598

    G. Jan Gembicki, cupbearer from Poznań, record 320 PLN debt. Kaspr Gowarzewski and Ewa Januszowska, married (f. 1105v)

    3390 (#996) 1616

    G. Stefan from Gembice Gembicki, a teacup in Kalisz, town of Baranów and nearby villages: Grębania, Łęka, Borowno, Mroczyn, Podkoncze in P. Ostrzeszów, today by G. Jan from Tomice Tomicki, ol. And. Son, for PLN 30 thousand Wyderk., T-mu lease. (f. 342v). G.Wojc. de Kempno Biskupski Wierzbięta plent certificate. and oh Anna Stoliecka f. T-go and Magdalena T. virgin, his sister (f. 544)

    4222 (#1004) 1620

    M.Stef. Gembicki, Rogoz clan, old Nakielski, Zap. Debt PLN 8,000. G. Annie Pierzchównie, died after ol. G Stan. Ostromięcki (f. 690)

    Grodzkie and Land Poznań inscriptions 17th / 18th centuries

    75 (No. 1111 I) 1686

    Paweł Gembicki, Łęczyca clan, Dybowski family, husband of Eleonora née Mniewska (f. 62)

    225 (No. 1111 III) 1686

    Andrzej Gembicki intern and Piła in them. St. and f. Katarzyna Grzymułtowska from I and Mikołaj Stanisław Szawroński in them. St. and wife Katarzyna Wierzchowska from II robots. Contract sv PLN 9,000 p. (f. 3v).

    285 (No. 1111 III) 1686

    Stefan Gembicki of the Płock clan with I and Adam Prądzyński and Konstancja Trzcińska with the second contract (f. 39v).

    410 (No. 1111 IV) 1686

    Andrzej Gembicki internship in them. St. and wife Katarzyna Grzymułtowska, from I and Kaz. Tomicki in them. St. and f. Bogumiła Skarszewska with the 2nd 3-year contract robbing leasing villages Radosiewie, Siedliska, Ronowo near Poznań sv PLN 24,000. (f. 76)

    1187 (No. 1113 IV) 1687

    And. Chamberlain of Poznań Gembicki, Academy of Fine Arts, Piła and Kosciański on behalf of St. and f. Winkel. Grzymułtowska with I and Maciej Dolecki in it. St. and f. Teresa Kaczkowska, counter. 3 years. Deprive the villages of Lubionka and Kotunia. sv PLN 49,000 p. (f. 6v)

    1600 (#1139X) 1700

    Jan Gembicki, the Płoc clan. in them. St. and f. barbs. Ponińska from I and Mikołaj from Wybr. Swinarski, s. Bartłomiej, in them. St. and father from the second receipt. from the contract sv 36,000 PLN p. (f. 125v). Bartłomiej Sw. In p. 36 thousand he had a replacement from the clan of his former domain. ie the town of Margomin and the villages of Przyl. (f. 126). Jan G.d. Margonin, Margońska village Bartłomiej Sw., S. Father Wojciech Sw. For PLN 32,000. promise (f. 127)

    3594 (No. 1107 III) 1684

    Stefan Gembicki, the Płock clan, in them. St. and Mrs. Anna Krasińska, Kraśniewice in the province. treat. Axis. with app. Samuel Kossakowski for PLN 10,000. edited (f19)

    3878 (No. 1127 III) 1694

    In it Jan Paweł Gembicki, s. Stefan from the Płock family. St. and Marjanny f. Dominik Łętkowski and Katarzyna, their sisters. Receipt. Krzysztof-Fryderyk Zaydlic (f. 85v) Krzysztof-Fryd. Z. see above Henryka Z.; Anna Krasińska f. Clan Cockroach. (f. 86) Anna Elżb. Slichtynkowna, father of Kasper-Henryka Sl., F. Krzysztof-Fryd. Z. (f. 87) has a file from her husband for 25,000 zlotys. on 1/2 of the village of Herzztop. Now he brings it to her in the village of Głybokie in S. Poznań (f. 87v)

    3912 (No. 1127 IV) 1694

    Jan-Paweł Gęmbicki, see Stefan of the Płock family, Gembice in S. Poznań, Krzysztof-Fryderyk Zaydlicz, see Father Henryk Z. for PLN 63,000. sold (f. 82) his mother Anna Krasińska lives (f. 85)

    Grodzkie and Land Poznań inscriptions 17th / 18th centuries

    3940 (No. 1127V) 1694

    Maciej Gembicki, see father Paweł from the Łęczyca family, villages Konieckowo, Smierzyn and Smierzynek S. of the Civil Code. Flanciszek-Wilhelm Błęndowski for 10,000 zlotys. on 1 year of publication (f. 31v, 32) The Clan Pilarowo p. inowrocł. and Załakowo p.Kcyń. Wojc. Radzyński for PLN 14,000. on 1 year of publication (f. 32v)

    6475 (#1268) 1742

    Karol and Wojciech, née Miarkowsky, ol. Franciszek, the Lędzki clan, PLN 20,000 zp. PLN 60,000 p. by Ol. Jan Sapieha (hereditary uncle) in Bobruisk. right 1701 oil assigned to my uncle, from p. 122.000 from ol. Andrzej Twardowski in 1699 Sapieże record. he resigns to Wojciech stolnik from Poznań and to Michał, JKMci i RP. Brothers of the Blessed Mother MM. (f. 105v) Wojciech stolnik pozn., gembicki, ol. Wojciech Klanica Krzywin. uncle heir. (f. 106v)

    12966 (#1251) 1737

    M. Roch Gembicki, see Father Jan, Gembic in p. of this village sv 30,000 zloty The foil is silent because it is arranged after the foiling and is in (f. 50 and 51) [Notor. wrong wrong]

    14068 (No. 1130 XI) 1695

    Dorota from Przyłęk Grotówna near Ol. Adriana from ol. Zofja von Nieczayna Sobocka, widow of Stanisław von Graboski from the Rogoz clan. present 2-ov. With. Mother. by Gembic Gembicki, ol. Paweł from the Łęczyca clan. son, oh Kazimierz Cave of the villages of Dambrówka, Dambrowa, Sobiesierne, Skorzewo, the bishop's heir. + sister and heir. the only one in comrade Wojciech von Niecz. Sobocki's brother, uncle and Jan Linowski's aunt. Brother, good also in S. Poznan, Jan Ulatowski, sub table from Dobrzyń, see father Szymon Ulat., for 130,000 zlotys. Before. (f. 71) Maciej Gembicki s. father Pawła from the Łęczyca family, Jan Dybow., town and manor Łabiszyn. and the villages of Smogorzewo, Ogrzanowo, Cegielnica, Oporowo, Pielatowo inowrocł Voivodeship., Zalakowo, Smerzyno, Smerzynko, Konieckowo, Obocznia, Wałownica Kalis Voivodeship. Heritage of the woman of the good above in pp. Bromberg and kc. for PLN 122,000. from the price of goods from Dambrowka and Dambrowa sold today by his wife Ulatowski for 1 year, (f. 73)

    14330 (No. 1133 VIII) 1697

    Jan of Gembice Gembicki, Plock family, property of the town of Margonin and rural villages, for 1/2 of the estate, f. Barbara Ponińska, c.Hier. Rogozin clan. with Teresa Chociszewska, recording. Pos. 30,000 PLN and v. (f. 17v)

    14449 (#1135X) 1698

    Jan from Gembice Gembicki clan from Płock, Margonin improved last year's recruitment to 30,000 after receiving former Rogoz, now Gniezno clan from Hieronim Poniński. Jan Babin., father of his wife Barbara B., born of Teresa Chociszewska PLN 13,000, iR her PLN 13,000. Pos. and v. (f. 3v)

    16116 (#1339) 1765

    [wrong] G. Ignacy Gembicki, S. Father Rocha G., receipt Maciej Mężyński from 9,000 PLN. (f. 78) [fake]

    Grodzkie and Land Poznań accounts 17th century

    114 (No. 255) 1698

    Wafer from the Gr. Ciechanów. 1673. Jan Gembicki, bishop. Płocki cedes Stefan G. to the Rogoz clan. pronepotowi well all areas. and replace father and mac. Gembice Str. and N. and Ostobok in S. Poznań (f. 101)

    266 (No. 199) 1672

    X. Jan Gembicki, Bishop Płocki I and Andrzej G. Łowczy nk is Nowodwor., with the second uncle and sons contract. Łowczy d. Gembice N. and St. with f. Osłobog in S. Poznań to my uncle in large Warsaw. no later than 3 Sundays for PLN 50,000. Resignation (f. 831) Warsaw, Mon. Visiting. NMP 1672; and sold on the Tuesday after the visit. NMP (f. 831)

    842 (No. 196) 1669

    Andrzej from Gembice Gembicki becomes Nowodworski, a dish. JKMci, appoints plentifully (f. 462v)

    876 (No. 196) 1669

    Andrzej Gembicki was a Statigenowski, courtier. JKMci and Katarzyna Barbara from Czarnków spouses, (f. 706) they c. Mrs. Franc. Sedziwoja Cz. Posen clan (f. 729v)

    2532 (No. 169) 1644

    Piotr Molski, buyer of rights from Wojciech Załuskowski pw Stefan Gębicki wdzie Łęczyc; The mouth. sold Laskowo Z-mu sv 25,000 PLN; Elżbieta from Walewice, C. Zygmunt Walewski from ol. Zofja from Bnin Radzewska, ol. Beaty de Laskowo ol. Here. Radzewski, ex-Nepot's wife, heir to mother and grandmother; Dobrogost Gembicki stastawiszyn. and Barbara Choińska marj. (f. 258) Elsewhere grandfather Radz. names. Krzysztof (f. 260)

    2660 (#181) 1657

    Krzysztof Gembicki, the Gniezno clan. intromit. to the property Gembice S. Poznan. by Ol. Piotr G., Bishop of Posen (f. 7v)

    2833 (No. 185) 1661

    Andrzej Gembicki the starost of Tygenhoff, see father Krzysztof G. Klan gn. (f. 59)

    Grodzkie and Land Poznań resignations 16th century

    8600 (#1396) 1558

    N. Piotr Gembicki on 1/2 of his role. the village of Gembicze near Poznan. 200 PLN. Pos. and tw ż. Dorothy, C. Ol. Grzegorz Niniński (f. 606)

    8654 (#1396) 1558

    N. Piotr Gembicki, all from his father Wojciech G. bought in the village of Gębice near Poznań to Paweł G. to his brother. gives in. weak. for some fields fell to ol. Piotr G. Uncle in the village of Gębice near Poznań (f. 641v) Paweł G. on 1/2 p. Part of the village of Gębice zap. Pos. 200 PLN. and partly ż. Annie, C. Andrzej Niniński (f. 642)

    8732 (No.1396) 1559

    N. Jan Gembicki, full part father and mac. and from the decline of the ol. Piotr G. fell to his uncle and next to the brothers Piotr and Paweł G. - their inheritance, in the village of Gembicze near Poznań, Paweł G. - his brother in the gen. bestows eternity (f. 703)

    8735 (#1396) 1559

    N. Paweł Gembicki, whole voice from this year Johannes et. acquired in B. in the village of Gembicze p. Poznań, gives life. in the user of this family brother (f. 704)

    10851 (#1398) 1570

    N. Paweł Gembicki on 1/2 dd. in the village of Gembice near Poznań. 500 PLN. Pos. and tw ż. Regina, CO. Stanisla. Skrzetuski Czolta, (f. 160)

    13013 (#1400) 1589

    N. Jan Gembicki, whole part area village Gembice near Poznań for 230 zlotys. ed. Brother of the Maciej G. family (f. 259)

    Grodzkie and Land Poznań resignations 16th century

    13637 (#1400) 1592

    N. Wawrzyniec Gembicki, SP Piotr G., the whole role area father in village Gembice near Poznań fell to her + her father, heir. next to G. Jan G. the Poznań cupbearer, and N. Maciej G. with his families, N. Mich. Nieżuchowski for 600 zlotys. ed. for 1 year (f. 906)

    13864 (#1401) 1593

    N. Wawrzyniec Gembicki s.Ol. N. Piotr Gembicki, all part the village Gembicze p. Poznań fell after the division with former G. Jan G. while Poznań and N. Maciej G. for 600 zlotys. N. Marcin Pierski on the ed. (f. 62v)

    14198 (#1401) 1595

    N. Maciej Gembicki 800 PLN p. and tv for 1/2 of all he hands over his goods to Regina Skarmirowska, c.ol. n. Jakub S. - Mon. after sun Jubilieren (f. 388)

    Grodzkie and Land of Poznań Resignations 17th Century Part 1

    1463 (No. 1429) 1679

    Katarzyna Czarnkowska c.Franc. Sedziwoja Cz. Poznań clan. by Anna Konstancja née Weiher, now 2-o by Wojc. Konstantyna z Goraj Brezy Jan Nowodor., Divorce. Wife of Andrzej Gembicki Jan Nowodwor. 1/2 of the village of Ludomy and the village of Wierdunki and cz. the village of Borukhovo os. S. Poznań and 1/2 Orłowo and Drzewek pus. (her former heir, Paweł Gembicki, the Łęczyca clan) to his mother and stepfather for 50,000 zlotys. Before. (f. 1)

    2588 (#1408) 1613

    Stefan Gembicki, ol. Jan G. Mundschenk, know son, fulfills duties. Data according to Rusiborz Cielecka's cat., given in the village after the cupbearer, his mother and Łukasz Gułtowski, Andrzej Rosnowski, for himself, on behalf of St. and: Piotr, Dobrogost, Andrzej, Krzysztof and Jan, Gemb. from his family, 1/2 from Boguniewo in S. Poznań, to Andrzej Rosnowski for 3,500 zlotys. on the (f. 444)

    6317 (#1422) 1645

    Dobrogost Gembicki became sta waisishin completes the reward for Katarzyna Wujakowska, c. Eremjan W, deputy of Zs. Industrie, his wife and a deletion. his comp., depreciates on 1/2 of the property. 6,000 PLN. in cash and 2,000 PLN. in Jewels (f. 166)

    6356 (#1422) 1645

    Paweł Gembicki, Santoc clan, property from the villages of Lubiekowo, Herstop, Dłusko and Karczewski. Comp. of the wife of Barbara Rozdrażewska, c.ol. Here. clan traffic. on p. 30,000 PLNp. in Jankowice he transfers the dowry to the above-mentioned properties (f. 251) in S. 40,000 zloty.

    6429 (#1422) 1645

    Paweł Gembicki, the Santocki clan and Barb. Rozdrażewska married, formerly Jankowice, Kościelny Czeradz, Rumianko and Lusowko os. Zygmunt von Skrzypno Twardowski as substitute judge. and lower level. GR. know the secret. JKMci, for PLN 86,000 p. Before. (f. 426)

    6557 (#1422) 1646

    Paweł Gembicki, clan Santocki, died Lubiekowo, Herstop. Dłusko, Karczewko and others after a skax. Comp. Wife Barbara Rozdrażewska, née Father Here. clan traffic. who were in Jankowice, Czeradz Kościel., Rumianko and Lusowko, he transfers to Lubiekowo, Herstop, Dłusko and Karczewki in S. 40,000 zlotys. (f. 858v)

    8252 (#1412) 1621

    Stefan Gembicki Rogoz clan, permanent Naklo, 1/2 Pomeranian os. for PLN 8,000. ed. Adam Olbracht Przyjemski curnium SRM praefecto, blacksmith. (f. 1098)

    8274 (#1412) 1621

    Stefan Gembicki, the Rogoz clan. Permanent housing, their settlements Borzysławice Kościelne, Barłogi and Grodna, os. Katarzyna Jastrzembska, died after ol. Stanisla. Wargowski, present 2-o v. Ż. Krzysztof Cielecki, the śrem clan. and Jakub W. their son for 12,000 zlotys. ed. (f. 1144)

    8670 (#1418) 1634

    Stefan Gęmbicki Rogoz clan. Villages: Łaszków from f., Petryki from f., Ostrówek p. Kalis., Wojciech Załuskowski, s. father Jakub Z., for 25,500 zlotys. Before. (f. 58v) and his wife Elżbieta z Grudny, ed. 20,000 Zap. Transfers to 1/2 goods (f. 60)

    9540 (#1419) 1638

    Paweł Gembicki, a cup of Poznań on his estates: Jankowice, Czeradz, Lussowko, Rumienko, p. Poznań (with the exception of the village of Boguniewo p. Gn.), F. Barbara Rozrażewskiej, born father Hieronim R. from the Międzyrzecz family, att. Pos. 10,000 PLN (f. 1077v)

    9598 (#1419) 1639

    Paweł Gembicki, Poznan cupbearer in the village of Jankowice p. Barbara Rozdrażewskiej, the father of Hieronim R. from the intercultural clan, ret. Pos. 30,000 PLN (f. 1171)

    9603 (#1419) 1639

    Paweł Gembicki, cupbearer from Poznań, see Stefan in Łęczyca, formerly Boguniewo, Nienawiść os. Zalasowo, pus. Via to Andrzej Grudziński for a cal. for 33,000 zlotys. Before. (f. 1183), barbs. Rozdrażewska f. Certificate

    11372 (IP 1067X) 1654

    Paweł Gembicki, Międzyrzecki clan, Lubiechowo Voivodeship, Dłusko and Karczówki for PLN 8,400. chapter of mathematics. gn. ed. (f. 408)

    Grodzkie and Land of Poznań Resignations 17th Century Part 2

    775 (#1869) 1670

    M.Stef. Gembicki, Rogoz clan, f. Witkowice from the town of Margonin, Marcinek mill and tavern in the village of Borowo G. And. Sadokierski and Const. Borkównie mussels ed. for 3,000 PLN. for 1 year (f. 76v)

    776 (#1869) 1670

    M.Stef. Gembicki, Rogoz clan, village of Herstop p. pose me Korzeniewski and Petronella Kalińska, Jan Marcinowicz's widow, 2nd BC Married, for 1,000 PLN. ed. (f. 79)

    Grodzkie and Land Pyzdry Part 1

    6646 (#156) 1695

    Maciej from Gembic Gembicki, the Łęczyca clan and Dorota Grotówna, to Hieronim and Anna, clan. He owed Imiałkowski a sum of PLN 13,000 p. (p. 57). This is Anna Trzebińska (p. 56)

    Grodzkie and Land Wałcz

    1618 (No. 85) 1667

    M. Andrzej from Gembice Gembicki, seniors from Nowy Dwór, Andrzej Radoliński, substitute judge. GR. Posen Kaspr Modlibowski, writing. GR. Posen, Mikołaj Mycielski, ol. Wojc. son of Zapp. p. 17. PLN 557 p. (f. 273)

    Grodzkie and Land Wałcz

    1619 (No. 85) 1667

    M. Andrzej Gembicki, St. Nowodwor. in them. St. and f. Qatar. from Czarnków with me and Marcjan Gromacki in it. St. and f. Domicelli from Czewojewo from the 2nd counter. in the village of Biała census. (f. 273v) 1620 G. Władysław. Siedlecki, Ol. Me. son, in them. St. and Mikołaj and Marianna Ż. Alex. Bzidzki (!), Susanna and Konstancja, my siblings, S-ch, receipt. Zygmunt Działyński and Katarzyna Witosławska, married. from 2,000 PLN (f. 277v)

    1689 (No. 85) 1671

    M. Andrzej in Gembice Gembicki, hunter in the Cor. and sta tygenhoffski in them. St. and f. Winkel. from Czarnków from I and Franciszek-Zygm. Gałecki Ensign of Prussia. from the 2nd control rent villages Hamer and N. Wieś sv 4. 800 zlotys (f. 425v)

    1690 (No. 85) 1671

    The same Gembicki zż. from I op. and words of Jan Aberdawrowicz in them. St. and f. Elżb. Brunowa of the 2nd counter. 3-year lease the villages of Biała, Trzcianka, Wołowelasy, Niekwiska, Łomnica, Potasznia, H. Wzacko and Stradom sv 32,000 PLN. (f. 426v)

    1744 (No. 86) 1675

    M. Andrzej in Gembice Gembicki, Jäger n. Cor., ward: M. Kat. from Czarnków married, from I and M. Wincenty Blücher el. brandenb. consyl. provincial. for Pomerani from the 2nd meter rent 3 years dd. Biała s. V. 46,500 zlotys (f. 259)

    1798 (No. 86) 1678

    M. Andrzej in Gembice Gembicki, stands nowodwor. with I and G. Władysław. Wysławski from II. Counter rent Czarnków with the cl. sv 10,000 PLN (f. 383)

    1933 (No. 86) 1687

    JM Andrzej Gembicki, Subcommittee Poznan, Piła and Uji with I and Stef. Bułakowski from the 2nd counter. Wyderk. the village of Ciszkowo (f. 602). Angle. Grzymułtowska, f. Certificate (f. 602)

    Grodzkie and Land Wschowa Part 1

    4549 (#79) 1720

    Konstanty von Gęmbice Gembicki, s. Paweł from the Łęczyca family, Jan Dybow., with Ol. Eleonora Mniewska, born to Jan Łada Koronowski, regent of the Gr. Wsch., see father Andrzej K. from ol. Agnieszka-Marjanny Radkowska, rob. Script for 100 PLN. v. (f. 113)

    Record Catholic Part 1

    1818 (Chodziez)

    1706.24 / 9. (Strzelce) Zygmunt Józef Maurycy, Bestattungsdirektor vorh. [Zygm. und Teresa aus der Familie Rydzyński] Grudziński - IM. Jan Gembicki, ein Plocker Clan, mit seiner Frau Barbara, Kind * 3 Hebdomadas nach + Vater

    1823 (Chodziez)

    1709.26 / 7. (Podstolince) Magdalena Ludwika Wiktorja, ehem. M. Jan Zebrzydowski, Jan expand. und Cat. von Swięcicki - M. Jan Gembicki klanic Płocki und MD. Teresa Grudzińska Falke.

    1828 (Chodziez)

    1712.26 / 9. (Strzelce) Dorota Teresa Regina, * 8, ca. Cels. D. Mikołaj Woroniecki vom Wolhynischen Schwertfisch. und Teresa von Rydzyński - MD. Clan Jan Gembicki Nakło und Miss M. Zofja Grudzińska, ca. + Zygm. schneidet den Schmerz.

    6610 (Lubasz)

    1756.8 / IX. (L.) IM. Adam Bieliński klanic lędzki x Aniela Miaskowski gembic wall - Wojciech Miaskowski Ensign of Kalisz Michał Miaskowski sta gembicki, Maciej Skaławski, Jan Broniewski Mik. Swinarski

    Record Katholisch Teil 2

    8378 (Neustadt)

    1694. JMD. Maciej Gembicki, Klasse Łęczycki x JMD. Dorota Grabska

    14911 (Śnieciska)

    1695.14 / 7. Aleksander Roch s. GD. Wojciech Jan Ciołek Włostowski, Burggraf ... Amtszeit. Dorf Sn. und GD. Katarzyna von Ostromencka - MGD. Maciej von Gembic Gembicki Clanic aus Łęczyca und MGD. Dorota Gem. Myth. seine

    Record Katholisch Teil 5

    30724 (Poznań Hl. Maria Magdalena)

    1623.1 / 8. X. Und. Der Gembicki-Abt von Tresmen tauft Mokołaj, Sr. GD. Bonaw. Gembicki und Katarzyna - GD. Alex. Glembocki and GD. Zofja Międzyrzecka D. Mik. Nowodworski Abb. Mollusc.

    30908 (Poznań Hl. Maria Magdalena)

    1698.3 / 9. Augustyn Stefan, s. N. Maciej Oderski schreibt die gr. Posen und Barbara - MGD. Maciej Gembicki, clanic of Płoc. und GD. Anna Czarnkowska

    Record Katholisch Teil 6

    38346 (Bledzew - Zisterzienser)

    1693.4 / 8. + Ausweis Stef. Der Gembica-Clan von Płock

    41461 (Margonine)

    1712.31 / 12. + JMD. Jan Gembicki Nakło Clan (31/1. +) Dz-c M. Bone Repair, + in Lubikowo

    41472 (Margonine)

    1767 (Margońska Wieś) + GD. Władysław Gembicki Knochen.

    41495 (Margonine)

    1699.6 / 12. (Zweige) Kat.-Nr. Barbara, C. GD. Jakub Dzierżanowski and G. Jadwiga - JD. Agnieszka Ponińska Klasse gn. and PMD. Jan Gembicki, der Płock-Clan

    41498 (Margonine)

    1702.9 / 4. (Branches) Antoni Wojc., G. Adam Gliszczyński and G. Marjanny - PMD. Jan Gembicki mit seiner Frau Barbara, Kinder von Margonin Rekord Katholisch Teil 6

    41499 (Margonine)

    1703.29 / 1. (Margońska Wieś) Teresa Marjanna Barbara, ca. MGD. Maciej Zulicki und Teresa Rogowska - PMGD. Jan Gembicki, der Płock-Clan der PMD. Teresa Grudzinska

    41507 (Margonine)

    1708.26 / 6. (Margońska Wieś) Jadwiga Barbara, ca. MGD. Maciej Zylicki and MGD. Zofji - JD Jan Gembicki, Klasse von Kalisz und MGD. Jadwiga Baranowska

    41569 (Margonine)

    1784.26 / 11. (Marg.) Chap. CH. G. Ignacy Gembicki aus Łabiszyn und GV Weronika Brezianka vom Hof ​​der Marg.

    41578 (Margonine)

    1795.11 / 6. (Dw. Marg. Wieś) 0limpja Eleonora Małgorzata 10 *, letzte vorh. Skorzewski [Fryderyk Dressed Skorzewski and Antonina geb. Garczyński] der Kinder von Łabiszyn, Marg., - G. Ign. Gembicki, sitzender Dziew. Zeremonie 6/12. - Franken. Garczyński rotm. Polish Truppen. und Aniela Kwileck geb. Węgorzewska

    41580 (Margonine)

    1788,4 / 2. (Stołężyn) G. Walenty Łęski, 28 Jahre alt, aus der Gemeinde Zbyszewice Ton. x D. Agn. Leszczyńska aus Stołężyn L. 40, - G. Ign. Gembicki, Paweł Kołecki Nepom. Kamieński, Jan Jeszka, Immobilienbesitzer

    41581 (Margonine)

    1795.16 / 11. (Dw. Marg.) D. Stanisław, s. D. Walenty Krajewski and Dorota Sobańska * in Skoki, L. 33 x G. Anna, c. G. Ignacy Łochocki and Marianna Przanowska, * Brodnica, L. 34, - G Amtszeit von Ignacy Gembicki. Girl-key und Const. Ulatowski

    42256 (Posen - St. Jan)

    1737.5 / 3. X. Józef Tadeusz von Kiekrz Kierski, Bischof. Bolineisches Wahlrecht. und kust. Angle. und Pfarrer im Geiste. und ofic. General von Poznań in der Kapelle des Herrenhauses Kobylopole - MD. Wojc. Miaskowski, Sta. Gembicki x MD. Zofja Skaławska - JD. Franciszek Mielżyński, der Śrem-Clan, mit seiner Frau Krystyna aus Skał., JD. Maciej Koźmiński, the Posener Clan usw.

    43746 (Strzelno - die Norbertinerinnen von MPH V)

    1624.8 / 2. + Wawrzyniec Gembicki, Erzbischof. gn.

    44821 (Margonine)

    1706.27 / 1. Agnieszka Anna, to MGD. Mother. Zulicki by Marg. Wsi and Zofja (Zylicki) - Jan Gembicki, a Płock clan by his wife Barbara

    zap Mode. Piotrk.

    148 (No. 27) 1614

    X. Piotr Gembicki, Dean of Włocławek, Canon of Kraków, in to my own and to Stefan, the butler of the brothers Kalisz, Dobrogost, Andrzej, Krzysztof and Jan. from the case of Stanisław Staruchowski Sr. Jakób S. Stanisław and Jan Sr .Stanisław minor, Katarzyna Cielecka the Elder. after Janie Gembic. during poses. Mother of the witnesses, Barbara ol. Stanisława Staruchowskiego 1-o v., now Jan Młotkowski 2-wife and Jan S. of the same ol. Stanisława's son (p. 1474)

    596 (No. 29) 1639

    Stefan Gembicki, governor of Łęczyca, appoints Paweł G., his son, cupbearer from Poznań as plenary. (p. 904)

    610 (No. 29) 1640

    Stefan Gembicki will answer Łęczycki in the villages of Borysławice, Mostki, Przestronie and S. Konin. Heir, X. Piotr G. Bishop of Przemysl, Dean of Kraków, Płock. and bellows. Provost KWK and the monastery Miechow. the sum of 8,000 flp. by Ol. Jan Zborowski, hundred and one from Odolanow. then the Gniezno clan. when exchanging goods from Głuchów for goods from Grodzisko, Rokutowo, Jankowo, Sierschowo, Eiter. 1566 with the bellows monastery. as an allowance he received, and from this amount the previous zap his goods. to this monastery of the year. Rent to X. Adam Slącki to the pastor of Grodzick. (p. 1053)

    688 (No. 29) 1643

    (reigned 1638) Stefan Gembicki, Rogozin clan, father and Paweł, cupbearer from Poznań. older son place an order. The latter served in quartz rotors for several years. Now she is to marry Rozrażewska. So my father gives him May. Bogunisło area in the province. Poznań and the sum of 50,000 PLN. as his department of inheritance. Division May 2nd. Borzysławska, intended for the younger son of Wawrzyniec G. Dated Bryszki Wednesday after So Kreisau 1638 (p. 1764)

    945 (No. 30) 1654

    Krzysztof Gembicki, the Gniezno clan, starost of Nowodworski appoints many (p. 1169)

    1351 (No. 33) 1684

    Andrzej Gembicki Star. Ujski and Piła across the country. Radosiew, Mr. Wałecka: Kazimierz, Aleksander, Rafał, X. Konstantyn and Konstancja Marcin Szczodrowski, Teresa Marjan Kłobukowski to Tomicki's wives, ol. Piotra T. from ol. Konstancja z Kalinowy Zarembianki for 20,000 flp. to B. 3rd edition (p. 825) Ciż Tomiccy, the sum of 20,000 PLNp. zap. oil. to his mother, Fr. Stanisław from KZ from ol. Franciszek Sędziwoj Czarnkowski hundred years. and pyzdr. in GR. pyzdr. In 1644 they cede Gebicki's debts (p. 826)

    1507 (No. 35) 1692

    Stefan Gembicki, the clan Płock and Anna Krasińska marry sue Adam Naramowski, his wife Grzymułtowska and the family of his brother Valerian N. (p. 785)

    1554 (No. 35) 1693

    Jan-Paweł Gembicki s. father Stefan from the Płock family, heir of Cygów (p. 1257)

    In 1579 the village was owned by: Maciej and Wojciech (Paw.). Maciej, born Anna Powodowska, son Jan, Posen canon 1574, then abbot Bledzew, died 1579 (M. 119 f. 284); the acts of the Poznań chapter kept the above-mentioned name of its coat of arms. The records of the Przedeckie municipality mention John, the royal commissioner from 1598, and John, Piotr's son, who made a treaty with Gembicki in 1631 (Ks. 46 f. 391 and 70 f. 263). For the election of Jan Kazimierz they signed with Kalisz, Dobrogost and Adam Voivodeship, and with Poznań Voivodeship, Jan. In the line of King Michael's electors we meet: Adam, Ignacy, two Janów and Marcyan from Poznań Voivodeship, Jan from the Kalisz Voivodeship and Stanisław from the Wieluń Region. The election of Jan III. with the Poznań Voivodeship was signed by: Aleksander, Hieronim; royal captain, Dobrogost, Przecław and Wojciech na Babin. Jan, Starost of Solec in 1670. Adam, son of Zygmunt, with his wife Eufrozyna, testified in Lublin in 1680 (Zap. Lub. 59 f. 35). Hieronim, Commissioner for Claims Settlement by the Crown Army in the same year (VL): Hieronim became the sub-capital of Poznań in 1695; With this title, together with Franciszek, Jan, Michał, Mikołaj, Rachwał and Wojciech, he signed the election of Augustus II with the Poznań Voivodeship. Aleksander, Łukasz, Michał, Zygmunt and Przecław signed for this election with the Kalisz Voivodeship and Stanisław, the Treasurer of Żytomierz, with the Sieradz Voivodeship. Hieronim, Wojski Wschowski, died 1701. His sons: Jan and Aleksander 1722 (Rel. Kal. Gr. 85 f. 223). Katarzyna with Mikołaj Twardowski 1701 Stanisław, captain of Wieluń 1710 Władysław, lower town of Wschowa 1714. Hieronim acquired 1718 Starostei from Mieścice. Maryanna with Andrzej Radoliński 1754. The election of Stanisław August was signed with the Kalisz Voivodeship: Adam and Jan Aleksander, and with the Poznań Antoni Voivodeship. Jan, butler of Ostrzeszów 1754, sub-captain 1772, butler 1775, finally carpenter 1778, his son Andrzej, the small army of Wieluń 1781 Józef the hunter of Lubaczów 1775 Antoni, appointed commissioner of Sejm 1776. Samuel, chamberlain of Stanisław Augusta, secretary of the perpetual council, was appointed in 1778 and 1781 as an assessor to the court assessors of the Wielkopolska province; In 1787 he became commissioner of the coin commission (MP. and Sig. 35; Kanc. 81 IV f. 38). In 1790 he became a knight of St. Stanislaus. According to the royal consent of 1775, he and his wife Marya Anna née Unrug von Kosicki bought the leasehold of Bieniec and presented it to Zygler in 1788 (canon. 55 f. 89 and M. 301 f. 143). The owner of Kalenia in Błoński district bought Kempno from Piotrowski in 1785 (DW 109 f. 1052 and M. 299 f. 94). Samuel was the son of Jan, the administrator of Ostrzeszów, and his wife Anna de Faber (hence the second wife). He had one son, Emil, who was identified as a nobleman in the 1840 kingdom. A Zimmermann's third son was Zygmunt, he had one son, Kazimierz, married to Teodora Gumowska, their sons: Aleksander, Józef and Stanisław, ID cards 1839 and 1851 (A. b. Her.). Adam and his wife Joanna née Potworowski bought the Voivode Borzętowo in 1778 (Chancellor 58 IV. F. 183). Her son Adam, member of the four-year Parliament of Gniezno, Chamberlain of Stanisław August 1791, Knight of St. Stanisława 1793, Senator, Castellan of the Kingdom of Poland 1822. From Karolina, née Mojaczewska, he left two sons: Rafał and Józef, who died in 1838 and 1839 proved their nobility in the kingdom. Rafał, owner of Żychlin, née Helena Złotnicka, had a daughter, Melania née Kurnatowski. Józef, a state clerk from Mojaczewska, had a daughter, Helena, after Adam Potworowski, and a son, Adam, married to Jadwiga Komierowska, by whom he had a son, Rafał, and two daughters. Maciej, Treasurer of Brzeziny 1764 Ferdynand, Captain of the Crown Troops 1783 (MP.). Józef, Zator and Oświęcim became dignitaries in 1790. Mikołaj, Major General of the Crown Army, son of Piotr and Teresa, nee Rydzyńska, testified in 1795 to life imprisonment with his wife Anna, nee, Starost of Sochaczew (DW. 110 f. 1299 and 111 f. 826). Their daughter Amelia married Graf. Roman Zaluski from Łaziska. Mikołaj's second wife was to become Maryanna née Bielska, who proved her noble origins in the Kingdom of 1840 (A. b. Her.). Alexander, son of Piotr, born in Dresden in 1783, author of many historical novels in German, died in Dresden in 1834. Jan Zygmunt in Kosieczyn was to receive the title of Count of Saxony in 1743. His descendants began to use the following coat of arms: a shield divided at the top, halved at the top, the right prince's cap in the red field, a silver gusset in the blue field on the left, and a steel helmet in the lower part in the silver field. Above the shield is a count's crown, including three ostrich feathers. His descendant Gustaw, the captain of the Prussian Uhlans, received from King Friedrich Wilhelm III. on February 4, 1835 the Prussian count title with this coat of arms change: a shield in The upper part is divided across it, the upper part bisected, right - in the blue field towards the middle a silver gaff, left - in the field with gold - a blue noble crown (?); in the lower part a steel helmet in a silver field. The Count's crown above the shield. Both coats of arms are placed in the count work. Ostrovsky. Descendant of Władysław, owner of the Kowalski estate in 1730. Józef Marcin, son of Adam née Antonina Dulicka, grandson of Marcyan, great-grandson of Jan in 1842, and Witold, his son, in 1851, and Aleksandra, heiress of Kowalewko 1743. , descendant of Emilian, son of Antoni nee Anna Majewska, grandson of Franciszek, proved their noble origins in the kingdom (A. b. Her.) in 1852. In Galicia they left the nobility in 1782: Józef at the court in Lviv and Józef at the city court in Oświęcim (Goł.).

    Mikołaj of Chojnice of this coat of arms testifies to the nobility of Jerzy, the head of Sambor, in Przemyśl in 1436. The same Mikołaj appears frequently in Sanok records up to 1464 (AGZ. XI and XIII). Barbara, wife of Bonawentura Gembicki in 1630. Andrzej, cupbearer of Bełz in 1660. N. wrote to the Ruthenian Voivodeship to proclaim Augustus II.

    Town and country > Poznań > Inscriptions > 16th century > Part 2

    737 (#951) 1589

    Wawrzyniec Gembicki Secret of JKMcia, pw Zofja Zbyszewska from Gosławice, died after Jan Zbyszewski (f. 603v)

    5372 (#948) 1587

    Jan Gembicki op. her children: Stefan, Piotr, Małgorzata and Zofja GG. by Kat. Cielecka, nee, gives his wife Wawrzyniec, Maciej nee, and Wawrzyniec a Stryjecz. bciom my GG., et al. (f. 171)

    8229 (#934) 1580

    Katarzyna Cielecka, father Mikołaj Janowicz, C., w. Jan Gembicki, in Comrade Dobrogosta, uncle of the family C., her husband's envelope in Gembice p. Poznań is deleted (f. 186v). Wawrzyniec Gembicki pays tribute to his family's brother. Jan Gembicki, from PLN 1,600. (f. 187).

    8617 (#931) 1578

    Jan Gembicki, gives the commitment. Malgorzata Galewska, died after ol. Mikołaj Cielecki, Jan Roskowski, the Przemyśl clan, Mikołaj Spławski and Jan Cielecki Adamowicz opp. kids Mikołaj C. that after + his mother Dorota Ninińska, Mrs. on Gembice, or after attribution for 1/2 part of the father. and acquired by Gen. Wawrzyniec G.'s brother in Gembice near Poznań, will bind 1,200 zlotys. Pos. and v. Katarzyna Cielecka, former father Mikoł., his future wife (f. 13v). 16.IV.

    8878 (#936) 1581

    Pawel Gembicki 800 PLN per piece. to his daughters: Regina and Anna (f. 154v), pos. and 200 PLN each. lead out

    8980 (#936) 1581

    Paweł Gembicki nominated Opp. Children: f. Regina Skrzetuska, Marcin S. Czulta and others. (f. 574v)

    9285 (#938) 1582

    Marcin Skrzetuski, Regina S-ej, d. after Paweł Gembicki for Wojciech Loszinski, spr. Counter rent Gembic (f. 699). Wawrzyniec Gembicki, s. Father Paweł G. commits L-give Regina S. d. to Ol. Pawle G. (f. 700)

    10398 (#945) 1585

    Introduction by Jan Gembicki. to all cz and domains. the village of Boguniewo near Poznan. for PLN 6,000. by Mikołaj Sapiński (f. 615v)

    Grodzkie and Land> Poznań> Inscriptions> 17th century

    479 (#968) 1598

    G. Jan Gembicki, cupbearer from Poznań, record 320 PLN debt. Kaspr Gowarzewski and Ewa Januszowska, married (f. 1105v)

    3390 (#996) 1616

    G. Stefan from Gembice Gembicki, a teacup in Kalisz, town of Baranów and nearby villages: Grębania, Łęka, Borowno, Mroczyn, Podkoncze in P. Ostrzeszów, today by G. Jan from Tomice Tomicki, ol. And. Son, for PLN 30 thousand Wyderk., T-mu lease. (f. 342v). G.Wojc. de Kempno Biskupski Wierzbięta plent certificate. and oh Anna Stoliecka f. T-go and Magdalena T. virgin, his sister (f. 544)

    4222 (#1004) 1620

    M.Stef. Gembicki, Rogoz clan, old Nakielski, Zap. Debt PLN 8,000. G. Annie Pierzchównie, died after ol. G Stan. Ostromięcki (f. 690)

    Grodzkie and country > Poznań > Inscriptions > 17th / 18th century

    75 (No. 1111 I) 1686

    Paweł Gembicki, Łęczyca clan, Dybowski family, husband of Eleonora née Mniewska (f. 62)

    225 (No. 1111 III) 1686

    Andrzej Gembicki intern and Piła in them. St. and f. Katarzyna Grzymułtowska from I and Mikołaj Stanisław Szawroński in them. St. and wife Katarzyna Wierzchowska from II robots. Contract sv PLN 9,000 p. (f. 3v).

    285 (No. 1111 III) 1686

    Stefan Gembicki of the Płock clan with I and Adam Prądzyński and Konstancja Trzcińska with the second contract (f. 39v).

    410 (No. 1111 IV) 1686

    Andrzej Gembicki internship in them. St. and wife Katarzyna Grzymułtowska, from I and Kaz. Tomicki in them. St. and f. Bogumiła Skarszewska with the 2nd 3-year contract robbing leasing villages Radosiewie, Siedliska, Ronowo near Poznań sv PLN 24,000. (f. 76)

    1187 (No. 1113 IV) 1687

    And. Chamberlain of Poznań Gembicki, Academy of Fine Arts, Piła and Kosciański on behalf of St. and f. Winkel. Grzymułtowska with I and Maciej Dolecki in it. St. and f. Teresa Kaczkowska, counter. 3 years. Deprive the villages of Lubionka and Kotunia. sv PLN 49,000 p. (f. 6v)

    1600 (#1139X) 1700

    Jan Gembicki, the Płoc clan. in them. St. and f. barbs. Ponińska from I and Mikołaj from Wybr. Swinarski, s. Bartłomiej, in them. St. and father from the second receipt. from the contract sv 36,000 PLN p. (f. 125v). Bartłomiej Sw. In p. 36 thousand he had a replacement from the clan of his former domain. ie the town of Margomin and the villages of Przyl. (f. 126). Jan G.d. Margonin, Margońska village Bartłomiej Sw., S. Father Wojciech Sw. For PLN 32,000. promise (f. 127)

    3594 (No. 1107 III) 1684

    Stefan Gembicki, the Płock clan, in them. St. and Mrs. Anna Krasińska, Kraśniewice in the province. treat. Axis. with app. Samuel Kossakowski for PLN 10,000. edited (f19)

    3878 (No. 1127 III) 1694

    In it Jan Paweł Gembicki, s. Stefan from the Płock family. St. and Marjanny f. Dominik Łętkowski and Katarzyna, their sisters. Receipt. Krzysztof-Fryderyk Zaydlic (f. 85v) Krzysztof-Fryd. Z. see above Henryka Z.; Anna Krasińska f. Clan Cockroach. (f. 86) Anna Elżb. Slichtynkowna, father of Kasper-Henryka Sl., F. Krzysztof-Fryd. Z. (f. 87) has a file from her husband for 25,000 zlotys. on 1/2 of the village of Herzztop. Now he brings it to her in the village of Głybokie in S. Poznań (f. 87v)

    3912 (No. 1127 IV) 1694

    Jan-Paweł Gęmbicki, see Stefan of the Płock family, Gembice in S. Poznań, Krzysztof-Fryderyk Zaydlicz, see Father Henryk Z. for PLN 63,000. sold (f. 82) his mother Anna Krasińska lives (f. 85)

    Grodzkie and country > Poznań > Inscriptions > 17th / 18th century

    3940 (No. 1127V) 1694

    Maciej Gembicki, see father Paweł from the Łęczyca family, villages Konieckowo, Smierzyn and Smierzynek S. of the Civil Code. Flanciszek-Wilhelm Błęndowski for 10,000 zlotys. on 1 year of publication (f. 31v, 32) The Clan Pilarowo p. inowrocł. and Załakowo p.Kcyń. Wojc. Radzyński for PLN 14,000. on 1 year of publication (f. 32v)

    6475 (#1268) 1742

    Karol and Wojciech, née Miarkowsky, ol. Franciszek, the Lędzki clan, PLN 20,000 zp. PLN 60,000 p. by Ol. Jan Sapieha (hereditary uncle) in Bobruisk. right 1701 oil assigned to my uncle, from p. 122.000 from ol. Andrzej Twardowski in 1699 Sapieże record. he resigns to Wojciech stolnik from Poznań and to Michał, JKMci i RP. Brothers of the Blessed Mother MM. (f. 105v) Wojciech stolnik pozn., gembicki, ol. Wojciech Klanica Krzywin. uncle heir. (f. 106v)

    12966 (#1251) 1737

    M. Roch Gembicki, see Father Jan, Gembic in p. of this village sv 30,000 zloty The foil is silent because it is arranged after the foiling and is in (f. 50 and 51) [Notor. wrong wrong]

    14068 (No. 1130 XI) 1695

    Dorota from Przyłęk Grotówna near Ol. Adriana from ol. Zofja von Nieczayna Sobocka, widow of Stanisław von Graboski from the Rogoz clan. present 2-ov. With. Mother. by Gembic Gembicki, ol. Paweł from the Łęczyca clan. son, oh Kazimierz Cave of the villages of Dambrówka, Dambrowa, Sobiesierne, Skorzewo, the bishop's heir. + sister and heir. the only one in comrade Wojciech von Niecz. Sobocki's brother, uncle and Jan Linowski's aunt. Brother, good also in S. Poznan, Jan Ulatowski, sub table from Dobrzyń, see father Szymon Ulat., for 130,000 zlotys. Before. (f. 71) Maciej Gembicki s. father Pawła from the Łęczyca family, Jan Dybow., town and manor Łabiszyn. and the villages of Smogorzewo, Ogrzanowo, Cegielnica, Oporowo, Pielatowo inowrocł Voivodeship., Zalakowo, Smerzyno, Smerzynko, Konieckowo, Obocznia, Wałownica Kalis Voivodeship. Heritage of the woman of the good above in pp. Bromberg and kc. for PLN 122,000. from the price of goods from Dambrowka and Dambrowa sold today by his wife Ulatowski for 1 year, (f. 73)

    14330 (No. 1133 VIII) 1697

    Jan of Gembice Gembicki, Plock family, property of the town of Margonin and rural villages, for 1/2 of the estate, f. Barbara Ponińska, c.Hier. Rogozin clan. with Teresa Chociszewska, recording. Pos. 30,000 PLN and v. (f. 17v)

    14449 (#1135X) 1698

    Jan from Gembice Gembicki clan from Płock, Margonin improved last year's recruitment to 30,000 after receiving former Rogoz, now Gniezno clan from Hieronim Poniński. Jan Babin., father of his wife Barbara B., born of Teresa Chociszewska PLN 13,000, iR her PLN 13,000. Pos. and v. (f. 3v)

    16116 (#1339) 1765

    [wrong] G. Ignacy Gembicki, S. Father Rocha G., receipt Maciej Mężyński from 9,000 PLN. (f. 78) [fake]

    Grodzkie and Land> Poznań> Accounts> 17th century

    114 (No. 255) 1698

    Wafer from the Gr. Ciechanów. 1673. Jan Gembicki, bishop. Płocki cedes Stefan G. to the Rogoz clan. pronepotowi well all areas. and replace father and mac. Gembice Str. and N. and Ostobok in S. Poznań (f. 101)

    266 (No. 199) 1672

    X. Jan Gembicki, Bishop Płocki I and Andrzej G. Łowczy nk is Nowodwor., with the second uncle and sons contract. Łowczy d. Gembice N. and St. with f. Osłobog in S. Poznań to my uncle in large Warsaw. no later than 3 Sundays for PLN 50,000. Resignation (f. 831) Warsaw, Mon. Visiting. NMP 1672; and sold on the Tuesday after the visit. NMP (f. 831)

    842 (No. 196) 1669

    Andrzej from Gembice Gembicki becomes Nowodworski, a dish. JKMci, appoints plentifully (f. 462v)

    876 (No. 196) 1669

    Andrzej Gembicki was a Statigenowski, courtier. JKMci and Katarzyna Barbara from Czarnków spouses, (f. 706) they c. Mrs. Franc. Sedziwoja Cz. Posen clan (f. 729v)

    2532 (No. 169) 1644

    Piotr Molski, buyer of rights from Wojciech Załuskowski pw Stefan Gębicki wdzie Łęczyc; The mouth. sold Laskowo Z-mu sv 25,000 PLN; Elżbieta from Walewice, C. Zygmunt Walewski from ol. Zofja from Bnin Radzewska, ol. Beaty de Laskowo ol. Here. Radzewski, ex-Nepot's wife, heir to mother and grandmother; Dobrogost Gembicki stastawiszyn. and Barbara Choińska marj. (f. 258) Elsewhere grandfather Radz. names. Krzysztof (f. 260)

    2660 (#181) 1657

    Krzysztof Gembicki, the Gniezno clan. intromit. to the property Gembice S. Poznan. by Ol. Piotr G., Bishop of Posen (f. 7v)

    2833 (No. 185) 1661

    Andrzej Gembicki the starost of Tygenhoff, see father Krzysztof G. Klan gn. (f. 59)

    Grodzkie and country> Poznań> Resignations> 16th century

    8600 (#1396) 1558

    N. Piotr Gembicki on 1/2 of his role. the village of Gembicze near Poznan. 200 PLN. Pos. and tw ż. Dorothy, C. Ol. Grzegorz Niniński (f. 606)

    8654 (#1396) 1558

    N. Piotr Gembicki, all from his father Wojciech G. bought in the village of Gębice near Poznań to Paweł G. to his brother. gives in. weak. for some fields fell to ol. Piotr G. Uncle in the village of Gębice near Poznań (f. 641v) Paweł G. on 1/2 p. Part of the village of Gębice zap. Pos. 200 PLN. and partly ż. Annie, C. Andrzej Niniński (f. 642)

    8732 (No.1396) 1559

    N. Jan Gembicki, full part father and mac. and from the decline of the ol. Piotr G. fell to his uncle and next to the brothers Piotr and Paweł G. - their inheritance, in the village of Gembicze near Poznań, Paweł G. - his brother in the gen. bestows eternity (f. 703)

    8735 (#1396) 1559

    N. Paweł Gembicki, whole voice from this year Johannes et. acquired in B. in the village of Gembicze p. Poznań, gives life. in the user of this family brother (f. 704)

    10851 (#1398) 1570

    N. Paweł Gembicki on 1/2 dd. in the village of Gembice near Poznań. 500 PLN. Pos. and tw ż. Regina, CO. Stanisla. Skrzetuski Czolta, (f. 160)

    13013 (#1400) 1589

    N. Jan Gembicki, whole part area village Gembice near Poznań for 230 zlotys. ed. Brother of the Maciej G. family (f. 259)

    Grodzkie and country> Poznań> Resignations> 16th century

    13637 (#1400) 1592

    N. Wawrzyniec Gembicki, SP Piotr G., the whole role area father in village Gembice near Poznań fell to her + her father, heir. next to G. Jan G. the Poznań cupbearer, and N. Maciej G. with his families, N. Mich. Nieżuchowski for 600 zlotys. ed. for 1 year (f. 906)

    13864 (#1401) 1593

    N. Wawrzyniec Gembicki s.Ol. N. Piotr Gembicki, all part the village Gembicze p. Poznań fell after the division with former G. Jan G. while Poznań and N. Maciej G. for 600 zlotys. N. Marcin Pierski on the ed. (f. 62v)

    14198 (#1401) 1595

    N. Maciej Gembicki 800 PLN p. and tv for 1/2 of all he hands over his goods to Regina Skarmirowska, c.ol. n. Jakub S. - Mon. after sun Jubilieren (f. 388)

    Grodzkie and country> Poznań> Resignations> 17th century> Part 1

    1463 (No. 1429) 1679

    Katarzyna Czarnkowska c.Franc. Sedziwoja Cz. Poznań clan. by Anna Konstancja née Weiher, now 2-o by Wojc. Konstantyna z Goraj Brezy Jan Nowodor., Divorce. Wife of Andrzej Gembicki Jan Nowodwor. 1/2 of the village of Ludomy and the village of Wierdunki and cz. the village of Borukhovo os. S. Poznań and 1/2 Orłowo and Drzewek pus. (her former heir, Paweł Gembicki, the Łęczyca clan) to his mother and stepfather for 50,000 zlotys. Before. (f. 1)

    2588 (#1408) 1613

    Stefan Gembicki, ol. Jan G. Mundschenk, know son, fulfills duties. Data according to Rusiborz Cielecka's cat., given in the village after the cupbearer, his mother and Łukasz Gułtowski, Andrzej Rosnowski, for himself, on behalf of St. and: Piotr, Dobrogost, Andrzej, Krzysztof and Jan, Gemb. from his family, 1/2 from Boguniewo in S. Poznań, to Andrzej Rosnowski for 3,500 zlotys. on the (f. 444)

    6317 (#1422) 1645

    Dobrogost Gembicki became sta waisishin completes the reward for Katarzyna Wujakowska, c. Eremjan W, deputy of Zs. Industrie, his wife and a deletion. his comp., depreciates on 1/2 of the property. 6,000 PLN. in cash and 2,000 PLN. in Jewels (f. 166)

    6356 (#1422) 1645

    Paweł Gembicki, Santoc clan, property from the villages of Lubiekowo, Herstop, Dłusko and Karczewski. Comp. of the wife of Barbara Rozdrażewska, c.ol. Here. clan traffic. on p. 30,000 PLNp. in Jankowice he transfers the dowry to the above-mentioned properties (f. 251) in S. 40,000 zloty.

    6429 (#1422) 1645

    Paweł Gembicki, the Santocki clan and Barb. Rozdrażewska married, formerly Jankowice, Kościelny Czeradz, Rumianko and Lusowko os. Zygmunt von Skrzypno Twardowski as substitute judge. and lower level. GR. know the secret. JKMci, for PLN 86,000 p. Before. (f. 426)

    6557 (#1422) 1646

    Paweł Gembicki, clan Santocki, died Lubiekowo, Herstop. Dłusko, Karczewko and others after a skax. Comp. Wife Barbara Rozdrażewska, née Father Here. clan traffic. who were in Jankowice, Czeradz Kościel., Rumianko and Lusowko, he transfers to Lubiekowo, Herstop, Dłusko and Karczewki in S. 40,000 zlotys. (f. 858v)

    8252 (#1412) 1621

    Stefan Gembicki Rogoz clan, permanent Naklo, 1/2 Pomeranian os. for PLN 8,000. ed. Adam Olbracht Przyjemski curnium SRM praefecto, blacksmith. (f. 1098)

    8274 (#1412) 1621

    Stefan Gembicki, the Rogoz clan. Permanent housing, their settlements Borzysławice Kościelne, Barłogi and Grodna, os. Katarzyna Jastrzembska, died after ol. Stanisla. Wargowski, present 2-o v. Ż. Krzysztof Cielecki, the śrem clan. and Jakub W. their son for 12,000 zlotys. ed. (f. 1144)

    8670 (#1418) 1634

    Stefan Gęmbicki Rogoz clan. Villages: Łaszków from f., Petryki from f., Ostrówek p. Kalis., Wojciech Załuskowski, s. father Jakub Z., for 25,500 zlotys. Before. (f. 58v) and his wife Elżbieta z Grudny, ed. 20,000 Zap. Transfers to 1/2 goods (f. 60)

    9540 (#1419) 1638

    Paweł Gembicki, a cup of Poznań on his estates: Jankowice, Czeradz, Lussowko, Rumienko, p. Poznań (with the exception of the village of Boguniewo p. Gn.), F. Barbara Rozrażewskiej, born father Hieronim R. from the Międzyrzecz family, att. Pos. 10,000 PLN (f. 1077v)

    9598 (#1419) 1639

    Paweł Gembicki, Poznan cupbearer in the village of Jankowice p. Barbara Rozdrażewskiej, the father of Hieronim R. from the intercultural clan, ret. Pos. 30,000 PLN (f. 1171)

    9603 (#1419) 1639

    Paweł Gembicki, cupbearer from Poznań, see Stefan in Łęczyca, formerly Boguniewo, Nienawiść os. Zalasowo, pus. Via to Andrzej Grudziński for a cal. for 33,000 zlotys. Before. (f. 1183), barbs. Rozdrażewska f. Certificate

    11372 (IP 1067X) 1654

    Paweł Gembicki, Międzyrzecki clan, Lubiechowo Voivodeship, Dłusko and Karczówki for PLN 8,400. chapter of mathematics. gn. ed. (f. 408)

    Grodzkie and country> Poznań> Resignations> 17th century> Part 2

    775 (#1869) 1670

    M.Stef. Gembicki, Rogoz clan, f. Witkowice from the town of Margonin, Marcinek mill and tavern in the

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