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Follow God's Will [WORKBOOK]
Follow God's Will [WORKBOOK]
Follow God's Will [WORKBOOK]
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Follow God's Will [WORKBOOK]

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Have you ever wondered, "What would God want me to do?" or "How should I handle this situation as a Christian?"

You don't have to guess and hope for the best.

Full of thought-provoking questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, helpful checklists, and beautiful printable worksheets you can use again

Release dateOct 4, 2022
Follow God's Will [WORKBOOK]

Brittany Ann

Brittany Ann is an ECPA bestselling author, speaker, and the founder of, a popular Christian-living website featured by CBN, the Christian Post, Crosswalk, and others. Brittany is married to an incredible godly husband, and together they have three adorably energetic children.

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    Follow God's Will [WORKBOOK] - Brittany Ann

    Copyright © 2022 Equipping Godly Women Ministries, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form without prior written consent of the author. Brief quotations may be copied for the purposes of review or social sharing, if and only if they are properly credited and the meaning of the quotation is not affected.

    Based on Follow God's Will, published by Esther Press, an imprint of David C Cook

    © 2022 Equipping Godly Women Ministries, LLC

    Publishing and Design Services:

    ISBN: 978-1-7364906-2-4 (paperback), 978-1-7364906-3-1 (ebook)

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    The author has added italics to Scripture quotations for emphasis.

    Details in some stories have been changed to protect the identities of persons involved.

    The website addresses recommended throughout this book are offered as an additional resource to you and are up-to-date at the time of publication.



    Part 1: Discover God’s Will

    1. The Two Greatest Commandments

    What does God ask of us?

    2. The Four Calls on Every Christian’s Life

    What does Jesus want us to do?

    3. Understanding God’s Written Word

    How do I apply the Bible’s instructions to my life today?

    4. Hearing God’s Spoken Word

    Where is God leading me personally?

    5. Finding Opportunities to Serve

    How can I make a difference right where I am?

    6. Making Wise Decisions

    What would God want me to do in this situation?

    Part 2 : Follow God’s Will

    7. Cultivating Spiritual Disciplines

    How do I live out my faith on a day-to-day basis?

    8. Standing Strong for What You Believe

    How do I live out my faith when others disagree?

    9. Choosing Your Friendships Wisely

    How should I navigate relationships with non-Christians?

    10. Witnessing with Truth and Love

    How can I share the gospel without being weird or pushy?

    11. Speaking Up against Sin and Wrongdoing

    When should I confront others’ sin, and how?

    12. Cultivating a Faith-Filled Mindset

    How can I follow God’s will faithfully when life is hard?


    List of Printable Resources

    Love God, Love Others Printable

    30-Day Share the Love Challenge

    Bible Study Cheat Sheet

    Main Idea Bible Study Worksheet

    Bible Journaling Templates

    Bible Bookmarks

    Wise Decisions Flow Chart

    Printable Prayer List

    Printable Scripture Verse Cards

    Spiritual Discipline Habit Tracker

    How to Share the Gospel

    Biblical Positive Affirmation Cards

    You can find full-color, printable versions of each of these worksheets and more by visiting


    I suppose it was my fault for not being cooperative enough.

    When my husband graciously volunteered to make a late-night junk food run, I could have told him exactly what sort of sweet treat I was craving. Cookies? Brownies? Cupcakes?

    Instead, I’d refused to give him a direct answer. I don’t know. You know what I like. Anything is fine with me, I’d replied, waving him off dismissively.

    As it turns out, I probably should have been more specific.

    Forty-five minutes later, my overachieving husband came back from the store carrying not one, not two, but three bags of options, which he spread out across the counter buffet-style for me to choose from.

    Chips ahoy. Oreos. Nestle break and bake cookies. Boxed brownie mix. Brownies with icing. White chocolate covered pretzels. Two kinds of boxed candy. It was all there.

    I just stared at him, unsure how to react. After all, he had technically done what I’d asked. He brought me treats I liked. And yet, this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind …

    Of course, it isn’t like I could blame him.

    How often had I done the same thing, only on a smaller scale? The last few times my husband had asked me to grab tomato soup, potato chips, or breakfast burritos from the store, I’d bought two or three options each, unsure which exact brand or variety he would prefer.

    Alternately, how often had I chosen to go the opposite route—buying nothing because I didn’t know which option to choose, leading him to believe I didn’t care about him or what he wanted at all?

    Clearly, neither of these strategies were a good long-term solution. And yet, how often do we use these same strategies when trying to live out God’s will for our lives today?

    As Christians, we have a good idea of which types of behaviors God does and doesn’t like. We know we’re supposed

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