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Mrs G’s Family Fun Book: Let’s read stories, draw pictures and colour together.
Mrs G’s Family Fun Book: Let’s read stories, draw pictures and colour together.
Mrs G’s Family Fun Book: Let’s read stories, draw pictures and colour together.
Ebook77 pages53 minutes

Mrs G’s Family Fun Book: Let’s read stories, draw pictures and colour together.

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'Family Fun' is for children of all ages, There are stories for small children like the one about Molly who was very upset because she couldn't find her Teddy bear at bedtime. To stories for older children like Brett who thought (like most twelve year olds) that he had found a haunted house. Poem are there as well and on some pages there are pictures to colour. The older children can read their stories and parents can read to little children. In our lives our imaginations create many types of dreams and adventures and I think that 'Family Fun' could help young minds to stay active. (Mrs G.)
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateOct 10, 2022
Mrs G’s Family Fun Book: Let’s read stories, draw pictures and colour together.

Arlene Geoffrey

As a child who loved reading from a very early age it shouldn't be a surprise that I began to write. My writing consists of the scripts and lyrics that I wrote for the children's theatre company that I ran for over forty years. The poems that I wrote and were published in our towns community paper each month and the children's stories that I wrote purely for pleasure. I had a husband who loved to read and two children who also loved books. Now that I am eighty two years old (or eighty two years young) and living on my own, I still love to write children's stories. If we have an imagination it never stops creating. Even when the rest of our body slows down the imagination is still there. (Mrs G.)

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    Mrs G’s Family Fun Book - Arlene Geoffrey

    Copyright © 2022 by Arlene Geoffrey.

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    The Lonely Gumboots

    The Land of Sparkle

    The Lost Sock

    Earth to Mother


    Blue Feather

    Gran’s Treasure

    The Playground

    The Secret of the Map

    The Sea

    Teddy Bear Ribbons

    The Green Glow

    Toe Jam and Pickle


    Fairies I Have Known

    About the Author


    T he little gumboots sat in the cupboard feeling sorry for themselves. Why are you so grumpy? asked the neat black school shoe.

    Leave us alone grumbled the lonely little gumboots who hadn’t been worn for weeks and weeks.

    The cupboard door began to open. The gumboots stopped crying, and looked up excitedly to see if Emily was going to choose her gumboots to wear. Now let me see. I’m not going to school, so I don’t need to wear school shoes. I’m not going to a party, so I don’t need party shoes.

    The little gumboots began to fidget. Oh boy they thought maybe she’s going to play in the mud. They wriggled around trying to get near the front of the cupboard so that Emily would notice them.

    I’m going to play with my skipping rope, so I’ll need my sneakers. Emily picked up her sneakers and closed the cupboard door. The little gumboots began to cry again.

    Here we go again said the school shoe.

    The fluffy slipper slid across the cupboard to the gumboots, she snuggled up close so that they would feel comfortable. Don’t cry dears she said like a kindly Granny, we all have to wait our turn for Emily to wear us.

    Yes we know sobbed the gumboots, but you get worn every morning. And school shoes go out every week day, but we have to just sit here forever waiting for it to rain. Nothing Slipper said would cheer up the gumboots. They sobbed and sobbed.

    School Shoe started to complain about the noise again, until Slipper told him to show a little kindness. After a few hugs and cuddles from Slipper, the gumboots stopped crying and went to sleep. All was quiet in the cupboard, so quiet that the Slipper heard the rain on the roof. She smiled to herself.

    The cupboard door opened again. I wonder where my gumboots are? said Emily as she put her sneakers back in the cupboard.

    Slipper nudged the gumboots. Wake up she whispered, it’s raining.

    Emily moved her school shoes, and then her party shoes, her sandals and her ballet shoes. At last she found her gumboots in the corner next to her slippers.

    Ah there they are. I’ll put them on and go and splash in the puddles.

    The gumboots were so excited, they wriggled and made it hard for Emily to put them on. At last the two blue gumboots were on and Emily ran outside.

    Whoopee! shouted the gumboots. Whoopee they said again. Emily and her gumboots ran and shouted and jumped in every puddle. They sloshed in the mud and had great fun.

    That night when the gumboots were dried and put away in the cupboard, they snuggled up to Slipper and told her about their wonderful day.


    Picture to colour of Emily jumping in

    a puddle wearing her gumboots.


    O nce upon a time in a very tiny little place called Sparkle, there lived some Fairies. Of course if the place was called Sparkle, you would expect Fairies to live there.

    This place was called Sparkle because instead of trees being planted everywhere, there were pretty circles

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