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The Ten Greatest Lies & Hypocrisies in the Christian World
The Ten Greatest Lies & Hypocrisies in the Christian World
The Ten Greatest Lies & Hypocrisies in the Christian World
Ebook43 pages25 minutes

The Ten Greatest Lies & Hypocrisies in the Christian World

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Luke 12:1, Jesus said: “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.”
In the same breath, I say to you: “Beware of the yeast of Paul’s Christianity which is lie and hypocrisy.”
All I see today are the Christians of Paul, hardly the Christians of Jesus.
Where is Jesus? He is there still buried beneath the 2,000 years of lies and hypocrisies of the Christianity of Paul.
If the Jews crucified the living Jesus on the cross, the Christianity of Paul murdered the risen Christ right after his resurrection.
Behold the “TEN GREATEST LIES & HYPOCRISIES” that up to now are wreaking havoc in our Christian world.

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Release dateOct 14, 2022
The Ten Greatest Lies & Hypocrisies in the Christian World

Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol

RODOLFO MARTIN VITANGCOL spent his high school in the seminary, and worked his way through college, graduating with a BSC degree in Commerce majoring in Accounting at the Philippine College of Commerce.He worked with a foreign bank [Bank of America] for six years before pursuing a career in sales. In sales, he joined U-Bix Corporation and John Clements Consultants, and, for some time, also went into a build-and-sell business. After about six years in sales, he put up a training firm [FILIPINO SALESMASTERS CONSULTANTS which has now been changed into ATTITUDINALIST TRAINING CENTER] specializing in salesmanship, attitude, leadership, and customer service programs.In a span of 30 years now as a professional trainor, Mr. Vitangcol has already trained more than 200 companies to more or less 50,000 employees throughout the Philippines.

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    Book preview

    The Ten Greatest Lies & Hypocrisies in the Christian World - Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol



    Lie & Hypocrisy # 1

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 2

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 3

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 4

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 5

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 6

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 7

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 8

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 9

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 10



    Luke 12:1, Jesus said:

    Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees, which is HYPOCRISY.

    In the same breath, I say to you: Beware of the yeast of Paul’s Christianity which is lie and hypocrisy.

    All I see today are the CHRISTIANS OF PAUL, hardly the CHRISTIANS OF JESUS. 

    Where is Jesus?  He is there still buried beneath the 2,000 years of lies and hypocrisies of the Christianity of Paul.

    If the Jews crucified the LIVING JESUS on the cross, the Christianity of Paul murdered the RISEN CHRIST right after his resurrection.

    Behold the TEN GREATEST LIES & HYPOCRISIES that up to now are wreaking havoc in our Christian world.

    Lie & Hypocrisy # 1


    The Christians, through the antichrist teachings of Paul, believe there is only ONE LIFE and that ONE LIFE is the ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN.

    They believe we’re but mere pilgrims here on earth on the way to our true destination which is in the heaven above;

    And that if this LIFE ON EARTH is the only life we can hope for, we are but the most pitiable people of all in the world.

    1 Corinthians 15:19, Paul wrote:

    If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.

    And so while they are in their earthly bodies, they are continually GROANING INWARD as in pains of childbirth while awaiting the redemption of their bodies to be with God in heaven.

    Romans 8:22-23, Paul wrote:

    We know that the whole creation has been GROANING as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

    Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, GROAN INWARDLY as we

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