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The Christianity of Paul versus the Jemi of Jesus
The Christianity of Paul versus the Jemi of Jesus
The Christianity of Paul versus the Jemi of Jesus
Ebook29 pages18 minutes

The Christianity of Paul versus the Jemi of Jesus

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What is a "JEMI"?

The word "JEMI" came from the first 2 letters of the word JESUS and the first 2 letters of the word MISSION.

JEMI is not an organization of religious people coming together every Sunday to sing, dance, and listen to the so-called word of God in exchange for money called tithes and donations.

Rather, JEMI is a class of people who commit themselves to the Mission of Jesus of bringing life to the world in a way where those who need help will be helped, as those who can help shall help, loving their neighbors as they love themselves, all done not with an expectation of a reward of salvation or of going to heaven, but only for the fullest glorification of our Father in Heaven through his only Son Jesus Christ.

And what is "CHRISTIANITY?" 

CHRISTIANITY is the religion of Paul, not of Jesus.  It follows to the letter all the teachings of Paul which unfortunately run counter with the teachings of Jesus.



Happy reading!

Release dateOct 16, 2022
The Christianity of Paul versus the Jemi of Jesus

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    Book preview

    The Christianity of Paul versus the Jemi of Jesus - Rodolfo Martin Vitangcol

    Table of Contents

    The Christianity of Paul versus the Jemi of Jesus



    FIRST DIFFERENCE | The GOD of the CHRISTIANS OF PAUL is Yahweh—that brutal, vengeful, and murderous Yahweh there in the Old Testament.

    SECOND DIFFERENCE | The basis of faith of Christianity is the entire bible, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament.

    THIRD DIFFERENCE | The spiritual guide of the Christians is Paul who is masquerading as an apostle sent by Jesus.

    FOURTH DIFFERENCE | The CHRISTIANS OF PAUL join a church for personal salvation.  Paul indoctrinated them that the church of Jesus is the way to PERSONAL SALVATION.  Outside the church, there is no salvation.

    FIFTH DIFFERENCE | The CHRISTIANS OF PAUL do good to people for the reward of eternal life.

    SIXTH DIFFERENCE | The CHRISTIANS OF PAUL love one another as one brother and sister IN THE FAITH and do good to all, though with special preference to fellow members in the church.

    SEVENTH DIFFERENCE | The CHRISTIANS OF PAUL believe that through the death of Jesus on the cross, all their sins have been cleansed away, deserving of the kingdom of God in heaven.

    EIGHT DIFFERENCE | The CHRISTIANS OF PAUL look at life on earth as something they have to patiently bear with while they await the coming of the Lord.

    NINTH DIFFERENCE | The CHRISTIANS OF PAUL see going to church and feeding her with money offerings as their never-to-be-missed obligation to God.


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