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The Mysterious Story of God
The Mysterious Story of God
The Mysterious Story of God
Ebook221 pages3 hours

The Mysterious Story of God

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After visiting more than 500 important religious sites, studying more than 1,000 religious, anthropological, and archaeological texts, and years of careful and intense meditation, author Dinesh Sastry has reached some important revelations he considers to be absolute truths.

In The Mysterious Story of God, he reveals secrets of God and breaks the code embedded in the Bible, the Bhagavat Gita, Hindu Puranas, and other religious, political, and pop culture texts and occurrences. Through the years, he’s been in touch with top world leaders and corporate titans and is privy to exhilarating truths and revelations, which he shares. He divulges who the covert agencies of the United States and other countries have concluded is the final avatar of God on Earth.

Sastry reminds all that the mystery of God is like a complex puzzle, using codes only one person in the history of time and humanity, with the key to the scroll, can solve completely.
Release dateDec 3, 2019
The Mysterious Story of God

Dinesh Sastry

Dinesh Sastry lead a long career in politics, business, and current events. He provides a unique look at the scriptures of all religions, especially Bible and Hindu Puranas. Sastry is involved in covert programs that help the world juxtapose world events with scriptures in Hinduism and the Abrahamic lineage of religions.

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    The Mysterious Story of God - Dinesh Sastry

    Copyright © 2019 Dinesh Sastry.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2573-8 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2572-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019919657

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 10/06/2022


    Absolute Truths and Important Revelations



    Chapter 1 – Introductions

    Chapter 2 – Heaven on Earth

    Chapter 3 – A Difference

    Chapter 4 – Official Prophets & Saints and

    Key Pieces to Mystery of God

    Chapter 5 – Kali and the Pregnant Woman

    Chapter 6 – The White House of the United States is the Temple of the Lord

    Chapter 7 – Two Witnesses and Beast and False Prophet

    Chapter 8 – Heroes

    Chapter 9 – Messages

    Chapter 10 – The Mark of the Beast

    Chapter 11 – Mystery Babylon/Kali Era

    Chapter 12 – Rumors of War

    Photo Gallery

    Chapter 13 – Lamb’s Job Description

    Chapter 14 – Consequences of New World and Heaven on Earth

    Chapter 15 – Marriage Bureau

    Chapter 16 – Creation of Divine Sun, God, and Universe

    Chapter 17 – The Appearance of Lord Kalki

    Chapter 18 – The Activities of Lord Kalki

    Chapter 19 – The Return of the Golden Age--Satya-Yuga

    Chapter 20 – God Would Rather

    Chapter 21 – The End Times


    Synchronicity and Coincidence

    The Eight Kings, Mystery Babylon

    Mathew 25:40


    Dinesh Sastry’s Background in Politics and Business

    Photo Links


    Behind Closed Doors

    The Bride of the Lamb

    The Making of a Democrat Kingmaker

    Condolences for Durvasula V. Sastry

    Absolute Truths and Important Revelations


    I would like to dedicate this book to the loving memory of my father Durvasula Venkata Sastry, who was my inspiration, my mentor, and my guide. His pioneering works in the Indian American community are legendary as his involvement in founding and building and running the iconic Shiva Vishnu Hindu Temple in Livermore, California.

    I also thank his brothers Durvasula Chanti and the memory of his father, Durvasula Venkata Subbarao for inspiring my political activism in both United States and India.

    I would like to also dedicate this book to my father’s brothers, Vedantam Durvasula and Prasad Durvasula who guided me intellectually and spiritually, respectively. Finally, I would like to thank my mother’s large family for all the support they have provided over the decades both in the USA and India. This includes the loving memory of my maternal grandfather Krovi Balakrishnarao. It would not be complete not to thank all of my friends, both male and female, that have been doing God’s work over the decades with extreme patience without complaints.


    5/20/07 Kakinada, A.P., India

    We will explain part of the mystery of God sometimes in the first person as the Mystery of God is a mystery that can only be solved by one person, which is the Lion from the Tribe of Judah with the key to the Scroll. Thus, the entirety of what I narrate or explain cannot be found in any other reference source nor confirmed by any theologian or priest of any religion including the greatest vedic pundits. Parts of the mystery can be confirmed or referenced by other sources, but the mystery is designed to confuse, distract, and lead astray all those who are not in possession of the key to the scroll.

    Throughout modern history, various secret societies and descendant intelligence agencies throughout the world have been sharing secrets about, and on the lookout for the next incarnation of God, the Kalki Avatar, the second Coming of Christ, the Son of Man, and the Lamb. They have also looked for a possible prophet Elijah, the child who rules the nations with an iron scepter, and the Lion from the Tribe of Judah with the key to the Scroll or mystery of God.

    The secret societies that have emanated from the Vatican, in Vatican City near Rome and around the Mediterranean (starting with the Council of Nicaea) and others, later, with British or British East India Company ties have been most prominent and active in the regard and have indirectly or directly founded, influenced, and in some cases completely infiltrated intelligence agencies and even law enforcement agencies and military agencies, especially in the United States of America and some other large nations.

    These groups have analyzed the Book of Revelations in the New Testament (Judeo-Christian Bible) and the Vishnu Puranas, Padma Puranas, and Kalki Puranas of the Hindu faith, and the prophecies regarding the coming of a Messiah in the Old Testament. This study has also led them to study various prophecies in Buddhism regarding the coming of the Maitreya and in Islam regarding the coming of Judgment Day and the coming of Imam Mahdi. The Hindu Puranas are the eldest of these prophecies and revelations and the Biblical Revelations are the most relevant and near in time to modern day Western societies. The Hindu and Christian Revelations and prophecies are the most expansive, detailed, and relevant or applicable to modern times.

    The British were in a prime position to understand the similarities between the Biblical Revelations and their predecessors, the Hindu Puranas. As the British conquered much of India, they learned that Gautham Buddha recited the Kalachakra Tantra in Andhra Pradesh, India. This recital explained the cyclical nature of life on earth and various societies and explained that everything has been done and nearly every person has lived at least once or more than once before, as the world was destroyed over and over again by floods and natural disaster possibly covering up Lost Civilizations. It is believed that the British also retrieved historical evidence that Buddha pointed to the coming of the next Matreiya, or avatar of God or savior of the World in a place called Shambala, in Andhra Pradesh, India.

    While ruling India, the British also came across the Nadi Shastra leaves. These leaves contain the life histories, (Past, Present, and Future) of nearly every person on Earth. This were considered to be a book of Life like the Lamb’s book of life and were confiscated by the British. Various Rishis (Learned Sages and wise men) wrote them several thousand years ago and describe the conversations between Lord Shiva and his wife, Goddess Parvathi. These leaves were found in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh as part of the collections of various Hindu dynasties. During this same time, Governor Elihu Yale, the future founder of Yale University, was Governor General of the Madras Province, which is now divided into the Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh states. These leaves were copied and many confiscated and shared with Secret Societies. It is believed that through these leaves, the secret societies were able to predict the futures of several world leaders and the birthplace and birth family of the next coming of God or the Lamb, the Kalki avatar, etc.

    As I begin first-person narration, I am sure that some of you already know that my family including my Grandfather, Durvasula Venkata Subba Rao, father, Durvasula Venkata Sastry, uncle, Durvasula Satyanarayana Murthy (alias Chanti) and I have been under the surveillance of secret societies and intelligence agencies throughout our lives. For a variety of reasons, including the Nadi Shastra leaves, the fact that Hinduism is the world’s oldest organized religion, Buddha’s dissertations, and the similarity of Hindu prophecies about a rider on a white horse and Christian revelations regarding a rider on a white horse, the agencies targeted the Durvasula family of Jeggarpadu, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh and Peddapuram, East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Another abetting reason is the prominent role of Durvasa Maharishi as the Most Prominent and Eminent Brahmin in the great Hindu Epic, the Mahabharat. Durvasa Maharishi or Mahamuni is the de facto father of Dharmaraju, Arjuna, and Bheema, the three most famous brothers in the Pandava family of the Mahabharat.

    D. V. Subba Rao lost both parents at age of 16 and had several older and younger sisters. H was was approached by agents of intelligence agencies and secret societies while in College in Madras at the Presidency College and also while in Law School at Pune University. They stayed in touch with him throughout his life especially while he was in jail as a political prisoner/freedom fighter at the hands of the British and during various international peace conferences in Geneva, Switzerland, and other nations such as Russia, China, etc.

    The agents noticed that he could read any type of book including Shakespeare, Milton, Nietzsche, Emerson, Thorough, and even law textbooks in a matter of minutes or sometimes an hour complete with notes and underlining. They astutely concluded that he could be the Lion from the Tribe of Judah with the key to the scroll as well as the Kalki avatar and the son of man or Lamb or both. They asked him to read all religious texts and reconcile them to understand the scroll and how they all converge into one religion and one leader and one savior. They were hoping that Subba Rao was not the Lamb or God, and that person or being would actually be of Christian or of Western descent.

    As they continued to observe Subba Rao’s intellectual and oratorical brilliance, meteoric rise as a freedom fighter, politician and acclaimed criminal lawyer, and physical and mental toughness and fearlessness, the agencies began to wonder if he was indeed the Son of man and the Lamb (though his wedding was not a big affair), and the Kalki Avatar, and Lion from the tribe of Judah. In fact, he began to gain a Mafia Don type reputation throughout India and abroad, sending shivers throughout the corridors of power. His ability the annihilate his enemies gave credence to the notion that he was Son of Man or a Lion or a beast. However, at 6 feet, 4 inches tall with an intimidating physique, he did not meet the description by Jesus Christ that the Son of Man was lower than his angels and though he roared like a lion and seemed to tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of Lord God Almighty, he was not a drinker of alcohol. Though he was famous for his large appetite, no person ever dared call him, a glutton and a drunkard.

    Thus, the world’s agencies began toying with the idea that he was Elijah, as his father had passed away, and that he might or

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