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Search me O God - A devotional bible study through the 10 Commandments
Search me O God - A devotional bible study through the 10 Commandments
Search me O God - A devotional bible study through the 10 Commandments
Ebook52 pages35 minutes

Search me O God - A devotional bible study through the 10 Commandments

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About this ebook

When was the last time you took a good long look at yourself in the light of your Christian faith?


King David's Godward cry to search his heart and test his faith is echoed by the apostle Paul's advice to the Corinthians to examine themselves to see if they were in the faith.


It is wise advice.


Examining your heart brings you to your knees. It humbles you. It deals with unresolved sin and opens the way to change. Life once again revolves around God and not around you.


It leads to a renewing of your commitment to the Lord, and draws you into heart-cleansing repentance, and a fresh desire for His presence in your life... and that is what you want... isn't it?


Search me O God is a deeply thought-provoking, heart-examining devotional study through the 10 Commandments. 


It will gently challenge you to look seriously at the way you are living... your way, or God's way. 


Get your copy today

Release dateOct 19, 2022
Search me O God - A devotional bible study through the 10 Commandments

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    Book preview

    Search me O God - A devotional bible study through the 10 Commandments - Berenice Aguilera

    Search Me O God

    A Daily Devotional Through

    the 10 Commandments

    Berenice Aguilera

    For my Church


    for a free copy of

    Daily Prayer through the Ten Commandments


    In this book you will be taking a look at one of the most famous passages in the whole of the Bible…. The Ten Commandments.

    If you ever thought they were an old fashioned set of rules for those who lived in the olden days… think again! They are as relevant to the modern believer as they have ever been to those who have lived before us.

    The Ten Commandments are given to us as:

    Wisdom for daily life,

    Wisdom for daily thoughts,

    Wisdom for drawing close to God, and

    Wisdom in examining our hearts.

    NOTE: The paperback version of this book has space to write notes etc, but as this is the kindle version, I recommend you have a notebook and pen handy.

    Read on!

    The God whom we worship today is the same God who descended on Mount Sinai in blazing fire, amidst thunder, lightning, billowing smoke, and the ever increasing sound of a trumpet blast. In His presence the whole mountain trembled violently. Down below, His chosen people stood silent and terrified before the power of their God.

    In His gracious goodness towards His people, He gave instructions on how to approach His presence safely. They were to cleanse themselves, and their clothing, and in three days time present themselves before Him. However, nothing was to touch the mountain. Any man or beast that ventured too close would die.

    Out of that blazing fire, billowing smoke, violent earthquake and piercing trumpet sound, God spoke to His people.

    He gave ten incredible commandments that many countries to this day have used as the foundation of their law.

    It is these life-changing Ten Commandments that you are going to be reading and praying through in the next ten days. However, there is a difference between our experience of God, and those of the Israelites standing at the foot of Mount Sinai. The apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Hebrews;

    You have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire; to darkness gloom and storm… You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant... (Hebrews 12:18-24)

    Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, our precious Savior, the veil of the temple was torn in two and direct access to God was possible for the first time since Eden.

    The Israelites stood before God petrified by fear. They begged Moses to ask God not to speak to them directly, but to use Moses as a go-between. However, we as Christians, trusting in the finished work of the cross, can approach God’s throne with

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