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Dipped In Deceit: BAE Series, #2
Dipped In Deceit: BAE Series, #2
Dipped In Deceit: BAE Series, #2
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Dipped In Deceit: BAE Series, #2

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About this ebook

Tamia believed in people, love, and dreamt of happily ever after until love crucified her because of her lineage. To protect her fragile heart, Tamia operated by a set of rules:

  1. Never allow the sun to catch her in a bed that wasn't hers.
  2. Never give her heart to another man.
  3. No pillow talk.
  4. Charge all men for her presence so they would appreciate her time.
  5. Trust no one, only one.

What happens when the man who broke your heart, causing you to create these rules, returns pleading for one more chance?

Will Tamia toss her rule book aside to give love another try?

Release dateFeb 22, 2022
Dipped In Deceit: BAE Series, #2

Christa Tillman

Christa Tillman was born and raised in Southern California. As a storybook weaver, her primary focus is to construct realistic characters while creating a plot or theme which will spark a conversation once the reader finishes the book. During the day, she runs the Accounts Receivables Department. Her favorite pastime is cooking, traveling, reading, and writing dramatic romance novels. Her novels consist of four major factors sex, drama, black love, and God’s awesomeness as we navigate love issues.   Christa has always been an avid reader and a current member of the best damn book club in the world, On Another Level. She enjoys books of all kinds but favors Dramatic Romance, Erotic Romance (of course), Suspense, and Urban Lit. She currently resides in North Texas. No matter the age or race, Christa invites you all to enjoy the stories she has weaved. Remember, we are all weavers of our own stories. Go ahead and visit our website today. We’ve been waiting on you.

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    Book preview

    Dipped In Deceit - Christa Tillman

    Chapter 1

    She didn’t recall the name of the man drooling on her forearm or how long they had been spooning. What she did know was that her body had alerted her to rise and exit the premises.

    It took her eyes a minute to adjust to the darkness. Then, she quietly eased her body free, slinging her right leg over the edge of the bed, allowing her frame to collide against the soft carpet gently. Finally, her visual stimuli activated, assisting her in locating her purse.

    Ransacking her handbag, she paused when the tips of her fingers graced her cell phone. Placing the phone against the walls of her bag, she glanced at the clock on the dimly illuminated screen.

    Flawlessly on cue, Tamia mumbled under her breath.

    It was four o’clock in the morning, which meant it was time to depart.

    Gathering her clothes off the floor, she dressed while navigating through the darkness. His floor plan was the only thing she had etched to memory.

    By the time she reached the front door, she was fully dressed. She had even combed her hair. She stopped at the door, contemplating if she should leave him a note.

    Naw, dump that. This isn’t a relationship, she said louder than she intended.

    Tamia had no plans to hook up with this guy again because he had no sex skills. He spat more juices onto her wetness than he licked off. Then, after poking her thigh and the crest of her hips, he finally stumbled upon the gates to her slice of heaven. Before she could grant him entrance, he screamed her name, collapsing on top of her.

    She felt leaving him a note may give him false securities, and she detested misleading men when it came to their bedroom skills.

    Pausing to examine his assets, she wondered if she should keep him as a sponsor. He had only known her two weeks before he dropped ten racks and paid all her bills for the month.

    A soft chuckle played in her throat as she turned the doorknob. His horrible sex game made his wallet a deal-breaker.

    As she was closing the front door, it swung back open. Tamia, where are you taking my nectar? Why are you sneaking out at dawn?

    Look, she paused, trying to recall his name.

    Shawn, he exclaimed with anger lingering from his tone. All she could think was that short men have the biggest bark and no bite.

    She cleared her throat before speaking. If I am anything, I am real. I never bite my tongue. Are you sure you want to hear my truth?

    Hell yeah, I want to hear your warped logic, he voiced without hesitation.

    Last week, you did the same thing to me. I woke up ready to gaze into those almond-shaped eyes, and you were gone. I spent a ton of money on you that weekend, and I expected a morning blowjob or something after you fell asleep during the movie. After I licked you from head-to-toe last night, I didn’t expect you to dip out on me again. Hell, at least bid a brother farewell or thank him for rocking your world.

    He folded his arms and tapped his feet on the natural wood floor, waiting for a response.

    Her brow rose to her hairline, and her solid square jawline stiffened, causing Shawn to step back. At five foot ten, her frame loomed over him.

    Pressing her glossy, seductively luscious lips together, she searched her mind for a polite response. Well, first off, Shawn, I don’t owe you anything. You will never catch me in any man’s bed when the sun rises.

    How many men are you fucking? he rudely grilled. Are you a gold digger?

    A powerful expression replaced her scowl as she tossed her long silky chestnut brown hair off her shoulder. Closing the gap between them, she gawked intently into his inexperienced eyes. I am not a gold digger, although the only thing I am turning down is my damn collar.

    He scoffed. Then be woman enough to own the fucking gold digger title.

    Leaning her head backward, clenching her flat stomach muscles, she roared from the pit of her belly.

    Her laugh prompted anger to permeate his gut.

    Dear Shawn, I am an opportunist who never turns down any opportunity presented to her because men never turn down a chance to explore another woman’s vagina.

    She tapped her waistline with her hand. However, I cannot help it if every man I encounter chooses to become a contributor hoping to get my wet-wet.

    He applied pressure to his bottom lip with his teeth as he eyed her sweet spot.

    Unlike men, I am honest. I told you from day one I was not looking for a man, and you knew you were not the only man I was dating.

    Tamia never understood why women placed themselves in monogamist dating ships. In contrast, men date multiple women until they are ready to enter a committed relationship.

    As far as she was concerned, she would be single while walking down the aisle until the preacher pronounced her Mrs. Parkwood. The thought of marrying Mr. Parkwood made her giggle.

    Shawn stood there looking like a hurt love-struck fool admiring her gingerbread skin. Tamia, I like you. He shuffled his feet waiting on a response.

    You are the kind of woman a man would love to marry. You are independent and beautiful, he murmured.

    Staring into his confused copper eyes, she felt sorry for his gullible ass, but she had to keep it one hunnid with him.

    You are not the kind of man I would like to marry to win a bet, she honestly admitted. I am twenty-two years old.

    Her mind drifted back to the night in college when Miya, the youngest member of the Black and Educated social group, proposed they wager on which BAE would get married first.

    Imani, Naja, and Lexi assumed Tamia would be the fourth BAE married. Although Miya insisted Tamia would be last, and she would be first.

    Tamia fought for a higher position not because she desired marriage or viewed herself better. The BAE’s entire ranking system was based on knowing their boyfriends since they were teens. She had a teenage sweetheart like Naja, Lexi, and Imani; therefore, she felt she should rank higher than Miya by their definition.

    One evening in college, the girls were kicking it in the student union, and Tamia was gearing up to tell her girlfriends about her teenage lover since the girls were sharing stories.

    Before she could get a word out, her sisters slapped labels on her. She will never forget that day because she cried herself to sleep.

    Under her tough exterior was a broken girl that needed an impenetrable shield to survive, and before she could lower her guard, the BAEs had already branded her like the rest of the world.

    Well damn, he said, clenching his chest, pulling her back to the matter at hand.

    I love my freedom, and I am having fun, she voiced with excitement. I told you this before we started kicking it.

    He massaged his brows. I did not expect to fall in love with you this fast, he bellowed. Do you think I go around licking all over women?

    Damn, that explains a lot. If you journeyed downtown more, you would have better skills and wouldn’t have spit all over my body last night.

    She snickered. Y’all never do, she replied, shaking her best assets.

    And I appreciate all of them, he whined, eying her butt and breasts. You will never find a man who appreciates you the way I do. I love you.

    Shawn, you are a naive man. You don’t know me from Adam. She turned to walk away, but he caught her by the wrist, tugging her closer to him.

    You liked me last night when I was licking and dicking you down. You loved me the other day when I took you on a five-thousand-dollar shopping spree.

    She could tell he was becoming emotional; she couldn’t help but burst into laughter because he didn’t lick and dick anybody down up in here last night.

    Shawn, it was more like spitting and missing.

    She racked her bottom lip through her teeth then moaned. God blessed you with a gigantic package, but you have no stroke. As far as the shopping spree goes, you bought me one outfit and a purse.

    He smacked his lips.

    Oh shit, here comes the bitch who lives inside of all men. But, of course, men always smack their lips before their inner bitch emerges.

    Please, Tamia. Didn’t you have a wonderful time? I licked you into euphoria. Admit it, he whimpered.

    Why would I lie or thank you for a wonderful time when it was horrible? She glanced at the watch. This exit was taking longer than it should.

    You timidly licked me like a cat licking on a bowl of hot milk, drooling all over my lovely folds. The sadness filling his face forced her to stop talking.

    No, don’t stop now, you evil bitch.

    She expelled the air in her lungs then replenished them. You fuckin’ child. How hilarious. You are going to insult me because you are an atrocious lay. Well, your stroke was stiff and had no rhythm. Plus, you lack confidence in yourself. On top of all of that, you exploded before you entered me, so you fucked my inner thigh.

    Bitch please! Ain’t no woman ever told me no shit like that before.

    "Another woman might lie to you; I never will. They were docile; I am not.

    He hissed.

    Listen to me, twenty percent of sex is about confidence, and you lack that. Thirty percent is about skills, and you lack that. Thirty percent is about imagination, and once again, you lack that. All yo’ ass gave was twenty percent, which was an extended thick dick. Would you continue to fuck a twenty-percent woman?

    He hunched his shoulders. Exactly, she noted, then why should I?

    You are a crazy vindictive bitch, he screamed before slamming the door in her face.

    There was a little regret lingering inside of her. She blamed it on her broken and contrite heart.

    She wasn’t always this way. She believed in people and love and dreamt of happily ever after until love crucified her because of her lineage. To protect her fragile heart, Tamia operated by a

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