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Casino's Paradox
Casino's Paradox
Casino's Paradox
Ebook715 pages11 hours

Casino's Paradox

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About this ebook

If you had the ability travel through time, would you?
Perhaps the bigger questions is should you?

Jim Casino once had the ability to travel through time, but he gave it up. He vowed to leave such powers behind to live a normal life. It was not Jim's place to play god. Even with a successful life, he is haunted by a world hat can never be his. When a chance encounter arises from his part, a harrowing new adventure is set in motion. All of Jims decisions, emotions and demons are put to the test. What starts out as a personal vendetta against time itself turns into a pressing mission to save what is most precious to him.

Jim has been though this once before, Can he do it again? Can he fix everything? Will he survive his greatest challenge yet?
Release dateOct 19, 2022
Casino's Paradox

Andrew Kaplan

Andrew Kaplan is a former journalist and war correspondent. He is the author of the spy thrillers Scorpion Betrayal, Scorpion Winter, and Scorpion Deception, along with his earlier bestselling novels, Hour of the Assassins, Scorpion, Dragonfire, and War of the Raven, and, most recently, the groundbreaking official series tie-in: Homeland: Carrie's Run. This is his second Homeland novel.

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    Casino's Paradox - Andrew Kaplan



    Resting the invitation on the coffee table, I walk across the empty penthouse toward the balcony. The doors slide open smoothly as I let out a small sigh and enter out into the crisp cool night. Looking down at the Manhattan traffic I find that I have a very complicated decision to make. My past has come back to visit and I rather not have that kind of company. The invitation is from Crystal, Crystal Nightshade. It will soon be Crystal Fitcher. She and Rich are finally going to make it official after fifteen years of dating and two and half years of engagement. Honestly, I’m amazed that I am even invited. After all, for a long, long time there has been some pretty tainted blood between myself and Crystal. I need not mention the fact that for a good 8 years of this relationship I was Rich’s so-called rival. 

    I am reminded about my dating life, or lack thereof. My one and only serious relationship in my final years of college didn't end well. Seems none of my relationships work out. Most of the time I just end up being the awesome platonic friend. Captain Platonic King of the Friendzone Instead I have always focused on my work, my career as an architect, and my side job as novelist. Once, a long time ago, I could have been the one in a relationship with Crystal, but that is another story. However if it did happen, I know that my life would have been very different. History as we know it would not be what it is today, and that rests on my shoulders.

    It so happens that I have a secret. When I was younger I had the opportunity to travel through time. I was given a time machine within a pocket watch. It now sits in my office, broken, unusable. The watch is now a reminder of what could have been and a life I could not have. It all started when my son, who now no longer exists, confronted me, and whisked me away into my future. There I learned the fate of myself and my closest friends. Eventually, in the course of my grand adventure I saved myself from death. But that’s not with the point of this story. Why these memories are surfacing today is because I found out who I married in the future. Guess who? It turned out to be Crystal. Yes, the same Crystal who is getting married. At the time, it was hard to believe and didn’t feel right. In the present day, Crystal and I were just good friends and Rich, her fiancée, was already her boyfriend.

    After my adventure, I continued to live my life as if nothing happened, as if I didn't know the future. Eventually Crystal and Rich broke up. That’s where things went awry. She ended up falling into my arms giving me the opportunity to date her. That is where I changed the timeline and my own personal history. At that point and time I was supposed to agree to become her boyfriend and from there, events would play out as I learned. We would marry, have kids, and live happily ever after until I died. However, I rejected Crystal, giving her a long-winded reason why I couldn’t date her, and wound up hurting her. The spoilers I knew were too much of a burden. Who am I to meddle with Crystal's free will and future fate, destiny or whatever? The universe decided to correct the problem rather quickly. Later on that evening Crystal was messaged from Rich saying that he was sorry and wanted to get back together with her. Of course Crystal agreed, what else was she supposed to do?

    I turned down the love of my life at the time but I felt like I was cheating time by getting what I wanted. The events of my time travel created the situation in the first place, so it was only right I set things back in order. They irony is that all of these events led me to write my first novel, a science fiction book about a boy’s time travel adventure where he experiences these exact events. By the time I turned 21, the book was a best seller, and other novels followed. The success was so great that a major motion picture, entitled, Memory In Reverse was based on it. Unlike many movies from books, the plot kept very true to the storyline except for a minor change. I made the writers change it so the main character would end up with the girl at the end. Had to make it a happy ending. At least somewhere I could quell the guilt of my choice and honor the future that now no longer existed.

    With all these thoughts swirling around my head, I can use a distraction. Time to hit up the town. Walking back inside, closing the balcony door behind me, I walk down the long hallway, past my office toward my master suite. I exchange my business suit into something a little more relaxing. Nothing fancy, just don’t need to look like an architect for a little while. Exiting the penthouse, I call my driver to get ready.

    Joe, have the car ready. I'm going out.

    Yes Mr. Casino, replies Joe, who is probably downstairs somewhere reading his newspaper.

    While standing in the elevator heading down to the underground garage my mind drifts back to past events. After my whole time-travel adventure, I began to evaluate where I stood in the world. Since I knew I changed history for myself, I knew that one altered event would alter others, creating a ripple effect throughout the rest of time. Think about it like this, if you pull one string out of a tapestry, there is a good chance the entire thing unravels. The deeper I evaluated my life, my choices, there were more questions than answers. Speculation became a daily part of my life. I wouldn’t say I became paranoid but I did seem to convince myself that the reality put toward me wasn’t the reality I should believe. This is how I began to see the cracks in the foundation with quite a few of my friends.

    There has been a handful of people who have disowned me over time. Each incident hurt me because many were close friends until, bam, a switch was flipped and they were gone. Sara was the first one of my friends to do this. It took me years to accept. One day Sara turned me into the invisible man and totally denied my existence while I was around her. The only time she paid me any attention to me was when she needed something from me. The situation made a lasting impression and taught me that I couldn’t trust everyone implicitly.

    Amber was another friend who takes top honors on the disowning department. We met in high school and became good friends quickly since we had a lot in common. She relied on me for advice for her relationships and life and I knew exactly how to make her laugh. We always gave each other these beautifully written cards and I remember giving her a holiday gift that made her cry. Due to miscommunication, drama and emotions a huge rift formed between us. Mainly from her jealous boyfriend making up stories which I let myself believe. I went from being Uncle Jim to her future children to never wanting to see me ever again. We ended up having a huge falling out and I lost one of my best friends and confidants in the process. I haven't talked to her or seen hers since. I still wonder to this day how she is.

    Jack also received a similar treatment. I knew Jack since I started going to camp. We were two nerds there so we clicked. I have so many great memories from those days with him. As we got older he became more pompous and arrogant. He found a sick pleasure of putting me down when he could. He always thought he was right. He considered me bipolar due to my not wanting to be social all of the time, though he lacked much of the social graces a teenager should normally have. Eventually it came to the point where I couldn’t deal with his abrasive personality and I cut him off. He alienated himself from me and never once apologized for his actions. I don’t know much about his life but he did eventually create StickwellTech, his company, and has made a good living for himself. Instead of going into the technology industry as he did in the future I saw, he went into medicine. In the alternate reality Jack's technology corporation invented and fabricated the time machine. Without Jack, there would be no hope for a time machine my reality. This means no way to fix my old relic from that future.

    I only kept a very small handful of friends: Geordi, Matt, Keith and Alexandra. If you noticed, Crystal isn’t on that list. By graduation of high school things returned to normal between Crystal and I. Since I rejected her, there was still a small underlying feeling that she didn’t want me around. I wanted to give Crystal her space and just disappear for a very long time. I thought that would smooth things over but it all proved for nothing. By the time I could learn from my actions there were too many mistakes make. She was definitely the hardest person to cut off, but I knew that it had to be done. 

    I wanted to totally become a new person. To accomplish that, I had to let go of my past in every possible way. While in college, I kept true to my mission and reinvented myself. For me college was an absurd of work and a lot of insomnia, but strangely freeing and very rewarding. I was totally on my own. There was no one to help anymore and no one relied on me to be the nerdy science fiction, super smart acceptable oddball. I was just another face in the crowd. I was respected for being a great designer and wasn’t judged on what other people thought of me. Eventually people found out about my fondness for M.i.E. Fighters and Scouting but it wasn’t what defined me anymore

    It was during my first year of college that I wrote my first novel based on my time travel adventure. I kept the personalities and physical attributes of the characters, meaning my friends, the same but I changed all the names. By the time I finished the book and edited it I found a self publishing company and sent my story out into the world. Between my freshman and sophomore years I went on a small mission dropping off the book to all of my friends, even the ones that were cut off. They all deserved the book, after all they were my characters. It was also during this time I found myself going back to camp one last time. Still needed a summer job after all. I was not thrilled to end up back there.  I already cut off everyone there and I did quite well without dealing with them. It was here that I made a very large miscalculation with my book distribution plan.

    On the first day of setting up camp everyone started to find out about the book. There were no secrets in camp, so everyone always knew everyone else's business. By the time we reached the campgrounds from our headquarters more than half the staff already knew and the rest were learning quickly. Everyone in camp should not have found out about the book, let alone the fact I wrote about Crystal. The worst part of this was that she wasn’t at camp that day, so Crystal ended up being the last person to find out that the book existed. When the word finally reached Crystal, she called me demanding her copy of the book. I dropped it off at her house and called her later that day. I apologized for what had happened and that it wasn’t my intention for this chaos to occur. While she didn't say she was angry at me, I could tell it in her voice. Crystal told me that she would rather not talk to me for a while so she could cool down. I understood. While that did bother me, what might have hurt the most is that during my year of my personal exile while in college Crystal said that she genuinely missed me and wished I kept in contact with her. I spent the rest of the summer avoiding Crystal and doing everything in my power not to make contact with her. When the last day of camp rolled around I did my best to say goodbye to her but she wouldn’t let me get that courtesy. All I managed to say is see you around.

    In my fourth year in college I somehow spilled the beans about my book to my literature professor. He demanded to read it. I was more than happy to give him a copy since no one ever asks to read it. What I didn’t know was that the professor was one of the head editors for a major publishing company and did this teaching for fun. After finding this out, I got really scared that he was going to steal my book. I approached my professor and asked him what was going on, since I am not one to be taken for a sap. He explained to me that he was looking for a fresh, new idea to publish and that he wasn’t going to steal the story. He actually wanted to know if I published it yet. I told him what I did a few years back but nothing came from it. The professor explained that we could republish the book and get it out to the popular markets.

    Being that I’ve been struggling financially I told him that I would love that. I did consider further backlash from people who caused there to be drama in the first place for publishing. Three years had already passed since those events. Being so distant from everyone and not being part of those circles anymore worked in my advantage for once. I thought I might warn Crystal for what was about to happen, again, but by now I had no easy way to reach her. No phone number and I refused to reach out on social media. It was full steam ahead. Time to make a real name for myself. For the rest of the semester I spent a few hours a week with the professor outside my design studio fixing up all of the loose ends and doing a second, much more improved editing.

    By the end of the semester book was republished with a polished transcript, fresh new cover art and a lot more professionalism. Within the next year I went from starving college student to financially stable human being. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I had book signings, showed up to a few book conventions, the whole nine yards. I became famous; no more Invisible Man. My past came surging back to me. Old friends and people that I knew found me and wanted to catch up on things. Crystal never contacted me. Out of all the people, the person who was the inspiration for the female protagonist never came to find me. This became a regular occurrence. I had fame, but thankfully I remained one of those B-list celebrities so life went on more or less as usual.

    Through all of this I kept with my original goal of graduating with my architecture degree, which I did. I found myself working as a draftsman and a designer in a firm in Manhattan right out of college. I am not sure if it was my skill or my fame that landed me this amazing job. Frankly I didn't care. After three years of working at the firm and being promoted to a senior project manager, I ended up buying out the company and renaming it, Golden Architecture. I only did this because of the book since that was the name in the text. I thought it would be a good gimmick. It was.

    Right around graduation, a Hollywood producer called me one day to say that he would like to make my book into a movie. At first, I thought he was joking so I hung up. When learned that the guy actually produced The Young Adventures of Nick Casanova, I literally flew to the nearest phone at light-speed to call him back, apologize and set up a meeting to see what the movie would entail. It was a lot of work, just like everything else before it, to make this movie happen. I worked closely with the director, writers and cast making sure things were staying true to how it was written. My architecture background came in handy for making the sets and finding the right locations. The hardest part of the whole process was having actors portray myself and some of my long list friends and not having to tell them every second to act more like their real world counterparts.

    The movie premiered in 2012. The premier must have been one of the most hectic, yet enjoyable days of my life. The movie itself was pretty damn amazing. Wasn't a blockbuster by any standard but it did well enough to turn a nice profit. I had the red carpet, cameras, television, photographers, famous actors, the works. I even invited my little crew of friends that was left. They pulled a fast one on me. Somehow Geordi, Matt, and Keith attained another ticket for the premier and sent it anonymously to Crystal. I never knew about it until I saw her there. Due to the fact that I was so busy with the press and being surrounded by Hollywood's elite, I never actually got to see her at the theater. During the after-party, I was talking to a few of these big wigs about some of the characters’ personalities.

    I was just starting to explain where the idea of Crystal came from when I got a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and looked down to see this short-haired blonde with a somewhat pale complexion and a large smile on her face. I didn’t realize at first who she was at first. When I realized it was Crystal I did a double take, then nearly fell over. I couldn’t believe that it was her. Seeing a ghost would have been less startling. Seven or eight years had passed since I last saw or spoke to her. I should have recognized her immediately but now she sported a shorter hairstyle and has matured into a beautiful woman.

    Excusing myself from the people I was speaking with, Crystal clamped onto me, giving me a huge hug, telling me how much she missed me and wanting to know everything that happened in the past few years. She also apologized that she never reached out or tried to see me when the book was republished. She said she was traveling around with her close friends and was on the other side of the country. As I started to reassure her that it was ok and update her on my life since we lost touch, another striking sexy blonde woman walked up and stood on the other side of me. She needed to inform me I was needed for pictures in the press room. Before going, humorously I introduced Crystal to her Hollywood counterpart and was carted off arm in arm with the actress as I left Crystal behind. Before I went inside the studio, Crystal caught up with me, shoved a piece of paper with her phone number into my tuxedo jacket pocket, pecked me on the cheek, and told me that it was good to see me again.

    It was amazing to see Crystal again after so long. I found the guys later and jokingly tried to beat them up for doing what they did. They all thought it was a good idea and for once, all four of us agreed on it.  The next day I did call the number. Crystal jumped on the ball about making plans and before I knew it I was meeting her later that week at her apartment in Long Island City. Once again I was barraged by questions but I was more than happy to answer them for her. I never thought I would see her again. Now that I was with her I would do anything to restart that friendship again. There was a lot of lost time for me, for us. She asked all sorts of questions about the last few years, how college was for me, how the other books were doing, the contents of my love life, how my career was going, whether I kept in touch with anyone from our past, those kind of questions.

    I reciprocated many of those same questions as well as asking about her travels and what she thought of the movie. She told me that she really enjoyed the movie and she nearly cried at the end when both of our characters ended up together, instead of apart. While I am sure she wasn’t thrilled that is how it turned out in the movie, I am sure she understood. She knew the ‘real’ ending after all. She was also impressed about how the actress that portrayed her looked similar to how she actually looked when she was younger. I learned a lot about where life took her, college, law school, traveling the country, among other things. Crystal spent a lot of time explaining her life with Rich, which at the time I was shocked he was still around, let alone being engaged to him. I was very happy for her.

    I admitted to Crystal that she never left my mind and that I missed over the years. She asked why I disappeared. Crystal explained that when I fell off the face of the Earth she wanted to contact me but didn’t know how. I didn’t want to explain that I cut her off because I needed to get away from my past. Instead, told her that I thought it was for the best and I got the feeling that I wasn’t wanted. I got the cute Crystal squint and yell about how I must be crazy to get that kind of idea in my head. She might have been upset at the time with me but she didn’t want me out her life.

    It has been a year and two months since the premier now. We have become closer again but not at all like how it once was. We will go out for dinner or brunches on occasion and at times hang out at each of our places and just talk. On certain occasions I have even spent time with Rich. He has changed from how he used to be. Now he is mature and professional instead of being a jackass and a bit of a sleaze. Time has allowed the rivalry hatchet to be buried and we are on good terms.

    Crystal tells me every now and then I'm a closed book, talking a lot but not ever saying anything. She has grown her hair long again. At times I can see the future Crystal I met in my teens in her face but I know they aren't one in the same.

    As the elevator doors open, I walk out and to the right. As I proceed down the hall I look at my reflection in the marble wall and stop. I fix my button down shirt and pull up my pants just a bit. I give a quick look at either side of my face and I finish the walk down to the garage. There I am greeted by Joe, who was standing by the side of the small black limo with the paper rolled up and under his arm.

    Where to tonight, sir? asks Joe.

    Take me somewhere with a lot of people and music with a good beat, I reply.

    Something like the Alabaster?

    Have I been there before?

    You were there a few months ago with that blonde girl that came to visit you sir.

    How ironic then. Yea why not, take me there.

    Yes, sir.

    And Joe, stop calling me sir. You know how I like to be called by my first name.

    Sorry, force of habit- you know what I mean sir… I mean Jim.

    It’s alright man, let’s go before the streets turn into a big parking lot.

    Joe opens the door for me, and I sit in the back seat, put my feet up across the seat, and close my eyes, listening to the soothing sounds of the city.



    The sounds of the city have always been soothing for me. Cars noisily trying to push their way through rivers of asphalt, beeping at every chance they can get. People talking or yelling depending on their mood or situation, and the sounds of construction in the distance. All of this chaos is one of the most relaxing ambient sounds I know, much like a campfire or a thunderstorm. That might sound strange, but it is true. But even pleasant things become too much at times, and I decide to put on the radio instead.

    I am greeted by a familiar voice singing. One of Juliet’s latest singles is playing over the airwaves. Yes, I am talking about the same Juliet from all of those years ago. It is ironic how a single voice can trigger memories. As I hear her voice again I am thrown back to the last time I saw her at her High School production of Grease what feels like a lifetime ago. It makes me feel somber though the song itself is a very cheery upbeat one. Though I don’t talk to or about the people I’ve lost during the course of time, their absence still affects me. I miss Juliet, but there probably will never be a chance to see her. I lose myself in the music for the rest of the ride to Alabaster.

    Once we arrive, I pull down the mirror from the roof of the limo, make sure that my hair is somewhat organized, and check that my shirt is still wrinkle-free. I must admit, I look pretty snazzy for a change, a long sleeve sky blue hidden button down shirt with an asymmetrical collar, black straight cut jeans with a black belt, and black dress shoes. I'm also wearing the pocket watch that Crystal gave me back when I was a teenager. Amazingly, it hasn’t stopped working after all these years. Ironically, if I didn’t change the future, this would have been my time machine. Normally I wouldn’t be wearing it, however since that invitation I feel like I need it on me to help make the decision.

    I am immediately hit by the blaring, loud music, as if I were standing inside a speaker as I enter the club. The main room is three stories tall with a split level second and third story balcony. Beyond is a massive skylight where the rest of the city skyline leaks into the club. Much of the main lighting, including the laser lights comes from the perimeter around the skylight. My clothes take on a strange glow from the ever changing lights. Up there on that third level are tables, a bar, and some of those dancing cages. It is also significantly quieter up there, more intimate when the time is right. However what I need a drink.

    I start to roam around, squeezing between groups of people dancing. The trance music vibrates through the floor. My stomach starts to turn a bit, I have never been one for loud, bass thumping music.  Instead of dancing, I make my way over to the left center of the ground floor and stand around, tapping my foot to the beat seeing I will not be able to make it to the stairs until this dance session ends.

    Hey there, handsome, says the shortest girl of the trio.

    Hello. Do I know you? I reply.

    No, you don’t know us, but we have a question for you, chimes in the middle girl.

    Alright. You lovely ladies are allowed one question, I reply trying to sound a little cocky.

    "Are you the guy who wrote, The World of Doomsday and Memories in Reverse?" asks the tallest girl shyly. It didn’t fit her appearance at all but we all know that looks can be deceiving.

    Of course every now and then I'm approached by someone or a group of people asking about my writing. This time was no different from any other time. I am often shocked I still can be recognized. It isn’t like I am an A-List celebrity. I take a deep breath and reply, Yes, that would be me.

    Oh my god! You were right, Sammi. You wrote our favorite book! screams the shortest one.

    Really now? I reply, Why is it your favorite book?

    It was like reading a movie, but it wasn’t a movie. You wrote it so candidly that we could imagine any kind of setting within the book and it would make sense. It was also sweet that the guy who wrote the journal had all of these unresolved issues with his female friends. He cared for them but he wasn’t ever able to show them how he truly felt.

    These girls aren't really that blonde, I think to myself. The girl continues, And you wrote such a sad ending too, the guy died alone. That is the worst way to go. Why did you do that?

    Well, I never said that he died, you assume that. For all you know he survived and is living somewhere.

    But he is still alone, retorts the girl they called Sammi.

    That’s true, but either way, it’s open ended and for you to decide what happens to him.

    What did happen to him then? You are the author, asks the taller girl.

    If I told you what I thought happened to him, it could possibly change your views of the book, so I won’t answer that question.

    Aw, come on! protest all three of the girls.

    Sorry, but my lips are sealed, I retort with a smile.

    Alright, fine then. says Sammi with a jokingly ticked-off voice.Well, can we at least have your autograph?

    Yeah, sure, I reply. I never have turned down an autograph. It’s a way to thank whoever wants it for taking interest in my work. Plus it is a lot more fun than signing my name on construction drawings. The girls grab one of the cloth napkins that were on one of the traveling waitress’s dishes as she walked by.

    Can you use this? asks one of the girls.

    Yeah, I’ll sign it three times and you girls can cut it up later. How does that sound?

    That’s awesome. I thought you would just give one to us.

    "Well there are three of you, which means I should give three signatures.

    Taking my trusty blue pen from my left pocket I sign Jim Casino on three of the corners, and hand the napkin over to the taller shy girl. I manage to get a smile out that gesture, made it worth it. They each thank me, give me a hug and a kiss, and run off into the swaying crowd. I stand there for a little longer. I am still not used to being picked out in a crowd of nobodies and being told how awesome I am by total strangers. I'm just an author, not a movie star or anything. But it’s definitely nice to be appreciated. It makes me feel like I'm part of the world.

    As soon as there is a lull in the rhythm of the music I make my move to the stair core to get that drink I came here for. Getting up to the third level was immensely easier than navigating the main level. I take a long sigh of relief as I look down from the balcony onto the dancing pit. Shockingly I can still pick out the trio of girls out from up here. Glad to see they are having a good time. Sauntering over to the long island style bar I take a seat on the corner stools. Before sitting down I spin the seat around so I rest my chest upon the back of the barstool.

    Hey, barkeep! I yell out to get the bar tender’s attention.

    Hey bro, what’s your pleasure? he asks with a business-only smile on.

    Raspberry peach Martini, I call back

    Got ya.

    The bartender turns around, walks a bit down the bar, and starts to mix up my drink. It’s a treat for me to drink. I'm not the biggest drinker, but I do have one or two when I am out. Having a little liquid confidence helps dealing with all those unknown situations that might arise. It doesn’t stop me from enjoying a glass of wine every other night though. But that’s a different story.

    I spin back around on the barstool and look over the railing, down into the pit and survey my surroundings. As a force of habit, I observe all of the possible structural and safety code violations in the club.

    Hey buddy. I turn around, Here’s your drink.

    I take a sip. Keep a tab for now, ok?

    No problem, but don’t think about making a run for it, he says with a chuckle.

    No worries bro. I'm not going anywhere for a while, I laugh back.

    As the bar tender walks away, I follow him with my eyes and take another sip of the dark red Martini in my hand. Someone catches my eye as I let my eyes wander around the bar. She must be a good twenty five to thirty feet away but something about her looks rather familiar as she heads my way. The strobe lights hit her as she approaches, giving me a partial view of her face. I am not completely certain, but the girl looks like Simone, Crystal’s best friend. I have never been that close with Simone, but we have always got along. She and an unknown friend sit down next to me. I ignore Simone for a few minutes while I continue to sip my drink. I don’t want to give away myself just yet. Timing is always important. Not to mention that curiosity of being recognized comes to mind again. Once my Martini glass is almost empty, I turn over to my right, lean over the unknown friend and call out Simone’s name. I am not as cowardly as I used to be about dealing with people.

    Simone? I ask.

    She turns around and looks to her left to see who was calling her.

    Other way Sim I say, trying hard to get her attention now.

    She turns around and stares at me with a confused look.

    It’s been a long time hasn’t it, I comment.

    You look familiar, but who are you? You don’t normally show up here.

    Sim, I doubt many people call you by that name these days and I know you know who I am, I respond with confidence.

    I know I know you, but give me a clue. I am actually quite surprised Simone continues to play along and not get pissed off. I often remember her having a short fuse when people played games with her.

    Alright. I am ‘Ben Carpenter.’ I know you know remember who that is, I say with the hand quotes and a big smile.

    Jim? she asks while leaning in a bit with a squint.

    That would be me.

    Oh my god! Jim! How are you? How long has it been? yells out Simone.

    On the up side of six years give or take. And I have been doing alright, I reply.

    Come over here, She orders.

    I slide back out of my seat and she hops out of hers. Before I could make it even halfway, she jumps onto me while giving me a tight hug. It felt like she was trying to squeeze my stomach out. Her hair is also planted directly in my face due to our height difference. Once she lets go, she kisses me on the cheek and smiles. It takes me a second to recover from the attack before I smile back.

    Oh, I'm so rude. This is Shayna, a coworker of mine, says Simone.

    "Shayna, this is Jim Casino. He is the guy who wrote Memories In Reverse."

    Wasn’t that a movie? Shayna asks.

    Yes it is, I reply.

    I never knew there was a book, replies Shayna.

    Oh there was one, says Simone, and man did send ripples through our little world!

    Please don’t remind me, I say. I can feel my eyes roll a bit instinctively from that response

    Simone scoots her friend over and sits on the barstool next to me. She turns over to me and leans in a bit.

    So what’s new?

    Umm… nothing really I guess, I reply trying to think of something to say while not giving anything away. I have some interesting projects I’ve been working on at my office. A few new boutique hotels. And what about you? What has become of the life of Simone?

    Well it’s been a long time so I guess a lot has changed, replies Simone.

    So why don’t we start with the most modern stuff and we can work backwards from there.

    Alright. First things first, I have a new job.

    Oh, so you finally left camp, I say jokingly.

    No that was years ago. I mean a new teaching job. I ended up majoring in childhood education in college and I’ve bounced around from school to school for a while since I graduated. About four months ago, I was hired as a permanent fifth grade teacher. I'm looking forward to starting.

    That’s amazing; I never thought you would continue working with kids. I always saw you going into something like acting. You really had a knack for putting on a show of sorts.

    Really? I never thought about going into that field.

    So what else is going on?

    Well, let me think. Give me a second.

    Sure. Take your time, Sim. I turn around and yell down at the bartender, Can we get a few more drinks over here? I turn back to the girls, What do you gals want?

    You don’t have to do that, says Shayna.

    Don’t worry about it, just tell the man what you want.

    Ok. I’ll have a beer, says Shayna

    I’ll have a Long Island iced tea, says Simone

    I’ll take another. Pointing to my empty glass.

    Got it. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back, says the bartender.

    Well… what else is new with you? I ask again to Simone.

    I really don’t know what else to talk about. A lot of minor things that aren’t that important. I don’t really know what else to say.

    You can tell him that you are engaged, remarks Shayna.

    Wait, you are engaged? I say with a puzzled and intrigued look. And you are telling me that isn't something new or important?

    Well, I wasn’t really thinking about it. I have gotten used to the situation, replies Simone almost defensively. Alright, I have told you enough about my recent life; let’s get something out of you.

    Hold on 'you who is engaged'. Who is the guy and why isn’t it me? I ask with a chuckle.

    I have been waiting for years for you to ask me but you never did, I had to move on. You missed your chance, Simone jokes back.

    The new round of drinks arrives and we all take a sip of what we ordered before talking again.

    Alright, you want to know what is new in my life? I ask casually.

    Well, it only seems fair… replies Simone. Obviously she’s avoiding the fiancée topic. I wonder why. I finally realized the ring on her finger was turned around so the diamond faced inwards. Sneaky, sneaky Simone.

    I have been working on plans for a new baseball stadium for a National League expansion team, The Brooklyn Skylines. My books continue to sell and between you and me, I'm thinking about writing another book.

    Wow, that’s a lot of cool stuff. What is the new book going to be about?

    I'm thinking about finally writing a sequel to Memories in Reverse. I left the original open ended and it might be time to let the public know what has happened to Ben Carpenter.

    Are Crystal and the rest of us going to be in the book? When you did this the first time things seemed to get a little ugly, are you sure this is the best idea?

    Well if I do write it, since I don’t even have a clue what I am going to write about yet. There will only be loose ties to the original book. The plot of this one is going to be entirely different with a whole new adventure of sorts.


    Yes it is. I take another sip of my Martini, I know it’s a bit late to ask this since it’s been years now, but did you ever see the movie?

    I own the all three versions, what do you think?

    Well that does certainly answer my question. What did you think of it?

    Oh, Jim where do I begin with this? I think it was totally amazing. The actors looked like us for the most part, although my actress didn’t really come up to standard, if you know what I mean. She shakes her chest back and forward and we both laugh. Lets just say, there is a lot to work with down there.

    The sets were amazing, they actually looked like the campgrounds, the playground, your high school, everything.

    I cut in, Well so you know, about half the film was shot on site so a good bunch of the shots were actually at the playground and the campgrounds. Whatever we couldn’t do there we rebuilt on a set and I made sure the sets were designed with the most detail, down to the spider webs on the cubby holes and the paint on the tables. Benefit of being an Architect.

    Then you did an amazing job with that. The plot line was even better on the big screen, I have to say. The action scenes were more action-packed and the special effects definitely gave the scenes a little more believe-ability. There is only one thing I really didn’t get though.

    What was that?

    In the end of your book, you and Crystal don’t get together…. Simone gets cut off.

    Shayna chimes in, What do you mean by you and Crystal?

    The book was based around real people, personalities and situations of the time so the main characters represent Jim here and Crystal, explains Simone.

    Oh, I never knew that, says Shayna. I could feel my face turn red from embarrassment. Being that Simone lived through that experience, and I know how she reacted, doesn’t exactly make me feel the most comfortable right now.

    Yeah, it’s not a well known fact, I reply. What was your question, Sim?

    In the end of your book, you and Crystal don’t end up as a couple but in the movie you do. Why did you change that?

    Well, you know that Crystal tried to go out with me, or at least I would think she told you about that. I turned her down; I have my reasons for that. When I had a chance to do some creative changing for the movie I felt guilty about what I did in the past so I felt like setting things right a bit to calm my own inner demons. Also, in Hollywood, happy endings sell better. Money is always an issue.

    Oh, I see. Simone says after a long, awkward pause. Please don’t think I'm being intrusive, but everyone knew how much you were in love with her including Crys. Why did you turn her down?

    It is at this point my defenses go back up. I look at her and then look at my drink. I stare at the Martini for a few more seconds, trying to think of some kind of cryptic answer.

    It was the right thing to do, I say thinking that is my best way out of the questioning.

    I see, says Simone. She pulls out her cell phone and looks at the time. It’s getting kind of late, I should be going. Shayna, I will see you on Monday. Jim, it’s been nice to see you again. Here is my cell number, call me. We can hang out.

    Simone takes the napkin from her drink and writes down a number and gives it to me. Here. 

    Thanks, but if it’s all the same to you, would you want to come back to my place and we can do a little more of catching up? I ask. That is a lie. I would rather not catch up- I'm a closed book now, and I don’t tell people things. I just want to know more about what was going on in her life. I’ve been out of the loop with way too many people for a long, long time and I would like to at least get an update or two on what is going on.

    Why not, I have always been curious to see how a famous writer lives, she says jokingly.

    Don’t get your hopes up. I keep a pretty Spartan home.

    It don’t matter, let’s go.

    It was a pleasure meeting you Shayna, I say as I shake her hand. I take my arm and give the gesture for Simone to put her arm around my arm and we walk away from the bar towards the stairs and out of the club. Once we walk about a half block away from the club, my ears finally stop ringing and my stomach begins to subside from doing the summersaults.

    I hope you don’t mind that we are walking. I gave my driver the rest of the night off.

    Oh, it’s no problem, Simone replies cheerfully. It’s a nice, cool night. Good for a walk. How do we get back to your apartment?

    Actually it’s a penthouse and we have to go through the park.       We enter through one of the generic Central Park gates, working our way cross town. With all of the tall shrubs, it is more like a labyrinth. It is also pretty dark. The moonlight is our primary light source with the occasional dimly lit street lamp. Out of instinct, Simone moves a little closer to me for some kind of protection. She removes her arm from mine and wraps it around my waist to be closer.

    The whole night, I have been avoiding the big question, Crystal’s wedding. I am surprised that Simone hasn’t mentioned it, since it is certainly a pretty big current event to talk about. I tried to find a way to weasel it into our conversation at the club but it didn’t feel right to talk about it in public. Even years later, I still think that my relationship with Crystal is a very private topic, even if it is public knowledge. I take a deep breath and try to open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I close my mouth and I try again.

    I got an invitation to Crystal’s wedding.

    You did? replies Simone.

    Yes, I did. I don’t really know what to do about it.

    I didn’t think you would have been invited, after your history with Crystal and all.

    Trust me, you are not the only one who is surprised. I'm still surprised that I am even talking to her again.

    Yeah, the last time I heard anything from her about you was the time of your movie premiere. She wanted to talk to you about something important.

    She was there. A couple of my friends thought it would be funny if she was there for it. Eventually she found me and tried to fix the broken pieces of our friendship. We have been talking and hanging out on and off for the past two years. Actually, the last time I was at the club was when I was with Crystal a couple of months ago.

    I see. Well, from what I hear, the wedding is going to be spectacular. I am one of the bride’s maids.

    Along with Haley, Rose, Christine and Amy, I assume.

    Yeah, how did you figure that out?

    I don’t forget things easily; I remember your little group.

    But that was years ago!

    I have a good memory. Anyway, I got the invitation today. I don’t know what to do about it. Should I go or shouldn’t I go?

    I don’t know. What would Rich think if he saw you there? That could not be good at all.

    Actually, Rich and I are on good terms. Weird, I know.

    Oh in that case, if everything seems on the up and up, go for it. They sent you an invitation because they want you there. Why not go?

    Because I am afraid I will be out of place. They even wrote that I could bring a date. The word, awkward doesn’t even come close to describing this situation. Anyone there from the old days will immediately think back to the book or something and it might just ruin their night. Not to mention how they will treat me.

    I'm not sure about that.

    What do you mean, Simone?

    Well, ever since the movie came out a lot of the guys and even a bunch of the girls from back then have gained a lot of respect for you. Plus, since you are better off than most of us, they all kind of want to, well, you know, be part of your crowd.

    I stop and laugh. Simone gives me a puzzled look and tilts her head to the side trying to figure out what set me off. Once I calm down and take a few deep breaths, I take hold of her again since my laughter scares her off.

    Sorry about that. I just found that quite funny. The outcast in camp who everyone loved to poke fun at is now the number one cool guy around. I don’t know about you, but I think that is one classic case of irony.

    You were never the outcast, you do know that. You were just never part of that crowd. Everyone always respected you, even Rich. You were different and you were never afraid to show it. It takes guts to resist conformity.

    Really? By this point I give Simone a very weird look that is both inquisitive and confused.

    Yes really. I always thought you were a cool guy. It never hurts to be different.

    Thank you, Simone. So I might have had a shot with you then. I laugh.

    Sorry not that far. You’re just not my type, if you know what I mean. I finally hit that ‘serious’ bone.

    Even with all my money now? I say with a bit of a squeak.

    Yeah, even with your money. Plus, I'm engaged, remember? Simone laughs back.

    Oh yeah, forgot about that. So you think I should go to the wedding? I ask, trying to steer us back on topic.

    Yeah, you should. I think it would be a really nice thing to do. I know Crystal would appreciate it. You guys became really close before your friendship blew up.

    Alright, your opinion is duly noted, I reply with confidence.

    You still talk so damned weird and educated. What is up with that?

    Force of habit, I reply back, Well, I know you are going to be there since you are part of the bridal party. Out of curiosity, are you bringing a date with you as well?

    Yeah of course I am silly, I am bringing my fiancée.

    Duh, stupid question. By the way, who is your fiancée? I ask with curiosity in my voice. Do I know him?

    It is Mitchell Thomas. I guess you remember him as well. When Simone said his name she brightened up a bit and she ended up having a large smile.

    I was stunned by this comment. I literally stopped in my track and stared at her. I always knew that Tom, we always called Mitchell ‘Tom’ (short for his last name), had a crush on her. He actually called her his dream girl. The odds were always stacked against him when we were camp staff and I assumed he moved on when he dated Stacy for five years. I really needed to find out what was going on here. I haven’t spoken to Tom in a good three years because he disappeared off the face of the Earth. Something just didn’t add up.

    Wait hold on, we are talking about the same Mitchell Thomas from camp right? The same guy who has had a crush on you for forever. That guy? I once again start spitting out questions.

    Yes that is the same Mitchell. You guys were friends back in the day right?

    We are still friends now. He disappeared on me a few years back and I haven’t been able to find him. But forget about that, I want to know how this happened. The last time I knew about things there was a better chance of Tom winning the lottery. You have to tell me what happened!

    Well as much as you might want to hear a long story, there really isn't one. About two years ago I walked in on my boyfriend cheating on me with one of my friends. She was drunk, he wasn’t. Obviously he was taking advantage of her and he was having an affair. I was heartbroken, I really thought this guy was the one but he ended up being a total jerk. I found myself crying in Tom’s arms soon after I saw what happened. It was then that I realized the guy I should marry had always been around me through every other guy I dated. A few days later, Tom took me out to dinner to help take my mind off things and it kind of started there. Before either one of us knew it we were finally dating. About four months ago, he asked me to marry him and as you can tell, I said yes.

    Wow that is simply amazing. I really don’t know what else to say. Congratulations to the both of you. The two of you deserve each other. You always made a great pair. I just better be invited to the wedding.

    Don’t worry, you will be. After what Tom has told me, we owe you a lot.

    What do you mean?

    By this point we have left the park and are once again walking down the street with our arm around each others’ hips.

    Well, Tom has always told me that you gave him advice on what to do about the many delicate situations when we were teenagers and I was dating other guys. Not to mention, if it weren’t for you back in our last years as campers, I would never have gotten to know him. Our friendship wouldn’t have started and none of this would have been possible.

    That couldn’t be right. I say with a concerned voice, I barely knew Tom back then. We only got really close when I became a camp counselor. I didn’t even know who you were until 2004, which was two years later. It is impossible I gave Tom any advice about going out with you then. Plus, if my memory is correct, Tom thought you were a bitch of a person and rather not know you.

    No, not at all. Maybe your memory isn't as good as you remember. What I said did happen.

    Well, I am not going to argue with you, I know better not to argue with a woman.

    That’s damned right, says Simone with a smirk.

    I guess I will be seeing Tom at the wedding then.

    Yep, you will.

    You know I'm going to need to update my pictures then, they are severely out of date.

    Simone laughs, Alright, whatever you say Jim.

    After walking in silence for a few minutes we arrive at the skyscraper where my penthouse is located. The building is not the tallest in the area but it’s forty five stories up. The building itself is half an office building and half residential. The façade is really nice too. It is steel but has all the concrete ornamentation with windows and fancy windowsills. It has a nice mix between modern and art deco styles, it is why I choose this building.

    That is a really nice building, comments Simone.


    I walk inside, greet the doorman and we head inside the building and walk toward the elevator. The hall is comprised of marble floor and wide, tall walls. We take a right by the reception desk with the company’s insignia behind it. Once we get behind the same wall where the insignia is, there are six elevators with stainless steel doors all lined up on the opposite wall in front of us. We are still casually walking deep in our own conversation. There is someone else waiting for the elevator. Her back faces us and she is looking at the floors changing on the LCD screen above the door. It is strange to see someone here this late at night but not out of the ordinary.



    The elevator doors open as we are only halfway to them. Simone and I look at each other quickly and make a run for it. The sound of our shoes and heels fill the lobby with what can only be described as the worst tap dance ever. The unidentified woman walks into the elevator and disappears seemingly unphased by our performance . The doors start to close as Simone lets out a shrill yell to hold the door. Just as the door is about to completely shut, I manage to wedge my shoulder between the doors. The sensors pick up the obstruction and reopen.

    With Simone pressed into my chest breathing heavily and trying to regain her breath and balance, I look over to see who the mysterious woman is. To my surprise, it is Luna. The only reason Luna would be here is to see me, but this late at night? Luna is wearing a knee-length cream colored skirt with a light pink top. She is normally the bubbly personality in the room, the first person that would say hello to you, but for some reason unknown to me, she is giving off a pretty weird vibe tonight. I pull myself up and help Simone back to her feet. She fixes her outfit as turn my attention to Luna. Her makeup is smudged, as if she had been standing out in the rain waiting for a bus or a taxi. Luna isn’t looking around, only staring at the push buttons on the control panel. She doesn’t even notice that I am in the elevator with her.

    "Luna? Its late, shouldn’t

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