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Nights, Coffees, and Daydreams
Nights, Coffees, and Daydreams
Nights, Coffees, and Daydreams
Ebook102 pages17 minutes

Nights, Coffees, and Daydreams

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About this ebook

The work Nights, Coffees, and Daydreams, as its title reveals, exposes to its readers' questions that reflect our own psyche. With the reading of each page, the author presents emotions, anxieties, fears, doubts, and questions that permeated her life throughout this period of isolation, intertwining her homo affective relationship with all its nuances and peculiarities, her social and professional experience to the events that permeated her life since the beginning of the pandemic, through poems.
Her work makes us submerge in the depths of her feelings, making us reflect on the brevity and complexity of life at the same time, that we identify with basically all the stages of her relationship, where we can come across as the enchantment common to every beginning of a relationship, disagreements, insecurities, and reassurances of love. The way life can be read in this work teaches us to understand and moderate the way we deal with life, and makes us reflect on the lightness and simplicity that our lives have, but that in the rush of our daily lives we can rarely see.

PublisherRita Barbosa
Release dateOct 22, 2022
Nights, Coffees, and Daydreams

Rita Barbosa

Rita Barbosa is a Brazilian, born in João Pessoa, Paraíba; Graduated in English Languages from UEPB - Universidade Estadual da Paraíba, she has been a teacher at a State Public School in Paraíba since 2013. She loves to put her thoughts, afflictions, expectations, fears, and loves in the form of poems, producing Queer short stories, and of course a good mug of coffee amid it all

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    Book preview

    Nights, Coffees, and Daydreams - Rita Barbosa


    I dedicate this book to everyone who had the strength to move forward amid all this chaos we live in, I hope that the daydreams that helped me so much in this period of isolation also help you, my dear readers.


    Desire, Lust, Vanity, Libido, Will,

    Different faces of the same excuse.

    Chaos, mess, confusion, disorientation,

    Several faces of the same reaction.

    Lust for lust

    That boosts the will and elevates the libido.

    Arrives messing up,

    Disorienting, bringing chaos,

    Makes us excuse ourselves in waiting for an answer

    That may never come,

    Or that it's been there from the beginning.

    Who has such mastery of predicting so much?

    Or to master the eternal and unchanging flow of life?

    Fluidity of time

    Time is liquid

    That runs through our hands.

    Life is a river of murky waters

    Where you can't see very deep.

    Where all you can see

    It is a distorted reflection of yourself.

    Uncertainty hangs over the murky waters of this river.

    Murky waters

    Where we stood, in vain,

    Trying to guess what it hides.

    If we dive in search of this unknown,

    We make the waters even murkier

    And we will find nothing.

    The best solution then is to throw our nets

    Woven with fears and expectations in the water

    And wait to know what it gives us back.

    Maybe it comes back empty,


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