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Bantering With A Runaway: Banter Series, #5
Bantering With A Runaway: Banter Series, #5
Bantering With A Runaway: Banter Series, #5
Ebook366 pages4 hours

Bantering With A Runaway: Banter Series, #5

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Banter, an ex-gun-for-hire, now works for the police force. She is in high demand because of her uncanny ability to solve cases. However, she is now a mom to a newborn that is causing home to be anything but quiet and serene. She finds she can't go anywhere without a baby attached to her. If that isn't enough, Patsy, the bloodhound, points out a discarded teenager that needs a home, then Colo keeps going missing. Doesn't he know that Banter can track him? Or maybe he does. And he is calling for help. When they discover a child molester is on the loose, she has the nightmare every parent dreads. Banter needs to go hunting. Events have gotten personal. Until the unthinkable happens, and it is Banter who ends up on trial.

PublisherSJ Wilke
Release dateOct 26, 2022
Bantering With A Runaway: Banter Series, #5

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    Book preview

    Bantering With A Runaway - SJ Wilke

    Chapter 1

    Imagine my surprise, Corey said as they snuggled in bed, when I checked my mortgage...

    Our mortgage, Banter said.

    Our mortgage that is only in my name... imagine my surprise to find it almost paid off.

    I’ve been sending all of my paychecks as extra payments.

    You haven’t been working for the police force long enough to send that much money.

    I had savings.

    Yeah, bloody savings... He had expressed early in their relationship that he didn’t like her using her hit money for anything dealing with his life. Anyway... he snuggled closer to her.

    Banter had been using her hit money for lots of things dealing with their life. This is money I earned from my investments, not the bloody money, so to speak, itself.

    As Peter says, semantics. Anyway, I was wondering how to coordinate buying a new house and selling this house, and what would happen if we ended up paying two mortgages, but I see that isn’t going to be a problem.

    Even if we did have two mortgages, we have two paychecks. And you got a raise for stepping up to the Police Chief position.

    I don’t like stretching ourselves. People in high positions get scrutinized. If we went out and bought a million dollar house, that would get noticed.

    You didn’t find a million dollar house. I can’t believe you went out and found a house without me.

    The boys helped. You don’t like it?

    I love it.

    You had final say in it.

    You already put an offer on it.

    Five bedrooms. One for each kid and a guest.

    It’s a longer drive to work and... how the hell am I supposed to secure a whole acre?

    Dogs. We can add to the fencing.

    So, we’re getting another dog for Annie? A guard dog?

    I think Patsy is enough guard dog. Why are you complaining?

    I’m not complaining. I think I’m just wowed.

    She felt his arms tighten around her.

    You’ve wowed me, he said.

    I used to work one week, then take a few months off. Now I’m taking care of three children, two dogs, and an entire police force.

    And me.

    Okay, make that four children.

    He chuckled and tickled her. Banter laughed.

    The boys are stepping up. I’m so proud of how much Colo has matured. He watches over Annie like he’s her mother. Corey stretched.

    Both boys are doing a wonderful job. They understand that this is their family and they have responsibilities.

    All because of you. I couldn’t get Colo to take out the trash when... his birth mother was alive.

    Banter noticed Corey still refrained from speaking his former wife’s name. His sons never mentioned her either. There was no remembrance on her birthday or the day of her death.

    I think it’s strange that their other grandparents stay away. I have no problem if they want to visit, she said.

    They blame me for everything. The last time they stopped by, they looked at the boys with disgust because they look like me. They couldn’t see their daughter in them. I think the ties are permanently broken. Not that they visited much, anyway. Their daughter always visited them, but alone. She only took the boys if I couldn’t watch them.

    How much time do we have? she said.

    The alarm will go off in nine minutes.

    Why do we always have these talks in the morning when I could be sleeping?

    Because I can never stay awake long enough at night.

    Oh, yeah.

    Are you going into the office today?

    Yes, for a little while. I have to be back by lunch. Bea and I are going to look at what needs to get painted or repaired. She has some cleaning to do. Then the real estate agent is coming over to take pictures

    Considering how many times we’ve painted the living room because of bullet or broken glass damage, I can’t see that room needing anything.

    Or Kyle’s room. We repainted that. And... we’ll have to replace the front door. Even though we repaired those bullet holes, you can still see them. I want to frame that door.

    Corey chuckled. And where are you putting it?

    Kyle’s new bedroom. He put the holes in it. It’s his trophy.

    Wait until our offer gets accepted first.

    You said the agent sounded pretty confident that they’d take your offer.

    They all sound that way.

    They should jump at your offer. Who buys houses this time of year? Everyone is busy with children in school... damn. This means the boys will go to a different school.

    The boys and I already checked out the schools. Buses run past at the corner. Or we... I mean you... can drive them.

    Oh, you think the new police chief is going to let me take a proper maternity leave?

    I don’t think the undercovers or most of the police force are going to let you take a proper maternity leave. Not the way you carry a gun on your back, a baby on your front, and the police force in your pocket.

    She laughed. You forgot the lock picks on my wrist.

    He poked her. And Bea actually lives closer to the new house. We have her full time and more. But if you keep paying her so well, she’ll retire rich in a few years.

    By then, the boys can babysit and we won’t need a nanny.... Wait... I am not cleaning a five-bedroom house.

    Corey laughed. You’ll always need a Bea.

    Grandma won’t be happy.

    No, we’ll be further from them.

    And your mom has the touch with Annie.

    Maybe the fifth bedroom will be grandma’s room.

    Well, as your parents age and need extra care, we have the space.

    The alarm went off. They now had an alarm clock in the room, and no longer used one of their phones. The digital readout provided a soft nightlight, allowing them better vision when tending to Annie in the middle of the night.

    Banter heard Annie fuss. Time.

    Before Annie could blowup into a full cry, Banter picked her up to put her on the changing table.

    I see you’re liking that, Corey said, heading for the bathroom.

    I can’t believe your mom still had all your baby stuff. And then only had one. Don’t people save this stuff for the kids that follow?

    I think she wanted more, but... she’s vague on the subject, but I gather she had a medical problem. I was a hard delivery.

    So, she kept them as a memorial for all she couldn’t have? She heard the toilette flush and knew he hadn’t caught what she said. I think you like the changing table, too, Annie girl. There. Let’s get you a bottle.

    Banter felt Annie was showing some intelligence already. Since mornings consisted of the same routine, Annie no longer cried for her bottle, but fussed quietly.

    You know it’s coming.

    She stepped out into the kitchen to find Colo still in his pajamas.

    Almost ready, he said.

    You have Annie’s bottle warming?

    The microwave dinged.


    Thanks, Colo.

    He took the bottle out and put in her mug of water.

    Now, you’re spoiling me.

    He handed her the bottle with a smile, then ran upstairs. She knew he would get dressed. Since she didn’t see Ollie, she suspected he had already let out both dogs and left them in the backyard. She could already see the morning routine changing with the maturity of the boys and the addition of Annie to the family.

    She heard Kyle come down the stairs and head for the backdoor.

    Morning, Kyle. She could see he had already dressed.


    Ollie, the lab, came running into the kitchen. He begged for a pat from her before going to his bowl. Banter felt surprised to see food already in his bowl and knew Colo must have fed him. Since Kyle hadn’t followed Ollie, she suspected he was still out with Patsy, the bloodhound. She figured he was watching or entertaining her to give Ollie time to eat. Patsy always snarfed down her food. If she could finish her food before Ollie, then she would try to steal his.

    Banter smile at how the boys solved this issue. Ollie would be done with his food by the time Kyle let Patsy back in.

    The microwave dinged. She dropped in her tea bag to let it steep, then turned to start Corey’s coffee, but found it already waiting for him.

    This isn’t a holiday, is it? Or someone’s birthday? She looked down at Annie to see she had almost finished her bottle. Where’s the morning chaos?

    Corey came in. She handed him his coffee, and they both sat at the table with their drinks.

    What’s your schedule for the day? she said.

    Busy. Lots of politics. He frowned.

    You’re good at that.

    Doesn’t mean I like it. However, I’ve discovered if I give people a choice, they usually pick what I want them to pick.

    That’s because you’re making one choice less favorable.

    More work or less work. Most pick less work. I’m changing the leadership. Jonah is stepping up to take my spot.

    You’ve been coaching him.

    He’s been coaching himself. I wish I had a dozen like him. I’d have a lot less work.

    Kyle came in from the back with Patsy and fed her.

    Morning, Kyle.

    Morning, Dad. He giggled.

    Banter hoped he kept his happy nature as he grew up.

    Breakfast, you two? He was grinning ear to ear, eager to serve them.

    Can I see a menu? she said.

    Kyle giggled. We only have one breakfast.

    Colo came running down the stairs. Morning, Dad.

    Morning, Colo.

    Soon, the usual fare of hard-boiled eggs and toast were on the table. Banter smiled at how the boys helped with breakfast.

    She noted another change in the morning routine. Corey now ate breakfast with them. Since he was becoming more administrative, he had decided to keep his hours aligned with the typical day shift. One of their morning talks had been about why he had decided this. He wanted to make sure he spent more time with the family. He was trying to make sure both boys had his time, but with the addition of his new job responsibilities and the addition of Annie in the family, this was getting harder to do.

    In addition, the boys weren’t helping. While Corey was trying to spend more time with them, Banter knew the boys were spending more time with their friends. Her training them to be more independent was allowing them to grow their social life.

    Is everyone meeting at the bus stop? she said.

    Colo nodded.

    This was the first day of school. Since Kyle was now in first grade, Colo and he could go to school together. The boys and their friends had decided to meet at the corner where Colo usually caught the bus. From there, they were then all going to walk together. Banter had figured this out by listening to the boys when they thought she wasn’t paying attention. She wondered how this was going to work. The bus driver didn’t let kids off the bus until it got to school, and the boys’ friends were planning on getting off the bus there.

    My escort service is no longer needed.

    Colo laughed. We still need you to take the dogs home.

    I see. Glad to be useful. She intended to walk most of the way to school with them while walking the dogs.

    You have your backpack, Kyle?

    Kyle exaggerated a slap to his forehead before running up the stairs.

    We didn’t buy that new backpack for nothing, she called after him.

    Colo laughed.

    Banter knew his new backpack was leaning against the front door, ready to go.

    Don’t forget your lunch, she said to him.

    Never, Colo said.

    Banter had tried to get them to make their own lunches, but both boys refused, saying she made the best sandwiches. Her specialty was peanut butter and jelly.

    I’ll walk with you this morning, Corey said. The dogs look like they need some help.

    Both dogs were peeking in from the living room since Banter forbid them from being in the kitchen during meals, unless they were eating their own food. They knew to leave the kitchen once they had finished, and she could see both bowls were empty.

    Mom can handle the dogs, Colo said, but he looked pleased.

    That will make you late, Banter said to Corey.

    I’m in a meeting. He smiled.

    Nice to control your schedule now.

    I walked Colo to school on his first day in first grade. I’d like to do that with Kyle, he said.

    We’re going to have a regular parade.

    Kyle pounded down the stairs with his backpack.

    Banter enjoyed the chaos while the boys packed their lunches and snacks and made sure they had everything. She remained in the background, ready to help if they asked for it, but they managed to remember everything. It was Colo who stepped in to assist his brother in getting his backpack loaded and fitted on.

    Let’s go, Kyle said.

    Both boys looked excited.

    Banter knew it wasn’t because of school.


    I’m coming.

    Both boys ran out of the house with the dogs heeled to them.

    It’s still too warm to run, Corey said. He had left his suit coat in the house along with his tie.

    We can walk.

    At the new house, there will be no walking. School is too far away. And no friends meeting them, unless it’s on the bus, Corey said.

    Will we change their school as soon as... this all comes together?

    No. I thought we’d let them finish the first half of the school year. I know Colo has thought of this. We’ve talked.

    Banter watched the boys stop at the end of the block. The school bus was nowhere in sight since they were a little early.

    Do you think the bus driver is going to let their friends off? Corey said.

    Banter laughed. I was thinking about that, too. I guess we’ll see. Maybe he will if he sees adults around.

    He might recognize the police chief.

    Banter had to admit they were both recognizable. Everyone knew her as the police officer who rescued Annie from a trash can. Now everyone knew Corey as the new interim police chief. He had been getting a lot of news press of late.

    I think you’re stuck with that position, she said.

    No one wanted to deal with all the problems. Including me.

    You’re good at solving problems.

    So are you. Don’t feel surprised if I tap into you.

    Sorry, my dance card is way too full as it is.

    He bumped her.

    She laughed.

    Annie babbled.

    Wide awake and looking around. She’s a smart girl, too.

    Just like her mother, he said.

    She laughed again.

    The bus appeared.

    The boys waited until they joined them to cross the street to the bus stop.

    When the bus pulled up, Banter could see a group of boys near the door and hear the driver telling them to back off. As she expected, the door opened, and the driver called out to greet Corey.

    Morning, Mr. Van Baine.


    Boys filed off the bus.

    Hey you. Get back on.

    We want to walk.

    Kyle’s first day, Corey said. They want to escort him.

    I’m not supposed to. It’s against policy.

    We’re walking with them the whole way.

    Well, I guess if I’m getting orders from the police chief. He waved at them with a grumpy looking smile, then closed the doors and drove on.

    Banter turned to see the boys walking en masse toward school.

    Our little parade, she said.

    With Colo, I held his hand.

    I don’t think that’s going to happen with Kyle. Not in front of his friends.

    At least he isn’t scared like Colo was.

    Never tell him that.

    Corey took her hand. I guess I’ll have to hold your hand.

    You scared?

    Knowing my schedule for the week, I should be.

    She gave his hand a squeeze.

    One block from the school, the boys stopped to wait for them. Banter knew this was to hand off the dogs.

    Thanks, mom.

    No problem. Have a good day, everyone.

    Kyle giggled, looking like he wanted to give her a hug, but he didn’t. She winked at him, and he winked back.

    The group of boys crossed the street with the assistance of the crossing guard. Ollie whined, but obeyed her heel command. Patsy panted while sitting beside Corey.

    Maybe I should have let them skip a grade, Corey said. The only reason I didn’t was to make sure they were maturing well. I’m underestimating them... again.

    They turned to head back home.

    We have them enrolled in extra programs, she said. Plus, I have to agree. There are many levels of maturity. Let them be with friends their own age.

    I almost hate to move them.

    Both of them seem to make friends easily. Better than I ever did.

    They had just reached their own block when Corey’s phone rang. Banter felt surprised it hadn’t rung earlier. In the past, he would have been on a phone conference call by now, getting updates from his men.

    Good, morning. What’s up?

    She couldn’t catch any of the conversation from the other end.

    Sure. I can arrange that. He ended the call. Bring Patsy with you when you go to work. We have a local request to help with a search for an elderly man who wandered off.



    I wish more people used the bracelets.

    When it first starts out, people are in denial. I’ve seen it a lot. Especially when I was on a beat. Maybe this will spur them to get the bracelet.

    It’s free.

    Yeah, but there is pride. And respect for the elderly. They don’t want to impinge on their freedom.

    And yet, they let them get lost.

    I’ll never have to worry about you. You’re bugged for life.

    She bumped him and laughed. That goes both ways, mister.

    However, she cut short her laughter when an unknown red car pulled up to the curb in front of their house.

    See what I mean? You’re paying her way too much, Corey said.

    Banter bumped him again. Bea got out of a brand new four-door SUV.

    She deserves every penny.

    That’s the problem, he said. She does.

    Chapter 2

    Banter walked Corey out to his cruiser to see him off.

    Don’t hug too tight, I have Annie.

    I’m giving both of you a hug. See you tonight.

    She watched him drive off. A neighbor drove by. She returned his wave. When she stepped back into the house, she heard Bea laughing as she came down the stairs. Bea already had an armful of bedding.

    What’s so funny? Banter said.

    What did you tell the boys to do to their rooms?

    To pick everything up off the floor.

    They followed your request precisely.

    What did they do?

    Put everything on top of the bed. They even put their chairs up there.


    I’m glad they couldn’t move the dressers.

    Banter chuckled. I’m heading out. I’m taking Patsy with me to go out to find a man who wandered off.

    They need the bracelet.

    Yes, I know. I’ll be back by noon.

    I’ll have everything looking spiffy by then. See ya.

    Patsy, come.

    Patsy rose from the living room floor with some hesitation.

    Yes, I know. You expected a nap after such a long walk. I have work for you. She picked up the diaper bag she had prepared earlier.

    Ollie tried to follow, but Banter waved him off. He whined, but sat down when she gave him the hand signal.

    Patsy knew the routine and jumped into the SUV without even a command.

    Is the leash still here? Yep. Okay. Annie, you have to go into the car seat. No fussing.

    Banter knew her talking to herself was just her own way of making sure she didn’t miss or forget anything. Annie never fussed in the car. Now that Annie was a permanent part of their life, Banter felt her mothering instinct was in full gear. She never had the fear of forgetting that Annie was in the back seat because she was so attuned to having Annie around. She knew when Annie was near or not.

    Unfortunately, that worked both ways. Annie knew when Banter wasn’t around. However, Banter had progressively worked up to where she could be absent an hour or so before Annie would explode into a full cry. Thankfully, Corey’s mother, Barb, had become an exception. Annie never cried around Barb.

    Thank you for grandmothers.

    Banter pulled out into traffic. She mulled over the move to a new house.

    Might be a good time to get rid of stuff we don’t need.

    She had already emptied the toy box in the backyard of old toys, and the boys now used it, in addition to another storage box Corey had purchased, to store their dog agility course items.

    I wonder what else is up in the attic besides old baby stuff.

    They had now inherited all that Corey’s mother had. Their bedroom felt cramped with all the baby items.

    Yeah, amazing how small a house becomes when you add children. And all of their belongings.

    She moved her focus to traffic.

    Corey still drove his cruiser, but he had spoken about that getting taken away since he was no longer going out on calls. She knew he didn’t think, even as a police chief, that he should get any police owned car to drive.

    We’re going to need a new car.

    The last police chief’s son, who had killed the governor, had totaled her car. They could afford a new car. An insurance payout was already sitting in their bank account, as well as additional funds from the old police chief who had tried to atone for his son’s damage.

    Banter didn’t look forward to adding the purchase of a new car to their growing list of things to do.

    She turned onto a side street. The construction of the new police headquarters had caused a few streets to be closed, diverting traffic.

    At least the new house is in the other direction.

    She pull onto the street on one side of the police station, but had to drive around the block to reach the parking garage. The police had signs posted, reserving most of the ground floor for police use only. However, one space near the door had an extra sign. Someone had made it out of wood. The sign read Baby/Dogs Only.

    My own parking space.

    She pulled in.

    The sign had been a joke because she usually had Annie with her. No one had removed the sign. And no one parked there, except for her. She suspected Peter had something to do with it.

    Hold on, Patsy. Let me put the leash on. Yes, I know you’re a good girl.

    She grabbed the car seat with Annie.

    A police officer ahead of her held the door open for her.

    Thanks, Dean.

    Morning, Banter. Dog business today?

    Old folk wandered off.

    Good luck.


    Banter headed through the hall toward the front lobby. A text on her phone directed her to meet a member of the search team there.

    Banter. Morning. Sorry to have you go through the trouble.

    Banter recognized the man as Owen, who was part of the missing persons division. Our lost man was just found. We don’t need your dog to find him.

    At the word find, Patsy pulled away from her. Banter felt the leash pull through her fingers. She hadn’t been holding it tight, but knew Patsy couldn’t go far.

    No problem, Owen. I’m only here a short while. This gives me a good excuse to leave early.

    How’s the baby?

    She’s good, thanks.

    Looks like your dog found someone else. I have to head out. Take care.

    Banter turned to find Patsy sitting in front of a teen who sat in the waiting area. Patsy stared at the young girl, using the intense stare she used as her signal that she had found her target.

    We’re not here to find her. Banter picked up the leash.

    She gave it a slight tug with a hand signal, but Patsy refused to move.

    The teenager looked somewhat affronted at Patsy’s presence.

    Banter took the cue from Patsy and gave the teen a quick appraisal. The girl wore an oversized windbreaker and jeans with tears and rips, which was the fashion of the day. She had very short ash blond hair. Banter had the feeling she was trying to make herself look tough. Her pierced ear-rings looked like daggers, and there were black tattoo-looking marks on her hands that Banter knew were done with a permanent marker. The girl was too young for a real tattoo, and the faded appearance told Banter

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