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The Layered Universe And The Quest Of Resurrection
The Layered Universe And The Quest Of Resurrection
The Layered Universe And The Quest Of Resurrection
Ebook73 pages52 minutes

The Layered Universe And The Quest Of Resurrection

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Blending theoretical physics and philosophy, this work is centered around the possibility of a total resurrection of the past.

It conceptualizes and explores both scientifically and metaphysically an unorthodox model of the layered universe with its modus operandi being a continuous process of generating incrementally altered c

PublisherM. Davidov
Release dateNov 25, 2022
The Layered Universe And The Quest Of Resurrection

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    The Layered Universe And The Quest Of Resurrection - M. Davidov



    The Paper House

    Copyright © 2022, M. Davidov

    All rights reserved.

    The book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Law and Treaties. Any unauthorized report or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , electronic or mechanical, without the prior permission of the author except in the case of quotations in the reviews and other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Cover design by Andry Ivanov


    First - two quotes:

    "If progress is the goal, for whom are we working? Who is this Moloch who, as the laborers approach him, instead of rewarding them, only retreats, and as a consolation to the exhausted, doomed mobs crying 'morituri te salutant', can respond with a bitter sneer that after their death all will be perfectly fine on Earth. Do you truly wish to condemn all human beings alive today to the sad role of caryatids supporting a terrace for others someday to dance on…. (A. Herzen, From the other Shore", 1866).

    "Achieving immortality and resurrecting all the people who have ever lived are two inseparable goals. Immortality is impossible, both ethically and physically, without resurrection. Our moral duty is to create a heaven that will be shared by all who have ever lived ... (N. Fyodorov, What was man created for?, 1913).

    The book addresses those very problems and is the author's answer to the despicable fate of the billions human beings gone, Herzen's ire and Fyodorov's whole life quest.

    The central, Treatise, part suggests, substantiates and reflects on an original and quite an unorthodox model of the Universe and focuses on the most important inferences following from the fact that the Universe is set up exactly as demonstrated – namely, on the possibility of Total Bringing Back from the Past of all and everything that ever existed.

    The book also includes a Preface - an important part of the whole project, with the highlights of (far from ordinary) events which gave the impulse to its writing and to 15 years that took to finish it, and an Addendum (An Hourglass) – a mini-essay on non-temporal, or timeless, physics.

    The book is intended for a wide range of readers. But scholars and scientists could also find this book appealing and stimulating.


    Deus conservat omnia

    1. Another Moon.

    A close friend of mine recently shared with me this touching incident. She was sitting one evening with her four-year-old grandson in his room. They were talking about this and that. At a certain point, the child stood up, went over the window, and said, Granny, look! That's the Moon…

    So they sat down again, continued to chat.

    Next, her grandson took her by the hand and, saying, Let's go, I want to show you something, led her into the next room over, his elder brother's.

    There, going up to the window (which looked out towards the same side), he pointed to the dark sky beyond the window and conspiratorially whispered, And that…is another Moon…

    Why do I precede the cardinal narrative of my life and, probably, my swan song - with this cute little story?

    Well, it is just because I have this deep incessant feeling that everyone who is in the world has gathered together in the same room for the evening, looking at the moon, but I have gone into the next room, and am looking out from it at the sky beyond the window, and there…is another Moon

    The circumstances that prompted me to write the Treatise The Layered Universe and The Quest of Resurrection, and the almost decade-and-a-half that I needed to finish this quite small text of about 40 pages - circumstances which, I will repeat, although exceptional in and of themselves – are, perhaps, already not that fundamental in comparison with those consequences to which my efforts to clarify and narrate what I am dealing with ultimately led me, or with the results of my zeal and the outcomes that they finally spilled over into, taking on an acceptable form as a relatively orderly concept.

    So, what

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