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Lying In the Arms of Death (Fantasy Romance | Daughters Of Creation Book #1): Daughters of Creation, #1
Lying In the Arms of Death (Fantasy Romance | Daughters Of Creation Book #1): Daughters of Creation, #1
Lying In the Arms of Death (Fantasy Romance | Daughters Of Creation Book #1): Daughters of Creation, #1
Ebook140 pages1 hour

Lying In the Arms of Death (Fantasy Romance | Daughters Of Creation Book #1): Daughters of Creation, #1

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Natasha dies when she sleeps; unknown to her, she walks into the underworld. Waking up, she remembers nothing except the eyes of the man in her dream. 
His eyes haunt her waking hour; drawn to the darkness, she is starting to lose her grip on reality but if she is not supposed to be in his arms, then why does she feel this irresistible desire that made her do anything to get close to him?
After being an empty shell for nearly two thousand years, The Lord Of The Underworld  Azrael feels something. The only catch is, he has to burn whenever he refuses to take her. He would lose her, it is losing her to the Realm of Light, To never see her again, or...burning for eternity. He can't take her and cannot lose her, but time is running out if he doesn't take her to the Realm of Light. 
She would lose her soul. Can he realize the feelings are not just mere tender moments but an emotion so strong that could be his salvation? 

Could Natasha be his salvation or the reason he lose his existence?

What would he do? Take her? Leave her? Lose her?

Lying In the Arms of Death is a short Fantasy Romance of Human Female Protagonist and a Celestial Male lead with an HEA

PublisherMohini Raj
Release dateOct 28, 2022
Lying In the Arms of Death (Fantasy Romance | Daughters Of Creation Book #1): Daughters of Creation, #1

Mohini Raj

Mohini Raj lives in central India with her family and hundreds of characters who live rent-free in her mind. She enjoys penning down their story to get it out of her, and You will find her stories deeply inspired by urban and folklore myths. She loves to talk and write about her favorite books and TV shows when she is not watching a show, hunting a new story to read, or writing her new fantasy world. She loves to hear music and go on long walks in her free time. Lying In the Arms of Death ( Daughters of Creation Series Book #1) is her debut Short Novel starting her self-publish journey.

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    Lying In the Arms of Death (Fantasy Romance | Daughters Of Creation Book #1) - Mohini Raj

    The Beautiful Nightmare

    Fire can consume the sun here; before that comes, Natasha feels like she is in heaven.

    It appears every color in the rainbow is use to paint the ground. The surrounding wildflowers appear delicate, wild, and intoxicating. She could feel the grass tickling her bare feet as the warmth of the sun, the shimmering colors of the flower drew her in and her feet sink into the soft grass and hard earth. She relaxed.

    A pair of arms encircled her. A sigh left her dark pink lips, and she smiled.

    She presses against his chest, and his grip tightens around her. His cool lips brushed against her shoulder, and her breath caught in her throat. She basked in the warmness of his embrace and turned, wrapping her arms around him.

    She leans her head against his chest.

    In his arms, time seems to stand still. It’s a familiar feeling here; she feels light as if floating, and the only gravity she has is him.

    She drew away from him, his palm stroked her cheeks, and she met his sapphire blue eyes, shadowed in darkness with crimson flecks. She turned away from him, her gaze fixed on the meadow around them. He held her hand. The golden-green grass ringed the flowers, and the colors had gathered in their petals. The hues were caught between them, trapped yet free in the sunlight’s rays.

    The flowers appear to have minds of their own, not even bowing to the will of the rustling wind.

    The petals shimmered in yellow, pink, and red in the sunlight, and their beauty captivated her. She could feel it beating within her, relentlessly but beautifully. The sound of the waterfall resonated in the distance.

    Oh, She sighs in bliss.

    The water created a soft sound as the wind blew through it and the water crashing against the rocks echoed in the air. She could feel it with every drop of water, every breeze against the flowers, and she could feel those flowers on the verge of blooming. She could feel the petals breathing, and her lungs expanded in response.

    She breathed in the scents of apricots, dandelions, roses, and water and earth lingering in the air. All of the sensory feelings crash together within her like a wave. She closed her eyes. The breeze brushed against her face in feather-like strokes. His gaze traced the sharp corners of her face as the sun’s rays touched her olive skin. She reveled in the warmth, and the cool air carried the earthy aroma of water and dirt. He pulled her closer to his chest, and she looked at him, puzzled. Her pulse skipped a beat as he leaned in closer, close enough to kiss, but he stopped. She shivered at the sensation of his breathing tickling her cheeks. The warmth permeated her veins. He was frigid to her touch; It warmed her heart at the tenderness he held her with. She could feel his kisses on her hair. Time passed as she counted his breathing as it matched hers.

    The warm breeze brushed about them, turning into a chilly wind. Natasha’s eyes flew open.

    The woods became a foreboding forest of dark branches, and everything around her died. Natasha’s heart stopped beating. Everything around her turned lifeless and withering in an instant. It’s as though the trees are trying to suffocate her. A blaze burst all around her. She was alone in the fire, crimson, ferocious flames ready to devour the sun, dark clouds covering the sky.

    Smoke blocked her vision as she struggled to climb out of the flames.

    There was no escape.

    The heat was so unbearable that she wanted to rip her skin off.

    She could see him outside the circle through the smoke and fire, and her heart flooded with relief.

    He is safe.

    She could feel her heart hammering in her ears as she glanced at him.

    He extended his palm toward the flames, his pained red-blue eyes meeting hers.

    Don’t! she screamed, attempting to stop him.

    Her lungs are suffocated from the smoke as she coughs, and her wind-wiped tightens by the second.

    To her horror, he jumped into the fire.

    Natasha, wake up! He shook her and seized her arms.

    Wake up, Natasha; it is just a dream!

    A Row With Death

    The elevator pinged, jolting her back to reality, and she stepped out into the hospital lobby. She walked through the reception area and into the Dean of Medicine’s office. She sighs and clears her throat.

    Here goes nothing. Natasha knocked.

    Come in, Dr. Fell said. He was a middle-aged man with piercing eyes and a diplomatic demeanor.

    He smiled as soon as he saw her face, but his eyes stayed deadpanned.

    Please come in, Dr. Kriska. I’ve been waiting for you, the smile slipped as quickly as the IV dripped. She cringed on the inside. Well, you know what was coming. She told herself this while pressing her lips together and trying not to close her eyes. Like your patients, He widened his eyes and curled his mouth in a sneer, suppressing his irritation.

    Dr. Fell, Sir... She tried to say something, but nothing could justify her incompetence.

    You were not only late four times in the last two weeks, but you were also unable to come through for emergencies!

    I know this my fault; this.... She tiredly sighed. This will not happen again, she had nothing further to say or explain.

    What will she say even if she wants to? There’s no way to hide the fact that her nerves occasionally collapse. She drifts out without notice and is unaware of it. Even when awake, she searches for strange shadows that she cannot recall seeing in her dreams but desperately wants to. However, she has no medical problems. She has undergone extensive testing.

    He sat back in his chair and then leaned against the table, staring her down.

    "This is my final warning; one slip, and I will fire you."

    Yes, sir, In humiliation, she nodded and turned, heat rising to her neck.

    Or you can kiss your license goodbye,

    She turns around, her mouth open, but no sound comes out. She can’t believe it; she will lose her eight years of study and hard work.

    He said that, Jody murmured, shocked, looking at Natasha.

    He seemed quite serious, Natasha added as she shoved the yogurt into her mouth.

    Are you certain? Jody asked, her gaze narrowed at the yogurt. This is not a healthy diet; this is all you’ve eaten.

    They sat in the break room, which smelled strongly of coffee and clinical supplies. Natasha had finally finished her breakfast.

    Natasha licked the spoon, saying, It helps me feel better.

    All right, that’s it! Set it aside, she snatched it away from Natasha.

    At the very least, have a sandwich, Jody said, handing her some from her plate.

    Natasha glanced at it and considered eating it, but Dr. Fell’s words rang in her head, making her stomach churn. It made her unable to eat anything.

    I don’t feel like it, she says as she swallows.

    Here’s what I think you should get....

    Checked, Natasha said as she tossed the empty packet into the garbage.

    I’ve already done that, and I’m not clinically depressed, she explained.

    Or you should get laid, Jody cocked her brow.

    Natasha stood up, rolling her eyes.

    I am not lonely, she protested, but she felt a hollowness in her chest.

    You know you need a break, and he is a jerk, don’t mind him; you are a good doctor, and you worked 36 hours in the ER last week without a break, no sleep at all, and it has messed up your sleeping cycle.

    She sighed, nodded, and smiled, hoping that Jody knew she appreciated her efforts in cheering her up. Jody is a good friend, but Dr. Fell is correct; what if one day she spaces out and endangers a patient’s life? Natasha cannot be this way. They parted ways, and she proceeded to her charts in exam room number three.

    Natasha’s heart seized whenever she suspected she was losing it. Occasionally, when she is alone. She senses the world passing by her. Time becomes irrelevant, and her consciousness becomes engulfed in a cloud. She doesn’t want to run away from it. She wants to get lost in it but knows she shouldn’t.

    ‘I wish one day I would wake up and don’t feel disoriented. What is the purpose of all this if I kept feeling I would not reach anything,’

    It left much to be desired, like a coin lacking a second side.

    Doctor, Mrs. Myers has arrived for her appointment, she says.

    She jerked her head up and nodded.

    Sent her in,

    Her fifth appointment was running late, so she took a lunch break. The fourth level was a cancer ward. She went there to see if Jody was available for a bite. Natasha’s stomach churned with unease; something

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