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Dark: Aftermath, #1
Dark: Aftermath, #1
Dark: Aftermath, #1
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Dark: Aftermath, #1

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With threats of solar flares larger than anything ever recorded looming, everyone on Earth is scrambling to prepare. No one knows how severe the consequences will be. With little to no warning, the massive flares hit, wiping out power grids, frying everything electrical or battery-operated, and burning out most living beings, unless you were lucky enough to be deep underground or inside something that could withstand the unimaginable temperatures.


In the end, the Earth has been left in total, absolute darkness.


Having rekindled their romance after their failed marriage, Gideon doesn't want to be apart from D'hani, but she lives in another town. The last time he talked to her, he vowed to come looking for her if/when the big one hits. Because he works for Brodwyn Light and Power, he must stick around to help restore power when the flares pass.


Barely escaping death, he leaves to find her, to see if she also managed to survive, but life has been forever changed. Survival is now reduced to scavenging for whatever food and water he can find, and that means only the fittest or smartest will stay alive.


But some survivors have been reduced to savages.


Has humanity completely turned on itself? It seems there are still a few good ones left, though they are very few and far between. If Gideon can find D'hani, they're going to search for a place where they can spend the rest of their days, however long that may be.

Although it may be the end of the world, their last wish is for them to be together.

PublisherLinda Mooney
Release dateOct 29, 2022
Dark: Aftermath, #1

Linda Mooney

Linda loves to write sensuously erotic romance with a fantasy, paranormal, or science fiction flair. Her technique is often described as being as visual as a motion picture or graphic novel. A wife, mother, grandmother, and retired Kindergarten and music teacher, she lives in a small south Texas town near the Gulf coast where she delves into other worlds filled with daring exploits, adventure, and intense love. She has numerous best sellers, including 10 consecutive #1s. In 2009, she was named Whiskey Creek Press Torrid's Author of the Year, and her book My Strength, My Power, My Love was named the 2009 WCPT Book of the Year. In 2011, her book Lord of Thunder was named the Epic Ebook "Eppie" Award Winner for Best Erotic Sci-Fi Romance. In addition, she write naughty erotic romances under the name of Carolyn Gregg, and horror under the pseudonym of Gail Smith. For more information about Linda Mooney books and titles, and to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website.

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    Book preview

    Dark - Linda Mooney



    Gideon Rudd strode into the locker room, nearly colliding with Ed Pervis, who was coming around the corner. Ed jumped back a step, then a grin spread across his face when he saw who it was.

    Hey, Gid! Welcome back, bro!

    Glad to be back, Gideon admitted as he continued toward his locker. He wasn’t surprised when Ed followed him.

    Why? What happened? You don’t sound like you had a good time with Charlene. Charlene?

    Charlane, Gideon corrected him. And, no, I… Forget it. Opening his locker, he grabbed his safety vest to start dressing.

    I take it things didn’t go well? Hey, you can tell me. You know I’m good not to spread it around, Ed persisted.

    Sighing, Gideon reconsidered. He knew he might as well be open with the guy, or the man would continue to hound him until he broke. But Ed was also the one man he could confess to and not face ridicule or condemnation for his decision. After all, what were childhood friends for if not to be the ultimate confidante?

    Gideon turned to look at him. We didn’t go.

    Ed’s eyes widened. "You didn’t go? But you’d been planning that trip for—"

    Gideon held up a hand. I know, I know. I canceled the trip, and…I told her it just wasn’t working out for me. He took another deep breath. Eddie, I think D’hani and I are getting back together.

    Ed’s expression went from surprise to shock. "What?"

    He nodded. We’ve been talking on the phone for the past few months. Trying to understand what went wrong the first time around. Trying to work things out.


    Yeah. Gideon didn’t back down. Damn it, but I still love her. And she’s admitted she never stopped loving me.

    So if you guys still love each other, why’d you call it off and get divorced?

    Hey, guys! Gypsy stuck his head in the room. Hurry up! Boss is about to start the meeting.

    We’ll be right there! Gideon assured him, and grabbed his toolbelt and hardhat. Come on. We can continue this later.

    They hurried out of the locker room to head for the meeting room. Fortunately, there were two empty chairs in the back of the room. Gideon took one and Ed grabbed the other.

    The place was almost packed. Glancing around, Gideon guessed nearly every worker for Brodwyn Light and Power had to be present.

    Beside him, Sid Hannon leaned over. Betcha a fiver this has to do with those solar flares.

    Gideon gave him a puzzled look. What solar flares?

    Haven’t you been watching the news? It’s all they’ve been talking about these past couple of days!

    They were interrupted by Larry Gill of senior management coming in and taking a stance at the front. Dropping a clipboard on the podium, he gripped the sides before speaking. Gideon could instantly tell whatever the man had to impart, it wasn’t going to be pleasant.

    Thank you all for being here. Some of you on short notice. And to those of you who were scheduled to be off, or already on vacation, extra thanks for your sacrifice. I’ll get straight to the point. Gill bowed his head or checked his clipboard before continuing. "I’m sure you’re all aware of what’s been on the news for the past forty-eight hours. And for those of you who might not have heard, let me explain as briefly as possible.

    We all know the temperature has been steadily rising these past couple of weeks. A new record’s been set every day, and the scientists now think they know why. The man’s gaze swept over the room. They have proof the sun’s been throwing off massive solar flares. Flares that are larger than anything ever recorded, and they believe it’s only going to get worse. Which is why I’ve called you all in.

    Reaching behind him, he pulled down the map of the city from the scroll adhered to the wall. They tell us the flares are going to be highly disruptive, and possibly take out all electrical and telephone towers, and maybe even fry the entire grid. If that happens, we’re going to be up shit creek. So don’t be surprised if you’re asked to take on twenty-four, maybe forty-eight-hour shifts.

    A hand went up. Gideon recognized Shaffer.

    Yes, Rick? Gill asked.

    "All the towers? Every grid? In every city, all over the U.S.?"

    All over the world, boss man solemnly corrected him.

    The room went totally silent for a few seconds as everyone wrapped their heads around the magnitude of the event.

    How hot are they expecting it to get? Have they said? Ponty called out from the middle of the room.

    Upwards of one hundred twenty degrees, McMahon replied from where he sat in the front row. We’re talking scorcher.

    Putnam added his two cents. I heard one meteorologist say it could get higher than that.

    Gideon raised a hand. Do they have any idea how long these flares are supposed to last?

    Boss man shook his head. No, but they said they wouldn’t be surprised if the flares went on for a couple of hours. Maybe longer. He paused, then added, Maybe for a couple of days.

    With temperatures well over a hundred, and no air conditioning, how’s everyone supposed to keep cool? Brennan pressed. What do I tell my wife? My parents? My neighbors?

    "Have them draw as much water as possible and use it to keep their skin moist. Above all, tell them not to strip down or wear bathing suits. They need to keep themselves covered. Gill studied the room. We’re talking solar flares here, not just hot temperatures. We’re more vulnerable than the electrical grid. A hard, high dose of solar radiation can fry us from the inside out."

    So what are we supposed to do when those flares take out the grid? Ed queried. Go out there in the worst of it to try and bring it back online?

    No, Gill firmly answered. I’m not risking putting anyone out there during the worst of it. But the second it’s safe to venture back outside, we’re going to have to work double-time to get this city back on its feet. In the meantime, while we wait for the flares to occur… He indicated the map. We’re still replacing those lines underneath Mayburn and St. Andrew. Davis, you and your crew continue with that. How much more do you have to lay?

    We’re almost done. Just got another four hundred yards, give or take, Davis replied.

    How much longer do you think you’ll need?

    Another week should do it.

    Gill made a face. I dunno if we have a week before we have to stay indoors.

    Gideon raised his hand again. When do they predict the worst of the flares will occur?

    They’re saying within the next forty-eight hours, perhaps sooner. There’s supposed to be a national alert going out the instant the scientists see the first of the major flares erupt. That’ll give everyone eight minutes before they hit us. Gill narrowed his eyes. Eight. Minutes, he repeated in a darker tone. He checked the clock on the far wall. As soon as the worst is over, I need you all to report to your lead foreman, who’ll let you know where you’ll be situated.

    Hey, Gill? Morrissey waved a hand. If those things take out the cell phone towers and all, how are we gonna find out where we need to report?

    Gill pointed to the floor. Come back here. There’ll be maps and rosters posted to let everyone know where to go. The man straightened his shoulders. This could go south in a heartbeat. Be prepared for anything. Keep your ears open for that alert. I have no idea when, or even if it’ll come. But if it does, seek shelter immediately. Wherever you are, get inside a building and away from any windows. Preferably an interior room like a bathroom or closet.

    Ed signaled to speak again. Say we seek shelter. How long are we supposed to stay in there?

    Yeah, Gill, Morrissey spoke up. When will we know it’s safe to come out? If those flares fry the towers, we won’t be able to hear the all’s clear if it’s sent out.

    I suggest you get a portable radio or TV and keep it nearby, he suggested. I’ll be honest, I’m just as much in the dark as all of you are. He grinned. No pun intended. We’ll get through this. We’ve been through worse, what with helping clean-up after hurricanes hit the Gulf Coast, and tornados. But we’ll get over this just like we’ve gotten over everything else. If those flares do take out our communications, we’ll find a way to cope…even if we have to send up smoke signals.

    A few men chuckled at the remark. Gideon checked around the room, noting how the stress level seemed to have lowered a few notches. The boss man just had that effect on everyone. That’s why he’s in the position he’s in, Gideon noted to himself.

    Gill gave a dismissive wave of his hand. That’s it. That’s all I had to say. Get with your team leader for your orders. Hopefully, the next time I talk to you, it’ll be when this mess is over, and we can get back to our regular homegrown disasters and routines.

    More chuckles followed, and everyone got to their feet to begin filing out. Gideon hurried to catch up to Davis.

    Glad to have you back, the man remarked. I feel a lot more confident having all of my guys on the job.

    Want me to take one of the trucks?

    "Yeah. Make sure the tank’s full before you head over to the site. We’ll be in the thirty-four-hundred block of St. Andrews.


    Turning around, Gideon headed for the front office to claim a key before going to the rear parking lot where the company trucks were located. But before he did that, he slipped into a side room to make a phone call.



    Top o’ the morning to ya, girlfriend!

    D’hani smiled as she let herself into Smythe’s Tavern via the rear entrance. Standing in the doorway leading into the front, Stephanie grinned back.

    Morning, Steph.

    How’d you get so lucky to get the morning shift?

    I volunteered. How ‘bout you?

    "I got volunteered."

    Been here long?

    Beatcha by five minutes. The woman disappeared, the swinging doors closing behind her. D’hani started to follow her when her phone went off. By the ringtone, she knew who it was. She briefly debated whether to answer it, but considering what had been happening between them these past couple of months, she hit the ACCEPT button.

    Make it quick, Gid. I just got to work. She kept her tone light to make him realize she was serious, but not pissed off. Things were still too tenuous between them for her to screw things up now.

    We’ve gone on a high alert, he informed her in that voice he used whenever he was deadly serious. Like when there’d been a natural disaster, and he’d been called in.

    She dropped onto one of the extra stools. What’s happening?

    Are you aware of what’s been on the news recently?

    Are you talking about the solar flares?

    Yes. Those.

    Gid, there’s been lots of solar flares messing with our atmosphere for hundreds of thousands of years.

    This is different, he emphasized. Keep your phone on you at all times. They’re anticipating a series that are expected to completely fry all cell phone towers and electrical grids.

    All the way here to Granger?

    "Not just here. All over the world, Dee. This is major. That’s why you have to keep an ear open for the alert."

    What alert?

    The alert they’re going to send out when they detect the first of those series of shit flares. From the instant it goes out to all the cell phones and TV stations, you have less than eight minutes to seek shelter.

    Her eyes roamed around the back storage room where she sat. What kind of shelter?

    Anywhere that doesn’t have windows. Did you say you were at work?

    Yeah. Here at the tavern.

    Even better. Find an inner storage closet somewhere, like you would during a tornado.

    How long should I stay there?

    How long?

    I mean, if those things fry the cell phone towers, how will I know when it’s safe to come out?

    I don’t know, honey, Gideon admitted. The scientists don’t know how long those flares are gonna last. Some say it could be days.


    So stock up wherever you plan to take cover in case you have to remain there for, I don’t know. Plan for a week, just to be on the safe side.

    What about you? she asked, suddenly afraid. "Where will you be?"

    I have to stay here. I’m going to be needed once this is all over with to help restore power to the city.

    I know that. I meant, where will you take cover?

    Don’t worry about me. I’ll find someplace safe, he reassured her.

    But… But I do worry about you, she softly reminded him. Gid, I…

    I’ll be okay, he repeated. I’ll feel a lot better knowing you’re holed up somewhere where you’ll be out of harm’s way. And when I’m done here, I’ll come for you.


    You bet your sweet bippy, he swore.

    She giggled. It was a reference to one of the old vintage television shows they used to enjoy together before their life together suddenly imploded.

    Hey, I gotta go, he said. Until later, honey.

    I’m holding you to that, she retorted, then added, I love you.

    Love you more. ‘Bye.

    The call ended, leaving her momentarily at a loss what to do next.

    A secure place, she murmured. Stock up a secure place.

    Hey, Dee? Stephanie came through the swinging doors, a bar rag in her hand. What’s the holdup?

    Sorry. I was on the phone. Getting to her feet, she set her cell and the backpack she used as her purse on the stool. It was Gideon.

    And? The woman narrowed her eyes. Things still okay between you two?

    D’hani quickly relayed her conversation with him. He said we have to find a place where we can hole up for a couple of days. Make sure we have plenty of food and water.

    When is this thing supposed to happen? Stephanie made a little bouncing motion, bending her knees the way she always did when she got excited or anxious.

    He said to keep our phones with us at all times. There’s supposed to be an alert going out the instant those flares erupt. Gid said as soon as we hear the alert, we have less than eight minutes to seek shelter.

    Stephanie glanced around them, her fear growing. I don’t want to stay here. I wanna go home and get prepared. Grabbing D’hani’s hands, she gave them a little tug. We hafta go home, Dee. We can’t stay here when the world’s about to go to hell. We gotta leave!

    D’hani pulled her hands away. You go if you feel you have to. I’m staying here.


    She shook her head. We don’t know when those things will erupt. It could be hours from now, or days. But I’ll understand if you want to run home and get stuff in order.


    No, you go on. I’ll get the tavern ready to open. Don’t worry.

    "Are you sure? What

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