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Turbulent Hope: A Discussion Guide
Turbulent Hope: A Discussion Guide
Turbulent Hope: A Discussion Guide
Ebook93 pages49 minutes

Turbulent Hope: A Discussion Guide

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"Turbulent Hope" is the compelling story of Heather Gibson, a teenage girl who held on to hope through the many storms life threw her way. Wave after wave of misfortune crashes over young Heather Gibson. She falters and struggles, yet somehow manages to hold on. The secret to her strength i

Release dateOct 29, 2022
Turbulent Hope: A Discussion Guide

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    Book preview

    Turbulent Hope - Traci Lyn Zoschke


    Chapters 1-5


    Chapter 1

    Have you ever known anyone who suffered from PTSD or any other form of mental illness? How did this condition affect their thinking?

    Are there any similarities between your situation and Heather's? How are they alike? How are they different?

    What sort of severe tragedies or trials have you experienced in your life? How did you feel during these times? What scriptures were helpful to you?

    Heather trusted her uncle wholeheartedly. Who in your life would you trust more than anyone? List them here:

    Above all else, we can trust in God our Savior! He is our ever-present help in time of need. Look up the following verses:

    Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 26:3-4

    Did you find these verses encouraging? How?


    Heather's mom struggled with mental illness for many years. This had a strong effect on Heather, who subsequently struggled with her own feelings of depression and self-worth. She, too, felt at times that maybe it would be best to end it. But the peace of God, which comes through reading His Word and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, spoke to her heart and enabled her to endure.


    Chapter 2

    Have you ever been in a situation that caused you to break down and/or hyperventilate? What did you do? How difficult was it to feel hopeful in that moment?

    The situation in Heather's home had been building for years. What had started as a happy family deteriorated into a lone teenager over the course of her high school life. Fortunately for Heather, along with her faith in Christ, there were others (such as Hodge) in her life to help her endure and to encourage her in her trials. To whom in your life can you be that person? Who can you stand by and encourage in their faith when trials come?

    Chapter 3

    Do you think Heather was right in blaming herself for her mother's death? Why or why not? In your opinion, were her feelings of guilt justified? Explain your answers.

    Look up Psalm 86:5-7

    Our God is a loving and gracious God. Slow to anger and abounding in love. As you read this passage, think about Heather's situation; think about your own situation. What do these verses mean to you? Regardless of whether or not we are to blame for our current circumstances, what encouragement can we take from these verses?

    Chapters 4-5

    Heather felt abandoned upon realizing that her father had left town. How would you respond had you been in her position?

    Look up Joshua 1:5

    Just as God was with Joshua and the Israelites, so He will be with us when we experience heartache and abandonment. What do these verses mean to you? God continues in the next verses to remind Joshua to be strong and courageous. What encouragement can we take from these verses? How can you be courageous in your current situation?


    Heather woke up tired and confused the morning after her mom's death. For a moment, she even forgot where she was and what had happened. Sometimes, in our daily walk with Christ, it can be easy to become tired and confused--especially during the trials. But one thing we can be certain of is that if we have the Spirit of Christ within us, we never need to be confused about where we are--safe in the loving arms of Christ! No matter the difficulty, He pulls us close and, if we trust in Him, He'll silence our doubts with hope.


    Do you think Hodge was right in pushing Heather to talk about her father's trip to Boston? Why or why not?

    Look up Matthew 11:28-30

    Are you burdened with unconfessed truths? Are you keeping a secret because you're afraid of how others might respond, or what they might think of you? It's important to talk to someone; to share what's on your

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