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Survival Instinct
Survival Instinct
Survival Instinct
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Survival Instinct

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Historical novel, love novel, novel about the human essence. Published twice, the last one in 2018, it immerses us in a story of multiple readings: that of a deep love and that of a country devastated by conflicts, injustice, evil, betrayal and, why not, by "a self-provoked blindness not to commit to what was happening".

The protagonist, Lieutenant Guzmán, symbolizes the desperate defense of honor, love and family. His beliefs and values embark him on a heartbreaking struggle against a system to which he belongs, but at the same time repudiates. Only by immolating himself, only through self-sacrifice, will he see the way to protect that which justifies his existence: the noblest values to which a human being can aspire.

And in the midst of this narration, a brutal, stark scenario unfolds, exposing one of the most dismal and painful times in Argentina: the dictatorship of the sixties. Through this plot, the author tells us, without revisionist spirit, how the kidnappings, bombings, confrontations between the military, guerrillas, ERP, montoneros and the role of other organizations and society itself took place. Of course, all this sweetened and decorated with a soccer World Cup that distracted a population that refused to accept what was happening... the agony of the Nation.
Historical context

A civil-military dictatorship was installed in 1976 and ended in 1983. After a coup d'état, the government of President María Estela Martínez de Perón was overthrown and a military junta composed of the three Armed Forces (Admiral Massera - Lieutenant General Videla - Brigadier General Agosti) took power. Lieutenant General Videla was appointed de facto president. With him at the head, what was called the Process began and a historical moment where the common currency was the systematic violation of all human rights.

Release dateJul 14, 2022
Survival Instinct

Angel Fernández

Ángel G:. Fernández es un escritor latinoamericano nacido el 03 de marzo de 1987 en Esperanza, un pueblo de obreros en las afueras de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.Los veranos de su infancia los pasó acompañando a sus abuelos maternos en Candelaria, un municipio alejado de la capital misionera, en donde adquirió especial gusto por las historias narradas por su abuelo sobre las leyendas guaraníes y los "Cuentos de la Selva", de Horacio Quiroga, los cuales le leía su abuela cada noche antes de dormir.Fueron aquellas narraciones y el contacto estrecho con la naturaleza, lejos de la contaminación tecnológica, donde comenzó a los doce años a recorrer el sendero de las letras y a darle vida a cuantiosas narraciones y ensayos literarios, tales como "Rambo Ratón", "El auto vampiro", y otros tantos poemas, muchos intentando revivir las coplas caballerescas de los antiguos trovadores medievales.Sus relatos se caracterizan por tener una magia especial que transforma situaciones cotidianas en escenas pobladas de fantasías.Ha sabido encontrar sus primeras inspiraciones en diversos autores latinoamericanos, tales como Gabriel García Márquez y Antonio Skármeta.Siendo un gran aficionado al periodismo, a la historia y a la filosofía, ha trabajado durante años en la manera de combinar aquello con sus trazados literarios, a fin de poder otorgarle al lector algo más que una simple narración. Fue así que nació su primera novela titulada Instinto de Supervivencia, publicada en marzo del 2016, en conmemoración de los cuarenta años del inicio del último gobierno militar en Argentina. Esta novela ha sido traducida y publicada en inglés en 2018. Posteriormente, en 2019, y con el mismo espíritu literario e histórico, “dio a luz” El Canto de la Golondrina.

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    Survival Instinct - Angel Fernández


    -Gentlemen -began the Vice Admiral's speech before his officers at the General Belgrano Base-, as you well know, the corrupt Peronist mandate has come to an end. With that inept front of the Government, chaos was unavoidable. Our goal is to re-educate the Argentine population. During the last few years, nothing but chaos, corruption and subversion have reigned in the streets of our homeland. Today's young people have shit in their heads. We all know it is Perón's fault. Even he could not control what he himself created. I must admit that, if it were up to me, I would shoot them all. We must eradicate the problem at its root. However, Admiral Massera and his colleagues have decided to solve the problem in the most peaceful way possible. That is a sign of honor and manhood. The World Cup is approaching us -the Vice Admiral continues- with which the eyes of the world will be on our beautiful country. People from all continents will come to be amazed and fall in love with this beautiful land, but in order to do so, it is imperative to quell all subversive and violent acts rooted in the streets. For this reason, the Forces have decided to forget old disputes and grudges in order to reorganize the Government as a whole. I understand that it is hard for you to forget the cowardly attack by the Army on the Naval School; I understand that many of you were even present on that ill-fated night, but this is a direct order from our Admiral. Anyone who disobeys this order will earn a direct pass to the wall. Understood?!

    Understood Vice Admiral! -We said in unison, almost as a battle cry.

    -Having made this clear, continued the Vice Admiral, during the next few hours the new orders and measures taken by the Junta to carry out the National Reorganization Process will be made known. For now, our orders are to remain in a state of alert, prepared and ready to mobilize at any moment. The Army has taken control of the main cities, including the Federal Capital. They will be in charge of quelling the rebellions subsequent to the correct overthrow of this idiot. Likewise, the Mosquitos will be ready at their air bases, playing dolls, surely. We will be in charge of naval control and we will put our Infantrymen, pride of our Navy, in special operations that will be made known at the appropriate time.

    -Always alert for the homeland! -we Marines shouted like a roar.

    -The objective is clear, gentlemen. The orders are clear. I trust you will do your part. Dismissed.

    I must admit that I do not entirely agree with the Vice Admiral's speech. He even threatened us with serious consequences if he detected acts of insubordination, and it is no surprise to us. Already the Sanmartinian Honor Code said: the sergeant, corporal or soldier who does not obey the Officers in service matters will be put to the sword.

    The Vice Admiral was one of the officers who had his baptism of fire in Rio Santiago. Since then, he feels in his chest a great resentment against the Army and the Air Force.

    -Lieutenant Guzmán! -I hear in the distance, but I don't pay attention.

    Political stability is at its most critical point.

    I am aware of the reigning chaos, not only nationally, but internationally. Montoneros, ERP, FAR are all part of the same filth. Their sense of anarchism is off limits: the Montoneros' violent takeover of Regiment 29 in Formosa and the ERP's attack on Regiment 601 in Monte Chingolo are clear examples of this. However, I am not sure that this is a Coup similar to the previous ones. That is to say, the military coups of 30, 44, 55, and even 66 had as their main objective the termination of a government in decline for the forced call for elections. However, this one looks different. Videla is known to be somewhat of a Nazi, even within his troops. I fear a confrontation of epic proportions.

    -Lieutenant Guzman! -I hear it again, but now closer.

    On the one hand, I am quite relieved not to be involved in police operations in the Capital. I enlisted in the Navy to defend it from the foreign enemy, not to conduct military operations within the homeland's borders, let alone, in my hometown. I just know that there is something in all this that I don't like.

    -Lieutenant Guzman! -I hear almost next to me.

    -What do you want, soldier? -I answer grumpily.

    If there's something I still can't correct, it's the hatred I feel when I'm taken out of my thoughts. I turn and see two stars on the epaulets. I immediately change my posture and tone: Excuse me, Rear Admiral! I thought it was Lieutenant Gallardo asking if he could take leave to go see the bride. He's been after me since last week, I said with a disguised smile.

    -I said, Don't worry Lieutenant, but be careful because with answers like that you can end up in the wall, he said with a sarcastic tone. Rear Admiral Delgado is very well liked and respected. On the base he is affectionately called El Tio (Uncle). He is one of the few leaders I respect and for whom I would give my life if necessary.

    -I understand that the situation we are going through may be detrimental to someone who is about to get married.

    -It can be," I replied, smiling.

    -I have heard a lot about you and your progress. I would like to take you under my wing and recommend you to the Council of War.

    -It is an honor I don't think I deserve, Sir," I say excitedly.

    -Enough modesty," he replies with a fatherly smile. For the time being, stop answering abruptly if you are not sure whom you are addressing, Lieutenant.

    -Yes, Rear Admiral!

    With this situation, to tell you the truth, the subject of my marriage had slipped my mind. It's not that I'm not excited, on the contrary. However, I do not yet know to what extent this will affect us. The future is uncertain.


    The largest police-military operations were focused on the Federal Capital, Córdoba capital and Rosario. From one day to the next, these cities were filled with military personnel. The World Cup will be held in 2 years, and there is great fervor for this event. So much so that three new stadiums are being built and many others are being refurbished. However, what most worry the top management are Argentina's image abroad and the safety of foreign visitors.

    I know that since the ousting of Isabelita, many guerrillas have gone into exile for fear of reprisals, and these are the same people who are trying to discredit the image of the Military Junta, even trying to sabotage FIFA's decision for Argentina to host the World Cup.

    One way or another, I must say that, since Lieutenant General Videla took office, there has been an exaggerated military deployment. The Locusts are seen all over the city, lining up teenagers against a wall for different reasons. The measures taken are getting out of control, but perhaps this is what the country needs. Extreme situations occasionally call for extreme measures.

    The Peronist youth, the montoneros, the communists, the guerrillas, all together took charge of creating a state of quasi-anarchy that prevents any democratic government from fully exercising its mandate. In order to combat subversion, Detention Centers were created where guerrillas were imprisoned for interrogation.

    It was known that the guerrilla groups would promptly give their response. As a counter-offense, on June 18 they killed the Chief of the Federal Police, General Cesáreo Cardozo, by installing a bomb under his bed. Yesterday, July 2nd, a bomb exploded in the Superintendence of Federal Security, where one of the first Detention Centers operated, leaving twenty-three dead and sixty wounded. After the bombing, the Montoneros issued a communiqué in which they openly challenged the Military Junta; this communiqué was titled Parte de Guerra (Part of War):

    Buenos Aires, July 2, 1976

    To our people: On the morning of today, the Sergio Puiggros combat platoon of the Montonero Army, taking advantage of a failure in the surveillance and control system of the Federal Security Superintendence (former Federal Coordination), placed an explosive device in its headquarters. Once the mission was accomplished, the comrades left without any news and, later, as planned, the device detonated at 1:20 p.m. in the dining room of that office. The information media of the Montonero Army estimate the number of casualties caused to the enemy at 85, of which 25 are dead. It is not ruled out that this figure could be higher. The damages caused to the building are important, estimating that the operative capacity of this repressive center was seriously affected for a period of three months. This act of war demonstrates -as the executions of the torturers Villar and Cardozo demonstrated at the time- that there can be no safe place for those who respond to the resistance of the workers with kidnapping, murder and torture. Long live the homeland. Victory or death.


    The Military Junta speaks of terrorism, but I don't think that is precisely the term it would use... this is beginning to resemble a civil war.

    The criminal acts disappeared almost overnight. The ladies in the neighborhood say so. The drug addicts that used to hang out in the plazas and on the corners are gone. People can go out walking in the middle of the night because there are police and military at all hours. However, something still gives me a bad feeling. I'm not worried about what you see, but what you don't see, but it doesn't bother me too much.

    The last few months we have been constantly patrolling the Argentine Sea, from end to end. In the South, there are strange movements, mostly in the Beagle Channel. The expeditions we are ordered to do are becoming more and more extensive and mysterious. To tell the truth, I am not interested in what is happening in the cities, or the World Cup, or anything, the only thing that really annoys me has to spend so much time away from home. If it weren't for the fact that I hate administrative tasks, I would apply for a transfer to the Navy Mechanics School, so I could be close to home, close to Mariel. She is the center of my universe.

    If there is one thing they teach at the school, it is not to have weaknesses. The training is arduous and hard. I still remember when I entered there. I was a brat of 18 years old. The most casualties occurred during the first week. It is during that time that you prove your mettle. It is during that period, when you decide whether you are willing to accept that path or not. God knows, I was on the verge of throwing it all away during those days, even more so after the beating I gave Brigadier Schneider, Cadet 4th, for waking me up screaming. But I was strong enough to stay and see what happened the next day. I always liked a challenge.

    I could have chosen between an administrative, naval or air career, but I always knew I wanted to be a Marine. This is what I was born to do. My thing is tactical engagement, not attacking from a ship or from the air, but hand-to-hand combat against the enemy. Obviously, choosing that path was perhaps the worst decision I could have made. Training is not for mortals. There is no force in all of Latin America that trains like we do. For that reason, we are considered (or we consider ourselves) the elite of the elite. The first thing we were taught in training was to renounce any belief or ideology. Then, they made it clear to you that you were nothing, that you were nobody. You have to destroy the man to create the soldier. Not every mind can handle that. Then things got more interesting. I enjoyed the tactical training the most. In fact, now that I'm an instructor, I enjoy them more. The only way a Marine can perform as a Marine is if he accepts, before his own existence, that he is already dead.

    Not to brag, but my squadron is the best. In all the war games, Bravo Squadron is the one that stands out. And that's only possible because I train them to be ghosts. They must accept that they are already dead. In fact, the egress ritual I have them do is to gather in a box all the memories they have from their childhood: letters, photos, even toys, everything they consider part of their life and bury them. Symbolically, they are burying themselves. All they need to have to be a good soldier is something that fuels the fire in their hearts, a clear mind and a FAL in their hands. Only then can they belong to Bravo Squadron.

    One of the anecdotes that always fill me with pride to tell was the one that took place in the Military Integration

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