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Internal Practice
Internal Practice
Internal Practice
Ebook71 pages59 minutes

Internal Practice

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About this ebook

Imagine you are here on planet earth with a specific purpose to fulfill which is beyond the hamster wheel of western society of having more and more of everything. Imagine the path to fulfilling this purpose is the only way you will be in alignment with yourself and that this is possible for you by becoming educated about the powers you command as a human being and the steps to master these. This book will introduce you to the greatest power you command, the power to create using energy. We create by way of thought and emotion, both from our conscious awareness as well as from our subconsciousness. Consequently the mastery of thought and emotion is the first step into the ability to create consciously. You will learn how to find freedom inside of the thoughts and emotions that are present in you and consequently being able to step by step consciously design your internal mental and emotional environment as well as lifting content from your subconsciousness into awareness. This in turn will enable you to take responsibility for and intentionally shape aspects of your life that you previously believed to happen coincidentally and that you consequently were not able to take responsibility for. You will be introduced to practices that are designed to bring the teachings of this book into your every day life.
Release dateNov 27, 2018
Internal Practice

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    Internal Practice - Herwig Schoen


    If you wish to be physically fit, you know that you have to exercise. If you wish to play a Chopin piano concerto you know that you have to practice the piano intensively for many years. How about being intelligent, successful in life, fulfilled, at peace? How would you like to be the best you can possibly be, and express this in life fully, to create your unique life, your unique expression of who you truly are, like a beautiful piece of art? Most people think that these things are either given to them or otherwise they cannot have them. In this writing I will show you that the accomplishment of the above can be learned and trained just as you can learn mathematics, a language, or playing the piano. I will show you that these depend on very specific skills you can acquire if you choose, no matter your background or your age,

    1.) Creation

    First, we have to understand who we are and what forces are at our command. We need to know how things in our lives come to be the way they are to understand how they can be shifted. To approach this together with you, I will not peel the layers but go straight to the place of origin of everything that is in your life.

    Human beings are bestowed with an enormous power and this power is to create using energy. This power is all encompassing and seems to always be active. It is my observation that everything we have in our lives, everything we experience, we have created. Creation can be done consciously or it can happen from our sub-consciousness. This power is always active, consequently it is not the question whether we create or not, but from which place we create. Are we capable of choosing our creations consciously or do they just happen to us from content stored in our sub-consciousness that, per definition, we are not aware of?

    The process of creation is quite simple. The content you have in your thoughts, or in other words, your mental system, determine the content of what you create. The emotion accompanied with a specific content gives the energy. Once a certain content has left a sufficiently clear and distinct imprint in the mental body and is charged with enough energy by way of the accompanying emotion, it will inevitably manifest in your life either as something physical or as an experience.

    Imagine one day you wake up with the desire to own a brand-new red Mercedes SL550. Just the idea of owning this car fills you with joy. You see yourself driving it; you study every detail about it and you go to a dealer to see and test drive it. You make plans for how to manage the financing, and so on. At some point you will find that many doors open for you to achieve your goal and that it becomes almost miraculously easy to acquire this car. All things in the world seem to come together to support you in having exactly the car of your dreams.

    The image in your mind of a red SL550 gives the content of your creation. The joy that fills you in knowing that one day it will be yours inevitably, gives the energy. Once this content leaves a clear enough imprint in the mental body and is sufficiently charged with energy, this car will be yours even if it has to manifest in a way where someone knocks on your door, hands you the keys and gifts you the car. I actually have seen manifestations like this.

    From what I said above, it should be clear that a fleeting thought accompanied by an ever-shifting emotion is not capable to gather the clarity and energy to manifest anything. Usually the identical content has to be present for a certain period of time as does the emotion, otherwise there will not be sufficient clarity and energy for manifestation.

    The above is an example of a manifestation from the conscious mind. How about unpleasant things in life, like pain, loss, or sadness. We are all aware that we do not create pain consciously. No one wakes up in the morning, for example, and says to himself or herself: Today I’m going to create a nice, strong headache for myself, preferably accompanied by nausea. The content that creates experiences like this is in the mental body, but we are not consciously aware of it. The same is true for the emotion that is charging this particular content with energy, and eventually manifesting it. The question is, how does this kind of content and the respective emotion get into the sub-conscious mind and the emotional body?

    Imagine you have a person in your life with whom you have an intimate relationship and you trust him or her one hundred percent and you open yourself fully. Then you experience betrayal by this person. The resulting pain

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