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The Cup in Hand: A Balancing Act of Poems
The Cup in Hand: A Balancing Act of Poems
The Cup in Hand: A Balancing Act of Poems
Ebook97 pages38 minutes

The Cup in Hand: A Balancing Act of Poems

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About this ebook

The Cup in Hand is a series of poems and interjecting thoughts conveying the varying perspectives of love and hate as well as their blends. Life is a continuous balancing act of these polar emotions. Why can't one be full of love and stagnate in its glory? Why can't one steam and boil in lifelong hatred? There is frivolity in having to balance the emotions--to even keeping the negative ones at hand. But just as darkness brings value to light, hate and its sub-emotions bring value to love and its sub-emotions. The purpose of this book is to help guide one's cup to the fountain of love. What will you fill your cup with?
Release dateOct 26, 2022
The Cup in Hand: A Balancing Act of Poems

Zai Xiaz

Zai Xiaz was born on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1989. He raduated from Virginia Tech in 2012 with a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering. The Cup in Hand is his first work of literature.

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    The Cup in Hand - Zai Xiaz


    The Cup in Hand

    A Balancing Act of Poems

    Zai Xiaz

    The Cup in Hand

    A Balancing Act of Poems

    Copyright ©


    Zachary Sylvester. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers,




    th Ave., Suite


    , Eugene, OR



    Resource Publications

    An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers




    th Ave., Suite


    Eugene, OR


    paperback isbn: 978-1-6667-5442-1

    hardcover isbn: 978-1-6667-5443-8

    ebook isbn: 978-1-6667-5444-5


    Table of Contents

    Title Page


    Part One: Eyes Opened

    Thought I


    Thought II


    Thought III


    Part Two: The First Drop

    Thought IV


    Thought V


    Thought VI

    -the deadliest contagion-

    Part Three: Hate’s Domination

    Thought VII

    The Wise Guise

    Thought VIII

    The Evil Genie

    The Drowning Pool

    Part Four: Middle Ground

    Thought IX

    Blinded Fate

    Thought X


    LoHatVe (Lo-Hat-Vay)

    Part Five: Singularity

    Thought XI

    Dream Girl

    Our Freedom Cage


    Part Six: The Getting Up

    Thought XII

    The Eternal Epiphany

    Thought XIII

    The Bigot Tree

    Thought XIV


    Part Seven: As the Sun Sets

    Thought XV

    Dam of Reality

    Fantastic Fabric

    Thought XVI

    Nine Out of Twelve


    Appendix: Mania Collection

    Envy Us


    Is it?

    Our Vehicle

    Physics Broken

    Force Not Farce

    Her Fact


    Twin Hearts

    Her Name (Our Nature)

    When Wings Crawl

    Upon Opening

    To Hollie, Sam, Tate, and Landon

    Special thanks to the copyeditor: Victoria Lane


    What is love? That question sometimes takes a lifetime for one to answer fully. So far in my life, I have been able to summarize it as a culmination of positive emotions wrapped into one heart-striking (non-cerebral) feeling. One way to define it is that it is the opposite of hate. Hate is an ill will negatively impacting our thoughts and actions. Conversely, love can be described as a healthy will positively impacting our thoughts and actions. Simple? Not exactly. These two foundations for emotions, love and hate, are intrinsically complicated because they are the poles of complex human emotions. Love and hate need to be broken down and observed from various perspectives.

    There are nine distinct types of love according to the ancient Greeks:

    1.Philia: platonically affectionate love or deep-friendship love

    2.Pragma: enduring love

    3.Eros: romantic love

    4.Ludus: playful love

    5.Storge: familiar love or parent-child-dynamic love

    6.Philautia: self-love

    7.Agape: selfless love

    8.Mania: obsessive love

    9.Xenia: guest love or hospitality

    Philia is the baseline of the nine loves. It is the love that develops with a sibling, a similar-aged relative, i.e., a cousin, or through early relationships such as friends at school.

    Pragma is present with long-lasting love, such as a marriage or life-long best friend. It is a deeply embedded love that grows with ourselves and the relationship.

    Eros is a physical love harvested as a sexual affection as opposed to philia’s mental affection. It is fueled by hedonistic urges.

    Ludus is the I’m-falling-for-them love. It is shown through flirtation and is the usual precursor to eros and intimate relations. Ludus is what

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