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Sacrifice For Saturnalia: A Holiday Fantasy Short Story
Sacrifice For Saturnalia: A Holiday Fantasy Short Story
Sacrifice For Saturnalia: A Holiday Fantasy Short Story
Ebook25 pages12 minutes

Sacrifice For Saturnalia: A Holiday Fantasy Short Story

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Witches and Warlocks. A Hunt To Impress. A Sacrifice for Saturnalia.

Saturnalia celebrates chaos.

I love Saturnalia. I hunt to impress. I know danger lurks in the wood.

Can I get my sacrifice?

If you love spellbinding, enthralling fantasy short stories that will keep you reading late into the night, read this!


Release dateOct 1, 2023
Sacrifice For Saturnalia: A Holiday Fantasy Short Story

Connor Whiteley

Hello, I'm Connor Whiteley, I am an 18-year-old who loves to write creatively, and I wrote my Brownsea trilogy when I was 14 years old after I went to Brownsea Island on a scout camp. At the camp, I started to think about how all the broken tiles and pottery got there and somehow a trilogy got created.Moreover, I love writing fantasy and sci-fi novels because you’re only limited by your imagination.In addition, I'm was an Explorer Scout and I love camping, sailing and other outdoor activities as well as cooking.Furthermore, I do quite a bit of charity work as well. For example: in early 2018 I was a part of a youth panel which was involved in creating a report with research to try and get government funding for organised youth groups and through this panel. I was invited to Prince Charles’ 70th birthday party and how some of us got in the royal photograph.Finally, I am going to university and I hope to get my doctorate in clinical psychology in a few years.

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    Sacrifice For Saturnalia - Connor Whiteley


    Kneeling on the cold soft mud surrounded by beautiful oak trees and bushes, I always have had a soft spot for English woodland. But I have to say that whilst I am far from a pagan, religious or anything to do with superstition. I love Saturnalia. I flat love it.

    I love how the festival back in ancient roman turned society on its head by allowing a bit of chaos to spread. It’s amazing how gambling, Masters serving slaves and other wonderous things were allowed on Saturnalia, but forbidden at all other times of the year.

    That’s why I love it. It was the one time of the night where the world could fall to chaos and everyone would celebrate it.

    So when me and my witch and wizard friends mentioned recreating a Saturnalia for ourselves, who was I to say

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