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Andy and Ali: A Love Story and Adventure
Andy and Ali: A Love Story and Adventure
Andy and Ali: A Love Story and Adventure
Ebook183 pages2 hours

Andy and Ali: A Love Story and Adventure

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Andy and Ali is a love story that takes an adventurous direction. The main characters set out for Hawaii on their honeymoon in their 46’ Sailboat. A pacific storm push them up to an Island in Alaska. They are pursued by two men who Andy owes $50,000 of a gambling debt. Ali experienced a life-threatening injury while Andy is trying to avoid confrontation with Chester and Tony. Andy and Ali escape the Island but end up in a gun battle at Sea. The God of heaven and earth intervened with a miracle that changed their lives. They finally arrived in Hawaii for a new chapter in their life together.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 31, 2022
Andy and Ali: A Love Story and Adventure

L. Scott Wright

L. Scott Wright was born in 1950 in the San Fransico Bay Area, California Being an optimist, Mr Wright endeavored to see the positive side of life. Although their family of eleven were poor, Mr. Wright didn’t look at poor as being poor. He just saw it as “ we just had a little less, that’s all. Mr. Wright attended Solano Community college after high school. He majored in psychology and minored in music. His two most favorite subjects. After two years of study Mr. Wright did not graduate with a degree due to uncontrollable circumstances. He continued his passion for studying people and asking why they chose the careers they did. And what motivated them. In 1974 Mr. Wright accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior. He began earnestly studying the Scriptures at the Fairfield Presbyterian Church, in Fairfield, California. In 1981 Mr. Wright moved to Southern California to study the Bible under pastor Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel, in Costa Mesa California. Mr. Wright met his future wife, Deborah at Calvary Chapel. He continued his studies in the Scriptures and also studied the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). While running his own pool and spa business for twenty years he developed an increasing knowledge of the Bible and personality. In 2020 Mr. and Mrs. Wright moved to central Florida. Having retired he used his time to develop the story of Andy and Ali, based on his life experiences and being married to Deborah and raising his son Joel.

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    Andy and Ali - L. Scott Wright

    Copyright © 2022 L. Scott Wright.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7065-7 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-7063-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022911830

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/13/2022



    1     The Early Years

    2     Ten Years Later

    3     Andy and Ali Meet

    4     Their Second Date

    5     Andy asks for their Blessing

    6     Andy Proposes

    7     The Carters meet the Johannsens

    8     Who Hurt You, Sabrina?

    9     The Wedding

    10   The Honeymoon

    11   The Rogue Wave

    12   Amaknak Island, Alaska

    13   Ali’s Recovery

    14   The Prayer

    15   Chester and Tony in Pursuit

    16   Escape from Amaknak Island

    17   Battle on the Seas

    18   I want Joanna’s God

    19   It’s just the beginning

    About the Author


    Lori Hofstrand- editing and typing

    Debbie Wright- prayers and proof reading

    Teri Watkins and Scott Crenshaw and the professionals at Westbow press for their expertise and guidance

    Linda Neva - editing and Medical expertise

    Mitchell and Ginny Avnaim many hours of prayer support

    Calvary Chapel, Belleview, FL for encouragement and Prayers

    CCB Tuesday evening fellowship prayers

    Jay Justice invaluable support and encouragement from California

    Danan Wright for believing in me

    Peek printing for expert copying

    Michelle Franks for her invaluable recommendations making me a better writer

    Kim Brown for editing



    Ali Carter grew up in San Pedro, California. Her father, Commander Dane Carter and her mother, Catherine Carter had one daughter, Ali, born Alison Renata Carter. Their family had dinner together every night. One evening when Ali was 18 years old and at the time a Senior in high school. Their conversation eventually led to Ali’s plans for the future.

    So, Ali, what college are you thinking of applying to before you graduate? asked her father.

    No college! I want to join the Navy and be a quartermaster on a destroyer! She replied.

    Dane replied. But what about college? You have a 4.0 grade average. You could get into any college easily.

    I know daddy, Ali explained, but I’ve had enough school for now. I want to explore the world, see other places, and meet people and I love the Quartermaster position.

    You don’t have to wait five years; you can get college out of the way, and then join the Navy. Replied Dane.

    Ali said forcefully, Daddy I’ve made up my mind! I’m joining the Navy and I want to be a Quartermaster!

    Dane retorted. Watch your tone with me young lady!

    Sorry daddy, I really want to do this right now, said Ali.

    Dane said, Well I can’t complain much, the Navy has been good to us.

    Thank you, daddy, I knew you’d see it my way, as she asked to be excused from the table.

    Catherine looked at Dane, then said, you’re excused darling.

    Right! Dane said to Ali as she walked away. He then mumbled to himself, That girl!

    She’s just like her father, said Catherine, would you like some dessert?

    Ali put a bundle of books in her backpack and grabbed her coat. I’m going over to Shelley’s to Study.

    Don’t be late, sweetheart! Said Catherine.

    I won’t. Replied Ali.

    Ali and Shelley have been best friends since third grade. They met as a result of a bullying episode. Not between these two, but another girl their age.

    It was the end of a school day at Rancho Vista Elementary School in Rolling Hills Estates, San Pedro CA. Students walking home dotted the lawn and sidewalks. Parents were waiting in their cars and crossing guards were standing in the crosswalk holding a stop sign to help children safely cross the street.

    At the exit doors of the school, teachers and Vice Principal Rollins were overseeing the daily grand migration of students. Walking alone on the sidewalk in front of the playground, Michelle, a third grader, was heading home, when three girls, also third graders, came up behind her! One of the girls pushed Michelle off the sidewalk. She dropped her books and fell up against the chain link fence of the playground. Allison Carter saw the girl who pushed Michelle. She approached the girls.

    Hey, said Allison, hold up. I want to talk to you.

    What about? Said one of the girls.

    I don’t like bullies. Replied Ali.

    We’re not bullies, said the girl.

    Yes, you are, said Ali, I saw you push that girl off the sidewalk, and I’ve seen you do it to other kids as well. So, you are bullies! Tell you what, I’ll make you a deal. You stop bullying, and I won’t report you to your teachers and your parents. We have a deal?

    Look, we are not trying to create problems, said the girl!

    Yes, you are! Do we have a deal, or do I walk over and talk with Vice Principal Rollins?

    The one girl said hesitantly, Yes, we have a deal!

    You all have to agree or no deal! said Allison. All three shyly agreed. Allison walked over to Michelle. Hi, my name is Allison, what’s your name?

    Michelle, she answered.

    While helping Michelle pick up her books, These girls won’t bother you anymore! said Allison.

    Thanks, said Michelle.

    Allison asked, Where do you live?

    Over on Oak Street, replied Michelle.

    Oh! said Allison. I live by Oak Street; can we walk together?"

    Sure! said Michelle.

    Allison was good at negotiation. She began talking at an early age. Growing up, Ali only had adults to talk with before she started school. As an only child Ali didn’t have siblings to interact with. As a result, she learned from her parent’s conversations. Children tend to mimic their parents in various ways. Allison was good at doing just that. As a result, Allison’s language skills blossomed. She particularly learned the art of negotiation watching and listening to her father. Dane Carter commanded a crew of 158 men and women on a U.S. Naval destroyer. His responsibilities required various leadership skills dealing with his crew, and the leaders he answered to. The skill of negotiation was a necessary part of his daily life. He tended to use that skill in parenting Allison too. Ali was a strong-willed child. If she wanted something she had to learn to negotiate with her father.

    Soon the girls reached Allison’s house. Well, this is my house! Do you want to come in? You can meet my mom.

    Sure! said Michelle.

    Mom, I’m home, hollered Allison.

    How was school sweetheart? Catherine asked. Catherine, a beautiful woman, and former Miss America pageant contestant, now a homemaker, and mother. She also worked as an educator, teaching Literature and World History at the local college. As she walked into the room she was surprised at Michelle’s presence, Oh, who’s your friend Ali?

    Mom, this is Michelle, Ali introduced Michelle.

    Hello Michelle, it’s nice to meet you, said Catherine, as she headed to the refrigerator. Would you ladies like some iced tea?

    Ali and Michelle both responded, Sure!

    Michelle whispered to Ali. Wow, your mom is nice.

    Ali Said. Yeah, she’s alright!

    She called you Ali, said Michelle, I thought your name is Allison?

    Yeah, Ali is short for Allison, Ali replied.

    Oh! said Michelle.

    As Catherine was placing glasses of iced tea in front of the girls, she asked Michelle, Where do you live Michelle?

    Over on Oak Street, replied Michelle.

    Well, that isn’t very far from here, is it? Catherine asked.

    No, said Michelle. After a sip of iced tea as she got up from the table, Michelle Said. I should get home. My mother gets worried if I don’t come home right away."

    Catherine reached for a pen and pad as she said, Well, if your mother wonders why you’re late getting home, give her this note, it has my name and phone number. If she would like to call me, I’ll let her know you stopped by on your way home from school.

    Thank you, Mrs. Carter, said Michelle.

    Catherine smiled, Oh please, call me Catherine.

    Michelle Said, Oh, my mother doesn’t let me address adults that way. She says I need to show respect to adults.

    Well then, Mrs. Carter is fine, said Catherine.

    Ok, Mrs. Carter and thank you for the iced tea, said Michelle.

    Catherine responded, You’re welcome, sweetie.

    Ali walked Michelle to the front door. See you tomorrow!

    Michelle responded, See you, and headed down the street.

    As Ali returned to the dining room her mother asked, How did you meet Michelle? Ali said, Oh a girl pushed Michelle down on purpose. So, I negotiated a deal with that girl and her friends to stop bullying or I would talk to their teachers, parents, and Vice Principal Rollins. Ali picked up her iced tea and walk away.

    Catherine tilted her head, then a smile came over her face as she thought, That’s Ali!

    The next day at school Ali and Michelle were talking. Ali Said, Hey, Shelley.

    Michelle asked, What did you call me?

    Oh! I said Shelley instead of Michelle, I’m sorry, Ali replied.

    No, that’s alright, I like that, said Michelle.

    From that day on Ali called Michelle, Shelley, and Michelle called Allison, Ali.

    Sometime later in the day Ali and Shelley were sitting together at recess. The girl who pushed Shelley, and her two friends walked up to them. I’m sorry for pushing you yesterday, she said, I know it was wrong, I’m sorry. She was afraid Ali would talk to her parents. She thought, better to apologize now rather than endure the wrath and punishment from my parents.

    Shelley was a peaceful type of girl. She didn’t like conflict. That’s Ok, said Shelley, I forgive you.

    Thank you! said the girl. What she said next was a bit of a shock to Shelley and Ali. Can we be friends?

    Ali and Shelley looked at each other with surprise on their faces. Ali asked Shelley, What do you think?

    Well, she did apologize. It’s alright with me! said Shelley.

    Ali said, We can’t be friends if you continue to bully!

    We promise, we will not bully anyone. The girl said.

    That’s great! said Ali. What’s your names?

    I’m Natalie, this is Olivia and Clarissa. All the girls were friends from then on.



    Andy Johannsen attended the same schools that Ali attended but they had never met. He was born, Andrew Michael Johannsen, the third child of Charles and Clarice Johannsen. By the age of 18, Andy had developed skill in racing sailboats. He became the captain of the Los Angeles Youth Yacht Club racing team. He was creative at sailing and racing. Andy won several championships, and could lead a crew, push them, and inspire them to go beyond their limits. The crew trusted and respected Andy.

    Andy took risks both at racing and life. Once he found his father’s pistol and rounds. He took them to their boat. He figured out how to load the pistol. He brandished it about on the boat, pretending to be in a gun battle. The pistol accidentally fired and blew a hole in the bottom of the boat. The boat began to sink, Andy quickly jumped out and left the boat.

    The phone at the Johannsen residence rang, Hello. said Charles. Mr. Johannsen, this is Pete, said the Harbormaster.

    What’s up Pete? asked Charles.

    Your boat sank! Pete replied.

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