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True Bible Study: Psalms 42-72
True Bible Study: Psalms 42-72
True Bible Study: Psalms 42-72
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True Bible Study: Psalms 42-72

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The Book of Psalms chapters 42 – 72 records many of King David’s prayers, songs, praise for the Lord God, and prophecy regarding the promised Christ.

It includes words of mercy, judgment, hope, and prayer for redemption and salvation. David believed what the Lord God said regarding salvation, the future time of resurrection, and the final judgments via the Christ.

This book includes verses translated from the Greek old covenant writing, sometimes referred to as the Septuagint. Additionally, some comparisons to the Hebrew text are provided.

PublisherMaura K. Hill
Release dateNov 1, 2022
True Bible Study: Psalms 42-72

Maura K. Hill

Maura K. Hill was born and raised in Ireland. After working in Ireland and the UK for several years, she relocated to the United States in 1995. She began her formal education in Biblical Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew at Phillips Theological Seminary via the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma in 1996.  A diligent student of the Biblical Languages, Maura published her first Greek-to-English Translation and Study Guide to I Thessalonians in the Fall of 1997. Since then, she published many additional, original Greek-to-English translations and comprehensive study guides for the New and Old Testaments. She has also published numerous and unique Biblical research articles on various topics. Maura continues her diligent research of the Critical Greek Texts and Papyri. Her publications include: True Bible Study - Adam and Eve Genesis 1-5 Noah and the Flood Genesis 6-11 Abraham Genesis 12-25 Isaac and Jacob/Israel Genesis 26-36 Joseph and Judah Genesis 37-50 Moses leaving Egypt Exodus 1-14 Moses and the Law Exodus 15-23 Moses and the Holy Tent Exodus 24-40 Joshua enters the Promised Land Joshua 1-12 Joshua and Israel's Inheritance Joshua 13-24 Deborah, Gideon, Samson Book of Judges Ruth and God's blessings Book of Ruth Samuel and Saul First Samuel 1-15 Saul and David First Samuel 16-31 King David Second Samuel 1-24 Psalms 1-41 Psalms 42-72 Psalms 73-89 Psalms 90-106 Psalms 107-150 Esther and Mordechai Book of Esther Rebuilding the House of God Book of Ezra Rebuilding Jerusalem Book of Nehemiah Jonah and the Sign Matthew Mark Luke John Acts of the Apostles Romans I Corinthians II Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians and Philemon I and II Thessalonians I and II Timothy and Titus Hebrews James and Jude I and II Peter I, II, and III John Revelation of Jesus Christ Life, Death, and Resurrection Quantum spirit Christian, son of God

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    True Bible Study - Maura K. Hill

    True Bible Study®


    42 – 72

    Word Translation



    Maura K. Hill

    Copyright © 2022 Maura K. Hill

    All rights reserved.

    Revised: March 2024

    The body of this work contains a Word Translation, Study material, and notes written by Maura K. Hill. Permission to quote passages of this book in teaching or in writing with notice of copyright is granted to the owners of a published copyrighted copy of this work.

    Smashwords Edition License Notes: This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.



    Relevant Notes


    Psalm 42

    Psalm 43

    Psalm 44

    Psalm 45

    Psalm 46

    Psalm 47

    Psalm 48

    Psalm 49

    Psalm 50

    Psalm 51

    Psalm 52

    Psalm 53

    Psalm 54

    Psalm 55

    Psalm 56

    Psalm 57

    Psalm 58

    Psalm 59

    Psalm 60

    Psalm 61

    Psalm 62

    Psalm 63

    Psalm 64

    Psalm 65

    Psalm 66

    Psalm 67

    Psalm 68

    Psalm 69

    Psalm 70

    Psalm 71

    Psalm 72

    Chart of Events

    Book Titles by Maura K. Hill


    Psalms 42 – 72 provide information about the following:

    o Mercy and judgment from God

    o Prayer for redemption and salvation

    o Prophecy about the Christ

    o Psalms, hymns, and songs

    o Hope on God

    o God is King

    o Blessedness of the Lord God

    This book includes verses translated from the Greek old covenant writing, sometimes referred to as the Septuagint. The Septuagint (also identified as: LXX) is a translation of the old Hebrew texts along with the spoken language; it was made by approximately seventy scholars in Alexandria, Egypt, during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus from about 285 to 247 B.C. Some comparisons to the traditional Masoretic Hebrew text (after 1 A.D.) are also provided in this book.

    Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss or comment on this Word Translation and Study via the Contact link on

    Thanks to God for His love and grace.

    Maura K. Hill

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    Relevant Notes

    Unless otherwise stated, all scriptures are quoted from the following:

    o The True Bible Study Word Translation (TBS) of the Book of Psalms 42 – 72 is translated from the Greek old covenant writing (Septuagint) by Maura K. Hill.

    The various resources and reference materials are listed at

    In the TBS Word Translation and Study:

    o Words in a parenthesis () and italicized within a scripture verse are words inserted to help our English understanding of those words which are translated from Greek words.

    o Words in a parenthesis () in the study of the scripture verse are words of explanation regarding the words prior to the parenthesis.

    o Additional explanatory insertions within a scripture verse are enclosed in square brackets [] and italicized.

    o Additional explanatory notes in the study of a scripture verse are enclosed in square brackets [] and are usually in relation to the Greek or Hebrew texts.

    o A slash in the study of a scripture verse, such as: him/her, indicates an alternative word depending on the context.

    o A dash, such as: go there – to Jerusalem, indicates that a certain word or phrase is particularly important or deserving of extra emphasis.

    o Hyphenated words, such as: used-to-go, indicates that there is only one corresponding word in the Greek text.

    o Non-English words are printed with English letters.

    o I use an initial capital letter for all occurrences of the words Lord and Master when referring to either God or the Lord Jesus Christ due to my respect for them, therefore the reader will need to carefully consider the context of each particular usage to understand to whom that usage refers.

    o Where the word spirit refers to God, I use an initial capital or upper-case S - Spirit. But when the word spirit refers to the gift of holy spirit, etc, I use a small or lower-case s - spirit.

    o Underlined text is used for the English word but when translated from the Greek word alla to show that it implies a strong contrast to that-which has just previously been stated, and/or to strengthen a command.

    o Underlined text is used for the singular form of the word you to distinguish it from the plural form of the word you which is not underlined.

    o Underlined text is also used for emphasis.

    o In order to communicate the fullness of the emphasis when the Greek definite article is repeated both with the noun and its adjective - for example: I Corinthians 15:4 the Greek is te hemera te trite, which literally means the day the third - I translate it as "the day, the third (day)."

    o Verbs in the imperfect tense are translated with the words used-to and then the meaning of the verb.

    o For example: used-to teach indicates that the one teaching spent time teaching, his action of teaching continued during a past time that is now finished for some reason, not that it was a quick one-time occurrence. The one teaching taught others taking time to teach, and he may have repeated his teaching at different times and in different ways. This tense is also used to historically describe past events relating what happened.

    o Verbs in the perfect tense are translated from Greek with a superscript number 2 immediately following the verb - for example: it was written². This tense indicates an action done during a past time and which has a present continuing result, meaning it is still the same at the time the verb was spoken or written. Therefore, this example could be translated as: it was written and continues written.

    o The noun love¹ or the verb to love¹ comes from the Greek word agape which is God’s kind of love.

    When the Biblical writers wrote, there were no punctuation marks, no chapter or verse divisions indicated, etc, as we see them today in many of our English Bible translations and versions. Therefore we must read the whole context of each particular passage of Scripture for thought-content to more clearly understand the truth of what has been written.

    Also, the original language was not English, and therefore when I may write that the writer said or wrote such and such, please understand that the writer actually spoke and wrote in the original language the equivalent to that-which I state in the English language to the best of my knowledge.

    I recommend that while reading this book, you also have your usual Bible and Biblical study materials open, so as to compare verses and gain greater understanding of the truth of God’s Word.

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    Introduction to Psalms 42 – 72

    The Book of Psalms includes information about the words and actions of King David and prophecy regarding the Christ who would make salvation available, for example: Luke 20:42 and 24:44; Acts 1:20 and 13:33-35.

    Psalms 42 – 72 correspond to the Book of Exodus (the 2nd book of the Bible), and ends with the phrase: May it become! May it become! – with emphasis on the Lord God’s mercy and judgment, including redemption and salvation for His people. He demonstrated His ability, glory and marvelous actions to them and He caused them to be victorious over their enemies while they awaited the fulfilment of prophecy for mankind via the Christ.

    A psalm refers to a song that is spoken in different tones while accompanied by a stringed instrument being touched, twanged, plucked, or played in commemoration of mercies received from God. David composed his psalms in agreement with the spirit that the Lord God had given to him. On many occasions, David helped King Saul to behave correctly by playing music while singing his psalms (refer to I Samuel 16:13-23). These psalms were also sung by other people during various events after they were written.

    David wrote his psalms during the time of the old covenant. He was a type or pattern of the Christ, the promised seed of Genesis 3:15.

    David himself experienced many events throughout his lifetime before his death – and the prophecies by David regarding the promised Christ either came to pass while Jesus Christ was alive before his death, or following his resurrection now living with eternal life, or they will come to pass completely at the future time recorded in the Book of Revelation.

    The genealogy of the Christ includes Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Phares, Esrom, Aram, Aminadab, Naasson (refer to Exodus 6:23), and his son Salmon who begat Boaz with Rahab (refer to Joshua 6:25), Boaz begat Obed with Ruth, Obed begat Jesse, and Jesse begat David the king (refer to Ruth 4:18-22; Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38).

    Many of David’s words and phrases are figures of speech to emphatically convey the quality and effect of whom or what he is referring to. Also, many of the verbs are in the aorist tense in the Greek text, and this is why the verbs may be translated as a past event – however, this tense can refer to any time past, present, or future emphasizing that once a specific action is done then it becomes a past reality.

    David knew that the Lord God was the only One Who could do many things for him, such as saving him, rescuing him, etc, and therefore David frequently used the imperative tense when addressing Him. The Lord Jesus Christ did not exist during David’s lifetime, and there was no other human-being who could help David; he needed the Lord God’s intervention during various situations.

    The Greek word diapsalma, or Hebrew word selah, is included at the end of many verses to indicate a musical interlude or break through that psalm following a raising of the voice when singing a particular phrase or phrases in a psalm – it helps to pause and consider those words sung in a higher level before continuing with the next connected or linked phrase. In the True Bible Study translation, the word consider is used to encourage us to pause and think carefully about what is written in the previous phrase(s) before continuing with the next phrase.

    The psalms were recorded by David himself or by his many recorders, writers, scribes, reminders (refer to II Samuel 8:15-18, 20:24-26). Also, the Greek and Hebrew texts vary as to the words to be included in many of the psalms.

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    Hope on God

    The Lord will command His mercy

    Many of the psalms include words to form a title of introduction (superscription) as to the context of when they were first sung or written – and many include words to form a conclusion (subscription). Some texts place these words as one verse or part of verses either at the beginning or ending of a psalm, and therefore the psalms may vary in verse number. All of the titles and conclusions were not part of the original psalms but they were added by the speaker, writer, translator, or recorder of many psalms.

    In this book, the True Bible Study translation includes these words to help the reader regarding the historical aspect of a particular psalm, where relevant titles or conclusions are written in the Greek text.

    Word Translation

    Psalm 42

    ⁴²:¹(a)(A psalm) with-a-view-to understanding; for the sons of Kore.

    .1(b)Which manner the deer earnestly-longs on the springs of the waters, thus my soul earnestly-longs towards You, God;

    .2my soul thirsted towards God, the living (God), when I will have-come and I will be seen in the face of God; .3my tears were caused-to-become bread to me of day and night, in saying to me according to each day, Where is the God of you?

    .4I was caused-to-remember these-things and I poured-out my soul on me, because I will go-through in a place of a marvelous tent, until the house of God, in a sound of exultation and an expression-of-agreement, a sound of feasting.

    .5In order that what are you, soul, encompassed-with-sorrow, and in order that what do you disturb me together?

    You must hope on God, because I will expressly-agree with Him – the God of me (is the) salvation of my face.

    .6My soul was disturbed towards myself, because-of-this I will be caused-to-remember You from (the) earth of Jordan and Hermonites from a small mountain;

    .7an abyss calls-upon an abyss to-itself into a sound of Your downpours; all of Your suspended-things and Your waves went-through on me; .8of day (the) Lord will command His mercy, and of night (there is) a song with me – a prayer to the God of my life.

    .9I will say to God, You are my Helper; because-of-what did You forget me? In order that what do I journey being gloomy in my enemy pressuring-out?

    .10In my bones bruising-down, the (people) pressuring me reproached me in them saying to me according to each day, Where is the God of you?

    .11In order that what are you, soul, encompassed-with-sorrow, and in order that what do you disturb me together?

    You must hope on God, because I will expressly-agree with Him – the God of me (is the) salvation of my face.

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    Psalm 42:1-4:

    ⁴²:¹(a)(A psalm) with-a-view-to understanding; for the sons of Kore.

    .1(b)Which manner the deer earnestly-longs on the springs of the waters, thus my soul earnestly-longs towards You, God;

    .2my soul thirsted towards God, the living (God), when I will have-come and I will be seen in the face of God;

    .3my tears were caused-to-become bread to me of day and night, in saying to me according to each day, Where is the God of you?

    .4I was caused-to-remember these-things and I poured-out my soul on me, because I will go-through in a place of a marvelous tent, until the house of God, in a sound of exultation and an expression-of-agreement, a sound of feasting.

    The title (superscription) states that Psalm 42 was written with a view to understanding (into, directed to, for the purpose of gaining insight, putting information together in people’s minds), and then it was to be given to the sons of Kore (the descendants of Kore, or Core, Korah).

    Kore was of the Levitical background and was supposed to keep the instruction given to Levites by God – but he rebelled against Moses and against God (refer to Numbers chapter 16). However, many of his descendants continued to obey God (refer to Numbers 26:11).

    King David composed this psalm in agreement with the spirit that the Lord God had given to him, and Psalms 42 – 49 form one unit with the same theme in light of the descendants of Kore (refer to I Chronicles 6:22, 9:19 and 31; II Chronicles 20:19).

    Which manner (in the same method or mode that) the deer earnestly-longs on the springs (it has a real longing, desires on-top of what it already has relating to the wells or fountains which are sources or issues) of the waters…

    o thus (in this manner)

    o my soul (my being, myself, the life of my physical, fleshy body which is evidenced by breathing, my soul/breath life)

    o earnestly-longs towards You,

    o God [in the Greek language the word translated God is the singular noun Theos, which refers to the only true God emphasizing that He is the First, Superior or Ultimate One, the One Who has power, executes judgment, and emanates what He is, His power and light – in the Hebrew language this word is a plural noun adding emphasis to His superiority in all words and actions (encompassing everything that He is, the only true God); Elohim, the Creator in relation to His creations; He should be acknowledged to be in the highest position of all];

    …my soul thirsted towards God (it was thirsty for His spiritual communication to me), emphatically and specifically the living God (God Who is living, Who is presently and actively alive [in the Hebrew text the word for God in this phrase is El indicating that God is the One being totally strong, having all strength, every superiority and dominion in exerted force, almighty in relation to whom He has created])…

    o when I will have-come (for the time that I will have arrived, my thirst will be satisfied when I will definitely be there)

    o and I will be seen (perceived and known to be)

    o in the face of God (in His presence, at God’s face, in front of Him);

    …my tears (my physical expression of weeping with strong emotion) were caused to become bread to me (came to pass to be food for me, as nourishment – I was repeatedly crying out to God) of day and night (during day and night, daytime and nighttime, all the time)…

    o in saying to me (people were saying against me, as verse 10 below)

    o according to each day (on a daily basis),

    o Where is the God of you (at what location is your God – from His viewpoint and from your viewpoint – why is He not with you and implementing righteous judgment regarding your situation at this time)?

    I was caused to remember these-things (I was reminded of, calling to my mind, recollecting them) and I poured-out my soul on me (I shed forth the contents of the life of my physical body down on myself, I gave my life)…

    o because I will go-through (go by way of, come through, pass or travel)

    o in a place of a marvelous tent (within a location of a covering or sheltering structure that is astonishing, wonderful and amazing),

    o until the house of God (specifically continuing up to the dwelling of God, His habitation),

    o in a sound (voice, uttered-tone) of

    o exultation (elation, as though dancing and much leaping and springing about)

    o and an expression-of-agreement (the action of speaking out in full agreement with God, definitely saying the same thing, speaking the same words, speaking agreement, assenting to Him with intensity, from inside to outside, completely agreeing with Him),

    o a sound of feasting (a sound that echoes as a confused noise during a time of celebrating, as during a festival).

    It was David’s intention, will, volition, to remember and pour himself out to God; he believed God’s promise regarding the Christ.

    The house of God refers to His location, as the interior-temple.

    Interior Temple

    Prior to the time when Jesus accomplished salvation, the interior-temple usually referred to the innermost-part, the most sacred area within the temple in Jerusalem, where the only true God’s presence was manifested-forth during the old covenant times, called the Holy of Holies.

    During the time when David was alive, the temple in Jerusalem was not yet built, and therefore the house of God in verse 4 above refers literally to the Holy Tent and figuratively to the Lord God’s area in the heavens.

    The true tent is currently in heaven (not on earth; refer to Hebrews 8:2-5, 9:1-10; Revelation 15:5); however, at a future time the tent of God will again be with mankind (refer to Revelation 21:3).

    God Himself is not seen by mankind and He will not be located on the earth (refer to John 1:18; Colossians 1:15; I Timothy 1:17, 6:16; I John 4:12) until the future time as recorded in Revelation chapters 21 and 22.

    Refer to Exodus 26:31-34, and chapter 40; Joshua 18:1; Judges 18:31; I Samuel 1:3 and 9, 3:3; II Samuel 6:2-17, 7:2-17, 11:11, 15:24-29; and Hebrews 9:1-7.


    Levi was one of the 12 sons of Jacob/Israel. Levi’s descendants (Levites) inherited the Lord God – in the sense that their inheritance was exactly as He said regarding them – they received the priesthood via Aaron from the Lord God whereby they would represent the people before God, making necessary offerings towards God on behalf of the people (refer to Exodus 28:1) – and those who were not of Aaron’s line of descent received the work of rendering service to/for Him.

    Not all Levites were priests.

    God provided food and housing for all of them so as to be dedicated to serving Him, including areas where their flocks could graze.

    The Levites (refer to Genesis 29:34, 46:11; Exodus 4:14, 6:16-27, 37:19 (38:21); Numbers chapters 3 and 4; I Chronicles chapter 6, 24:1 and 2) received 6 cities of refuge and 42 cities to inhabit and the suburbs (refer to Numbers 35:1-8; Joshua 20:1-3 and 21:1-3).


    The word soul refers to the life of a physical body which is evidenced by breathing; it is what allows creatures to move, swim, etc, living in the physical category. The soul is in the blood of living creatures whereby the blood is oxygenated as breathing in order to maintain their physical lives. If the blood is removed from the body that creature dies.

    The usages of the word soul can include all that emanates from the soul, such as movement, speech, etc, actions done according to and motivated by soul. The figurative usage refers to a creature’s character and disposition, the living power in active evidence.

    In addition to soul – when David was initially anointed by Samuel the prophet, as recorded in I Samuel 16:13, David received spirit-life from God within him conditionally which gave him the ability to receive God’s Word directly from God Himself. God gave spirit to him upon the condition of believing what God told him and then living accordingly, similar to the holy spirit that many of God’s people received from Him for specific periods of time throughout the ages, such as Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Samson, Samuel, Saul.

    [Reference: Psalm 17:15, 63:1 and 2; Hebrews 9:24.]

    Verse 5:

    .5In order that what are you, soul, encompassed-with-sorrow, and in order that what do you disturb me together?

    You must hope on God, because I will expressly-agree with Him – the God of me (is the) salvation of my face.

    In order that what (for what purpose and result) are you, soul (my being, myself), encompassed with sorrow (encircled with grief), and in order that what do you disturb me together (actively cause to stir me up in conjunction with other things, agitate me, just like a normally calm pool of water is agitated and moves when something else is thrown into it breaking through its surface and causing a rippling effect over the whole pool)?

    You must hope on God (it is imperative that you expect a future event to come to pass resting or relating down upon God, have firm anticipation based on what He says, on what He gives people to believe, which is everything that He promises to/for His people, including: inheritance, resurrection, the hope of the Christ who will give eternal life to God’s people)…

    o because I will expressly-agree with Him (speak out in full agreement with Him, definitely say the same thing, speak the same words, speak agreement, assent-to with intensity, from inside to outside, completely agree with Him) –

    o the God of me (my God – from His viewpoint and from my viewpoint)

    o is the salvation of my face (He provides safety for my presence or countenance, the saving, the standing and state of being saved, being made safe specifically during a war or battle, and wholly He makes me safe to Himself from sins and their consequences, from destruction).

    [Reference: Matthew 26:38; Mark 14:34. Also refer to the article: Hope and Resurrection (]

    Verses 6-8:

    .6My soul was disturbed towards myself, because-of-this I will be caused-to-remember You from (the) earth of Jordan and Hermonites from a small mountain;

    .7an abyss calls-upon an abyss to-itself into a sound of Your downpours; all of Your suspended-things and Your waves went-through on me;

    .8of day (the) Lord will command His mercy, and of night (there is) a song with me – a prayer to the God of my life.

    My soul (my being, myself) was disturbed towards myself (caused to be stirred up, agitated with myself)…

    o because-of-this (on account of this, for this reason)

    o I will be caused to remember You (be reminded of You, call You to my mind, recollect You)

    o out from the earth of Jordan (the land or ground pertaining to the Jordan river)

    o and (including the area of the) Hermonites away from a small mountain (referring to the area of Mount Hermon or Aermon, which is northeast of the Jordan river, specifically the land southwards from the little hill, summit or peak that is part of the larger mountain range – this was the portion of the land of Israel that Moses conquered and to which David went to escape from his enemies);

    …an abyss (a place that does not have a bottom to it, very far away, without measured depth underneath what is observed by earthly, fleshy, fallen mankind) calls on an abyss to itself (invites another abyss to itself, as turning appealingly towards it for the purpose joining together with it to make one larger abyss)…

    o into a sound of Your downpours (with a view to, directed to, at the voice or uttered-tone emanating from the contents of heaven rushing downwards, as waterfalls);

    o all of Your suspended-things (every one of the things that break, as the sea breaking against itself or the shore, and causing rolling masses of water to be lifted high, raised to a height, as floating and quickly moving from one place and another)

    o and Your waves (moving swells of the sea)

    o went-through on me (passed down on me; for David, this happened in the figurative sense of overwhelming him);

    …of day (during the daytime) the Lord will command (the Master will charge or enjoin) His mercy (the active-relief that He provides because of withholding merited judgment, not bestowing punishment on those who deserve to be punished from His viewpoint)…

    …and of night (during the nighttime) there is a song with me (an ode at rest beside, at or with me – I am singing a song; the Greek word translated as song may be transliterated into English as ode and refers to a song being sung in celebration and thankfulness, whether it is for a special occasion, a battle, harvest, etc – triumph and victory)…

    o which contains a prayer to (a communication, general speaking towards, with)

    o the God of my life (He gives me life, He makes me alive now before my death and He will give me eternal holy spirit-life at the future time of resurrection via the promised Christ [in the Hebrew text the word for God in this phrase is El indicating that God is the One being totally strong, as verse 2 above]).

    David believed what God said about the Christ and he looked forward to the hope of complete redemption and salvation at a future time. He knew that after he died he would remain dead until the time of resurrection.

    As verse 8 above, the significance of referring to God as Lord, which is the Greek word kurios, emphasizes and confirms the validity and authenticity of God’s lordship, dominion and authority over and relative-to His people. This word is used in Greek as a translation for the Hebrew word Jehovah (Yahweh) and refers to God in His covenant-relationship to that-which He created.

    [Reference: Genesis 7:11, 8:2; Deuteronomy 3:8, 4:45-49; Joshua 11:17, 12:1; II Samuel 17:22 and 24; Jonah 2:3-7; Matthew 12:39-41; Luke 11:29-32.]

    Verses 9-11:

    .9I will say to God, You are my Helper; because-of-what did You forget me? In order that what do I journey being gloomy in my enemy pressuring-out?

    .10In my bones bruising-down, the (people) pressuring me reproached me in them saying to me according to each day, Where is the God of you?

    .11In order that what are you, soul, encompassed-with-sorrow, and in order that what do you disturb me together?

    You must hope on God, because I will expressly-agree with Him – the God of me (is the) salvation of my face.

    I will say to God (I will lay out a collection of words in a sentence to communicate something giving the substance or content to Him; this verb expresses David’s intention, will, volition in this situation [in the Hebrew text the word for God in this phrase is El indicating that God is the One being totally strong, as verse 2 above])…

    o You are my Helper (You render assistance and support to me, and I rely on You to give the appropriate help to me in specific circumstances; this noun translated Helper" emphasizes receiving or taking in the opposite direction, anti-receiving, and in this context God gives what He has available to David);

    o because-of-what (why, by means of what reason, on what account, why is it that, for what cause or reason)

    o did You forget me (willingly escape to place notice on my situation, disregard, cease to pay attention to my prayer for help)?

    o In order that what (for what purpose and result)

    o do I journey being gloomy (pass the everyday living of my life being glum, sullen, grim-faced, sad-eyed)

    o in my enemy (while the one who opposes and exhibits enmity and hostility towards/against me)

    o is pressuring-out (applying pressure to extract or evict me, as squeezing grapes)?"

    During the time when my bones were being bruised-down (intensely crushed, constricted), the people who were pressuring me (causing me compression or stress that afflicted me, via whatever was pressing-upon or squeezing me, whether that pressure was physical or mental or spiritual)…

    o reproached me (defamed me, insulted me)

    o while they were saying to me according to each day (on a daily basis),

    o Where is the God of you (at what location is your God – from His viewpoint and from your viewpoint – why is He not with you and implementing righteous judgment regarding your situation)?

    The repetition of questions and answers in verses 3 and 10, plus 5 and 11, give great emphasis to what is written.

    o In order that what are you, soul, encompassed-with-sorrow, and in order that what do you disturb me together?

    o You must hope on God, because I will expressly-agree with Him – the God of me is the salvation of my face.

    [Reference: II Samuel 22:3; Psalm 3:3, 13:1, 18:2, 38:6.]

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    Request for judgment

    God’s response

    Word Translation

    Psalm 43

    ⁴³:¹(a)A psalm by David.

    .1(b)God, You must judge me, and You must make-righteous the right of me from a nation not holy, and You must rescue me from an unrighteous and deceitful man, .2because You are God, my Strength; in order that what did You thrust me away, and in order that what do I journey being gloomy in my enemy pressuring-out?

    .3You must apostle-out Your light and Your truth; they guided me, even they led me into Your holy mountain and into Your pitched-tents;

    .4and I will go-into (the area) towards the sacrificial-altar of God, towards God, the (God) making my youth glad-minded; I will expressly-agree with You in a lyre, God, the God of me.

    .5(a)In order that what are you, soul, encompassed-with-sorrow, and in order that what do you disturb me together? You must hope on God, because I will expressly-agree with Him – the God of me (is the) salvation of my face.

    .5(b)Into the completion.

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    Psalm 43:1 and 2:

    ⁴³:¹(a)A psalm by David.

    .1(b)God, You must judge me, and You must make-righteous the right of me from a nation not holy, and You must rescue me from an unrighteous and deceitful man,

    .2because You are God, my Strength; in order that what did You thrust me away, and in order that what do I journey being gloomy in my enemy pressuring-out?

    The title (superscription) states that Psalm 43 is a psalm that David composed; this was in agreement with the spirit that the Lord God had given to him.

    God [in the Hebrew text the word for God is Elohim, the Creator in relation to His creations], You must

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