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The Strength of a Real Woman
The Strength of a Real Woman
The Strength of a Real Woman
Ebook98 pages1 hour

The Strength of a Real Woman

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This is a redemption story of a woman who has been disqualified from love so many times and yet true love found her not in the form of a man, but in the form of the Presence of love itself and it is exactly the Presence of Unconditional love, that has empowered the author to live a life of triumph over adversity. You don’t want to miss out on this true love story not boy meets girl, but girl has a life transformational encounter with the Presence of Unconditional Love and her life, and her destiny are forever changed, proof that there is still love in the world, if you would courageously open your heart to true love again.

In summary, my book is a fun healing workbook to help people start a healing journey of their own, it is short, and full of some power-packed healing activations.

PublisherTando Keke
Release dateDec 20, 2022
The Strength of a Real Woman

Tando Keke

Tando Keke is a British-born South African, she is a teacher, a published author and a good friend.

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    The Strength of a Real Woman - Tando Keke

    February 2020

    My name is Tando T. Keke and I am a girl who has lived a rather interesting life. Calling myself a girl might be a stretch considering that I am 35, but I don’t look it though, thanks to amazing genes and to living a life of joy.

    My life hasn’t always been joyful. There have been many dark paths that I have walked down, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Let’s get some things straight, I am not a victim, I am a survivor and I am a woman who has learned to live and to thrive in victory. Even so, I refuse to let my life be defined by my past experiences. This year, an unprecedented situation occurred in the world, a global pandemic, which has literally thrown life off for many people. So many of us had made very good plans and a lot of those plans have fallen through the cracks in the road. In the middle of all this upheaval, I was sitting in my little house on the college campus where I taught English and God invited me to walk with Him down the broken road of my testimony. I must say, at first, I resisted this.

    It was far too painful to consider, to walk through memories that used to haunt my dreams, but very gently, God said, We can do it step by step. It has been a most unusual journey to write this book, a lot of what I want to share, I will most likely write in another book in a few years as I am still very much living through this very story. But for the parts that I feel released in peace and in wholeness of healing to share, those are the stories you will walk through with me in this book.

    I would be remiss not to mention that this is not a collection of stories in the traditional sense, it’s more of a reflection written in prose, anecdotes, lessons and some stories. Not all of the stories are a reflection of my journey, some of them are just lessons or observations that I felt passionate enough to share in this book. Think of it this way, this book is a treasure map. It is not about me, it’s more about us, who we are as a global community. I’m a bit of social justice storyteller; I’m not particularly eager to write things that only inspire people, but I also want to sound a call to action, a call to create a new narrative together. I see and say things that other people wouldn’t dare, that’s my inheritance, brace yourself, you are in for a rather heart-rending ride.

    I hear God inviting you and me. Will you take My hand, and will you walk through these thought-provoking and sometimes challenging reflections and meander down the broken road together? I hope you will join us.

    This book is about a few lessons or reflections as I like to think of them in gratitude of one humanitarian, single, black, African woman who chooses to live her life courageously. It is my prayer that this book will inspire the reader to embark on their own healing journey with God, whilst learning how to create space for healing as they sit in the painful moments of life with friends and family. I believe that by reading the real stories of real women of life, love and everything in between, that the reader will go with me and God on the journey into the heart of my healing from a past filled with abuse and trauma, to walk a painful road into purpose and endless possibilities

    This book is also a love letter to my future family, it is a declaration of hope and a testimony of strength. It is also a legacy of gratitude for me and for my children’s children. Now that we are better acquainted, reader, may I call you friend?

    Friend let us be builders of legacy not only for our generation but to serve the generations to come. The legacy starts with us stepping out of fear from our comfort zones to surrender and to lean into the uncomfortable, whatever that looks like for each of us.

    This book is an invitation to lean into the unknown with God and to learn how to trust Him every step of the way. This is a narrow road, this is the road not taken, this is the sweetest honey and the bitterest root. I hope you will raise the bitter cup and drink your fill. I look forward to meeting you on the other side of the communion table. Will you say yes, to share in Christ’s sufferings and to share in the glory of His resurrection life? All He desires is your YES.

    The Strength of a Real Woman


    This year I’ve had to grow in the strength of a woman. What does that mean? Well, it means different things to different people. But to me, it looks like living in China during the pandemic. Now you can only imagine the fear that takes place when people hear the word pandemic, oh no! So, what do you do? How do you handle it? I don’t know about you, but I only know how I got through it and I just wanted to write this passage on that. Firstly, I had to make

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