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The Gift: Journeys of an Astral Traveler
The Gift: Journeys of an Astral Traveler
The Gift: Journeys of an Astral Traveler
Ebook221 pages2 hours

The Gift: Journeys of an Astral Traveler

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In this book, Marion Ney reveals the shocking, spiritual experiences she has had through astral travel. By facing her fear of the way others might judge her, she boldly attempts to reach out to other astral travelers to tell them they need not feel ashamed or alone for possessing this wonderful gift.
Release dateNov 4, 2022
The Gift: Journeys of an Astral Traveler

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    The Gift - Marion E. Ney

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    LifeRich Publishing rev. date:  10/31/2022



    This is Non-Fiction.

    About Me

    The Trough

    Old-Fashioned Measles

    My Grandmother


    A Visitor at The Old Farmhouse

    Mother’s Visit

    Bobby Socks

    Travelling for a Birth

    Little House in Petitcodiac

    Old-Fashioned Neighbour

    Clinically Dead

    Selling the Homestead

    My Sister’s Baby

    Aunt Ella

    Sally’s School Accident

    The Hand that Saved Him

    Diagnosing a Brain Tumor

    Our New Brunswick Home

    Zorro’s Spirit

    Sneaky Salesman

    Mother/Daughter Connection

    An Old Friend

    Using My Strength

    A Stranger

    My Son’s Flying Lesson

    One Alcoholic’s Excuse

    Drunk Without a Drink

    Alcoholic Excuses

    The Jolly Bunch

    My Foster Son

    Our First Evil Encounter

    Using My Strength

    My Husband’s Death

    Visit to New Brunswick

    Instant Message

    Snow Birds

    A Drowning in Bayfield

    Antique Eight-Day Clock

    British Bomber

    Picked by a Stranger

    Crown of Thorns

    Sharing Pain

    Jerry’s Granddaughter

    The Wagon Wheel Flea Market

    Seniors in Florida

    Ralph’s Heart

    Jerry’s Shoulder

    Guardian Angels

    40th Anniversary

    Known Snake Killer

    A Special Neighbour

    A Very Special Family Member

    Coma Patients

    Tidbits of Happenings

    One Last Mystery: The Chrysophrase Necklace

    You are Not Alone (Astrals I’ve Met)

    Just as I Am

    About the Author


    Astral travellers often experience a great variety of different spiritual experiences, such as messages received through ESP, physical pain connected to someone else’s pain, seeing auras, etc. But one thing all Astrals share in common is the experience of astral travel.

    Astral travel is the result of one’s body going to sleep while their spirit leaves their body. Every occurrence is unique, though for me, they also have some things in common. Each time I enter this state, I am unable to move a muscle, apart from my eyes, which always fixate on the minutes on the clock at the end of my bed. I always take note of the exact time I leave my body, and return.

    Sometimes, when I astral travel, my spirit doesn’t float any further than the ceiling of the room I’m in, allowing me to watch over my body. When this happens, I return to my body and wake up immediately if touched or threatened. Other times, I travel many miles, all over the world. If one could control it, it would be a great way to travel; no expenses, no motion sickness, and you arrive at your destination instantaneously.

    This is Non-Fiction.

    The chapters in this book are short, each written with lead-up to events as they happened without anything added. Some are predictions or forecasts. Every word is true except some names. I am writing this book mainly for others who astral travel, astral project, or experience lucid dreaming. Most are not brave enough to talk about their experiences, believing they are alone.

    My first out of body voyage occurred at the age of 21, though my forecasting started many years earlier. Those whose experiences began as a child consider astral travelling a normal part of life, and so have no fear. They each enjoy the weightlessness, peace, and tranquility, and take pleasure in speaking (sometimes even bragging) about the freedom it gives them.

    Not having the perspective of those that started having their experiences early in life, I found the isolating thoughts of being the only person to astral travel quite scary. A few times, I wanted to end all the incidents in any way achievable. I wrote to paranormal researchers, astrologers, as well as any organization who might deal with this type of issue.

    My ability to astral travel has been a source of anxiety for me for many years. Always being somewhat uneasy with this ‘gift’, and convinced something must be wrong with me, my biggest fear has always been that people might find out I am ‘weird’. At times I also fear I may not come back to my body.

    I tried to take comfort in the fact that, when I travel, it is often to help someone, but then it occurred to me; if I can help people, perhaps it would also be possible to hurt others. The thought frightened me. I have since been reassured by others that, with the personality I have, it would not be possible for me to hurt anyone. I hope I can be confident in their assessment of my ability to help and not hurt others.

    It wasn’t until 2005 that I finally met another woman who admitted, not only to experiencing astral travel, but also to her fear of her travels. Within a few weeks, I met ten other true astral travellers in our church, and several outside the place of worship who lived their lives in fear.

    I am sure there are many more Astrals. Most do not start experiencing spirit projection, or prediction of forthcoming disaster until adulthood. The new journeys may fill them with panic, confusion, and depression, leaving them wondering, Why now, at this age?

    One young Astral I met is a young gal in her early 20`s, feared the travels so much that she tried to commit suicide. She was resuscitated, but then faced the terrible news that her heart was permanently damaged as a result of the pills she consumed. Not only must she now endure the physical consequences of her misstep, she must also face the hardship of being disowned by her parents who believe that, through her attempt at suicide, she donated her life to the devil. Now that this young gal is aware that there are others like her, she regrets her decision.

    Astral Traveler’s are not perfect beings. They are down to earth citizens who enjoy nurturing and caring for others. There are some travellers who practice shamanism, a form of controlled travel, but true astral travellers do not control the places or times we travel. We go where we are sent; perhaps to a hospital room, or into the home of someone who needs comfort. I cannot choose to pop in on my children, grandchildren, sisters, or brothers.

    I am tired of being afraid of what others may think. Yes, we Astrals sometimes embarrass ourselves by crying before we even know the reason why. This is out of our control. These adventures are not something we rehearse or train to do. With this said, our talents are really no different from a dancer’s, a carpenter’s, or artist’s. No one judges or ridicules common talents and abilities, so why should we fear judgement for our slightly rarer skills?

    I’ve finally come to accept these unique experiences as part of God’s plan for me. I am unable to use my abilities for selfish gain, so I take pride in knowing I am devoted to helping others, though sometimes I am unsure of the reason He gives me the gift to see things that are about to happen when I can’t help directly, and no one will listen to me. When I am given the opportunity to help, and no one listens, it is hard on me. I feel as if I have failed in some way; as if I missed something God had planned for me.

    Though I still wrestle with this frustration, I appreciate that I have a skill entirely devoted to helping others, and so how found a mental state in which I no longer fear the judgement of others, but instead, accept that I am serving my purpose.

    To all active Astrals, please do not be afraid. You are not alone anymore, there are many like us, and people only judge us because they do not understand.


    About Me

    Life began for me in Halifax, Nova Scotia, February 1941. I had my first train ride at three days old to Amherst, then my Uncle Johnnie met us with horse and wagon at the station. I was rolled in a buffalo robe, and taken about fifteen miles to my grandparents’ home in Tidnish. My older brother and I lived there until Grannie died when I was seven.

    We had no television, no radio, no computer, no hydro, no car, no phone, no cash registers, and no running water. We were what I would consider poor, but classy people. I soon learned to make my own under garments out of 100 pound white sugar bags, as well as to cook, crochet, sew and knit. I would feel like a Queen when I inherited clothes my cousin outgrew.

    After my grandmother died I moved to my mother’s in Nova Scotia, and attended a small country school where grades 1-12 were held in the same room. I think there was about 14 students total. I lived partially off of what the land around me could provide. Bulrushes and cattails were my favourite, and were plentiful on the marsh. Fiddleheads were always a nice treat to find. We also had wild blueberries, and cranberries which grow abundant, as well as a treat we called Nova Scotian candy, though it is more commonly known as dulce. Dulce was a salty, dried sea weed, and was preferred by most of the family over any sweet treat. Dulce also has some health benefits as it is full of iron, and so is great for people with low red blood cells, anaemia or leukaemia.

    I did not visit a big store until the age of 13. I remember everything glistening, all decked out for Christmas, with ornaments and decorations. Most of all, I was hypnotized by the little coin boxes. There were no cash registers, so money was put in a box which clicked its way up a cable to the office for change, and back down to the clerk so she could give you the difference.

    Not having a home, or knowing where I belonged, I grew up fast. Even as a young child, I was afraid to sleep as I listened to the family saying things like: Aunt Agnes only has boys, so she can take her, and, well Aunt Kittie said she would care of her for a while. These kinds of conversations happened a lot. Those discussing the topic never meant to hurt me; they only talked about it when they thought I was sleeping and could not hear. This didn’t stop me from feeling out of place, and resisting sleep, never sure where I might wake up. Maybe I started travelling because my mind was always awake, even when my body slept, giving my alert spirit the freedom to travel.

    Now that I am in my senior years, I travel and forecast less. I consider myself a retired Astral, and have taken it upon myself to help other Astral’s overcome their inner struggle by sharing my experiences.


    The Trough


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