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Blooming Flower
Blooming Flower
Blooming Flower
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Blooming Flower

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About this ebook

     Brennan Smith always felt like something was wrong with him from the age of 5...

     Growing up… Brennan Smith always believed he was a girl stuck in the complicated body of a boy and not a boy, despite his mother and father reassuring him daily he is male and raising him as such. While out on a birthday lunch with his aunt Hailey, he was in for an unanticipated surprise that changed his life completely.
From that day, he stopped dressing like a boy and living as a male and begins living his life as a female. Brennan starts his new life by changing his name to Aadvyka Willow, which means 'Unique and New Life.' Her mother Bailee was against his transition and immediately kicked her out of the house and into the basement with no help or support, as well as denying his existence, living Aadvyka to fend for herself.
     With the support of her aunt Hailey and best two friends Janice and Claire who always had the assumption she had from a youthful age, Aadvyka went through the full transition of being female at eighteen and pulled through, immediately moving out of her mother's basement, and to college, where she found the love of her life, hoping he would love and accept her for who she is.

     With the secrets of her past hidden from her friends and significant other, how will things turn out for Aadvyka Willow when her past is revealed? Will her love accept her transition? Or will he shun her as her mother did?


Release dateNov 8, 2022
Blooming Flower

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    Book preview

    Blooming Flower - KIA VALCENT





    DarkRoyalty Books




    Copyright © 2021 Kia Valcent & DarkRoyalty Books

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright author except for the purpose of quotations in a book review.



    †NAME†      name of the character telling the story from their point of view

    ֎…            change in character point of view

    »                  Later scene, time skip/flash back/

    ⸽                  new scene location

                phone conversation scene

    ⸎…            text messaging scene

    …♀♂…            beginning of sex scene

    …♀♂…            ending of sex scene




























    eing here makes me so uncomfortable. I am not a fan of hospitals. Then again, who is? Since I haven’t been feeling well lately and my sister Hailey has been insisting I go to the doctor and get myself checked out. She assumes that I’m pregnant and that my stomach is getting bigger, and I can only laugh at that assumption. I have been taking Depo-Provera for three years now and I see no reason to stop right now. My stomach has always been a little on the big side. I am standing at 5 feet 3 inches and the last time I weighed myself, I weighed a hundred and ninety-seven pounds. I’m a little overweight for my height, I know, but my clothes still fit, and my husband loves all the extra fluff, so I’m not bothered by my weight.

    I’m not pregnant! I said to her, I don’t know why you insisted I come here!

    Hailey flips through a magazine she took on the table in the waiting room nonchalantly and rolls her eyes at me as I continue ranting, it’s just a precaution Bailee, she responded calmly, I’m telling you, you’re pregnant.

    Having your eighteen-year-old sister tell you—you are pregnant is quite annoying. You’ve been saying that for four months now, Hailey, I reacted. I’ve had no symptoms of pregnancy. Besides, it’s my body, and I’d know if I was pregnant.

    Have you seen your period lately? she questioned

    Yes, I answered, about two months ago... I had some light bleeding—

    Then there you go, she said, it’s at least two months late, so you’re probably 20 weeks along.

    I groaned, looking around the waiting room of the doctor’s office at the other expecting mothers of different ages, from young adults to some who looked like they were about to hit menopause. Some of them were glowing, happy to know that they were expecting a special little one, some were eager for their test results and some were dead in scared as though being pregnant would be the worst thing ever to happen to them. Don’t get me wrong—if I was pregnant, I would be the happiest expecting mother on the planet, but I got diagnosed with PCOS and Fibroids when I was seventeen and I was told it would be difficult for me to get pregnant, especially with my hormonal imbalance. I had to get on depo because my condition had me seeing my period over two hundred days in a year. Besides, how can I be pregnant when I’m on birth control and I have had no pregnancy symptoms?

    I looked down at my breasts, that are bigger than usual, and squeeze them. Normally this would be a pregnancy symptom, but I simply chucked it up to mother nature letting me know that she’ll soon be visiting me as the time to update my depo shot was approaching. According to my schedule, she might be right on time.

    You know, I could have taken a store-bought pregnancy test at home Hailey, I spoke again. I didn’t need to come to this doctor to basically be told that I’m fat and need to get some exercise and change my diet.

    Would you stop being so dramatic, Bailee? she scoffed. Lately, I’ve noticed you’ve been passing out, having weird cravings, and you even had a panic attack yesterday, she added

    That’s because I’m stressed! I lashed out, with the new house falling through and work talking about layoffs, how else do you expect me to feel, Hailey?

    Regardless of whether you get laid off from work, Jasser makes enough money to support you both and potential future kids, she stated

    I know, I complained, but staying home all day, cleaning and doing laundry... that’s boring.

    Well soon, you’ll have some company, she said cheerfully, if you’re pregnant, which I’m sure you are, staying home for a few years won’t be so bad, I’m sure he or she will keep you extremely occupied and always on your feet.

    I chuckled, laughing softly. It sounded nice. Jasser and I always spoke about having kids, two. One boy and one girl, but we tried for years and gave up when we saw it would never happen. Natural remedies didn’t work, and neither did the fertility clinic’s procedures and suggestions. He suggested we adopt a child who needs a home, but I refused. I do not care if I’m called selfish, but I don’t want to raise a child that isn’t my flesh and blood.

    Bailee Smith!

    Bailee Smith!

    I feel a nudge on my shoulder only to turn and see that Hailey has been trying to get my attention for a while now, they’re calling you. Let’s go.

    Oh, sorry!

    We follow the doctor's assistant to the private room and Hailey took a seat on the chair in the corner holding her phone in front of her as though recording, voicing how she wants to get my expression on camera when I am told that I’m expecting a baby just as she predicted. I entered the room hesitantly, brought myself up on the bed, and lift my long black hair off from under me before lifting my shirt to under my bra, exposing my barely large stomach.

    I should probably start doing some abs exercises... I said to myself

    You’re gonna have to wait a few months for that, Hailey laughed, maybe a year.

    Will you quit it! I yelled, annoyed.

    I rolled my eyes just as the doctor walks in and introduces herself, dragging the sonographer close to the bedside along with a chair that she sits on. The doctor introduces himself as Dr. Kalan Lynn and goes ahead to ask me a few questions about why I was there and what made me believe I was pregnant, which my sister proudly answered for me. He then puts some ultrasound gel on my exposed stomach and I yelped at how cold it was, shivering slightly as it hits the skin. Doctor Lynn held a transducer and began spreading the gel around, looking at the monitor while I looked at the ceiling before squeezing my eyes shut, hoping for it to be all over.

    *The sound of a beating heart*

    Is that the sound of my heartbeat? I asked, opening one eye while leaving the other shut.

    Oh, my goodness, I was right! Hailey gasped, pure excitement spreading across her face.

    What? Right about what? I questioned, confused, glancing at the monitor as Doctor Lynn turned it for me to see the screen better.

    Congratulations Mrs. Smith, she said joyfully. You have two very strong heartbeats here!


    Oh, my gosh! Two? she gasped again, her hands covering her mouth to not be too loud. Sis, you’re having twins!

    Impossible! I cried

    No, she’s right, Doctor Lynn confirmed, pointing at the fetuses on the monitor.

    I—I can’t believe it! I began sobbing. I’m blessed with twins?

    Boys or girls? Hailey questioned

    The doctor ignores Hailey and keeps her attention on me. Would you like to know the genders of your little miracles?

    I thought about it for a while, it would be nice to know the gender of the babies now, that way, I will have an idea of what we need to buy for them and not fill my home with double the unisex clothing, but Jasser wasn’t here with me and this is an experience I’d like to share with him. I know darn well Hailey would want to tell him first thing and decided it would be best if we waited till their birth to know their genders. It would be a tremendous surprise and a wish come true for me to be told at their birth that I’m having a boy and a girl. I genuinely believed it myself. God blessed me with two precious miracles—a prince and a princess.

    No, I answered, my happiness overflowing. I want to wait till they’re born to find out.

    C’mon Bailee, why not find out now? Hailey whined, we could have a gender reveal party!

    I responded to her harshly and shut her party suggestion down. I did not want to know their gender. The only thing I needed to know about my babies was their due date and if they were healthy. Hailey got upset, but only for a moment since she couldn’t hide her excitement at finally being an aunt, something she’d always been telling me she wants to be since we were kids.

    So, doctor... I called, getting his attention, when am I due?

    July 17th, he answered

    That’s in four months, said Hailey. Wait… you’re in your second trimester already?

    How can that be? I haven’t had morning sickness and I’ve seen my period, about two months ago to be exact, I alleged. How could I be five months already?

    I’m guessing it’s your metabolism, answered Doctor Lynn, but as for the period, it happens in some women—he walks over to his desk and took a pad from his drawer—I’m gonna give you a prescription just in case you see it again during your pregnancy.

    As he continued speaking, my mind drifts deep into thought. I was finally going to become a mother. Oh my God! I cried, tearing up as I cried tears of joy. I can’t wait to tell Jasser!

    ⁞4 MONTHS LATER...

    As instructed, I pushed with the last of my strength, Jasser screaming at the top of his lungs as my grip tightened around his hands, feeling the bones of his finger cracking under my hold. Finally, the baby comes out and I gasp as I leaned back on the hospital bed, trying hard to catch my breath, yet preparing myself to push the placenta out of me. I can hear the baby crying and I cry tears of joy, eager to know the gender of my baby.

    Is it a boy or a girl? I asked panting,

    My husband looks down at me before kissing me, praising me for a job well done. He then stares at the midwife, awaiting a response to my question. A while passes and the other baby is ready to come out, yet not in a hurry though. Jasser looks at the doctor confusingly and repeated the question I had asked earlier.

    Well? he insisted

    The doctor swallows, I... I’m not sure...





    My due date is just around the corner, and I could not be happier. Since I didn’t want to find out the gender of my babies, far less a gender reveals party, Hailey settled for throwing me a baby shower. They gifted me with both blue and pink baby clothing, so I am truly hoping I get blessed with both a baby boy and a baby girl. Hailey says I should not dwell on the genders too much and should focus more on them being born healthy. When I told Jasser about the pregnancy, he was over the moon, praising how God answered his—our prayers and how we were finally going to have a family. We have even changed our lives because of it. These twins are truly

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