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Rachel's Surrender (Book 1)
Rachel's Surrender (Book 1)
Rachel's Surrender (Book 1)
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Rachel's Surrender (Book 1)

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About this ebook

Note: This title was originally released under the pen name Rebecca Thein.
Readers: The Unrelenting Passion Series is a collection of romance stories featuring M/F, M/M, and everything in between because love has no boundaries.
This series can be read as standalone stories.
The book is not for anyone under the age of 18.

Hi, I’m Rachel Clemons

I am so excited because today I landed my dream job as a paralegal for the District Attorney’s Office. I can think of no better way to celebrate my accomplishment than partying with my friend at our favorite bar, The Wet Spot with Flair.

Throughout my life, I planned everything. From my education, my career, and even the men I dated. No one and nothing would stop me from succeeding.

Tonight, everything changed. I was knocked off balance when I noticed him sitting at the bar. He is not a man I should even look at twice. Alarm bells went off in my head as lust drove me to overlook my logical side and abandon my inhibitions. Or maybe it was that I suppressed my true self for far too long, and now I was ready to let loose and have fun.

He had this magnetic pull, and I was succumbing to it. I have no idea what has come over me. I was going to do something I would have never entertained if I had been thinking clearly. Wish e luck because I have now set this affair into motion.

If I miscalculated, this could end in disaster.

PublisherRynn Royale
Release dateNov 1, 2022
Rachel's Surrender (Book 1)

Rynn Royale

I am a native Californian and can’t imagine living anywhere else. So naturally, I use many of my state’s beautiful locales as the backdrop in my novels.What do I do when I’m not writing? You can find me in the garden, taking a hike, being crafty, and spending time with my family, and of course reading.I believe love is love, and I write about all forms of love between consenting adults. Rainbows are beautiful, as is the love my characters find in their stories.

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    Rachel's Surrender (Book 1) - Rynn Royale

    The Bar 1


    Who are you staring at? Sheila asked me while she scanned the bar.

    When Sheila and I first arrived at the bar, I did not see him. I suspect it was because I was looking for Cal, my closest friend. I felt him, though, as I made my way to the bar where Cal was the bartender putting on a show mixing a drink.

    Something stopped me dead in my tracks, but I willed myself not to look around, which lasted thirty seconds. He sat at the bar, looking in my direction but peering beyond me. Then suddenly, our eyes met, and our gazes locked.

    Something about his demeanor felt dangerous. He had a don’t fuck with me look. And yet he didn’t scare me.

    I wanted to run my hands through his shaggy mess of jet-black hair resting on his shoulders. Even at this distance, I could tell he had alluring green eyes, which were traveling down my body, stopping briefly at my breasts. My mouth went dry as my hands began to sweat. I swiftly turned my head, breaking the spell of his gaze. I forced myself to ignore him, but that was an impossible task.

    Seriously, who has your attention? Sheila asked again.

    No one. I downed a shot of tequila Cal had placed in front of me. Let’s dance. I grabbed Sheila’s hand, dragging her onto the dance floor. She was my roommate and the best girlfriend anyone could ask for.

    That shot, at last, washed over my body, and I started to relax. I was out for a good time. Finally, I landed my dream job, and we were here to celebrate.

    Is it the guy over there wearing the polo? Sheila questioned, glancing at a group of men at the end of the bar.

    I turned to see the man she was referring to. He was the type of man I ordinarily dated, but not tonight.

    No. I’m just enjoying all the eye candy. No one in particular. I spun back around, facing her so I could spy on the one hunk that held my attention.

    Liar, Sheila leaned over to whisper in my ear, I know it’s that preppy guy, and right now, he’s looking this way.

    I smiled at Sheila’s assumption. Think what you want, but it’s not him.

    Once the song ended, the band took a well-deserved break. Sheila and I made our way back to the bar for another drink.

    Throughout the evening, I caught myself peeking at him when possible. Once I got past his incredibly handsome face, I noticed his black and gray sleeve tattoos. They started at his wrists and continued up his arms until they disappeared under his shirtsleeves. He wore oversized rings on each finger on his right hand, appearing more like he was sporting brass knuckles. I could not see if his left hand had any rings because his fingers were wrapped around his beer mug, hiding them from my view.

    As for his clothes, let’s just say I did not notice them because every time I turned around, he looked toward me, making me exceedingly self-conscious.

    I positioned my chair so my back was now facing him, but I could still feel his eyes fixated on me. It was a vain attempt at getting him out of my thoughts.

    I’m heading to the bathroom. Sheila left me alone to fend off the preppy boy’s unwanted attention, as we had aptly referred to him.

    I sipped my drink as the preppy boy stepped up next to me. Can I buy you another?

    Thank you, but I have a drink, I politely declined.

    I turned away from the guy that tried to get my attention. No sense in me encouraging him. Tonight would not be his night with me. I had no desire to get to know the preppy boy. Only one man caught my eye, and he was way out of my comfort zone. But for some reason, he mesmerized me. So, I let myself go with the adventurous feelings growing inside me and do something spontaneous. Or, at least for me, I would consider it somewhat impulsive.

    Cal, see that guy down at the end of the bar?

    Yeah. He nodded.

    Send him over a drink, but don’t tell him it’s from me. Just say someone wanted him to enjoy his evening.

    Cal raised his eyebrows. Really? Cal and I had grown up together, hence why he knew the man I was sending the drink to was not my type.

    Yes, I’m serious. He looks lonely. Have you seen him in here before?

    A few times. Cal placed my shot in front of me.

    Is he mostly alone?

    He always comes in alone but frequently meets up with someone.

    Female? I looked at his left hand again for the telltale sign he was taken as he downed his beer. No ring, now that’s good.

    Sometimes. Don’t tell me you’re interested in him. He doesn’t seem like your type.

    And what is my type?

    You know, clean cut, dressed in designer clothes with that frat boy look.

    I let out a laugh. Yeah, that was predictably my kind of man, but not tonight.

    Clean-cut guys are the type of man my mother prefers I date.

    Okay, so they were often the safe choice, mainly because I did not find them attractive, and that kept my mind on my studies, where my focus had to be while I was in college.

    Sheila came up behind me, wrapping her arms around me. Ready to go?

    No, it’s still early, I replied, witnessing the questioning look in her eyes.

    You’re not ready to leave? I’m shocked. Sheila sat down on the barstool next to me.

    Cal walked to the end of the bar and placed the rum and coke in front of the man I had my eyes on. I saw Cal shrug his shoulders. I wish I knew what they were saying.

    So, what is so interesting down at that end of the bar? Sheila asked, getting ready to turn around, but I grabbed her arm, keeping her facing me.

    Don’t make it obvious, I warned.

    Okay, tell me when it’s safe to take a peek.

    Cal filled a few more drink orders before returning to us. So, do you want anything else? Perhaps his phone number? He grinned. Cuz, I’m confident I can get it for you.

    My face turned three shades of red. Nah, the drink was enough. I looked at Sheila as she allowed her gaze to travel to the other end of the bar, then back to me.

    You bought some guy a drink? Needless to say, she was stunned.

    Then sex on legs held up his drink and mouthed, Thank You.

    I gave Sheila a guilty smile and instantly turned, intently scrutinizing Cal. Did you tell him it was from me?

    Of course not. But come on…you’ve been eyeing him all night. Don’t you think he could figure it out on his own? We men aren’t as stupid as you may think. Cal did his half-crooked smirk with one eyebrow lifted.

    Sheila did a quick scan of the bar again. What the fuck? Sheila gave me a look of confusion. Him? That’s who you’ve been watching all night? Any minute, the police will storm in and haul his ass off to jail.

    All I could do was laugh. What’s wrong with him?

    Besides the long hair, tattoo sleeves, pierced nose, and a cigarette behind his ear…should I go on?

    I like his hair. It looks soft. I wouldn’t mind running my hands through it. Even though it already looked like someone had.

    Sheila put the back of her hand on my forehead. No fever. You have to be out of your ever-lovin’ mind.

    What? Look at those dimples…wait, not now, but if he walks by, check them out. And those green eyes, they’re gorgeous.

    Yeah, he’s fuckin’ ridiculously handsome in a bad boy way, but I’m sure he doesn’t run with the crowds you would be comfortable with.

    All I’m doing is enjoying the view. Give a girl a little slack. I bumped shoulders with her.

    Look, but don’t touch, Sheila cautioned with a scowl.

    Who are you, my mother? I think I can take care of myself. I gave her a reassuring pat on her leg.

    Girls, no arguing at the bar. You’re ruining the party atmosphere. Cal flipped a bottle in the air behind his back, catching it with his other hand.

    Sorry. We’ll play nice, I apologized, watching him mix another drink.

    Here, enjoy. It’s on me. Cal placed a drink in front of each of us.

    I’ll be right back. I headed toward the restrooms in the back of the bar. When I stepped out of the bathroom, sex on legs was leaning up against the wall, waiting.

    Up close, he was breathtaking. I swallowed, trying to calm my nerves.

    So, it’s not every day a beautiful woman buys me a drink. He tilted his head.

    Oh…well, I couldn’t speak. I plastered a dumb half-smile on my face. Hell, I didn’t know if I was smiling or looked scared.

    He chuckled. Adorable. Brave enough to buy me a drink, but too shy to talk.

    Something like that.

    Honestly, out of everything I could say, that’s what spilled out of my mouth. Whatever compelled me to buy him a drink in the first place was beyond me. But I did, and now he was right there, two feet from me, hypnotizing me with his eyes.

    His green eyes were even more appealing up close. They had a ring of gold around the pupils, followed by a burst of sea green that faded into the most gorgeous color of pine. Uniquely a color I haven’t seen before.

    He ran his hand through my hair. I’ve wanted to do that all night. He tugged on the strand between his fingers to pull me closer to him.

    Holy hell, what have I done?

    Who are you? His eyes got dark and dangerous.

    Just a girl that thought…well…I thought you looked lonely. Oh no, that did not come out right, either.

    He chuckled. Lonely? I looked lonely to you?

    Sorta. You’ve been sitting there just watching the crowd for an hour.

    No, I haven’t. I’ve been watching you for an hour while waiting for someone.

    I blushed again. Oh. Sorry.

    What are you sorry for? Because from where I was sitting, the view was damn good. He continued running his fingers through my long locks.

    Um…I should get back to my friend. I tried to step back, but my feet froze.

    I’ll let you go once you give me your number so I can call you when I’m back in town. Maybe we can meet up then.

    Uh…okay. I thought twice about giving him my number, but in the end, I punched my actual number into his phone. What harm could come of him knowing my cell number?

    Give me your phone, he ordered, reaching out his hand. It was strange because his tone, although authoritative, was not demanding. It was more like he was coaxing me to follow his command.

    I reached into my back pocket, pulled out my cell, and handed it to him.

    Open it, he requested, holding it out to me so I could unlock it with my thumbprint. His eyes softened, and his mouth broke into a grin. Quickly, he punched in his number and gave me back my phone. I looked down at the screen. It said Brody, followed by an out-of-town area code.

    Where do you live, Brody? I asked, not recognizing the area code.

    Florida. He pressed a few keys on his cell phone, and mine rang. I looked up at him. Just checking. He ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. Well, Rachel, we should get back to the bar. I’ll call you sometime soon.

    How did he know my name? Of course, Cal must have told him.

    Before he turned to leave, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me firmly against his body.

    I’m in trouble now. I could feel every muscle in his body go taut when he tightened his hold on me. May I? he asked before parting his lips.

    I didn’t even have time to answer. He ran his tongue between my lips before thrusting it deep into my mouth. Our tongues danced around. I could feel the metal of his tongue-piercing glide across the inside of my upper lip.

    Lord have mercy!

    I found it hard to contain myself. My nipples were now trying to break free from my sheer bra in anticipation of being touched. Brody ran his fingers across them, sending an energy pulse through my body.

    Come on. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the hallway, searching for an unlocked door.

    Finally, he remarked, promptly opening the door and tugging me inside a room that appeared to be the storage area.

    I was speechless once again. He looked into my eyes before speaking. You can leave now, or you can stay.

    I just stared at him. I knew I should run and never look back, but for some reason, I couldn’t. With no words, I reached behind me and locked the door.

    What the hell am I doing, locking myself in a room with this man? I’ve had way too much to drink.

    The hunger in his eyes grew as he stepped forward. I want to taste you. He reached for my shirt, tilting his head, waiting for my response.

    I just lifted my arms to allow him to remove my top. No man had ever had this effect on me. They were lucky if they ever got to touch my breasts, let alone remove my shirt. But right now, I am offering them to him with no hesitation.

    What I was doing was so wrong. I was in the backroom of a patron packed bar, the bar where my friend worked, letting some guy that I didn’t know feel me up. I was going to hell, and at this exact moment, I didn’t care. Maybe the tequila was taking over, but I let my body do the talking.

    Brody unhooked my bra and slid it down my arms. Take my shirt off, he hoarsely directed, licking his lips. I immediately did as he instructed, noticing his pierced nipples. Next, he wet his thumb and finger and pinched my right nipple into a stiff peak.

    Now rub your nipple across mine, he commanded.

    I obeyed, holding my right breast in my hand and guiding my hard nipple across his. I let out a soft moan as the chill of his nipple ring sent a shiver through my body, down to my core.

    He bent over and sucked on my other breast, biting my nipple just enough to cause me to jerk, but not enough for me to pull away.

    Suck on my nipple, he ordered, pulling my head toward him. Ah, fuck, that feels good, he groaned.

    I circled my tongue around the silver ring before sucking on his nipple. While I sucked on his left nipple, I ran my fingertip over his right nipple, slightly tugging on the ring. I was so turned by his reaction to my touch. Never in my twenty-three years had I done anything like this. No one, and I mean no one, had ever turned me on as much as this man.

    Brody placed his hands on either side of my face and lifted my head to meet his lustful gaze. You are so fucking beautiful. I can come just looking at you. He suddenly picked me up. Now we were at eye level, and he kissed me again. He thrust his tongue into my mouth. I desired him more than my next breath. However, he immediately released me. Brody grabbed my bra off the table and put it back on me.

    Go before I can’t stop myself.

    I was confused. I looked at him, lost in the depths of his mesmerizing green eyes. What did I do wrong? I was always the one that had to stop advances. Although, this time, I welcomed what was happening. And then I was cock-blocked, or should I say, clit blocked?

    He licked down my neck to my collarbone. You’re too perfect. Now get the fuck out of here before I change my mind. He swatted my butt and pushed me toward the door.

    But— I wanted to stay, tried to tell him he could take me. However, he was right. What we were about to do was not okay. So I left, forcing myself not to look back.

    What the hell took so long? I almost sent the cavalry looking for you. Sheila laughed. You feel okay? Because you look a little pale.

    Yeah, I’m great. Want to dance? I had some pent-up frustration I needed to release.

    Sure. Sheila stood as Brody sauntered through the bar.

    Hi, ladies, he endeared, looking into my eyes.

    Hi, Sheila responded, curiously looking at him.

    I just nodded. Once again, I found myself unable to speak.

    It appeared the person Brody was waiting for was sitting at the bar. She lifted her eyebrows as he approached her, and then her eyes darted to me. All I could do now was try to ignore her and him, which wouldn’t be easy. Maybe I should call it a night, although I couldn’t leave, not with him still in the bar. Therefore, as I danced, I tried to watch and see what he would do next.

    Brody approached the woman, and she stood. They briefly hugged. I noticed she had something in her hand. I couldn’t determine what it was; likely a piece of paper. Then, I witnessed her reaching for his ass and putting her hands in his back pockets. When she removed her hands, whatever she was holding earlier was gone. My guess is she was giving him her number. Stranger things have happened. I should

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