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Calder's Flair (Book 2)
Calder's Flair (Book 2)
Calder's Flair (Book 2)
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Calder's Flair (Book 2)

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About this ebook

Note: This title was originally published under the pen name Rebecca Thein
Readers: The Unrelenting Passion Series is a collection of romance stories featuring M/F, M/M, and everything in between because love has no boundaries.
This series can be read as standalone stories.
The book is not for anyone under the age of 18.

I’m somewhat of a celebrity on the San Francisco club scene. Calder Blane—competitive flair bartender. I thrive on being the best, outperforming my competition, and looking damned good while doing it. But not as good as that guy sitting over there. He’s the epitome of hot!

Electricity charges the air as his eyes meet mine, so I venture over to say hello. We barely have time to exchange a few words before the loudspeaker blares, and as I’m announced the winner of the competition, the crowd presses in, and he slips away.

As fate would have it, we ran into each other later that night, and my heart’s convinced he’s the one. I’m ready for forever, but he has secrets—when they’re revealed, will they be too much for me to handle?

PublisherRynn Royale
Release dateNov 1, 2022
Calder's Flair (Book 2)

Rynn Royale

I am a native Californian and can’t imagine living anywhere else. So naturally, I use many of my state’s beautiful locales as the backdrop in my novels.What do I do when I’m not writing? You can find me in the garden, taking a hike, being crafty, and spending time with my family, and of course reading.I believe love is love, and I write about all forms of love between consenting adults. Rainbows are beautiful, as is the love my characters find in their stories.

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    Book preview

    Calder's Flair (Book 2) - Rynn Royale

    The Show 1


    I stood behind the bar, dazzling the crowd as I flipped a bottle behind my back. I was known for being one of the best flair bartenders in San Francisco.

    A second bottle soared in the air, putting on a show for the judges I was determined to impress. I could tell by their faces as they watched me I had accomplished that feat. This would be a three-peat if I won. And that would earn me a trip to compete against the world’s best bartenders.

    I swiftly caught the second bottle and transferred it to my other hand. I now held both bottles together. Then, like a magician’s sleight of hand, a highball glass materialized and went sailing into the air. Catching that tumbler, I kept spinning it in my hand before pouring the amber liquid from both bottles into it. The audience applauded.

    Leaning over the bar, I placed the drink in front of a gorgeous woman who had been watching me since the competition started. I winked at her as I stepped aside to let the next competitor delight the spectators with his performance.

    * * *


    I sat off to the bar’s left side, sipping from my glass of water with lemon. The bartender had me intrigued. I watched his gyrating hips as he flipped the bottle into the air. I continued to be mesmerized by his display of talent I was witnessing but more enthralled with him. He placed the drink he had created in front of a beautiful woman.

    Well, the hot ones are always straight, I thought while placing my empty glass on the table before I got up and turned to leave.

    Enjoy the show? a sensual voice asked.

    I whipped my head around, surprised that the sexy voice I had heard belonged to the man I couldn’t take my eyes off. Yes, you have talent.


    How does one learn to toss bottles around, anyway? I met his eyes.

    I was a baton twirler throughout high school and then a color guard in college. So, it’s natural for me.

    From baton twirling to bottle tossing, wow.

    Yep, I’ve been tossing stuff in the air for as long as I can remember.

    The bartender began to say more when the MC announced his name.

    Enjoy the rest of your day. As quick as he had appeared, he retreated.

    I watched his tight ass as he stepped behind the bar. And I’m done. I could not keep staring at this man for another minute without embarrassing myself. It was time to head down to the beach and meet up with my teammate.

    * * *

    What the hell, Devon? We almost had to forfeit. Mario glared at me.

    Sorry, lost track of time. I kicked off my shoes while I pulled my t-shirt over my head.

    We must beat the next two teams, or we won’t even make Olympic tryouts. Get your head in the game. Mario chucked the volleyball at me, hitting my shoulder.

    I took a deep breath when I bent down to retrieve it. Mario was right; I had to focus. Which court?

    Three, Mario replied, walking off.

    I caught up to him and kept his pace. Seriously, man, I’m sorry. I was heading here and heard cheering as I passed the bar. I wanted to see what was going on.

    If you’re not serious about this, I’ll find someone who is, Mario warned. He had been training hard for this since the last Olympics. I gave him hope I might be the partner to make it happen.

    You know I’m damn serious. Now, let’s put these guys away. I stepped across the boundary line in the sand and kept walking to the back corner. I spun the ball in my hand a few times before I served it.

    * * *


    Rachel ran up and hugged me as I hoisted her in the air. I won the third year in a row and was one step closer to taking it all.

    Great job, Rachel congratulated me as I spun her around.

    Thanks, I said, setting her down, which allowed me to kiss the top of her head. I was a foot taller than Rachel, so I cursorily scanned the bar looking for the man I had spoken with earlier. Did you see the guy in the back?

    You mean the sexy guy you kept watching every chance you got? The guy that couldn’t keep his eyes off of you? No, don’t think I did.

    I laughed. I wasn’t that obvious, was I?

    Only to me, ’cuz I know your type. When you placed that drink in front of me, his face went from intrigued to completely disappointed. Rachel looked over her shoulder at where the man was previously standing.

    How did you see him? I was confused. I knew Rachel had not scanned the bar while I was performing.

    The mirror behind you. The perfect way to spy on him.

    Can’t help that I break hearts. I reached for her hand as we walked through the crowded bar.

    Yeah. And when was the last time you broke a heart? She pulled on my hand until I stopped walking.

    If there was one thing Rachel knew about me, I seldom dated because casual hookups were not my thing. Last Friday, if you must know? I shot her a look of embarrassment.

    Are you saying you broke that man’s heart? The same man that tried to talk you into letting him watch you fuck his girlfriend? Rachel burst out laughing.

    "Yeah, him. I cringed. Okay, maybe my heart broke when I realized he wasn’t into me as much as being a voyeur. Who asks to watch another man screw his woman? I looked at her. So, I up and left. I couldn’t do it."

    Not sure, but everyone has their kink. Rachel temporarily diverted her eyes away from me.

    I had never been with a girl. Never even had a curious thought. Women did nothing for me; however, women always tried to get me in bed for unknown reasons. Do I give off the straight vibe? I tilted my head to see Rachel’s face.

    You exude sex. You’re confident, sexy as hell, and you have a mysterious look in your eyes. Oh, and let’s not forget how sweet you are to the ladies. Women, eat that shit up.

    That’s how I get big tips, I defended myself.

    You get big tips because you put on a great show, not to mention you make kick-ass drinks. And let’s face it, you are one of the sweetest, most loving people I know. I’d jump your bones if you’d let me. Rachel laughed when my mouth fell open in shock.

    You did not just say that! Eww, you’re like my sister.

    Sure, I did. Rachel winked. So, back off with your sexy ways. I know a fantastic man when I see one. Rachel stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.

    The one thing I knew for sure was Rachel always had my back. We had been friends since third grade. She loved to see me squirm and knew what to say to make me blush.

    Can we go grab a candy apple now? I’ve wanted one since we got here. I got off the subject of sex because all I could think of was that sexy man and his alluring pale blue eyes.

    God, yes, and some saltwater taffy, too. Rachel held tight to my hand as we headed to the Boardwalk.

    With our candied apples in hand and one large bag of taffy, I led us to the edge of the Boardwalk. You want to sit here and watch the half-naked men play volleyball? Please say yes, I begged.

    If I must. Rachel sat next to me, bumping my shoulder. Hey, isn’t that the guy that couldn’t take his eyes off you? Rachel pointed with the hand holding the candied apple.

    I think so. I squinted, studying the guy as he tossed the ball into the air to serve it. Every muscle glistened from his sweat-covered body. I licked the sweetness of the apple from my lips.

    Stop that, Rachel chuckled.

    Stop what? I was confused.

    Licking your lips while you imagine it’s him you’re running your tongue over.

    Damn you, girl! Now I have a boner. Why would you put that thought in my head? I nonchalantly tried to adjust myself.

    Right. Like you weren’t already hard for him. I had nothing to do with that. She looked down at my tenting pants.

    I turned my head to watch two women in fewer clothes than a lingerie model. Yep, that worked. Boner gone.

    When does Brody get back into town? I was trying to divert my attention from the hot, sexy, half-naked volleyball man to the man Rachel was dating. Damn it! My dick got hard again. Guess sexy men, whether straight or not, still got me horny.

    "You cannot ask me that and then get hard. He’s mine, hands-off." Rachel hit my arm.

    Sorry. I guess I need to get laid.

    Should we go clubbing tonight and find you a man?

    Yes, to going out to dance.

    As soon as I had my dick under control, a volleyball landed in front of us. I bent over to pick it up. When I looked up, there he was, mister sexy from the bar. Our eyes briefly locked, but the alluring man abruptly broke the connection and looked at Rachel.

    Thanks. He caught the ball I tossed to him and jogged back to the court.

    What was that about? I asked, watching him retreat.

    Not sure. I could have sworn he was eyeing you at the bar. Maybe I read him wrong.

    I guess he was eyeing you the entire time since you were sitting right in front of me. I shook my head. I thought my gaydar was calibrated right.

    Doesn’t matter. He’s not my type.

    Yes, he is, but you have your man, or you’d be flipping your hair to get his undivided attention.

    I do not flip my hair, Rachel gasped. I tilt my head and bat my lashes like this.

    You do that, too, with a hair flip. I took the last bite of my apple as I stood up.

    You ready to leave so soon? Rachel asked, following me to the trashcan.

    Yeah, this is torture for a man that hasn’t had sex in months. Let’s head back to the hotel. I need a cold shower.

    Can’t we go on a few rides first?

    If we must, I joked. I was dying to ride the Big Dipper, but I wasn’t sure I could get Rachel to go with me. In the end, she climbed into the seat on the roller coaster and closed her eyes. Heights were not her thing, but having fun with me, well, that was.

    Night Out 2


    Rachel, your hair is perfect. Who are you trying to impress, anyway?

    I like looking good for me, and it builds my confidence. Rachel sprayed her hair in place.

    I tucked my wallet into my back pocket. Let’s go watch men dance.

    Rachel reached for my hand as we left our hotel room. And now I know why men think I’m straight. I squeezed her hand before bringing it to my lips to kiss.

    Men think you are straight because you always have a harem of beautiful women surrounding you.

    There is one woman that can always get my attention besides my mom. I winked at her before I let go of her hand. I held the door open for Rachel when we exited the hotel.

    Strolling down the street toward the bar we had heard about from a friend, we walked past the party crowd. The aroma of pot hung thick in the air.

    Remember when we were their age and would head to the park after school and get high? Rachel inhaled deeply, reminiscing.

    Yes, absolutely I do. I also remember when we were twelve, we agreed to get married if we never found anyone by the time we were thirty.

    When I agreed to that, I told myself I could turn you.

    I stopped and looked at her like she had grown two heads. You knew I was gay back then and never said anything?

    What? she laughed. Of course I did. But you kept that to yourself. And I wasn’t going to question you until you wanted to share. I figured I could play along until you were ready.

    I love you. You know that? If I were straight, there is no other woman I’d want to spend my life with.

    Ditto, sweetie, I know that. And I love you, too. I will be your friend forever. And if you weren’t gay…well, that’s not who we are. But we are always there for each other, no matter what. Rachel rose on her tippy toes and kissed my cheek. We embraced longer than we should have, but that was how our friendship worked. I felt her phone vibrate. I broke our hug, allowing her to reach into her pocket.

    Looking at the screen, she smiled.

    Brody—Turn around

    She spun, seeing Brody a few feet from her with his arms crossed. Something you two need to tell me?

    Rachel looked perplexed. What are you doing here? You weren’t supposed to be back until next week.

    Brody stepped forward, pulled Rachel into his arms, and passionately kissed her. My assignment was compromised, so I was removed from the case.

    Did you know about this? Rachel questioned me.

    I was positive I looked guilty, but I tried to act like this was news to me. I’ll never tell. I can keep a secret, too.

    You two are going to drive me crazy. I can’t keep up with either of you. Rachel stepped between us, her two favorite men.

    Where are we heading? Brody asked as he joined us.

    There’s a small club I heard about. I reached for Rachel’s hand again. She was my support. Brody glanced at our hands laced together.

    If I didn’t know better, I’d think you wanted my woman. Brody wrapped his arm around Rachel’s shoulder.

    You know, this looks like we’re in one of those polyamorous relationships, Rachel commented, swinging her arm that held onto my hand.

    Babe, if the fantasy works for you, we can explore that.

    Both Rachel and I stared at Brody.

    I love you, man, but if you won’t let me put my dick in your ass, no way would that work. Sorry sweetie, but— I stopped talking before I hurt Rachel’s feelings.

    I think you two are nuts. I am not sharing you, babe, and I doubt you’d share me. Now, can we go have some fun and find Cal a man?

    We arrived at the club. The bass was thumping. You could feel the vibrations from outside.

    Earplugs? I offered.

    Thanks. Rachel took both sets and handed one pair to Brody.

    We weaved our way toward the bar. What do you want, babe? Brody asked Rachel before he realized she could not hear him over the music. He knew her drink of choice, waving the bartender over to place his order. Strawberry daiquiri and two whiskey shots.

    When he turned back to hand me a shot, I was talking to a stunning woman. The one thing Brody had learned was that I attracted the women, and they often didn’t take the hint I was not interested in them.

    Hey, sexy, here’s your drink. Brody winked at the girl, placing the shot in front of me. She got the message and left.

    Thanks, on both counts, the drink and calling me sexy. I downed the shot.

    Where’s Rachel? Brody scanned the packed bar.

    She headed to the restroom. I started swaying to the music. Dance with me until she gets back.

    There’s a lot I’ll do for you, but unless Rachel is between us, I will not be on that dance floor with you.

    Why? Are you afraid they’ll revoke your straight card? I tugged Brody, encouraging him to follow me. However, he wouldn’t budge.

    No, but I need to stay with Rachel’s drink. Brody waved me off as I shimmied my way to the middle of the dance floor. My hips moved to the music. I can dance. There is no mistaking my years of training, which helped with my baton twirling routines.

    * * *


    You with him? I asked.

    The man’s head whipped around to see me standing next to him. He removed his earplugs. What?

    I asked if you are with him. I nodded toward the seductive man on the dance floor. Or are you by yourself?

    He laughed. No, I’m not with him.

    I could see the girl from the Boardwalk approaching.

    I’m with her. The guy watched the woman approach us.

    Oh. Good to know.

    Hey, I saw you earlier today. She smiled at me. You were playing volleyball. She sat next to the man I was talking to.

    Yeah? I remember you, too. I turned my attention to the guy on the dance floor, who captivated me.

    You’ve been eyeing him all day. She wrapped her lips around her straw.

    I am just fascinated by his talent. Good one, Devon.

    Yeah, he is quite talented. Are you interested in him? she asked, wasting no time getting to the point.

    I didn’t know what to say. Hell, yes, I saw something I liked. However, I wondered if the person

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