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People of the Jaguar Course: Ancient South American Mysticism
People of the Jaguar Course: Ancient South American Mysticism
People of the Jaguar Course: Ancient South American Mysticism
Ebook135 pages52 minutes

People of the Jaguar Course: Ancient South American Mysticism

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About this ebook

Do you feel instinctively drawn to the ancient Inca, Maya or Aztec cultures of South America? If so, then you have most likely had at least one important past life there, living in one of these mighty nations! This amazing 9 Part course by The Abbotts explores many fascinating aspects of these cultures, including their many cults & gods, the feathered serpent, enormous flat-topped pyramids & more.

PublisherThe Abbotts
Release dateNov 4, 2022
People of the Jaguar Course: Ancient South American Mysticism

The Abbotts

The Abbotts have published over 140 books on many different alien/extraterrestrial, psychic and spiritual subjects including the paranormal, self development, love, relationships and inspiriting fiction.They also have another 275 plus books that are being prepared for general release!All of their published books and courses are available through all major online book stores, book retailers and digital libraries.The Abbotts goals for the future includes writing even more alternate books and branching out into other forms of mass media including films, animation, audio books and translated books.The Abbotts hope that you enjoy their free and low-cost books. Please recommend us to your family and friends.Love, Light and hopeThe AbbottsTony Abbott and Robyn Abbott.

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    Book preview

    People of the Jaguar Course - The Abbotts

    People of the Jaguar Course

    Ancient South American Mysticism


    The Abbotts

    A Beacon of Light Book

    The Abbotts Books

    Working towards: Peace, Harmony and Unity

    Copyright 2022 The Abbotts

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN: 9780463456422


    Table of Contents

    Title: People of the Jaguar Course: Ancient South American Mysticism

    Trigger Warning


    Lesson One: Past Life Memories

    What is Meditation?

    Basic Meditation

    Deep Meditation Exercise

    Lesson Two: Jaguar Cult

    Totem Animal

    Additional Totem Animal Meditations

    Affirmation (1)

    Lesson Three: Religious Cults

    Eagle Cult

    Snake Cult

    Dog Cult

    Aztec Gods

    Forgiveness Meditation

    Lesson Four: Daily Life

    The Three Inca Moral Commandments

    Exercise to Discover Past and Present Lives

    Affirmation (2)

    Lesson Five: Shamanic Life

    Exercise to Contact Your Personal Angelic Guides

    Lesson Six: Nasca Lines

    Modern UFO Sightings

    Lesson Seven: Quetzalcoatl

    Peace Meditation

    Lesson Eight: Death

    The Comforter Meditation Exercise

    Lesson Nine: Present Day

    How to be Green and Carbon Neutral

    Meditation to Heal the Earth

    Other Book Titles by The Abbotts

    1. Past Lives Course - Discover Past & Future Lives!

    2. Ancient Atlantean Wisdom Course

    3. The Atlantean Initiate - A Young Girl’s Psychic Adventures!

    4. Communicating With the Nature Kingdoms Course

    5. Gaia’s Mad! - Earth Changes From a Spiritual Perspective

    The Authors

    Who Are The Abbotts

    Tony Abbott

    Robyn Abbott

    Book Categories by The Abbotts

    End of Book

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    Trigger Warning

    This book contains information about violent ancient practices which may be triggering to some people.


    Many men and women are intrigued by the strange rituals, lifestyles and general culture of the peoples of ancient South America, such as the peaceful Maya’s, the resourceful Incas and the warrior Aztecs! In this book, we hope to examine the highlights of these fabulous civilisations and hopefully, experience what it was like to live so long ago, as a Jaguar man or woman!

    We will add channelled messages from spiritual beings such as the Ascended Masters and Archangels to add their own particular wisdom to our thoughts. They are wise, loving, understanding and humorous beings and they know well, our human frailties!

    We have channelled them for over forty years and they have always enriched our lives with their higher wisdom!

    We hope that you will read this book with an open mind and heart for that is what an enlightened being does!

    This course can be studied and performed by an individual or a group and its exercises and hints will hopefully help you understand these fascinating cultures!

    Our books are full of common sense ideas and easy-to-do exercises and completely free of waffle and unnecessary descriptions; we know that you want to learn how, not just hear about who did what! Consequently our books are short and concise. We hope that you appreciate this fact.

    We offer our ideas with much love, Light and hope.

    Tony Abbott and Robyn Abbott,

    The Abbotts

    Eden Park, 2022

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    Lesson One: Past Life Memories

    Welcome to the Jaguar People Course!

    If you are attracted to the South American cultures of the past, it is highly likely that you have had at least one previous incarnation there and would like to re-experience some of these unique people’s history, lifestyle and magic!

    You may have been a warrior of the Aztecs or a Queen of the Maya’s or even a shaman who healed the sick and prophesied the future!

    So let us learn a little about who they are and what they did.

    The first people to inhabit South America were a mixture of Asian/African and Australasian early explorers who walked across ancient and now extinct land bridges or travelled in small boats to land on the coast of South America.

    Present day South America is the fourth largest continent in the world and covers an area of approximately 6.89 million square miles. The continent is currently made up of 12 countries - Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, and Ecuador.

    Santa Catalina in Colombia marks the northern-most point of South America, while the Aguila Islet in Chile is the southern-most point of this huge continent. Its highest mountain Aconcagua in the Andes, is almost 23,000 feet high. It is the highest mountain outside of Asia.

    The term Mesoamerica is derived from the Greek and means ‘Middle America.’ It refers to a geographical and cultural area which extends from central Mexico down through Central America.

    The first known inhabitants of

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