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Arcadia's Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10: The War of Emergence III
Arcadia's Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10: The War of Emergence III
Arcadia's Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10: The War of Emergence III
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Arcadia's Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10: The War of Emergence III

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Caspian, Elincia, and their companions are on the run. They’ve made it to Fas Sheras thanks to Dranor—the Elf whom Caspian and Erica fought so long ago—but that doesn’t mean their troubles are over.

Something strange is happening beyond the forest’s border. Cleopatra is acting unusual, dark figures are moving about in the shadows, and even the Elves seem divisive on what to do about Caspian, Elincia, and those who came with them.

The true enemy is on their doorstep, but no one even realizes it...

Release dateDec 13, 2022
Arcadia's Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10: The War of Emergence III

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    Arcadia's Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10 - Brandon Varnell

    Arcadia’s Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10

    Arcadia’s Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10

    The War of Emergence III

    Brandon Varnell

    Illustrated by

    Claparo Sans

    Kitsune Incorporated

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Arcadia’s Ignoble Knight, Vol. 10

    The War of Emergence III

    Copyright © 2022 Brandon Varnell & Kitsune Incorporated

    Illustration Copyright © 2023 Claparosans

    All rights reserved.

    Brandon Varnell and Kitsune Incorporated supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce creative works that enrich our culture.

    The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use the material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact the publisher. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

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    The Story So Far…


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Interlude I

    Chapter 5

    Interlude II

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Interlude III

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Interlude IV

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Interlude V

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Interlude VI

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Interlude VII

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23


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    The Story So Far…

    Caspian and Elincia might have taken care of slave trading matter in Dorumhold, but that doesn’t mean their problems are solved. In fact, their issues are only just beginning…



    Fas Sheras was located within the Sacred Forest, which bordered Helheim to the north and Elysium to the west. Arcadia itself was shaped something like a deformed circle, with numerous inlets, peninsulas, bays, and various geographical deformations that kept it from looking like a perfect circle. The Sacred Forest could be found in the far north-west corner of the continent.

    To get there from Wakefield, they had to cross the barren northern landscape that bordered Helheim. The frigid weather was enough to chill the bones. Their land dragons, which were cold-blooded reptiles and therefore ill-suited to traveling in this kind of weather, also ended up becoming useless, meaning they couldn’t travel by carriage. This left them little choice but to sell the land dragons and take the trains.

    Thus far, their group had avoided the trains. While they could hide using Elincia’s ability to have Loki cast an illusion on them, they felt it was better to be cautious. According to her, the illusion would be disrupted if they came into contact with a Knight, the newly formed magical automaton that Duke De’Falco had created to combat the evil Sorceress’ Murakumos. However, for the moment, at least, they had no choice and took several trains from a small city several dozen kilometers from Wakefield called Masidonia all the way to Silvaguarde.

    Silvaguarde was a surprisingly large city for one found so far up north, but that was because Silvaguarde was built close to a fortress whose job was protecting the border of Arcadia from Elf intrusion. While none of the one, two, and three-story buildings were closely packed together like Axium or Cassadinia, they were all quite large.

    After hopping off the train, Caspian and his group, disguised to look like a large family and their servants, traveled to the nearest inn and rented out three rooms. Once again, Caspian and Elincia shared a two-bed room with Erica, Derek, and Tiffania. Christo, Cassidy, Collafloore, and Maddison shared a four-bed room. Sylvia would have normally had a room to herself, but the inclusion of Dranor meant she was sharing a two-bed room with the Elf.

    The evening sun was setting by the time they finished putting their stuff inside of their rooms and met up at the tavern below the inn.

    Has anyone noticed how every inn has a tavern? asked Christo as he sipped on a mug of ale. I never understood it. Why does an inn have to have a tavern? Is it some kind of unspoken rule that every inn must second as a tavern?

    Caspian almost rolled his eyes at his friend as he picked at the stewed rabbit a waitress had brought him. It’s obviously because travelers who lodge at an inn are generally hungry and tired from their travels. If an inn can provide both a place to sleep and good food, then obviously the traveler will choose to stay at the inn and spend their hard-earned drachma there instead of somewhere else.

    Oh ho! Using common sense, I see! Christo said with a chuckle, while Caspian just sighed.

    I hate to interrupt your fascinating conversation, but perhaps we should discuss how we’re going to sneak past the fortress, Maddison suggested.

    Good idea. Christo bobbed his head emphatically.

    While this conversation was going on, Erica was fussing over Tiffania as she made a mess of herself. The sight caused Collafloore to glare at the Sorceress. However, the most unusual look was Dranor, who seemed like he couldn’t figure out what to make of the black-haired succubus. His expression was the kind someone had when they were staring at a puzzle they couldn’t solve.

    The Fortress of Imperium Prae only guards one section of the Sacred Forest’s borders, Sylvia stated. Slipping around the fortress shouldn’t be a difficult task. The problem is not slipping past the fortress, it’s bypassing the guards who patrol the borders between Arcadia and the Sacred Forest.

    The Sacred Forest was massive, spanning about 1.2 million square kilometers—at least, it did according to the maps. There was a lot of the Sacred Forest that was unexplored because it belonged to the Elves. All the maps made were purely guesswork based on surveys made by traveling around the Sacred Forest. No one truly knew how large it was.

    What sort of border patrol do they have? asked Derek.

    When Vanya and I snuck past the border after our exile, the border patrols consisted of about twenty squadrons of twelve guards, Dranor said with a mirthless smile. That’s not nearly enough to stop a pair of Elves from slipping past the border. All we had to do was kill the guards before they could sound the alarm.

    Sylvia frowned at the implication. We are not here to kill anyone. What’s more, we do not want to be seen. Our goal is to slip into the Sacred Forest undetected. If we are spotted, then the duke will learn that someone is trying to contact the Elves, and he may decide to send his forces into the forest. I’d rather we not have to deal with an army of Knights entering the forest to slay us.

    A fair enough point. Dranor shrugged.

    Since the older people were talking, Caspian, Elincia, Christo, Cassidy, and Collafloore spent their time eating. They would let the people like Sylvia, Dranor, Maddison, Derek, and Erica take over since they had more experience with matters like this.

    While Caspian was eating a rabbit stew, Elincia had chosen to dine on a salad made from chopped fruits and vegetables. There was a slightly tart vinaigrette dressing that complemented the sweetness of the strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries.

    Is that going to be enough? asked Caspian as he gestured toward her meal.

    It should be. Elincia narrowed her eyes. Why do you ask?

    I’m just worried. You usually eat a lot more.

    I-I do not!

    I’ve seen you eat sixteen crepes in a single sitting.

    Elincia’s cheeks turned hot. Th-that is completely different! I’ll have you know that I have an extra stomach for crepes! Everyone knows people have two stomachs! One for normal meals and one for crepes! As she tried to defend herself, Elincia noticed the smile curling Caspian’s lips and the gleam in his eyes, which made her eyes widen in realization. You’re teasing me!

    Only because I love you, Caspian said with a grin.

    While Elincia pretended to be angry, she reached out under the table with her free hand and soon found the one Caspian had extended to her.

    The pair thought they were being discreet about their handholding. However, everyone was staring at them as they spoke.

    Are those two always like this? asked Dranor.

    Erica glanced up from where she was doting on Tiffania to look at the two, then shrugged. More or less. I’d say Caspie is getting a bit bolder than he used to be, but they are generally disgustingly sweet and loving like that.

    Being what they were, Caspian and Elincia were more than capable of hearing the pair’s words. Elincia quickly pulled her hand away. That made Caspian sigh and switch from play fighting with Elincia to glaring at the two.

    They’re incredibly cute together, Christo added fuel to the fire. Cassidy nodded several times in agreement.

    The group was soon forced back onto the topic of sneaking into the Sacred Forest by Sylvia and Maddison, who were trying their best to create a foolproof plan.

    What if we used Loki’s invisibility illusion? asked Caspian. If no one can see us, then we can just walk right on by.

    I don’t think that is a good idea, Erica declared. Or do you not remember what happened the last time we used the invisibility spell? Cassidy blushed when several eyes turned on her, but fortunately, she didn’t have to defend herself because Erica continued. There is also the fact that while invisible, we cannot even see ourselves, much less each other. What if we get separated?

    That’s… a good point, Caspian conceded.

    Maddison glared at the table with narrowed eyes as her brow furrowed in concentration, but it relaxed a second later, and she released a weary sigh.

    Can we contact Stratello or maybe Commander Feral and have them inform one of their comrades in the fortress of our intent? she asked. Do they have any companions located in the fortress? If they do, we might be able to ask for their help.

    I do not know. Sylvia shook her head. I’ll send a letter to Commander Feral asking him if he has anyone in Imperium Prae who can help us sneak across the border, but I do not know how long it will take to receive a reply.

    With their current plans officially decided, the group finished eating and headed to their rooms, where they slept until morning.

    Chapter 1

    The morning after their first night in Silvaguarde, Sylvia wrote a letter to Commander Feral and asked him if he had any men in Imperium Prae who could help them enter the Sacred Forest undetected. She sent the letter off via carrier hawk. Of course, the letter was written in code. Only Commander Feral, Headmaster Stratello, and a few of the higher ranking Peacekeepers who were on the Sorceress’s side would be able to decipher it. Even if no one could decipher the code, they hoped it wouldn’t be intercepted.

    No one knew how long it would take for their letter to reach Commander Feral. That being the case, they had no choice but to wait, even if they ended up waiting for several weeks.

    During their time in Silvaguarde, the group split up and did their own thing. Sylvia mostly stayed in the room she was sharing with Dranor. However, Erica, Derek, and Tiffania would often go out under the disguise of a young family. Similarly, Caspian, Cassidy, Christo, Elincia, and Collafloore spent their time exploring the city together.

    It wasn’t like they had anything better to do.

    While there was no snow falling in Silvaguarde, the cold weather was enough that everyone decided they needed new clothes meant for frigid temperatures.

    Elincia was now dressed in a thick winter coat made of high-quality grey melange wool. It featured wide sleeves that swished as she swung her arms while walking. Likewise, the skirt was also wide and billowed around her legs. There was lacing on the back to make it look loose or slim depending on personal preference. Elincia preferred a slimmer look since she was so slender. The stand-up collar and sleeves were decorated with beautiful fluffy fur. Meanwhile, the coat had a viscose lining with a mystical-looking pattern and silver lacing embroidery along the bottom of the coat and sleeves.

    Caspian wore a raven cloak—a high-quality piece of clothing, which not only protected his body from rain and cold but also hid the armor he wore underneath. He wore simple adamantine bracers over his forearms, which were connected to a pair of elbow cops. Because his old boots had been worn down, he now had a new pair of leather boots. Strapped across the boots were greaves also made from adamantine just like his bracers. They only covered his shins. The rest of him was covered in a long black tunic and pants.

    Christo and Cassidy were similarly dressed, though Christo had donned a raven tunic made from cotton with silver trim, while Cassidy wore a thick purple cloak over a linen dress. Collafloore had also been forced into some warmer clothes, though he didn’t seem to like the tunic they had bought for him.

    While the clothing had been expensive, it wasn’t like they didn’t have the money. They still had the drachma they had stolen from Earl Gorrosalaine and what Erica had made for selling him, Derek, and Christo to Ameralda. That meant they had plenty of funds, even taking into account the money they spent on train tickets, boarding, and food.

    How long do you think it will take for Commander Feral to get our letter and contact us? asked Elincia as the five of them walked through the city.

    No clue, Caspian sighed and ran a hand through his currently black hair. I’m not even sure how long it will take for the carrier hawk to reach Axium. That’s on the opposite side of the country. It will probably take weeks.

    That… is a long time, Elincia admitted.

    Yeah… who knows what could happen while we’re stuck waiting.

    While the two of them were discussing the matter regarding Commander Feral, Christo was following Cassidy as she looked into the windows of various shops and stalls. There were many lining this particular street. It was a bit like a bazaar. Cassidy was, at that moment, looking at a stall that sold several types of jewelry, everything from broaches to necklaces.

    Caspian observed Christo as he said something to Cassidy, which made the woman blush and turn her head. He wondered what the man was saying. However, he didn’t want to be rude and eavesdrop.

    I feel kind of naked without my bow and arrows, Elincia suddenly sighed.

    Caspian chuckled. You still haven’t had many chances to use them, though.

    I know. Elincia moaned. Outside of that time I blew up the entrance to Ameralda’s mansion, I really haven’t used them at all.

    Caspian knew Elincia was not happy that she hadn’t been able to utilize her new skills with a bow yet. She’d been so excited by the prospect of finally being able to do something aside from full and partial summonings. Yet now that she actually had a unique skill that didn’t require continuously exhausting her mana, she had been presented with very few chances to use it.

    I’m sure you’ll get the chance to use it eventually, Caspian said as he watched Christo buy the blushing Cassidy a small broach for her hair. Looks like someone is a smooth operator.

    Elincia tilted her head at Caspian, but then she directed her attention to the other pair wandering the market with them. A smile lit her face.

    Christo is pretty forward, isn’t he? said Elincia.

    Caspian nodded. He’s always been like that.

    While the two couples did their own thing as they traveled through the market, Collafloore looked at all four of them with annoyance. Caspian wondered if he was upset that everyone else had a partner, while he was stuck on his own. He didn’t dwell on the thought long and the group continued traveling through the market.

    Yet as they wandered, Caspian caught sight of something that made him pause. There were several posters located on a wall. Each of them had the face of either himself, Elincia, Sylvia, Erica, or Derek. Underneath their images were a list of their crimes and the reward being offered if someone reported seeing them.

    They were wanted posters.

    It looks like we’re officially fugitives, Caspian said with a sigh.

    I didn’t know they had made wanted posters of us. Elincia bit her lower lip. I guess they would have done this at some point, though. I mean, we’re considered dangerous elements, right? If they don’t capture us, then we can cause problems for them in the future.

    Pretty much. Caspian nodded. There’s also the fact that quite a few people admire you. I’m sure that to the duke, you’re a huge thorn in his side. He shook his head. Anyway, let’s keep going. So long as no one realizes who we are, we should be safe.

    Let’s just hope nothing dispels our illusions, Elincia said.

    The eleven of them remained like this for nearly two weeks before they received a reply from Commander Feral. It was late one evening when they were sitting at a table in the tavern so they could eat, that Sylvia informed them she had received a reply.

    It came in just this afternoon, she said. Commander Feral does have several people stationed at Imperium Prae. He said that if we travel there without a disguise, a group will meet up with us. He’s listed their patrol times and what routes they patrol in his letter. We’ll use that and head out tomorrow morning.

    We’ll need to buy horses if we’re going to travel, Maddison said. This might be the city closest to the Sacred Forest, but it’s still several days' worth of travel.

    Yes, I know.

    Once we reach the Sacred Forest, I’ll do my part and escort you to Fas Sheras, Dranor said. It’s been many years since I’ve been there, and I probably don’t have the same connection to the forest that I used to, but I at least remember the way.

    We’ll be counting on you, Elincia said with a smile. Dranor frowned but didn’t say anything. Instead, he looked away with an expression of guilt on his face.

    Everyone woke up bright and early the next morning. After eating a quick breakfast at the inn, they left and traveled toward the gate.

    Silvaguarde only had one gate leading in or out of the city, which restricted access and the number of areas where the Peacekeepers needed to stand guard. As they walked through the city, Caspian eyed the Peacekeepers that were patrolling the streets. They had the same configuration he remembered from other cities. There were two Peacekeepers and two Knights.

    When the Knights were first introduced into the cities, many of the citizens had eyed them warily, as though expecting these magical creations to attack them without regard like the murakumos had. That never happened. After several weeks of these Knights being stationed in every city, the common folks had gotten used to their presence and now ignored them.

    People can get used to anything, huh? Caspian murmured as Erica spoke with the stableboy responsible for renting out horses. It looked like she was seducing the price down, which caused him to shake his head.

    What? asked Elincia as she stood next to him.

    I was just thinking about how everyone has grown used to the Muraku—sorry, I mean how they’ve grown used to those Knights. In the first few towns that we passed, everyone would stare at them with such blatant fear in their eyes, but now no one even bats an eyelash. He frowned as the thought led to another, less pleasant one. It makes me wonder… if people become used to these Knights, then won’t that mean they’ll no longer be afraid and discontent with Duke De’Falco’s rule? If that is the case, then the Sorceresses will never have a place among these people. What will happen to them?

    I… I don’t know, Elincia said uncertainly.

    Caspian shook his head and smiled. Sorry, I’m being pessimistic.

    It’s okay. Elincia grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. I think you have a valid concern. She turned her head to gaze at a group of Peacekeepers and Knights who walked past them, watching as one of them yawned before they disappeared around a building. If Duke De’Falco ends up being benevolent, then the Sorceresses will not have a place to go. More and more people will believe the duke was right about Sorceresses betraying the people. On the other hand, I don’t really want his reign to be brutal either because that could mean many innocent people would suffer.

    It was a quandary that neither of them knew how to solve. If Duke De’Falco ended up being a tyrant, the citizens would grow to hate him and rally under the Sorceress when they chose to reveal themselves again. However, having a tyrant as a ruler also meant the citizens would suffer. Elincia didn’t want that. At the same time, she didn’t want the Sorceresses who had spent their whole lives in service to the people to be hunted down and killed like dogs.

    Erica soon got the price down to what she deemed a reasonable amount, and the eleven of them mounted their horses. It took a while because they needed to have the stableboy help them strap their packs to the horses. Derek had bought a lot of supplies for the journey.

    There were only six, so several people ended up riding together; Elincia rode with Caspian, Cassidy rode with Christo, Erica was on Derek’s horse, and Tiffania rode with Dranor. Sylvia had her own horse, but Collafloore ended up riding with Maddison because he apparently didn’t know how to ride a horse.

    Their group of eleven trotted toward the gate. There were about ten guards at the gate, five Peacekeepers and five Knights. The Peacekeepers looked at the eleven of them with a frown, but since none of them looked like their wanted posters just then, they let their group pass without incident.

    The gate was on the west side of Silvaguarde, which meant they needed to take the road for a ways out, then traverse around the city at a distance before traveling toward the Sacred Forest. Their first day of travel took them about sixty kilometers out from Silvaguarde. Even though they had decided to get a start on their day early, they could travel no further since both the horses and those riding them were soon exhausted.

    They made camp soon after stopping. Derek had been preparing for this and bought several tents that he, Caspian, Christo, and Dranor pitched. They were not very large. Each one could only fit about four people at most, but Derek had bought three. While the men made the tents, Cassidy and Elincia started a fire, while Maddison dug through their packs and grabbed several slabs of preserved meat, flasks of water, and dried fruits. Erica and Sylvia worked together to grab quilts and blankets from the other packs.

    Nights this far north were cold enough that even with the fire, everyone was still freezing. However, Elincia had a great idea.

    Surtr, could you please warm us up?

    Caspian felt the mana trickling through a gate that Elincia opened with her own mana, though he could not see the gate itself. As the mana blanketed the area around them, heat began seeping into their bones, warming them back up.

    That’s much better, Erica said with a smile as she sat next to Derek and Tiffania. Now if only our food wasn’t so bland.

    I’m sorry my cooking is so bad, Lady Erica! Derek looked ready to cry.

    Oh, come off it, you big baby, Erica sniped as she took a bite of her meat. Despite complaining, she had no trouble eating the food.

    Because they were traveling, Derek had not bought anything that could spoil easily. A lot of what he bought was salted and smoked meat. He also had some pickled vegetables, but those weren’t as filling and therefore he’d bought less of them. While they were still able to cook the meat, they didn’t have enough freshwater stored up that they could afford to use it in removing the salt. This meant the meat had a very salty flavor despite Derek doing his best to wipe the salt off.

    You really don’t treat your Knight very well, do you? Maddison said as she observed them.

    Derek enjoys my abuse. Erica shrugged. Don’t you, Derek?

    Yes, My Lady! You can abuse me anytime! Derek said, much to the shock and disgust of Maddison. She was probably put off by the eager look on his face.

    As night set in, people began going to bed in groups of twos and threes. Erica, Derek, and Tiffania were the first to retire for the night. Collafloore quickly followed them. He was probably excited because he got to sleep with his younger sister. Caspian still thought his sister complex was creepy, even if he understood the man was just trying to be a protective older brother. Sylvia and Maddison went to bed next. They were sharing a tent with Dranor. Cassidy and Christo also went into the tent they would be sharing with Caspian and Elincia. This left Caspian, Elincia, and Dranor alone by the fire.

    Elincia had long since fallen asleep. Her eyes were shut and her head rested against Caspian’s shoulder. Of course, because she was asleep, Surtr’s mana was no longer present, and the coldness of the night soon became overwhelming. Even so, Caspian remained bundled up by the fire with the lithe elf.

    That girl works very hard, Dranor said.

    She does. Caspian held Elincia a little more tightly at the Elf’s words. She’s been keeping gates open for weeks now so we could all be placed under illusions, and then she even decided to open another gate so she could summon the power of Surtr. I’m not sure how much mana that consumes, but I do know that her contract with Surtr isn’t complete, so she’s actually paying for both the gate and the spell Surtr used.

    I’ve never heard of an Elf who can summon Spirits, Dranor said with narrowed eyes. I wonder why she can.

    Who knows? Caspian would have shrugged were Elincia not sleeping against him. I’ve often asked that question myself and never found an answer.


    Silence settled upon the clearing. Dranor was staring into the flames, but Caspian was staring at Dranor.

    Hey… Caspian suddenly began. Dranor looked at him, causing him to swallow a lump in his throat. I’m… sorry.

    Dranor closed his eyes. For killing Vanya, you mean?

    … Yes.

    There was a long moment in which Dranor said nothing, but just as Caspian was about to apologize again, the Elf sighed. What happened to Vanya was not your fault. It was mine. I should have never accepted the job to kill Erica. Vanya was against it from the beginning. She knew it was a stupid idea, but I stubbornly insisted that we do it.

    Even so…

    Even so nothing. Dranor’s gaze suddenly grew sharp enough that Caspian felt like he was being cut. I know Vanya. She would have never lost to a fledgling half-Elf who hasn’t even experienced half a century of life. If she died at your hands, then it was not because you killed her, but because she chose to die.

    Those words made Caspian remember how Vanya had died. How she had raced toward him as he raised his blade and was impaled through the chest. Dranor’s words were true. He’d been too shocked by the sequence of events to really think about it, but Vanya had definitely run herself through his sword, not the other way around.

    But why would she do that? he asked in a soft voice.

    Dranor shrugged. Probably because she saw something in you that was worth dying for.

    Something in me? What could I possibly have that is worth dying for? asked Caspian.

    Hope, Dranor answered as he looked between Caspian and Elincia. Hope for a brighter future between humans and Elves.

    With those words, Dranor stood up with a blanket wrapped around his body and headed inside the tent with Maddison and Sylvia, leaving Caspian and the still sleeping Elincia alone to ponder his words.

    Chapter 2

    When the sun rose above the horizon, everyone woke up and packed away their belongings. Derek, Caspian, Christo, and even Dranor took down the tents and stowed them away in the packs attached to their horses. Because they were in a hurry, they didn’t eat much breakfast. Elincia brought out some salted meat and everyone munched on that as they mounted up and rode off.

    Elincia did not ask Loki to remake the illusions. They traveled without their disguises. Elincia’s long, silvery blonde hair flew behind her as she rode with Caspian, her arms wrapped around his waist, chest pressed into his back. Caspian glanced at the others—only to frown when his eyes landed on Derek and Erica. The succubus Sorceress was sitting side-saddle in front of Derek. Wasn’t she worried about her hair blinding the man?

    Since Sylvia was the one who knew where they would meet the patrol under Commander Feral’s authority, she was the one who led them across the vast and empty plains.

    Everything looked the same in this place. There were not many trees, but there were a lot of shrubs and rocks. Perhaps it had something to do with how this was close to Elf territory. However, no one seemed to even want to try cultivating the land here, which left the place fairly barren.

    Before too much time had passed, several specks appeared in the distance. As they grew closer, Caspian narrowed his eyes as he studied the people who had appeared in his and Elincia’s vision. Dranor, Collafloore, and Tiffania also spotted the group of people who were standing in place as though waiting for something… or someone.

    Pulling on the reins of their horses, the group slowed down as they approached the people, all of whom were dressed up in the standard uniforms of the Peacekeepers. There were four of them. All of them were men. One had scraggly blond hair, another had a head shaped like a walnut, the third guy on the left was so muscular that his clothes looked like they would tear at the slightest strain, and the man in front of them all, the leader Caspian guessed, was a handsome and noble-looking sort of guy. All of them were on horseback.

    There wasn’t a single Knight present, making it clear that this was likely the group who they were supposed to meet.

    Are you the ones Commander Feral said we should meet? asked Sylvia as her horse came to a stop.

    That’s right, their leader said, bowing at the waist. My name is Gerald. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Sylvia de Floresca. Our group is here to lead you and the others past the border and into the Sacred Forest. We can only take you to the edge of the Sacred Forest, though. Navigating through that maze is not something we have the ability to accomplish. I hope you understand.

    Please do not worry yourself with that. Sylvia gestured toward Dranor. I have a guide who can help with that.

    The Peacekeepers sucked in a breath as they saw the Elf sitting on the horse, but Dranor didn’t appear to be paying any attention to them. He stared at the Sacred Forest several dozen kilometers away. Even from this distance, they could see the trees shooting into the sky. Each tree looked like it was the size of a skyscraper.

    I… had not realized you knew any Elves besides Lady Elincia, Gerald said.

    I do not know him very well, Sylvia admitted. Maddison is the one who found him injured and introduced us.

    Maddison? Ah, I see. Gerald glanced at Maddison as she waved at him. He nodded. Well, either way, our job is to get you safely into the Sacred Forest. I do not know what you intend to accomplish by going into that place, but Commander Feral asked us to help you out, so that is what we are going to do.

    You have my thanks, Sylvia said with a nod.

    Okay, everyone. Follow us. Gerald turned around and gestured toward them. Be sure to keep your eyes and ears open. We’re not the only group patrolling. If we run across any other patrols, we will be in big trouble.

    Once again setting out, Caspian and his group followed the four Peacekeepers as they galloped across the plains, moving over hills, between large boulders, and past several small mountains. He kept his eyes out for any sign of danger. Yet no matter where he looked, he couldn’t see anything, and they made it to the border of the Sacred Forest without incident.

    That set him on edge.


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