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Make a wish and it will come true: A guide to Making Dreams Come True
Make a wish and it will come true: A guide to Making Dreams Come True
Make a wish and it will come true: A guide to Making Dreams Come True
Ebook37 pages35 minutes

Make a wish and it will come true: A guide to Making Dreams Come True

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About this ebook

Living the life of your dreams isn’t impossible. In fact, it may be closer than you realize. Wishes do come true!

The Universe is on your side, and your motivation and intuition are the keys. So many people give up on their dreams, without understanding that we are unique and perfect beings with the strength, wisdom, and ability to aspire to anything we can imagine.

The author breaks down in 7 easy steps how easy it is to fulfill your dreams and have the life you truly want. With a few simple tools, you can learn how to formulate your wishes clearly and put your energy into the Universe to draw good things to you. Uncover what’s holding you back: Are you wishing for the wrong things? Learn how to attract more income, improve your health, and obtain better personal and professional achievements, while eliminating delay, fear, doubt, and other negativity preventing you from attaining your goals.

By revealing personal experiences that led to significant life changes, the author illustrates techniques that really work. Examples demonstrate sound principles and the philosophy of how desire becomes reality.

Your dreams are closer than ever, and the keys are in your hands!
Release dateJul 10, 2020
Make a wish and it will come true: A guide to Making Dreams Come True

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    Book preview

    Make a wish and it will come true - Stoyanka Filina

    Stoyanka Filina

    Make a wish and it will come true

    A Guide to Making Dreams Come True




    Chapter 1.............................................................................................5

    Seven Steps to Realizing Desires

    2.1 First step........................................................................................5

    2.2Second step.....................................................................................5

    2.3 Third step.......................................................................................6

    2.4 Fourth step.....................................................................................6

    2.5Fifth step.........................................................................................7

    2.6 Sixth step........................................................................................7

    2.7 Seventh Step...................................................................................8

    Chapter 2.............................................................................................9

    Our wishes

    3.1 Be careful what you wish for.........................................................9

    3.2 Why doesn't my wish come true....................................................11

    3.3 Do our desires work for other people...........................................13

    3.4 Do we need to share our desires...................................................14

    3.5 Positive emotions and negative emotions.....................................15

    3.6 How wishes come true easily........................................................16

    3.7 The ways of the Lord are unknown...............................................17

    3.8 How I solved a health problem.....................................................19

    Chapter 3............................................................................................20

    Useful tips and practices

    4.1 Successful color – orange..............................................................20

    Doreen Vurchu's book Healing with Angels...........................21

    4.3 Practice - How to attract more income in your life.......................22

    4.4 An Useful Gratitude Practice.........................................................22

    4.5 Practice - Tunnel of Desires...........................................................22

    4.6 Practice for attracting a suitable loved one..................................22

    4.7 Make a Vision Board.........................................................................23

    4.8 Ten true signs that your wishes are about to come true................24

    4.9 Briefly about the Law of Attraction...............................................25


    What is the first thing you will wish for at this moment? And would you like to make all your wishes come true? Imagine them as reality! The feeling is amazing, isn't it?! Well, I have some good news for you, my dear reader.  As long as you hold my book in your hands, then your wishes are about to come true. You only need to make a few more steps and everything will be realized. Are you ready to walk this path together? Turn your mind to happiness mode and let's get it started.

    Chapter 1

    Steps for realization of desires

    First step

    Buy the most beautiful notebook or diary, with the most colorful covers and possibly yellow pages

    /if you can't find such, get the one your heart finds magical/, also get yellow sheets and a magical pen with red ink /why it is magical - let me explain it to you - because it will fulfill wishes that you wrote with it/. The pen and the beautiful notebook, as well as the yellow sheets are completely ordinary, easily accessible to us nowadays, which you can buy virtually or actually in any specialty store, but the fact that you will use them for a specific purpose makes them magical and sacred. So these are your first tools to make your long-awaited wishes come true.

    Important note: The wishes should be written with your most beautiful handwriting.

    Second step

    Once you have selected and purchased the above-mentioned tools, we can take the second step, namely to write 100 wishes. And here I already hear your words. They start with Oh, these are way too many wishes!, followed by Well, I can't think of such a number! and eventually with I am not in the mood for writing!

    Let me intervene

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