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Metatron Initiations
Metatron Initiations
Metatron Initiations
Ebook56 pages31 minutes

Metatron Initiations

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Receive the Metatron Initiations instantly. Metatron is the Archangel and Seraphim who sits before the throne of God. Metatron is the keeper of the outer light of God. Metatron supposedly was the Prophet Enoch before God turned him into an archangel. His primary task is to maintain the eternal archives of the Lord, recording each and every event that transpires and creating new ones. Few angels have been the source of such a wide-ranging body of legends and tales, but precious few of the celestial hierarchy are credited with such majesty and power. Metatron was supposedly once a humble mortal being, the antediluvian patriarch Enoch. According to widely reported lore, Enoch earned such merit in the eyes of the Lord for his goodness and abilities as a scribe that he was taken to heaven, an event noted in the Book of Genesis. Metatron became the foremost intermediary between the divine and the human, possessing experiences both of the Earthly and the Heavenly. Metatron is linked to many legends. Metatron is the angel who prevented Abraham from sacrificing his son Isaac, wrestled with Jacob, and led the Israelites under Moses out of the wilderness.


"Chris is an amazing person with a strong will and unlimited talent. He can do anything that he puts his mind to." -Neal Parks, founder, Parks Paranormal Research and Investigation, host of the show Paranormally Speaking

"I have no reservations in highly recommending this groundbreaking work from a spiritual pioneer who has made it his life's mission to bring the Light to all mankind." -Mary Keating, Reiki master, owner and founder of Ai Kansha cat sanctuary

"Chris is an amazing man and a greatly gifted healer. He is an author of many books on the subject of healing and has changed the lives of many people, including my life." -George Plachy, Reiki master and teacher

"Chris Comish is an exceptional trans-channel of Reiki energies and a true blessing in the spiritual/energetic healing modalities world. I'm honored to know him and have been a recipient of his healing work." -Blane Hoffman, Reiki master, tattoo artist, owner, operator, Barking Dog Tattooz

PublisherChris Comish
Release dateNov 9, 2022
Metatron Initiations

Chris Comish

Chris Comish is a Reiki Master and here to lift others up in Love and Light. Since his awakening in 2006, his wish is to share with the world to help it awaken. Chris is the founder of the City of Shamballa social network. Subscribe to his YouTube channel at Onenessandlove. Author of 28 Powerful Reiki Attunements, The Path of Oneness, Eternal Spirit, The Earth Gate, and multiple energy attunements and healing books.

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    Metatron Initiations - Chris Comish



    Copyright © 2022 Chris Comish

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    Cover art credit: Photo © Lidiia Moor at

    What Others are saying

    Chris Comish is a gifted healer who has unlocked sacred mysteries and given us the keys to change our destiny. We are now awakened. Thank you for showing us the path to the Creator. Chris, your actions of Love and Compassion for All That Is will never be forgotten.

    - George, Ohio, U.S.A.

    We have often been told that our society is weak and fearful and therefore escapes reality and uses technological tools like computer and internet to build a virtual reality. Yet, what I found 14 months ago was anything but virtual. Among the many things that I had been reading, one in particular was melting my heart and expanding the amount of love and light in it: Chris Comish's writings. Chris' writings convey intense energies of Compassion and Love, Humbleness and Oneness. Chris finds your Heart because he looks incessantly for you, your Heart finds Chris because incessantly you looked for God and His

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