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Chronicles of Tarc 545-7: Marluk' and Naluk'
Chronicles of Tarc 545-7: Marluk' and Naluk'
Chronicles of Tarc 545-7: Marluk' and Naluk'
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Chronicles of Tarc 545-7: Marluk' and Naluk'

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Prince Rei Touka, Regent of Suiran, begins his initiative against the Lord of Tarc by sending Ore into Tarc to prove he understands the Laws of Tarc and has the right to be a Clan Head. Ilena sends Petroi and Thayne as her Seconds so that her clans can also be tested according to Tarc tradition and Law. It's the beginning of removing the empire-

PublisherJ. Kassebaum
Release dateNov 11, 2022
Chronicles of Tarc 545-7: Marluk' and Naluk'

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    Book preview

    Chronicles of Tarc 545-7 - Jiryü Räsen

    Table of Contents

    Vol 545-7


    Chapter 103 Facing the Gap

    Chapter 104 Learning to Walk in Tarc

    Chapter 105 Things That Trouble Ore

    Chapter 106 Things That Trouble Mizi

    Chapter 107 Preparing to Enter the Camp of the Enemy

    Chapter 108 The Tents of the Lord of Tarc

    Chapter 109 Leaving the Saddle Clan

    Chapter 110 Regional Housekeeping

    Chapter 111 Deaths in the Family

    Chapter 112 In the Tents of the Fox Clan

    Chapter 113 The Week of the Marluk'nak'

    Chapter 114 Manak' Ilena

    Chapter 115 Subduing the Lord of Tarc

    Chapter 116 The High Lord

    Chapter 117 Division and Chaos

    Chapter 118 Second Prince of Tarc

    Chapter 119 First Prince of Tarc

    Chapter 120 The Hunt of the High Lord

    Becoming the Favorites

    A1 People and Places

    A2 Understanding the Tarc

    A2.1 The People of Tarc

    A2.2 The Political Structure of Tarc

    A2.3 The Traditions of Tarc

    A2.4 The Lore of Tarc

    A2.5 Identifying the Tarc




    Jiryü Räsen



    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    November 4, 2022 2nd Edition Expanded and Revised.

    Second printing May 19, 2024.

    Paperback ISBN 978-1-949359-14-5

    eBook ISBN 978-1-949359-15-2

    © Jiryü Räsen. All rights reserved.

    Published by J. Kassebaum, Indianapolis.

    Cover background ©Sumners Graphics via,

    Jiryü Räsen asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. All rights reserved in all media. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author and/or the publisher.


    Vol 545-7


    Ch. 103 Facing the Gap

    Ch. 104 Learning to Walk in Tarc

    Ch. 105 Things That Trouble Ore

    Ch. 106 Things That Trouble Mizi

    Ch. 107 Preparing to Enter the Camp of the Enemy

    Ch. 108 The Tents of the Lord of Tarc

    Ch. 109 Leaving the Saddle Clan

    Ch. 110 Regional Housekeeping

    Ch. 111 Deaths in the Family

    Ch. 112 In the Tents of the Fox Clan

    Ch. 113 The Week of the Marluk’nak’

    Ch. 114 Manak’ Ilena

    Ch. 115 Subduing the Lord of Tarc

    Ch. 116 The High Lord

    Ch. 117 Division and Chaos

    Ch. 118 Second Prince of Tarc

    Ch. 119 First Prince of Tarc

    Ch. 120 The Hunt of the High Lord


    A1. People and Places

    A2. Understanding the Tarc

    A2.1 The People of Tarc

    A2.2 The Political Structure of Tarc

    A2.3 The Traditions of Tarc

    A2.4 The Lore of Tarc

    A2.5 Identifying the Tarc


    Ilena looked north in horror. Coming into her ears from the spy line of her Children in Tarc were words telling her things she didn’t want to be hearing.

    They’d planned long and hard, even for another day and a half just before. Ore had gone into the Lord of Tarc’s tents, bravely facing this hurdle that was necessary. He had Petroi and Thayne at his side and Justinian behind him to watch and serve.

    Not only could Ilena not go into Tarc yet, she couldn’t even look at the tents of the Lord of Tarc from a distance. Her life was forfeit if she did. But Ore was there and the words coming to her ears were that Ore and his men had been overpowered. The Lord of Tarc had understood who Ore was to her and had turned the knife, taking Ore from her. It was yet another taunt, another lesson that she would never have what the Lord of Tarc didn’t give and then take from her himself.

    Ilena sank to her knees, tears streaming from her eyes. She wasn’t seeing through them anyway. She was seeing what the words were telling her, seeing only her beloved and her Sons.

    When the words finally released her, her wails split the air: her cries for the man she would never see again unheard by his ears deafened by death.

    CHAPTER 103 Facing the Gap

    The door slammed open. Liam! Liam! Come quickly!

    Liam was up and out of his bed already, running now the door was open. He’d heard the Second Princess from his room the moment her wails had begun.


    ORE! ORE!

    " Ilena’s heart–rending cries pierced everyone in the hall of the officers’ barracks. It was worse in her room. She was always careful to keep her voice quiet — she knew it was a weapon. But tonight she wasn’t comprehending, neither awake nor sane.

    Those trying to help her in the large officer’s bedroom were hampered by their instinctive reaction to cover their ears. She’d trained all those ears to be extra sensitive, after all, and this was excruciating to them. Liam waved them all out and they fled gratefully, closing the door behind them.

    The tall, broad–shouldered ex–woodcutter climbed onto the bed large enough to fit four snugly and pulled the wailing Ilena into his arms, cradling her head in his chest to muffle the cries just enough to not deafen him either. He began to sing.

    It never mattered what he sang, it was the tones she needed. He chose to sing the words she needed to hear, though. He sang to her of her dreams: that they were nightmares, not reality. He sang to her of Consort Ore’s love. And most of all, he sang of the surety of Ore living for her. That he was not dead. He sang the words over and over until she calmed enough he could switch to humming.

    When Liam hummed, Ilena would calm deeply enough to be entranced. He’d learned it by accident the first day he’d seen her again, the day she’d come to reclaim him nineteen years after he’d seen her the first time.

    She’d come to him soaking wet, her formal black pants and jacket stuck to her. Her double blades of sword and knife in their white sheaths brightly made an odd warning statement where they peeked out of the sodden wool blanket wrapped around her head and shoulders. The face that peeked out from the hood the blanket made was thinner than many of the Region. Just a little darker, too. The golden eyes were a little different as well. Walking through his woodland prison, caught in the rain, she’d sought out his hut for shelter in the middle of the night and slept with his mule, Polly.

    The arms of the First Prince embroidered on the lapel of the half–length fine black wool cloak she’d worn hidden under the blanket had been enough to make him initially think a Messenger of the Regent of Suiran had found his woodcutter’s house. He’d been rather surprised to find out he was a she when the blanket had been brusquely tossed off her head.

    When they’d formed at least a truce of understanding, Ilena had moved into his house. Liam was used to it ...well having people seek his house for refuge, but not having them do it fearlessly. He’d gone back in from taking care of Polly to see if she’d stayed and to get breakfast on. She was sitting in front of the fire on his chair, drying her blanket and herself, unplaiting her long black hair that was as wet as her blanket and her uniform.

    This odd young woman had suddenly asked him if he hummed. He’d been surprised and, for some reason, humored. She’d frozen as if she’d suddenly realized she’d asked the question aloud. He went back to his chores until she relaxed at not being taken to task for asking such a thing. Then, because he’d wondered why she’d asked it, he did begin to hum. It was something that he caught himself doing occasionally to keep himself company, so it came easily enough.

    When Liam was done with his morning chores, he’d stopped and looked at Ilena. She was still working on her hair. It looked difficult. He’d felt sorry for her; sorrier he didn’t have a brush. Picking up his comb, he’d gone and offered it to her.

    He’d not received a response. That had been interesting and from what little he did know about her, probably not normal. He’d experimented, although lightly. He didn’t want to startle her. No light to medium sound made it to her. Finally, he put the comb in front of her eyes, and slowly moved it towards her eyes to see how far out she was seeing.

    She noticed it when it was about two hand–widths from her tawny gold eyes that spoke to a foreign heritage. She’d been slow to return to the present, finally saying only, Thank you, taking it, and returning to her hair.

    Shortly after that Liam had leaned against the wall to see if Ilena would pay attention to him if he stared at her, or if she was still gone. She hadn’t been. Instead, she’d turned those eyes of hers onto him and she’d judged him from bottom to top. When her eyes caught onto his, he’d lost the air in his lungs and nearly given himself away by bowing to her naturally commanding look. He’d been lucky she’d let him go before he did.

    She’d released him so he could tend to the breakfast, but the strange morning wasn’t over. They’d had breakfast outside at her request on the little covered porch where they could look out at the little clearing and surrounding woods. He’d learned since it was because she couldn’t be in small rooms very long. She’d not wanted to know why he kept a light on in his window all night and the fire going in the fireplace. She’d already guessed it. She wanted to know who’d told him to do it.

    No one ever asked that question, just like no one like her had ever passed through his woods in the prior nineteen years he’d been there. He’d answered it. From that one little bit of data, she’d told him that he already knew her, later letting him know she already knew him and why he was there. He’d run from her then. It was that or kill her and he wasn’t allowed to do that, by express order.

    Anyone who came to Liam’s house for protection, who slept and spoke to him, was to be let go unharmed. He was to tell his contact with the King exactly what happened and where they went so that his obedience could be tested. His punishment was to atone for the sins of his whole family in their generations by not killing anyone. They’d been a House of master assassins that had angered the previous king and Liam was the only one who’d been left behind — at the time the youngest and the heir.

    Ilena had told him that she was the one who’d wanted him just after his House had been destroyed by the current King’s father. That she was the five–year–old princess who ran her King Uncle’s house for the month her family had been there to visit for the Second Prince’s birth celebration. The one who’d teased the First Prince, a few years her senior, then run to hide behind Liam’s legs as he stood for the first part of the family penance: watching over them both in the presence of their given guards.

    He was to protect them, but not touch them. When she’d hide behind him, though, she’d wrap her arms around his knees and that got him into as much trouble as she got into for teasing her older cousin. Still, he couldn’t be angry at her. She was the only thing in the castle and likely the whole world that trusted him.

    Then, a few days before the family of First Princess Tatiana were to return to Selicia, Princess Thailena asked her father for Liam. Her father, the Third Prince of Selicia had asked ever so nicely if he could take the lad for his daughter since she’d taken a fancy to him. The King of Ryokudo had refused.

    Liam, although that wasn’t his name back then, still had to pay the price set by the King. It hadn’t been explained, of course, and the Third Prince had graciously moved on. The little princess had another idea. She began to cry. When that didn’t work, she wheedled, then begged, then finally wailed and threw a full tantrum.

    The King of Ryokudo had removed Liam from the room and not allowed him to see the little princess again. Liam had been touched by the princess’ determination to have him, not even knowing who or what he was, and he’d wished he could go with her. To have her show up suddenly nineteen years later in his prison and announce calmly that she still wanted him, and that she was going to take him and then find out if it was okay, had shaken him to the core. Only Ore had seen that, though.

    When they’d finally reached their destination — a harvested farm field filled with more nightwalkers than he’d ever seen in one place — Liam had learned more things about Princess Ilena that shocked him. He’d thought he’d done well already learning to go with her unique flow in their two days of walking through the woods. Learning she was the House Head known as the Queen of Night had been hard to comprehend.

    He was almost numb with the shock of all the things he was learning about Ilena by the time he heard the words that freed him from his prison and gave him to her, followed by her pronouncement that he had a new name — Liam Melick — freeing him from his past and making him Ore’s older brother. When she’d asked for his heart, not just his person, he hadn’t comprehended. She’d already had it years before.

    The final surprise for Liam was to learn that he was joining a brother in more than name. He was joining a brother in form as well. Ore Melick didn’t start life with that name either, and he’d come from a House just as terrible as Liam’s. Ore’s original House was violent and, until the most recent generations, had hidden their evil works well. How could anything good come out of that House? Or even his?

    They’d both asked Ilena and her response had tied them to her even more. She’d seen their true selves in how they’d treated her at the age of five and she’d claimed them both then. Now she’d retrieved them nineteen years later: Ore, her sword and husband, and Liam, her shield and protection.

    Liam had been retrieved just in time. In this place Liam was not her shield against blade, foe, or even from herself. He was her shield against insanity and fear. He was giving himself wholeheartedly to that position, trying to help her beat it back nightly.

    Six days after Liam had been brought to join them Ore went into Tarc to begin to fulfill the promise he and the Regent, Rei Touka her younger cousin, had made to her. It was a promise to free her from the Lord of Tarc, who’d killed her family in Selicia and taken her for his own. It was a promise to prevent the Lord of Tarc from completing the subversive attack he’d already started against Suiran. That was a long story in itself and he’d been told it by someone other than her.

    She’d lived a life like no other in those nineteen years he’d not seen her. Steward of an earldom — not just any earldom but Ore’s family’s earldom — from the age of seventeen. Queen of Night, the head of the most respected nightwalker House in Suiran for the last thirteen years. Director of Intelligence to the Regent and Mother: the head of an extensive intelligence network that extended in detail through Suiran, northern Ryokudo, Selicia, Tarc, and beyond.

    All of those she’d set up to take out the Lord of Tarc, to protect Ryokudo, and free her from his clutches. The Lord of Tarc had pushed her to be taken by Ore and Rei as the prelude to his coming to take over Suiran for himself, and her own plans had begun to unfold in reaction. Retrieving Liam had been the last piece of the preparation for her.

    But this: holding her and singing to her, hadn’t been an expected part of his job duties. At least he didn’t think so. He’d never hummed to her as a youngster. He thought he’d never talked to her either, since he’d been forbidden to, but she’d said she recognized his voice.

    The nightmares were getting worse the farther Ore got into the clans. She’d talked to Liam about it, as they’d walked from his prison to his freedom. She’d called it the gap between planning and reality. She could put into place all the plans she wanted and the Lord of Tarc would easily crush them just at the time he knew it would cause her the most distress, delighting in her agony.

    It had happened enough times now, Liam had been told by her staff, that the Lord of Tarc didn’t need to do anything. Just the movement for her to start acting would bring on the nightmares. They’d never seen them this terrible, however, and they were refused to let Ore know about them.

    Rei believed Ore would come back for her, and the plan couldn’t afford that. It was a very tight schedule and the plan had to work just right. That was, if they didn’t want the war to be bloody. What Ore, the Regent, and Ilena were attempting was as peaceful a solution as possible to getting rid of the Lord of Tarc and his influence. Ilena herself had set it up and wanted it, but the doing of it was torture for her, literally.

    Only Liam’s voice was able to calm her when the terror brought on by her nightmares overwhelmed her. He’d tried it the first time based on that accidental discovery, when nothing anyone did helped, and had been surprised when it worked. None of the others on her staff at the garrison had been and they’d begged him to continue. They woke him now immediately. No one wanted the screams to really start. He wondered what had happened this night.

    Ilena’s eyes flew open as she properly woke up. She clutched at Liam’s arm. Her head jerked up and she looked into his face, her eyes still full of terror. He gently said to calm her, Mistress Ilena, it was a nightmare. It isn’t real. Master Ore’s alive. He spoke with you this evening and is well. That was also new, that she wasn’t going from nightmare, to trance, to return to sleeping.

    Ilena shook her head rapidly. I–I have to talk to him. To know.

    Liam nodded. Okay, but first you have to calm down. Regent Rei has ordered that you can’t let him know about the nightmares. If you’re too panicked in your speaking he’ll suspect it. It’s okay to say you had a bad dream and just wanted to check up on him, but it must be said calmly.

    He went back to humming quietly to help her get there, to the place she needed to be so she could talk to Ore using the intelligence network’s coded language she’d created, sent along from one Child to another until it reached the intended ears. In that way they communicated quickly across long distances.

    She and Ore communicated that way every evening after dinner, exchanging Department business, confirming plans, and expressing love. Without it they wouldn’t be able to be apart at all, he’d been told. She would’ve followed him into Tarc secretly and stayed by him, particularly once the nightmares started.

    Those conversations and Liam held her here in the garrison closest to the border with Rei until it was time for them to also enter Tarc. It was a relief that she was capable during the day. She was extremely busy and needed at the garrison with the preparations and training, particularly of the members of her House who’d be going with them.

    Marcus, Ilena’s fourth knight, opened the door and poked his head in, his unruly light brown hair standing a bit on end as if he’d been pulling at it. The young man’s normally open and jovial face was drawn and his hazel eyes were still wide with concern. He was the next person who could handle Ilena in these states, particularly once she started calming.

    Liam put a hand over her free ear so she’d hear his humming better than the conversation, even though she heard the best of anyone, even through three walls if she wanted. What happened? Liam interrupted his humming long enough to ask.

    It came on too suddenly. She was lying still, then suddenly she was screaming. Marcus was still shaken, it looked like. He’d been the one on duty then, to watch for the nightmare to come on. He and his partner, Henry, split the duty. They followed at her back and had been with her many years now, they said.

    Ilena called them the Twins, and they liked that, having been partners since she’d put them together in Kouzanshi as lads on the street with no other family to care for them other than each other and her, until they’d discovered the rest of her Family network. They’d worked hard to be her favorites until they’d risen to the top and joined the top level of her network, the Immediate Family, as Third Son and Fourth Son.

    Eldest Son and Second Son walked at Ore’s back and were in Tarc with him now. Eldest Son was Petroi, the man who’d been Ilena’s young guard in the Selician palace since she was old enough to walk and who’d come out of Selicia with her, bringing her and her nurse safely — until they reached Tarc anyway. Second Son was Thayne, one of Ilena’s Children Ore had picked to walk at his back — relaxed and of a similar personality and temperament to Ore and Marcus.

    Was there anything different during the day? Liam wasn’t always with her during the day since he had his own lessons and duties away from her for now, as he was being trained in the workings of the Department of Intelligence.

    Marcus turned his head to look into the hallway, then moved into the room and Henry followed him in, closing the door behind him. Henry was slightly lighter in build and taller than Marcus, and just as slightly older with darker hair and a more serious demeanor. Often he seemed the mother hen to the relaxed Marcus, and he kept Ilena in line as necessary, as if it was an ingrained instinct.

    Henry answered Liam soberly, Master Ore’s in the tent of a potential enemy tonight.

    Liam nodded. That would do it. He’s reached the third one, then? Henry and Marcus nodded. The first clan head had been an ally of Ilena’s. Ore had stayed three nights to be trained in how to behave properly as a clansman of Tarc in the tents of others. Ilena had dreamed then, but not this badly, knowing they were helping her.

    One night later, Ore had been in his first clan without help, other than his men, the Children in that clan, and the words of advice from the Tarc advisor to the Regent. Ilena had a bad nightmare that night, although they knew that clan was somewhere between neutral and wishing the Lord of Tarc would go away. If he was in the tent of an enemy tonight, she’d already be overly concerned when she fell asleep.

    Liam sighed. I’m hoping that when all goes well with each one and he continues to survive them that the terrors will subside. With each one we pass, she walks closer to her goal and I believe will be able to find strength to overcome this.

    The Twins looked at each other. They didn’t need to say it. They all knew that when Ore went to the Lord of Tarc’s tents for real, Ilena would break for at least that many nights and days, needing to hear from Ore himself afterwards that he was still alive. They were trying desperately to come up with a plan that would let her keep her mind. Liam knew the answer and he suspected they all did, but Rei was difficult to approach at this time.

    The nineteen–year–old Regent was missing Mizi, his wife of only a few months, Ore his third knight and aide who kept him cheerful and whom he was worried about almost as much as Ilena, and wasn’t dealing well with his beloved cousin and adopted sister losing her mind nightly. Rei’s own personal first and second knights, Andrew and Mina, were holding him together as he leaned on them heavily.

    In thinking that, Liam had another thought. Henry, he said in his quiet voice that was his natural volume, when Mistress Ilena is calm, Marcus and I will take her to talk with Master Ore. Will you please bring Sir Andrew to us there? It may help to have Miss Mina also, but I don’t want to disturb both of them if we can help it.

    Henry nodded. He looked at Ilena’s state a moment longer, making sure she was calming. When he was satisfied he could safely leave, he nodded again at Liam to let him know she was close to properly recovered, then left the room.

    Liam tipped Ilena’s head up to make her look at him in the eye. He looked at her with his normal expression, trained by long years of practice and breeding: a mask of calm, underlaid with friendliness and kindness. The perfect mask for a house of master assassins. It was a face that helped her settle, finding the calm within herself.

    Gradually, she began to breathe deeper breaths and her eyes cleared, although fear still tremored through them. That wouldn’t go away likely until she talked to Ore. Once more, Mistress Ilena. One more breath, he encouraged her.

    Ilena closed her eyes, shuddered, then took one more deep breath and let it out, opening her eyes again to look him in the eyes. He fought to keep the sad pride out of his expression, to keep it open and calm. She was so deep that she called to the hidden deep emotions he kept locked away from the world.

    Before he’d left, Ore had a long talk with Liam. Ore also had deep emotions he kept locked and hidden away. It was from that place Ore saw into Liam and understood what was deeply buried and no one else saw.

    Ore’s family curse was rage. He’d spent many years of his youth learning to control that rage in himself. But Ilena was in those depths also. She’d shaken him many times until he’d learned the strength it took to support her without being lost to her and all the emotions buried inside himself. Ore had warned him that when Liam took his place as Ilena’s most trusted emotional support that he’d be tested like he’d never been tested before.

    Liam suspected Ore had told him things Ore had never told anyone, all for the sake of his wife who was unique and had needs like no other person. This need to receive strength and calm from without when she was broken inside was one of them.

    The person offering the calm and strength she needed would have the full depth of their capacity plumbed. Shallow people would be eaten. Liam had wondered if that was another reason she’d chosen them: if she’d instinctively understood at the age of five how deep she ran and how deep the people she’d rely on had to be.

    When Ilena indicated that she felt ready to talk to Ore, Liam tested her, looking to see that she stayed calm and patient on her own sufficiently. When he was satisfied, he helped her sit up. Marcus came then and helped her to the edge of the bed while Liam scooted off the bed. While Marcus put Ilena’s shoes on her, and found her cloak to wear in the early fall mountain night air, Liam slipped back to his room for the same, since he’d come from sleep himself.

    The Northeast garrison was located at the corner of Ryokudo that met both the clan nation of Tarc to the north and the kingdom of Brulac to the east. Only low rolling hills divided the three nations here at this corner, so it was the most contested land. Farther south along the Brulac–Ryokudo border were tall mountains. North along the Brulac–Tarc border was a steep cliff, falling from Tarc to Brulac.

    The Regency of Suiran ran along the entirety of the northern third of Ryokudo, bordered on the north by tall mountains. Rough rolling hills and a wide river was the western border adjacent to the kingdom of Altherly. Selicia, where Ilena had been born, was to the northwest of Ryokudo and west of Tarc, reached only through high mountainous passes from either country. The Inner Sea was the southern border of Ryokudo.

    For hundreds of years Ryokudo had to protect this northeast corner more than any other of its border locations. The last altercation with Tarc had been seven generations ago, and had been the cause of the northern region becoming part of Ryokudo. The last altercation with Brulac had been before King Sasou’s time, a brief test of his father by the king of Brulac, to see if he’d still defend his own lands.

    The Northeast garrison thus held a large enough complement of soldiers to hold the corner of the nation until it could be reinforced properly, and rooms for royalty who’d come to command those forces. This part of the garrison housed the officers’ quarters, with the third floor of the wing housing all of Ilena’s household who’d come with her and the fourth for Rei and his household, although neither had brought very many with them.

    Liam led Ilena out of the wing and to the courtyard between the officers’ quarters and the office building. Even though Ilena had calmed, she still shivered and tensed when they made it outside. It could’ve been the cool night air, but Liam didn’t think so. Please call Master Ore, he asked Marcus.

    Liam was only just learning to hear the sounds of the network’s code and distinguish them. He still had no idea what they meant. When he was with them he sometimes had a clue, like tonight. He knew that Marcus had said, Ilena to Ore. Are you awake?, or some similar request.

    Liam stood facing Ilena, holding onto her hand — the one not clutching the cloak around her. She stood thin and as tall as he. Rei called her his falcon, and Ore had told Liam that when she wasn’t doing well, his hand would be her perch. He was to let her let go only when she was ready. Liam needed to be where he could keep her eyes focused on his as much as possible, and watch her expression to see she wasn’t going to fold again.

    Ore had also told Liam: when she needs to calm quickly, or becomes confused, hood her by putting your hand in front of her eyes; when she needs comfort, place the back of your hand lightly on her opposite cheek and let her hide her eyes if she needs to; rub her head to reward her. All those helps for her were what any handler in the mews would do for a bird of prey.

    Marcus, after sending his message, stepped up behind Ilena and wrapped his arms around her, holding her while standing steady and firm, even though he stood at least three inches shorter than she. Henry and Marcus had taught Liam that one: when she wants to fly and run away and shouldn’t, hold her like you’ve trussed her, firmly but gently.

    The external restraint helped her calm inside enough she could think and not worry about where her body would go or what it would do. That was particularly important because she was a master assassin herself and was so fast that she’d escape before anyone could know it had happened. Sometimes just having two of them stand next to her was enough, but when her emotions wanted to run away with her it took one or more of them doing this.

    Liam all of a sudden realized he’d slipped and let his sorrow out. Ilena was looking at him with compassion now that she was trussed, and the hand holding his pressed his hand. Thank you, Liam, she said softly.

    Then she gripped his hand more tightly. Liam, it isn’t the time, but I haven’t cleaned your past emotions out yet. It will help you. You’ve been wavering more frequently. I can see it will come out on it’s own soon anyway, if I don’t help you. Please, it’ll be less painful and random if I’m with you. Her eyes were looking into his pleadingly.

    He knew she needed him strong and he was ashamed he’d shown her weakness. He bowed his head. I’m sorry, Mistress Ilena.

    Ilena was instantly angry and it surprised him, Don’t be sorry for something normal!

    Her scolding was cut short by the return message from Ore. Ore to Ilena. I’m here. Ilena’s attention pricked up and she stared into the north, trembling slightly, standing stiffly in Marcus’ arms. At Marcus’ widened worried eyes because he didn’t have his partner with him yet to help hold her if she flew, Liam began to hum softly.

    I’m well. Please don’t worry about me so. You’ve promised to trust in your partner. I won’t leave you. The messages tended to be long, the sender putting as much as they could guess needed to be heard into them because they took so long to transmit.

    Ilena’s eyes closed and her head dropped. I’m sorry, Ore. It was a bad dream and I couldn’t rest until I heard your voice. I know that you’ll be well and I’ll come find you when it’s right. Everyone’s trying to help me the best they can. I love you. She began to sob. Liam looked questioningly at Marcus.

    Marcus sighed. Master Ore scolded her...and she apologized.

    Liam was impatient for a moment, but not with Ilena. Ore didn’t know what to say because they couldn’t tell him what she needed. Liam needed two deep breaths to calm himself. He’d do his best to set this right. He wished he could understand and speak the code already. When he was calm enough, he motioned for Marcus to let Ilena go. He took her into his arms 11 himself and held her while petting her head. She hadn’t done wrong to call Ore.

    Henry, followed by Andrew and Mina, came out of the officers’ quarters to join them. The husband–wife pairing that followed Rei were of the same age range as Ore and Ilena, being in their middle and upper–twenties. Andrew had been following Rei since the Prince was eight, assigned by Rei’s older brother Sasou to watch over him to keep him physically safe, but also to see that he followed the proper path to becoming a strong and wise prince of the kingdom.

    Andrew was of average build for the men of Ryokudo and moved with a lazy grace that both hid his skills with the sword and yet warned of them.

    His short–cut brown hair was the same coming from the bed as it always was. Not even a comb could change its look.

    Mina had joined him as his partner several years later, only heir to her father’s earldom, and one who felt she needed the strength of arms as they lived close to this very corner of Suiran. She’d become highly proficient at left–handed swordfighting and the two aides had become among the best swordspersons of Suiran, practicing constantly with each other.

    Mina was short but well proportioned, her size belying her speed and capability. She’d come fast enough to Henry’s summon she hadn’t put her dark brown hair up in the ponytail she always wore, but her usual black uniform, like Ilena had shown up in Liam’s woods wearing, was as immaculate as always.

    Andrew and Mina looked at the small gathering with Ilena in concern. Thank you for coming, Liam greeted them. Please wait while we see if Master Ore sends another response. They nodded and moved to stand with Marcus and Henry near Ilena to give her their support also.

    Slowly Ilena recovered, her tears drying, although she stayed in the comfort of the protection of Liam’s arms. Shortly after they heard, I love you Ilena. Good night. Ilena trembled again.

    You see, Mistress Ilena: Master Ore’s alive and well. It was only a nightmare. He lives and loves you, as always. Let the air of the night brush away the stuff of dreams. It doesn’t need to hold you captive. Liam stepped back from her, but kept his hands on her shoulders. He looked at her until she lifted her head to look at him.

    Ilena was right, his own emotions were going to overwhelm him before too long. It was good Mina had come. Please go with Miss Mina and Henry back to your room. Marcus will come soon to be with you also. I need to speak with Sir Andrew, but will come when we’re done. You don’t have to sleep for now, if you can’t. ...Please let Master Ore’s voice be your comfort. He smiled at her.

    Ilena nodded and did her best to be brave for him. She’d recover more with Mina and Henry at this point. When Liam turned her around, it was Mina who took her hand, tucking it into her elbow to lead her back to her room. Mina was very strict with everyone, but she also was like a sister to Ilena, both having lost their mothers when young making them have to be strong early.

    Liam watched them until they were back inside, then he turned to Marcus. Please tell Sir Andrew what was said.

    Marcus looked at Liam a little surprised, then quoted back exactly what was said between the two of them. Andrew frowned a little in concern. Sir Andrew, Liam drew his attention. I allowed her to call him because her night terror tonight was the worst it’s been. I made sure she was calm before coming out so that she wouldn’t disobey Regent Rei’s wishes. It wasn’t wrong of her to want to be reassured so that she can rest and have the fear leave her. Liam snapped his mouth shut.

    When he’d breathed to calm, forcing it to come quickly, he motioned to Marcus. Thank you. Please return to her. She’ll need comfort still. Marcus bowed slightly and left.

    Liam turned and headed for the garrison’s north outer wall so they’d be far enough that Ilena might not hear the long distance communication that he wanted to have next. Andrew followed him until they reached the wall and climbed to the top of it.

    Liam took a breath. Mistress Ilena said to me tonight that I’m needing my emotions cleaned out so I can stop wavering, and she’s right, I fear. He took another deep breath and let it out. I’m angry, Sir Andrew. I’m also sad for her sake. And if I were to admit it, I’m as afraid as everyone else that when Master Ore enters the Lord of Tarc’s encampment she’ll break and we may not be able to retrieve her.

    He finally looked straight at Andrew. I’m angry with your master. I need you to help him understand. Master Ore wouldn’t have scolded her tonight, but would’ve given her the words she needed to heal if he understood where she stands. Now we have one more wound I don’t know how to heal. I’m not her healer. I’m her bandage. The healer resides there. He jerked his head towards the north. And your master has refused healing because of his own fear and lack of trust in his own man.

    He snapped his mouth shut again until he’d breathed a few more times. Please go tell him. Now. We need to tell Master Ore while he’s still awake and while Mistress Ilena isn’t where she can hear it. In fact, please call him now so he’ll be waiting, rather than sleeping again.

    Andrew considered for a moment, then nodded. He sang to the north briefly, then left the wall. Liam turned and looked north, standing at rest attention and letting the wind blow his emotions away (as much as they were going to) seeking the calm. He heard the sounds that said Ore was standing by and was relieved.


    Andrew strode quickly back across the garrison, his long legs making short work of it. He and Mina had been watching things unfold and were as unhappy as Liam and the rest were. Already they’d tried to intervene, but Rei had been set and it confused them.

    Liam’s words had summarized the problem the best they’d heard it. Andrew had other words that had come up in relation to them as well. It had been his job since he was seventeen and Rei was eight to gently guide him to becoming the Prince he needed to be. He’d become a fine young man, diligent Regent, devoted husband, and many other good things. This recalcitrance of his was puzzling.

    Andrew knocked on Rei’s door, then opened it. Rei stirred. It’s me, Andrew said before Rei could reach for his sword lying as always on the side of his bed near at hand. Please wake. You’ve been called out.

    Rei was suddenly sitting up, his short pale blond hair standing up on end as it always did when he’d been sleeping. What’s it about?

    Ilena. Andrew let it ring in the air for a while as he lit a candle on a side table that lit up Rei’s brilliant blue eyes. He wanted Rei properly prepared.

    Rei frowned, then picked up his white–sheathed sword and slid to the edge of the bed. When on the road he always slept in his shirt and pants, only removing his jacket and boots. Being called out in the middle of the night wasn’t unusual, sadly, nor were assassination attacks, although those had lessened since Ilena’s household had joined them. Andrew handed Rei his boots and he put them on while Andrew found his cloak.

    When they were one courtyard and wing away from the sleeping quarters, Andrew stopped Rei. Rei, another has called you out, but first I must have my say. Rei raised an eyebrow at him. You haven’t been yourself. Will you tell me what’s going on?

    Rei looked at him calmly for a minute. We have a war to fight. I need my Director of Intelligence. Pandering to her nightmares isn’t helping her.

    Andrew reared back slightly, and he blinked, thinking about that. Is that what it is? Or are you having your own nightmares you can’t resolve?

    Rei stared at him. Are you stupid?

    Andrew stayed firm and calm. Rei had been like this when he was eight through ten, so Andrew had plenty of practice. What else am I to think when you’re about to break your falcon ...again ...and lose your goal because of whatever it is that’s blinding you?

    Rei chose angry. Aren’t I doing my best to get to the goal we’ve already set?

    Andrew opened his mouth, then closed it again and took a breath. "I’ve been told to say a thing to you, and then we’ll go have a discussion. I will hope you’ll leave your unreasoned emotions here.

    Mister Liam is angry with you. Rei’s jaw dropped and Andrew looked at him sternly. Ilena had her worst night terror tonight. He allowed her to call Ore after she was calm enough to merely confirm he was alive and sleeping. Because you haven’t trusted Ore enough to tell him what she needs, he punished her for needing it. Mister Liam has required you to face him tonight. Rei blinked.

    Andrew paused, then added, sadly, Rei. I don’t know what concerns you, but for you to not trust Ore to stay when he knows the importance of his task is unusual. He bit his lip, then ran his hand through his spiky hair and sighed. We’re all worried and upset because we’ve all promised to help you reach your goal. Please come talk to Mister Liam and Ore.

    Rei turned sharply and headed in the direction they’d been going. Andrew’s long strides caught up with him quickly. He led Rei to the stairs and up to where Liam was waiting on the wall.


    Sir Andrew, please translate so Master Ore can participate and understand, Liam said in his calm voice. It left no room for refusal tonight, though.

    Rei stood with his arms folded, staring at the man who’d been given by his older brother to Ilena and he chose to start there. Liam, Ilena didn’t ask for my permission to bring you out of the forest and into her household. I’ve asked her from before to be sure I’m aware of what she’s doing so that I can understand and plan accordingly. She explained that she finds you necessary, and that with you in place Sasou is blocked from removing her and Ore from my side. However, I find the former insufficient and the latter unnecessary.

    Liam paused and considered how to answer Rei. "I can’t answer for Mistress Ilena, Regent Rei. She stumbled onto me by accident and recognized me. It was as sudden for me, to be pulled from the place I’d been for nineteen years. If you need such a thing resolved, you must speak with her.

    I can only do what I can do in the place I’m in. Right now, I’m in the place of standing beside Mistress Ilena, watching over her. She needs her healer, and that isn’t me. You’ve refused her access to her healer.

    Rei scowled. I haven’t refused her access.

    You’ve not prevented her from speaking to Master Ore, but you prevent us all from helping him understand what she needs, Liam quietly insisted.

    Rei pursed his lips, on the verge of telling Andrew to stop talking. It took him long enough to calm down that Ore’s answer came back. Master. You’ve given Ilena to me. Do you clutch her talons too tightly in your fist, afraid to let her fly because I’m not with you?

    When Andrew translated it for the both of them, because it was in the new coding that Rei hadn’t learned yet, Rei looked away. Liam looked at Andrew. Answer him, ‘Yes he is, from my perspective, and she’s beating her wings to injury and crying out in terror’.

    Rei whipped around to stare at Liam in horror. It isn’t so bad!

    It is, Regent Rei, he answered solemnly.

    Rei looked to Andrew, looking for comfort. Andrew, rather, gave it confirmation. Rei’s face twisted and he turned his back on both of them.

    Tell me. What does Ilena need? Ore asked.

    Rei’s shoulders twitched and he held himself rigid. Andrew slowly said, Rei..., your anger won’t go away. Is it jealousy? Rei looked at him, rather amazed. Andrew pressed on. What was your first thought to Ore’s question?

    "Why isn’t it what I need?" Rei answered.

    Andrew blinked at him for a moment. Well..., what do you need, Rei?

    I need my wife. It was out before he thought about it, and he was irritated enough he let it stand.

    Call for her.

    Rei stared at Liam in shock. "In a war zone? I’m not a fool."

    We aren’t at war here in this place. Can’t she come stay here at the garrison until you go north? Liam asked reasonably.

    The lords of the castle would have a fit, Rei responded. He meant to say it derisively but it came out miserable.

    And Ilena would punish you for that, Andrew said dryly. She was working so hard to get you to think as the Regent. King Sasou, too.

    When did Mina arrive? Rei looked around the wall, then at Andrew.

    When Liam called the both of us and asked her to go with Ilena back to her rooms so he could stay out here and talk to you, Andrew answered the question exactly.

    Rei frowned. Mina’s with Ilena? They nodded. What about the others?

    They’re with her also, Liam answered. And I shouldn’t be away too much longer.

    It’s taking that many?

    Yes, Liam answered sadly. You’re holding her too tightly and it now takes four of us, although most often she only has the three. We can’t heal her wounds and she receives new ones nightly. Tonight’s was particularly difficult, to hear her sob in grief because she heard Master Ore’s voice, when all she needed was to have him calm her. I’m worried that she won’t turn to him when she needs him most and we’ll lose her, because you’re teaching her that to turn to him is to be hurt."

    Rei went from shock to pain. That isn’t what I want.

    ...No, but it is the result. Liam didn’t relent.

    Rei made an impatient gesture, but without much force. Tell him, Andrew. You’ve said that much and he’ll be panicking, himself, now. He turned and walked away from them a bit to think on his actions and what he’d heard, while Andrew finally told Ore that Ilena was having nightly nightmares and regular terrors.

    Has Master not been talking to Mistress in the mornings? Ore was answering the prior sending. If he has, and it’s still more than he can bear, he needs to see her. There’s still time to do so.

    She’s part of the lore as well. If Ilena will be protected coming here, Mistress will be even more protected. She may not be needed, but if she were here and things became very difficult, she’d tip the balance very quickly. The Sun is the most revered and feared of all.

    Rei’s head came up and he stared at Andrew open mouthed again. Okay. I can get the first part... but actually take Mizi into Tarc with us?

    Andrew shrugged. I think he’s saying only if you need to in order to be effective and perform your work. You certainly aren’t right now. Rei threw him a dark look for that, but held his tongue.

    What’s the cause of the night terrors? What’s being done to help her with them? What can I do? Ore asked.

    Liam held up his hand. I’ve been considering it. I think it’s more than what the rest of you do. Rei and Andrew both looked at him, interested to hear it. "It’s the gap between planning and action. It’s the training of the Lord of Tarc teaching her he’ll always make her fail at the time of crossing that gap.

    But I believe it’s also that she’s living now the insanity and fear she wouldn’t let herself feel when she was seven months in the coffin–box. It was during that time that she came up with this plan. Now that she’s walking the path, it’s reopened inside her the emotions from that time. They manifest in the night terrors and the fear that takes her sometimes a half–hour to recover from.

    Rei was horrified. It was a thing he hadn’t considered at all. Why?

    Because she repressed it then. They’ve told me that they were surprised when she came out of the punishment sane. She’s losing now to what she should’ve succumbed to back then.

    Andrew translated it, then Liam answered the next question. "As to what we’re doing, tell him that we try to wake her before she can enter the dream very far. I sing to her, telling her the truths she needs to hear to fight the fears and lies of the dreams, then hum her into a trance so she can fall back to sleep.

    Tonight it was different. Because she knew he was in the tent of an enemy, she fell asleep in fear. When the dream came, it came suddenly and I was called after she’d already seen Master Ore’s death. She only needed to know he was still alive. He looked sad again, and Rei felt terrible.

    Andrew said quietly, We already know that only Ore’s death will break her. She broke tonight, in that dream.

    Liam nodded. Yes. Her cries of despair were painful from a distance, nearly unbearable from next to her. Only my reassurance that she could still speak with him tonight helped her to calm any at all. His normally calm face finally twisted with an emotion — that of grief. Thus, why it was so difficult to see her break again when Master Ore punished her for not knowing.

    Rei looked down. That had been his fault. That’s why they were angry with him. I’m sorry, he said quietly.

    After a pause where Andrew considered him, Andrew translated all of what had just been said. Then there was quiet for a bit.

    "As for what he can do: now that he knows, he’ll know what to do to help her heal little by little. More frequent communications when he’s in any clan’s tents would be beneficial. That’s when she’s the most afraid.

    I believe they should be in near constant communication the entire time he’s in the tents of the Lord of Tarc as that time will be the most dangerous. If she hears from him all the time, then she’ll know that he’s alive and well. It can be Justinian, or the four in rotation, or a Child in the clan. It doesn’t matter. As long as she hears that he’s not dead, she’ll be able to cross that part of the bridge and not lose to the insanity.

    Rei gave a small laugh. It’s the same for her. As long as her Children and Ore know she’s alive, they don’t lose to the darkness.

    Liam looked at Rei closely. And, I think, you also.

    Rei looked at him briefly, then turned away, his ears going hot, remembering when Ore’s words were exactly that to him and it had helped to dispel his own darkness. Mother’s example was a strength to all who knew her, thus why Ilena was called that.

    Andrew translated the final answer to Ore’s questions, sending it north, then translated the words coming from the north. Your theory is sound, Liam. I haven’t been able to clear that from her. She’s repressed it so deeply I couldn’t reach even a hint of it. ...There may be a way that we can cleanse it together even though I’m not there. Have you seen a cleansing? Has she done yours yet?

    It sounds like you’re doing your best. I’ll know what to say to her now. Please tell her I’m sorry I didn’t understand and that it’s okay that she called me. I don’t mind it. ...Tell Master I’ll beat him up when I next see him. It will be more pleasant than having watched her break before his eyes.

    Ah, you’ve made him angry, Rei, Andrew added, softly.

    Rei nodded miserably. The beating comment had been figurative. It was the biting comment at the end that said how angry Ore was. Did you remember to include my apology?

    Yes, Andrew answered, but softly as he was listening again.

    I’ll consider what we can do here while we’re in the tents. It’s difficult at times because the song is too loud when there are others close by. Perhaps we should discuss it all together to come up with an acceptable plan. She’ll know what will help her, also.

    Too loud? It’s barely perceptible, Rei protested. Andrew and Liam shrugged. They weren’t there, so they didn’t know. They only knew that Petroi had said sound carried long distances on the plains.

    Liam spoke next. Tell Master Ore, please, that I’ll help him with a cleansing if he believes it would be effective. I haven’t seen one yet, but Mistress Ilena said she’ll do mine very soon. I already can’t contain it any longer, it seems. He looked away briefly. I’ll pass on the message to Mistress Ilena. It will help her to hear it. He looked at Rei.

    Rei sighed. I’ll accept my punishment, when I see him. When they speak next for the regular meeting time, I’ll come and we’ll discuss what can be done. Before then, I’ll apologize to her, and to everyone else. ...And figure out how to properly deal with my own problems.

    Andrew looked at Rei for a moment. Thank you, Rei, he said quietly. Rei nodded his head. He was still uncomfortable. It was going to be a difficult thing, his apologies.

    CHAPTER 104 Learning to Walk in Tarc

    Ore took a deep breath, then let it out explosively without singing. He really didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t sure they were safe yet. They hadn’t reached the next clan, which was supposed to be somewhere between neutral to set against the Lord of Tarc and so therefore an acceptable clan to run to. ...And they were supposed to be making the evening report.

    It would normally be okay to postpone the report a few hours even, if necessary, but not tonight. Not when he’d heard in the middle of the night his wife had seen his death in a night terror, and that she’d been having nightmares in general since he’d been in Tarc. Ilena would think he was dead, and everyone would be angry with everyone again.

    Really, what was Master thinking? He wouldn’t go back for Ilena, he’d go back to hit Rei in the head to get his brain functioning again. He was here for Ilena, and he’d trusted all of them with her so he could do his job.

    Ore sighed and put his chin on his knees. He was holding his golden–green mottled cloak around his body, his knees pulled up to his chest, resting on the ground so his horse could rest a bit. The horse was also sitting, it’s cloak keeping it camouflaged to the grass plain of Tarc as well.

    So far Ilena’s idea to match the cloaks to the coloring of the sea of grass that made up the highland of Tarc had been working. He’d been passed without being seen, although not overly closely, at least five or seven times since they’d run from the clan this morning. As long as he stayed low enough to the ground to not be above the height of the grass and those searching for him were confused by the tracks they were following he was safe enough.

    There wasn’t any other way to hide on the plain, as much a golden green rippling sea in the wind as the blue water sea to the far south. There were no trees, no rock outcroppings, not even any streams to speak of. Water was obtained by drilling wells through the rock that flaked and prevented any better soil for plants other than the grass. The wind was ever–present with nothing to block

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