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The Cinnabar Medallion
The Cinnabar Medallion
The Cinnabar Medallion
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The Cinnabar Medallion

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The comet of October 1618 sends Nelia on a perilous quest that will change the fate of many. From her Gypsy ranch in Valencia, she travels through ghostly forests and ancient cities across Spain looking for a mercury mine to rob and an alchemist to help her with the formula. She faces her protectors' betrayal despite her warnings that a curse will fall upon them if she used her magical powers to make fake gold. The Inquisition will burn her at the stake for being a witch. Knowing they could also condemn her for the "nefarious sin" of having an affair with her female best friend, she explores her feelings for two very different men.

Many people are offended by Nelia's actions. The village women dislike having their husbands physically examined by a Gypsy woman who performs exotic dances at the tavern. The doctor and his pharmacist resent that the governor had let her sabotage their business. And, to fuel the priest's anger, the ghosts in the cemetery are no longer a legend.

The Cinnabar Medallion was written with a genre-blending style in mind. As a result, its tone shifts from adventurous, suspenseful, and humorous to compassionate and romantic while addressing historical facts. In her search for the elixir of life, Nelia forges her path to self-discovery and personal growth while confronting social challenges that are still relevant today.

PublisherLizet Algras
Release dateJul 10, 2022
The Cinnabar Medallion

Lizet Algras

The daughter of an opera singer, Lizet Algras spent hours watching her mother’s rehearsals, giving her the insight she applied to her stories. After graduating from music school, she worked as a copyist/engraver for major music publishing houses while writing and practicing Buddhism and classical guitar in her spare time. She returned to college after raising her son and began a second successful career in Human Resources. Now retired, she writes historical fantasy in the company of her long-time partner and Thor, their sweet yellow cat. The Cinnabar Medallion contains many aspects of Lizet’s life. Abuelo’s character is based on her later blind grandmother, who ran to the nearby brook to pick herbs to soothe the stomach aches Lizet faked to drink her teas. Her father inspired the story about the priest’s canary business to support his charity hospital. Pablo, don Rodrigo, and Vera represent past relationships the author still treasures. Please follow Lizet Algras on Goodreads and Twitter.

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    The Cinnabar Medallion - Lizet Algras


    Ever since her mother’s premonition a month ago, Nelia scouted the sky to be the first to see the comet and welcome it with her prayers. And there it was, cruising low and slow with a tail that swept the stars in its path. The comet had arrived as the sign for Nelia to begin her perilous quest that would change the fate of many.

    The Mediterranean breeze bathed their Gypsy ranch while she and her mother stared at the wonder in the sky. Hiding from their clan in the silvery shadows of their washing tent, she said, Tailed star, bless my companions and me throughout our journey. Then she stopped, noticing the repetitive, eerie sound from above.

    Celestial bodies make sounds, as living things they are, Nelia thought, smiling at her unfounded fears. She took a deep breath to resume her prayers when the monastery’s bell tolled midnight. Then the bell silenced, and the comet’s humming became sharper, deeper, more insistent.

    Rea lowered her gaze to her daughter and said, What is wrong? You are clenching your shawl as though it were a shield.

    Well, Mamá, what do you want me to say? With all my respect for you and the cause, I cannot quite understand how you expect me to start this quest when I do not feel fully prepared. But thinking about it does not make me fearful.

    And you should not be. I have taught you everything I know about plants, rocks, chants, and spells. You speak with animals and see the colors of people’s emotions. You can calm and upset the weather. Most importantly, you know how to make the sacred fire to extract the mercury from the cinnabar rocks to make the elixir of life.

    Still, I would need to obtain those rocks, and I have no idea where I can find a cinnabar mine, replied Nelia. Then, I will need an alchemist I can trust won’t report me to the Inquisition after I ask him to help me with the formula.

    That will come to you in due time. But enough talk for now. We will not have another good omen for years to come, and we need to finish the enchantment before our clanmates wake up. Clean the space for the circle while I get my bag, and be prepared to give me the names of the nine who should travel with you.

    I already decided.

    Think again and be certain.

    Nelia finished tossing away the fallen leaves from where they would make the magic circle, and her mother still had not returned. Giving a wary glance at the comet, she thought of her mother’s unfair treatment of her. It was not Nelia’s fault that her father never let her mother do this quest before the witch hunt in Logroño.

    Rough fingers brushed Nelia’s hair from behind, and moist lips kissed her shoulder. Boo, Pablo said and squatted in front of her.

    Pablo, I thought you were a ghost. How long have you been lurking around watching me?

    He pointed to the sky. I never thought the tail would be so amazing. He smiled at Nelia. Kiss me, love.

    She gave him a deep kiss, but he searched for another, and she stopped him by placing her hand on his chest. Please be gone. I need to be alone with Mamá when she returns.

    He exhaled. Yes, I figured that both of you are up to something. I wanted to invite you to the beach with me tomorrow morning, just the two of us.

    Nelia considered all she needed to do for her trip. Enchant the nine who will accompany me on my journey. Ask our clan’s Court Master for a plea assembly with our Gypsy queen. Ride to the city to meet the alchemist... I am sorry, Pablo. I have too many things to do for Mamá tomorrow. Let’s go to the beach the day after. I will make snacks, and you can bring your guitar.

    Pablo combed his hair with his fingers, as he always did when things did not turn out his way. Fine, but no more excuses after that.

    He entered his wagon as Rea came panting from hers. Before her mother got any closer, Nelia held back her true feelings for Pablo to avoid Rea reading those thoughts in her mind.

    Sorry it took me longer than I expected, Rea said. Your father stopped snoring each time I tried to get the bag. She listened attentively to the names of the clanmates Nelia wanted as traveling companions. She nodded to some and curled her lip in displeasure when Nelia mentioned others.

    You made the right choice with Pablo, Rea said. He would not hesitate to give his life if it meant saving yours. I am also in favor of Diego and Ramón, and I like Doris and Amalia. On the other hand, Humberto will overpower you, and you already know that Berta cannot hold her tongue. I don’t mind Segundo, but his wife Vera does not look fit for what you need.

    She will be fine, Mamá.

    She is too delicate. No-no. Give me other names to replace her, her husband, Humberto, and Berta.

    Nelia folded her arms in obstinate silence.

    I see... Do it your way if you feel you must. But don’t complain later or say I did not warn you. Remember, they should be under your spell before telling them they are going.

    And how will I handle our queen? asked Nelia.

    We will have to plan that more carefully. She will expel us if they catch us enchanting other Gypsies. But I don’t even want to imagine what she will do if they find out that we did it to her.

    Rea untied the cord in her bag and pulled out the magic knife her family had owned since they left India two centuries ago. In deep concentration, she closed her eyes and focused on multiplying her powers. The silver handle began to vibrate from the energy in her hands, and she let it free. With a life of its own, the knife twirled up to gain momentum and hit the ground, carving a thin orange circle of fire with its onyx blade. It had not rained for weeks in that part of Valencia. Yet, once the knife completed the circle, a strong wind carried clouds so heavy that they blocked the sight of the comet. The rain became a thunderstorm. Still, they had to do this tonight—the first night of the omen.

    How will we make a new fire in this rain? Nelia asked, only to realize from her mother’s cold stare that her question had been silly.

    With her outstretched arms in the air, Nelia fought the elements as her hands radiated beams of light. She was courageous, defiant, and beautiful in her own way. Drenched and flashed by lightning, she commanded the storm until it ended with the clasp of her hands. In seconds, the soil was dry again. The circle of fire around them was reborn.

    Nelia glanced at her mother, seeking her approval, and fell to her knees. God and spirit protectors, please guide me on my journey and give me the strength to defeat any hurdles that may cross my path. Taking the nine pouches made as pendants with braided cords from the bag, she said, Make the bearers of these amulets obedient to me on the journey we will do in your name.

    Rea untied the red medallion from her neck and pointed it to the heavens. Recharge this medallion that our first witch made to remind us to create the elixir of life. And now, I am passing it on to my daughter Nelia to embark on that quest.

    At sixty-two years of age, their Gypsy queen had only attended one plea, and that was for murder. Pleas were a serious matter to their tribe. So when Nelia requested one, the queen found a valid reason to be upset.

    The clan had been camping on that lot in Valencia since their arrival from Albacete ten months earlier. It had a well, trees, and ample space for their mules and wagons. They were close to the city. And had the privacy of having the monastery San Miguel de los Reyes as their only neighbor. Their queen liked it so much that, on her recent visit, she left the clan in Granada and moved in with them.

    Everyone sat around her under the big elm tree as she prepared to be pleasant at today’s plea and dismiss it gracefully if she could not withstand her gout pain. Her son was to her right. The four male elders who composed their Court of Law were to her left. Her chubby fingers played with her fortune coin necklace as she studied the Gypsies in the first row. She was still learning the names of the forty-three clan members. However, she knew Nelia was the one in the front row center. Nelia and her family were from the northern clan, characterized by tall stature, a light olive complexion, and round green eyes.

    The queen said in Caló, the language of the Spanish Gypsies, With the blessing of God and our patron Santa Sara, we are here this morning to hear your plea. After this introduction, she spoke in Castilian Spanish. Nelia Ortiz, this is your opportunity to present your case. Whatever my ruling is, you will accept it. Say that you understand.

    Nelia curtsied. Like the other clan women, she wore a colorful shawl and long skirt, a low-cut blouse, and many bracelets and chains. I abide by your rules, my dear queen and respectable men of our court. I was fourteen when this clan took me in with my family and Pablo after we escaped from the witch hunt in Logroño.

    From what the queen had seen so far, she liked Pablo. He was tall and had a square jaw that charmingly contrasted with his sensitive eyes. He had neatly tied his hair in a ponytail like many of his clanmates and polished his boots for the occasion. Rings and chains completed his outfit. I saw you the other day fixing a wagon.

    Pablo rose from the ground and took off his hat with a smile. Thank you, my queen. I also hammer hot iron.

    The queen glanced at his teeth, wondering what he chewed to keep them that white. Ah, you are a blacksmith. She waited to hear more from him, but he stared silently at his boots.

    I trust him with my life, said Nelia.

    Ignoring the interruption, the queen gazed at the short, thin man with thick eyebrows and a long mustache who had sat next to Pablo. You are Vandlo’s son, correct? He is in Granada with his new family. I have known him for a long time.

    Humberto jumped to his feet and pulled up his breeches as he spoke. Wise guess, my queen, for Vandlo is my father. My name is Humberto. May God grant you a long and healthy life. Behind me are my wife Berta and our children Kike, Mateo, and Marta—at your service. As you may have heard, I always bring the best goods, and I am a sure winner with the cards and the quickest with the dagger.

    I am Diego, my queen, the other man said as he stood up. This beauty behind me is my wife, Amalia. We are both at your service.

    Amalia recoiled with a timid smile, and the others laughed.

    The next man rose with a whimsical twitch of his limping leg. My name is Ramón, my queen. Behind me are my beloved wife Doris and our two children. All of us are at your service.

    And you? the queen asked the next man. He had a small mouth, a long nose, and high cheekbones.

    I am Segundo, Ramón’s brother. Behind me is my wife, Vera. We are on your orders.

    The queen watched the pale blue sky while thinking of her next question when Nelia cut in again. Excuse me, my queen. My plea has a timing to be attained.

    I will focus on you since you are in a hurry, the queen said sarcastically. How old are you, Nelia?

    I am twenty-three.

    And still unwed? I will send a messenger to my other clans to let them know that I want their best bachelors to come. They will fight for you once they see you. You have wide hips to make babes and full breasts to feed them well.

    Nelia’s cheeks burned as she said, My queen, if you allow me, I would like to start with a brief presentation of my character.

    Go on, but be brief.

    My mother and I have healed everyone here, from mending bones to pulling teeth and assisting with childbirths. We have treated maladies in the belly, itching, and other conditions that I will not mention here out of respect. We always do it with great care and never for remuneration of any kind.

    The queen’s bracelets jingled as she shifted uneasily on her cushion embroidered in gold. I am aware of what you and your mother do. Tell us your request.

    Mamá predicted that a tailed star would cross the heavens this October. October has arrived and, with it, the comet from her prediction. That is the sign I have been waiting for to begin my journey for the elixir of life. I was born during the plague. You must have seen how many people died.

    Yes, entire villages are still only filled with their ghosts.

    One more thing, my queen. I must depart with my friends before the tailed star goes away.

    I heard of that elixir. It comes from the mercury in the philosopher’s stone. Men have killed for its formula because it is also used to make gold. The queen closed her eyes, envisioning a wagon of glittering gold stationed on her ranch. Genuine or not, gold was gold. I admire your passion, Nelia. Only a special person would try to do what you have in mind. However, if I let you go, it will be on one condition: you will bring me gold to better our lives.

    Nelia stretched her lips, forcing them into a smile. Please forgive me, but my spirits forbid me to use my magic for that kind of wealth.

    And if I command you to do it?

    The spirits that endow me with my powers will curse everyone involved.

    The queen wondered how to deal with Nelia’s insolence when all eyes turned to the sky behind her. What is it? she asked, wanting to end the plea and rest her legs in her wagon.

    Nelia extended her arm, saying with amazement, Look, my queen.

    The queen turned and gaped at the sign forming in the sky. Two fluffy white clouds converged on the one in the middle, gradually elongating until they formed two wings. Then, the cloud in the middle slowly tilted its head down and opened its beak. The queen caught a glimpse of glee in Nelia’s eyes among the astonished faces. Her witch mother, Rea, did not look surprised. Was this of their making? Strange. Very strange, and the queen was not happy. Regaining her composure, she exchanged an intelligent glance with her court and her son and raised her hand.

    Everyone became silent to hear their queen pronounce her ruling.

    No one else was at the beach that afternoon. And yet, Pablo safeguarded his boots between the rocks. He and Nelia tethered their mules to a palm tree. Then, holding hands, they stumbled over the soft dunes as they walked to the shore.

    Look at the nests, Nelia said. I thought the mating season was over. Do you know what kind of eggs they are?

    I don’t, but who cares? All eggs are good to eat. The tall grass bent here and there with sudden movements, and he said, pinching her feet, Watch out for mean rabbits.

    As they passed, startled crabs retreated into their sand barrows, small fish tussled in the seaweed, and sandpipers picked insects from the sand. Now and then, she took black striped seashells to make the good luck charms that she would later sell.

    It is lovely here, she said. But a moment later, she gagged after realizing the reason for the crashing sounds from the rocks. In their feeding frenzy, eagles lifted sea turtles high in the air in their talons and dropped them onto the rocks to crack their shells. Yuck. I know that eagles need to eat, but that is a nasty thing to witness.

    Pablo shaded his eyes with his hand to see better. That is nothing. Last week, one of them snatched an infant to feed her chicks. Eagles poke the eyes first to get into the brain.

    Liar, where did you hear that?

    At the Portal de la Valldigna, he replied. People there were talking about having heard the child cry from the nest.

    She looked into his eyes. Did they also say what the parents did? Getting no response from Pablo, she said, You see? That proves that they misinformed you. Besides, that is a disgusting story to tell.

    Bah, women only want to hear ‘pretty this, pretty that,’ but life can be cruel and scary.

    Waggish talk to woo me, she said, hands on her hips, and ran for him to chase her.

    On the humid sand, he kissed her. I like your smell.

    It is cinnamon, Nelia replied, arching her back, eyes closed.

    She attracted Pablo with an intensity that no other woman would ever have. She was the first and only one he wanted. He immersed his face in her chest, and the warmth of her breasts brought him to shed a tear of joy. With his heart racing, he slid his hand under her skirts and pressed her firm legs. Surely this time, she would let him go all the way—he could feel it.

    Nelia abruptly sat up. We cannot do this. My father and brothers will kill you if they find out.

    They will not because I will ask them for permission to marry when we get back to the ranch. We will have our nuptials tomorrow at our farewell party and leave for your quest as husband and wife.

    He tried to kiss her, and she held his wrist. Please, I need more time.

    More time for what? Do you love another man? I have seen how those Valencian bastards drool when you dance.

    Perhaps they do, but you cannot say I glanced back at them.

    We would not be conversing if you did.

    Please don’t yell.

    I am not yelling! Pablo exhaled, realizing that he needed to soften his voice or he would lose her forever.

    To end the fight, they walked to the shore to wash. He would have pushed her in and swam with her if the water had not been that cold. He splashed her instead, and she shivered, holding up her hair to protect it from the water attack while she jumped up and down as if stomping grapes. The afternoon sun cast a soothing light over the gentle waves when they sat on a dead tree, bleached by years of salty wind.

    I never thought I would be apart from your family, he said, gazing at a galleon vanishing over the horizon.

    Mamá wants you to come with me to keep me safe on the journey. You should be happy that we will be on our own with no elders to tell us what to do.

    "We are fine here. I like my farrier job, and it pays four reales a day. The shop master told me I might get more in a year."

    I like it here too, but I must fulfill my obligation to heal people.

    You don’t know how difficult this is going to be.

    It does not matter. The comet and our queen have bestowed their blessings upon us; therefore, we are going.

    Gazing at the irritation on her chest, he said, That medallion got hot and shook when we kissed. Give it back to your mother. I still feel the pain from when the Inquisition took my family in Logroño. I will go mad if I lose you, too. Everyone is looking to apprehend Gypsies for even the slightest offense.

    I know. We are not even allowed to talk in our language anymore. And even if we were, I would never speak it when Spaniards are nearby. It is insulting to speak a language in front of someone who does not understand it. That is like telling them, ‘I could not care less about you.’ If someone did that to me, I would take leave without asking to be excused.

    Don’t distract me from what I told you, and get rid of that medallion. Pablo paused as memories came to his mind. Your mother said it was the winter of 1609 when the Inquisition raided our village. My father told me to run. I should not have.

    You were just a boy. Besides, they would have taken you when they took your family. I doubt I will ever be that frightened again.

    Me neither. I remember the Inquisition soldiers yelling as they pulled our people out of their homes, ‘Cook the witches, cook them all. The fire of hell is waiting to burn your soul.’ They even put our priest in a jail wagon. My uncle fought their soldiers with his axe until their lance tore his chest.

    I could not see any of that because Mamá had us under the quilts, but I heard the soldiers getting closer, and Mamá cried in pain. The next thing I remember, we were running through the woods, Mamá with the babe and Papá with my other brother on his back. Then we ran across a boy with his toy sword but no coat to save him from freezing. That was you, Pablo, destined to protect me.

    You went through that and still have not learned the lesson.

    There is nothing I can do. God has written my destiny in the palm of my hands.

    Pablo kicked the sand with his boot. Damn it, Nelia. Save the effort to trick me into your quest. I will follow you like a soldier no matter what. He clenched his teeth, furious at himself for the foolish words his mouth had pronounced with a force he had no strength to resist.

    You will do more than follow me, Nelia said calmly. You will protect me as if I were our queen.

    Speaking of queens, you are lucky she agreed to let us go after you rejected her request to make fake gold.

    And how about you, Pablo? Why did you not show her the man I know you are? That was your only opportunity to persuade her to name you our leader.

    It is impossible to reason with you. Let’s go to our ranch before an eagle drops a turtle over my head. He drew out his dagger as he walked to the wrack line and said, Ride ahead. I am going to wrap eggs for Rea.

    Your method of guarding me is quite impressive.

    What? Pablo asked distractedly, taking a step closer to one of the nests.

    I say you are sending me to fend off whatever dangers I may encounter on my way home while you stay collecting eggs for Mamá.

    "Slow down, crazy egret, Berta said. Can’t you see me taking two steps for every one of yours? For God’s sake, Nelia, why couldn’t you find a closer pole to tie the mules?"

    They are fine where they are.

    A moment later, Berta said, My goodness, it is still two blocks to El Mercado. Why are you in such a hurry? I did not expect you to be this anxious when you invited me here.

    It will take longer if you keep talking. You can rest all you want when we get to the market.

    Nelia always tried to look her best when she went to the city. Today’s attire was her burgundy blouse, a deep-blue skirt with tiny pink and yellow flowers, and a beige mantilla over her hair. The half-moon earrings, a gift from her mother, accompanied her bracelet and ring.

    When they arrived at the market, they sat on a wooden bench outside. But Berta was growing restless by the minute. I am glad summer is over, Nelia said to distract her friend. I thought you might not want to come after I changed our plans yesterday. Unfortunately, Pablo insisted on spending time with me. He would have been annoyed if I refused.

    Berta chuckled. I understand. Tits, take this advice: cool off that fire; not even the spoiler marries the spoiled.

    A woman passing by with a grocery basket on her hip heard the comment and rolled her eyes at them with disgust. Another quickened her pace while she covered her daughter’s ears.

    Hush, Berta, people can hear what you are saying, Nelia whispered. And I already told you not to call me Tits.

    I don’t see why not. Tit birds are quite pretty... On another topic, I want you to know that you are killing me with your crazy mission.

    Sorry, Berta, what did you say?

    I said I am not happy to accompany you on your mysterious trip. You don’t tell us where we are heading or what we will do when we get there. You don’t even want to take my mother. I need help with the devils Humberto gave me for children. You need to understand that.

    I wish I had a say in the matter. My visions told me the names of the people I should take, Nelia said in her commitment to her mother to keep the lie. Please don’t worry. You will have me, Amalia, Doris, and especially your cousin Vera to help you.

    I hate going. And yet, I cannot say no to you. Hold on... Did you bewitch me? Moved by a secret force, Berta grabbed the amulet on her chest, not knowing it was binding her to Nelia. "Weird. I cannot remember what I was saying. Oh well. Whatever

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