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Unmasking The Light
Unmasking The Light
Unmasking The Light
Ebook64 pages53 minutes

Unmasking The Light

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About this ebook

What is unmasking the light. Unmasking is to show the previously hidden truth about someone or something.Light is understanding of a problem or mystery; enlightment

Have you ever felt like your life was on constant repeat? Like you've been settling in life? I have! That's what Unmasking the Light is about. This is a memoir about a moment in my life where I felt lost.

I asked God a question and it sent me on a journey. A journey of unmasking my light.

Release dateDec 1, 2022
Unmasking The Light

Aviance Madison

Aviance Madison is Owner of Strait Dreamz branding company. The company motivates others to be the best version of themselves. Strait Dreamz offers coaching and business consulting services. She has over 15 years of experience in coaching and mentoring others. She loves motivating and inspiring anyone she encounters.

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    Book preview

    Unmasking The Light - Aviance Madison


    I STARTED WRITING A book almost 10 years ago and for some reason I couldn’t finish it. After much prayer.  God placed on my heart; I had a new story to share. This book reflects over a period in my life where I felt I was losing control and seeking answers.

    While writing this book, I felt stuck, almost like the words didn’t want to hit the paper. Trying to heal my inner child, breaking generational curses, and searching for happiness became overwhelming.

    But then I realized God was taking me on this journey to help someone else who was on the same path. God showed me it was time to shine in my light.

    This book has helped me set my vulnerabilities and emotions free. This book is for the person who feels like they are on constant repeat in life. My hope is the lessons I learned help you break your own cycle.

    On this journey I learned self-love, self-healing, and self-discovery. Realizing life has nothing to do with outside circumstances but has everything to do with what’s inside of ME. Breaking free from what has held me back and living life on my terms.

    Throughout this book you will notice, names are not given just titles. The reason I chose to use titles instead of names, is because titles represent emotional attachments. For example, significant other represents a sense of worthiness. My mother represents authority and expectations. My friends represent influence. My son represents responsibility. I also chose titles because, as the reader I want you to focus on the journey and not the people. I want you to see the journey through my eyes, with hopes that you can see yourself in my story.

    Through this journey, I found purpose. My purpose is to inspire and motivate everyone I encounter.  My prayer is that this book helps someone else recognize their greatness and shine in their light.

    May – Mayhem

    It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic, as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves- Alan Watts

    HERE I WAS JUST LIKE the rest of the world trying to figure out my life during a pandemic. The funny thing about it is the shutdowns and financial uncertainty didn’t bring me panic. The panic started within my relationship with my significant other. We were having what seemed like the same conversation. We were trying to blend our families, while living apart. The kids weren’t getting along, and neither were we.

    For some reason it seemed like we couldn’t agree on anything.  The stress from working full time and raising children, left no room for us. The more conversations we had, the more I realized we had a problem.  As animosity continued to build up, I reflected on what I was doing with my life. It’s funny, before we were in a relationship, I created milestone points of where we should be. But the opposite was happening.

    We were both becoming stagnant in the relationship and as individuals. We were at a point where we questioned if the relationship was worth fighting for. In my mind I felt I was doing more than enough, and I felt he didn’t think it was enough.

    In hindsight I was imposing my fears of rejection and insecurity on him. I couldn’t understand what more I could’ve done to make him see I was the one he needed. I was looking for him to make me feel worthy.  I was afraid of him leaving because of my insecurities. It was the same scenarios that kept showing up in my romantic relationships. This particular conversation made me uncomfortable. I was uncomfortable being vulnerable. I knew it was time to hang up the phone and reflect.

    I began questioning my worthiness, my self-esteem, MY LIFE. I couldn’t understand why I kept finding myself in the same situations. Not just in this relationship, but in all my relationships. It’s funny how a pandemic can provide you time to reflect and acknowledge what you’ve been avoiding.

    I kept thinking about how many times I put others needs before myself.  From my prospective, it appeared everyone else was happy and content in getting what they needed from me; and I was left feeling unsatisfied. Just hoping that someone would appreciate

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