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7 Days Princess
7 Days Princess
7 Days Princess
Ebook57 pages26 minutes

7 Days Princess

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About this ebook

This book is about a little princess who visit Earth and encounters many challenges along the way seeking to understand and find her Sweetie Pinky, a chicken. She met a 102 lady who taught her to be patient, an engineer who taught her land styles reflect values, a vagabond who taught her to be carefree, a King who taught her to be dutiful, a life coach who taught her about positive habit building, a philosopher who taught her about cultivating intrinsic values, and the little prince who taught her about keeping balance and being grateful how far we’ve all advanced together.

In her journey, she discovers many wonders on land, many flourishing hopes and dreams, many delicious cakes and many beautiful kind talented people participating a grand design. She feels like Jupiter protecting Earth like its little brother, everyone looks after each other like extended families. Remember to keep your beautiful healthy smile in this blessed planet Earth. Be kind, reflect, cherish and appreciate each other in this amazing journey or short holiday together while you find what you are looking for.
Release dateNov 9, 2022
7 Days Princess

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    7 Days Princess - Julia Wu

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-9579-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-9580-6 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 12/12/2022




    Chapter 1 The Little Princess’s First Day on Land

    Chapter 2The Little Princess’s Second Day on Land

    Chapter 3 The Little Princess’s Third Day on Land

    Chapter 4 The Little Princess’s Fourth Day on Land

    Chapter 5 The Little Princess’s Fifth Day on Land

    Chapter 6 The Little Princess’s Sixth Day on Land

    Chapter 7 The Little Princess’s Seventh Day on Land

    For little princess, little prince, and everyone who are kind, thoughtful,

    considerate, courteous, understanding and contribute to designing beautiful

    moments for each other - remember you are blessed beyond measure, and

    this beautiful home Earth is designed for you to cherish and treasure.



    T here was once a little princess known as the la petite princess. She lived on Cloud 9, one of the many moons of Jupiter. ¹ Every day, she saw Jupiter, like a big brother, furiously trying to protect Earth from all the asteroids shooting towards it. She saw that the sun gave light to Earth, and she was

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