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Don't Go Out There!
Don't Go Out There!
Don't Go Out There!
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Don't Go Out There!

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A story influenced by the news. In November 2021, the Tan Hill Inn in the middle of the Yorkshire Dales was cut off from the rest of the world for three days. Under similar circumstances, the staff, customers, and a tribute band had to fend for themselves for the

Release dateNov 30, 2022
Don't Go Out There!

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    Don't Go Out There! - Sean Watson

    Don’t Go Out There!

    Author: Sean Watson

    Copyright © Sean Watson (2022)

    Original Cover Art: Ash Hipperson

    Cover Illustration Re-created by: White Magic Studios

    The right of Sean Watson to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    First Published in 2022

    ISBN 978-1-915492-82-1 (Paperback)

    978-1-915492-83-8 (E-Book)

    Book cover design and Book layout by:

    White Magic Studios

    Published by:

    Maple Publishers

    1 Brunel Way,


    SL1 1FQ, UK

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or translated by any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    To my little brother, Adrian.


    I would like to thank Andrew and Mike, owners of the Tan Hill Inn, and their manager, Maria, for allowing me to use their pub for the backdrop of this story.

    This story is loosely based on some factual events:

    The Tan Hill Inn and their customers have been snowed in on many occasions, and during a full moon, maybe. The last time they were snowed in was three days in November 2021, which made world news. However, the idea of werewolves being present is completely fictitious… or is it?

    I would like to thank friends, who were happy for me to use names, similar to theirs for my characters in this story. Although the characters are not based on anyone alive, dead, or who had been attacked by werewolves.


    Chapter One 5

    Chapter Two 15

    Chapter Three 21

    Chapter Four 37

    Chapter Five 47

    Chapter Six 64

    Chapter Seven 76

    Chapter Eight 86

    Chapter Nine 92

    Chapter Ten 103

    Chapter Eleven 112

    Chapter Twelve 123

    Chapter Thirteen 128

    Chapter Fourteen 142

    Chapter Fifteen 148

    Chapter Sixteen 152

    Chapter Seventeen 164

    Chapter One

    It was October, four o’clock on a Friday afternoon, and Tanya Gascoyne, a young woman from Manchester was alone on the Yorkshire Dales. Unusually for autumn, the weather had been hot. The early evening was quite warm, although it had been raining. Tanya was on her way to the Tan Hill Inn, the highest pub in England, secluded on the Yorkshire Dales. She felt the need to park her mobile home and take in the atmosphere, under the moon as dusk drew in. Tanya undressed and picked up a bottle of vodka. She started to dance erotically, offering herself to the moon. She then laid on a large smooth rock, moaning to the moon, she offered herself to her new lunar God. Fuelled by the vodka, she repeatedly submitted herself to the full moon, until she fell asleep.

    Tanya, a red head with green eyes, was close to six-feet tall with an Amazonian figure and incredibly attractive with her pale complexion. She was a twenty-five-year-old history student of the classics and early modern Europe. She was also into the occult, especially the beliefs of the Roman empire. As a historian, she had been able to trace her family tree back as far as sixteen-century France. Two ancestors had been executed, Brigitte Garnier was accused of being a witch, and her husband Louis was charged with being a werewolf, which fascinated Tanya. Tanya was studying her PhD on the Roman occult and early modern witchcraft, at the University of East Anglia.

    However, Tanya had only been back in England two days before travelling to Yorkshire. With her love of the Roman empire, she had travelled to North Macedonia, once a province of the Eastern Roman Empire. Tanya wanted to find information on the Roman occult for a dissertation she was writing for her PhD. Whilst in North Macedonia, she had survived an attack by some rabid beast, but she had sustained a severe bite on her inner thigh. She, for some reason, had felt that the attack was more sexual than anything else. Ever since the attack, she had felt strangely different, which was reflected in her new lunar desires. Before her journey to Yorkshire, Tanya did consult her doctor about her attack. He had checked her wound, cleaned it, and redressed her thigh, and had given her antibiotics. However, he told her that there was nothing to worry about. She did not believe him.

    Tanya was on the Yorkshire Dales, making sense of her new life underneath a full moon, and eager to find a mate who would share her unique desires. She had time on her hands and no need to be anywhere soon, so she could look forward to her new future, however dark it may be. But were these desires for the moon due to her attack, or due to her bloodline? Tanya had not yet experienced the change that would alter her life, maybe because of the clouds in the sky. The weather was changing, and the full moon was hidden by clouds. Although she had not yet metamorphosised into a wolf, she had felt the changes within her body.

    Tanya was awoken by the feel of soft rain on her naked body. She laid there for a little while before getting dressed and then headed off to the Tan Hill Inn, which is a lonely pub situated on the top of the Yorkshire Dales, miles from anywhere. The pub sits on the Pennine way, between Richmond and Kirby Stephen, secluded from the rest of the world, especially during harsh winters. A bloodbath could happen here, and no one would know. William Camden, a seventeenth- century travel writer, described the area in his book Britannia. Camden wrote, ‘Where this Country bordered upon Lancashire, amongst the mountains it is in most places so vast, solitary, unpleasant, and unsightly, so mute and still.’ This travel inn has been serving weary travellers on their journey through this secluded place since the seventeenth century. During the autumn and winter months the Yorkshire Dales can be subject to harsh weather. If it were not for the safety of the Tan Hill Inn, many travellers would perish. However, many of the travellers are only there for the alcohol, the food, and the music.

    For the last twelve years, the pub has been owned by Deryck and Carol. Deryck, an ex-steel worker, and his wife of thirty years, bought the pub after their youngest of three fled the roost and joined the army. Two years later, their son was killed in Afghanistan which destroyed them. Now, they just subsist for their surviving children, grandchildren, and their extended family, their staff, and customers.

    Tanya parked her mobile home in the pub’s carpark and headed into the pub. She had picked this pub for the weekend because of the band playing this evening. Ironically, the band were called ‘The Wolf Within,’ a heavy metal satanic tribute band. Tanya headed straight to the reception, so she could pay for her overnight parking.

    Hello, how much do you charge for parking a mobile home in your car park?

    £١٠ an evening, can we take your registration, replied Carol, standing behind the reception.

    Thank you, said Tanya, should be a good band tonight. Have they played here before?

    First time… not my kind of music, too loud for me, and too much swearing, replied Carol.

    Oh, ok… you should let your hair down, love, Tanya said as she paid her money. She headed to the bar for a pint and something to eat.

    Cheek, how rude, answered Carol to herself.

    Tanya walked to the bar, managed by Carol’s husband, Deryck.

    Hello, my dear, how can I help?

    Can I have a pint of your strongest ale, please, replied Tanya, and can I order a sirloin steak, please.

    Sure, how would you like your steak cooked?

    Blue, thanks… would it be possible to eat in one of your domes, please?

    In this weather? asked Deryck.

    Yes, please.

    Yes, sure, here’s a key to number two. Sam will bring your food out to you.

    Thank you, can I have another pint as well, please, replied Tanya.

    Deryck poured her another pint, and she then headed outside to the dome.

    She sat in the dome, enjoying her pint and the night sky, with the pitta-patter of rain on the glass. There was no visible moon, but she felt the urge to change. Suddenly, the door opened, there stood a young woman holding a plate of food.

    Hello sexy, how can I help? asked Tanya.

    What? Um, yes, um, here’s your steak, madam, replied Sam, who was now feeling quite nervous about the customer she had served, can I get you anything else?

    Another pint of your strongest ale please. What time does the band start?

    Eight o’clock in the function room, I’ll get your drink. Enjoy your meal, madam.

    Why not join me, said Tanya as she pattered the chair next to her.

    Sorry, I must get back to work.

    Sam returned to the pub, she asked Deryck for a pint of what Tanya was drinking.

    Deryck, could you take the pint to her, please? asked Sam, she makes me nervous… I think she’s going to pounce on me?

    Ok, keep an eye on the bar while I’ve gone… wish me luck, Sam, Deryck laughed, she might pounce on me?

    Ha-ha. Deryck, you’ll see what I mean when you get out there.

    Just a lonely young woman looking for some company, replied Deryck.

    Well, she’s not going to be looking for your company… you old fart, said Carol as she walked through from the reception.

    She and Sam laughed as Deryck stuck his fingers up at them both, smiling, how rude! He then left the bar to take the pint to Tanya. Once outside, Deryck used his tray to cover the pint from the rain as he walked to the dome.

    Hello again, young lady… here is your pint… how is your food.

    Oh, the sexy young waitress has been changed for an older man, how nice, smiled Tanya, the food is lovely, thank you.

    Sam had other tables to serve, Deryck hesitated, someone will check on you in a little while. Should they bring you a dessert menu?

    No thanks, I’m not a sweet kind of girl, smiled Tanya.

    Ok, enjoy your evening, replied Deryck as he collected the empty glasses, returned to the bar, and re-joined Sam and Carol.

    I see what you mean… there is something weird about her, Sam, said Deryck, she’s not having anything else, so wait till she comes in before you go and collect the plates… it’s still raining out there.

    An hour passed when Sam returned to the dome to retrieve Tanya’s dirty plate. Tanya had left to go and watch the music, which had started playing. About forty guests had gathered near the stage for the music. Tanya had noticed one man who tapped to the music whilst he sat on his own. She walked to the bar in the function room, which was tended by Simon and Clare.

    Hiya, can I have a pint of ‘Granny Wouldn’t Like It’ please? Unusual name… nice pint, though.

    Yes, the owners have just come back from two weeks’ holiday in Norfolk, replied Simon, normal people bring back sticks of rock… they brought back two barrels of this. It’s from the Wolf Brewery near Norwich.

    Interesting, said Tanya.

    Tanya walked over to the man sitting on his own. He looked scruffy with a beard, wearing denim, he was dressed for the band, but he did not look like the type of man that Tanya would like. She wore designer clothes and looked incredibly attractive. Tanya had joined the young man because he was on his own.

    Do you mind if I join you, Sir… I’m Tanya, she said as she offered her hand.

    I’m Jack. I’m pleased to meet you, smiled the young man as he shook her hand, you not enjoying the music?

    Yes, love them, but I don’t like crowds, replied Tanya, don’t you like them?

    I do like them… I work for them, the band, answered Jack, I’m their roadie… I’m not keen on crowds either.

    Interesting… are they a busy band?

    Yes, they tour Europe and do some of the festivals, replied Jack, I tend to help them on smaller gigs like this. I’ve been around Europe with them as well… it pays the bills.

    You finished for the night, or have you got to pack up later? Tanya asked.

    No, we leave everything in here till the morning… securer than in the van.

    The pair chatted for another hour or so

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