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The Flight of the Seagull
The Flight of the Seagull
The Flight of the Seagull
Ebook167 pages2 hours

The Flight of the Seagull

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"The Flight of the Seagull" is a continuation of the books "Violets at the Window", "Living in the Spirit World" and "The Writer's House" recently translated into English by the World Spiritist Institute.
In this novel, Patrícia, now more adapted to the Spiritual world, participates in an important rescue on the Spiritual Plane: rescuing from the Threshold, a place inhabited by spirits still lacking light and understanding, who, when incarnated, became involved with drugs.
With her simple and attractive language, Patrícia shows us the consequences of substance dependency and the disenchantment it provokes; she consoles and clarifies those who have suffered disappointments and find it difficult to overcome the pain.
In the spiritual author's own words, "to work with love, overcoming our obligations, for our sake and that of others, and more, without expecting anything in return".

Release dateNov 13, 2022
The Flight of the Seagull

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    The Flight of the Seagull - Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho

    The Flight of the Seagull

    Romance of


    Psychography of


    Translated into English by:

    Juan Aguilar Bazán      

    Adrian Yoshioka Fernandez

    Lima, Peru, Peru, July 2022

    Original Title in Portuguese:


    Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho


    Valeria Alejandra Ortega

    World Spiritist Institute      

    Houston, Texas, USA      


    About the Medium

    Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho (born October 21st at São Sebastião do Paraíso) is a Brazilian spiritist medium.

    Since childhood she realized her mediumship, in the form of clairvoyance. A neighbor lent her the first spiritist work she read, The Spirits' Book, by Allan Kardec. She began to follow the Spiritist Doctrine in 1975.

    She received works dictated by the spirits Patrícia, Rosângela, Jussara and Antônio Carlos, with whom she began in psychography, practicing for nine years until the launch of her first work in 1990.

    The book Violetas na Janela, from the spirit of Patrícia, published in 1993, has become a bestseller in Brazil with more than 2 million copies sold having been translated into English and Spanish and adapted to theatre.

    This translation of is part of the series of the other three books dictated by his niece Patricia and Antônio Carlos all translated into English and available through the World Spiritist Institute.

    The Flight of the Seagull

    It is with great joy that I return to Literature, motivated by the affection of my readers. And it is to you, dear reader, that I dedicate this work with great tenderness.

    I also dedicate it to the disincarnated and, mainly, to the incarnated who are useful for their capacity and whose goal is to progress in learning.

    I extend to the anonymous, unknown to the incarnated, but known by the Plano Mayor, who does good for love, without even worrying about famous names.


    São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG

    Words from a friend

    Patrícia, our young writer, who has presented us her simple and sincere literature, which brings us good and profound teachings, gives us another book.

    She tells us about the journey that undertakes new and different tasks, her detachment and disaffection.

    Patricia works and studies in the Spiritual Realm, but she accepted this task of writing to the incarnated intending to alert them to the mistake of worshiping famous characters. Spiritist Doctrine is not in the hands of a few, whether incarnated or disincarnated. Many spirits are working for the Good of Humanity.

    Our cheerful writer, in her humility, thinks she is small, but she is willing to learn and does not want to be worshiped and valued more than she thinks she deserves.

    The plot of this book is very interesting. Participating in helping a disincarnated drug addict, it narrates important facts that bring many clarifications about the harm caused by drugs, the great evil of today. The attractive development of this story makes this book another milestone in Spiritist Literature.

    António Carlos



    Assuming a Task

    Listening to a Story

    Interesting Colloquium

    Love and Detachment

    A Different  Request

    The Black Tunnel

    Room E and Wing A

    A Spiritist Meeting

    Recovery of the Rescued


    The Nazi Doctor

    Elisa's Story


    When I was incarnated, I often marveled at the seagulls. I was enchanted by their flights, which gave me the sensation of freedom. They are so free! In the afternoon, walking on the beach, I would follow their movements through the air. Free and happy, they performed acrobatics offering a spectacle of rare beauty.

    The immense space is the preferred environment for seagulls.  However, they cannot stop perching on the sand of the beach to complete the necessary feeding for the maintenance of their body.

    Even feeling the possibility of encountering enemy predators, this brave bird does not feel intimidated and, very vigilant, lands on the beach. If you fail in your caution, its descent will have been unhappy because it will be easy prey for some natural enemy. If she is careful and attentive, her pose will be happy. It will take what it needs and again take flight, remaining on the sand, until the next wave, only the mark of its delicate steps, indicating that a seagull passed, carrying out with pleasure and joy the function of living and participating, with life, in the desire to be and exist.

    Knowing that I rarely come to the physical plane, Elisa compared me to a seagull that day.

    - Seagull, why do you descend to Earth? Are you looking for food?

    I did not answer immediately. I looked at my friend who saw me as such a beautiful bird. Her black, sweet and kind eyes shone. She smiled. Her wonderful smile infected those around her, as well as exposing rows of her perfect teeth. Elisa is a beautiful black woman; the beauty of her feelings shows and embellishes her spirit even more.

    I wondered what was taking me back to Earth. What was I doing there? Support, task, work? is the good we do a credit, a need or a food?

    I turned around and saw the seagull leaving paw marks on the sandy ground. I turned my thoughts back to the recent past and I made sure that I ended up doing a lot of affection, trying to help those left behind on Earth. Would the Good done leave marks?

    Spiritual Author's Note: Volitarizar, in Spiritist literature, is the name of the act of disincarnated spirits moving in space, when they do so without their feet touching the ground. In the Spiritist books, there are countless examples of this.

    Assuming a Task

    Incarnated, our actions are conditioned to a personal purpose which is the acquisition of money or a diploma that will allow us to exercise well-remunerated functions among our fellow walkers. Here, in the Spiritual Realm, for those who understand and live the unity of the Universe, working or studying does not mean an opportunity for personal remuneration, but means a favorable opportunity to avoid being left out of evolution. The beauty of existence is in its dynamic activity. It is never monotonous. Life resembles a great river that, despite being in the same place, is never the same because it renews itself every second. Our personality is, by nature, inactive. If we do not wake up with an improvement in our way of being, we will risk seeing pass the river of life and be beside it, losing the opportunity to go along with those who walk with it into infinity. Accepting new and more responsibilities is a reason for joy for all of us who want to participate in the maintenance and progress of all human beings, in the name of God.

    I was called to teach in a course of Recognition of the Spiritual Realm, in which the full professor, Marcela, was absent because she had also accepted the assignment of higher work. Although I was happy to be remembered and radiant to feel useful, I could not help but have moments of worry as there would be several spirits under my responsibility.

    As at other times, I went to seek the advice of my friends. When I saw Mauricio, I cheerfully went to meet him. My friend smiled. It is good to see him always like that. I remember his sweet and confident smile. He calmly answered my wishes, transferring beautiful teachings to me.

    - Patricia, how does the learning of a university professor begin on Earth? In the first school years, he learns the first letters. Being studious, takes all the required grades. One day, the earth schooling concludes your studies and classifies you apt to teach, sometimes you may even teach in the school where you were prepared. If you are sensible, you will certainly recognize that you only know the reasonable of the subject in which you specialize, and then you will continue studying all your life. But the acquired knowledge achieved by your effort is your heritage. If you want to teach, you can and should do it, because many people do not even have this knowledge that you consider moderate, and groups happily pass on their knowledge to others. How many people ask, will I be able to teach? Yes, if they have knowledge of the subject matter, they will have the ability. This is also the case here. We all have to learn in order to know. It would be sad to feel that there is nothing more to learn. The student should not stay for a long time in the same grade. His study must pay off until he passes from being a student to a teacher. I have been following your studies; you have learned with love and now you can teach what you have learned.

    - But Mauricio- I insisted - what if I am not prepared?

    - You are! What do you think an instructor is here in the Spiritual Realm? He is just a dedicated and studious spirit who began his apprenticeship like everyone else. No one should be stingy with knowledge, feel incapable or presumptuous of what she/he thinks that knows. Common sense is necessary and indispensable, because through it we have the exact measure of our head without reaching vanity. Then, Patricia, you should not want to be able to teach, but you should want to teach like those who transmit the knowledge they have with love. If they called you, it is because they think you are ready. There is no scam going here that leads many to have undeserved positions. Then, the courses come ready for you. It is true that you will have to answer many questions. I trust you. Accept the burden and take advantage of the experience obtained.

    I also went to talk to Grandma Amaziles. I really like to visit her and her friends to soften the longing I feel for the house where they live, which was my first lodging, after Disincarnation. Then, I spoke about my doubt after the hugs.

    - Patricia - answered the grandmother - this course is very important. You learn a lot about the Spiritual Realm, in theory and practice. The theoretical or intellectual acquisitions are only information and knowledge archives. The journeys made during the course are the experience of the fact. With comprehension, all who have lived know how to adopt the best approach to each problem. The course intends that all who attend here have this understanding because only the experience of these facts or knowledge will be transmitted to our perispiritual cells and consequently will impress the physical cells. And when we reincarnate, these experiences will arise in our mind as a natural gift or as an unconscious mind.

    Accept, you are capable! You have studied a lot! Put into practice what you have learned and what you are still learning.

    From António Carlos, I heard:

    - Not to do so because you consider yourself incapable, is not accepted as an excuse either in the Spiritual Realm, nor as an incarnate. If it is not, convert. We are all capable, especially if the impossible is not required. You did well, wisely, consulting friends. When we feel insecure, we should ask for opinions from friends we consider and for whom we are considerate. With the suggestions received, we should choose what is best for us and for others. It is not right to do what we are not capable of at the moment. Sometimes, unwisely, we will hurt ourselves and others by doing something out of ambition, power and vanity. This is not your case. Accept and remember we learn much more when we impart knowledge.

    I also consulted with dad and received a precious lesson from him.

    - Daughter, life knows better what is good for each of us. We are always asked to assume some tasks. For me, the best place is where we are most useful. By forgetting ourselves and living for the good of others, we create conditions for God to act through our humble personality. And never forget, whatever you do, do it well.

    And there I was, teaching a class on the Colonies in a study hall. Feeling perfectly at ease.

    The room looked very nice. Maybe it didn't have the same beauty to others that I saw. The place of teaching should be a different place. The place where you learn should be respected as a temple, a friend once said.

    I agreed with him. All schools should be Educational Centers that prepare for life. The classroom was small, it has a blackboard and comfortable tables, also two large windows overlooking the garden surrounding the school. It was so pleasant for me that we met there to study. And I love learning by teaching. - Why is this Colonia called Nueva Vida? - Tereziña asked.

    - All the Colonies, Aid Stations and Settlement houses have a name by which they are known. It's like on Earth, where every place has a name. When this Colony was founded, one of its creators gave it this name hoping that they would come here for a restart of hope and changes for the better, which would lead to a new life, hence the name.

    The twenty-two students paid close attention and then returned to their tasks: to describe the Colony that housed them. The Colony Nueva Vida is

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