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Ranch Love: Embry Brothers
Ranch Love: Embry Brothers
Ranch Love: Embry Brothers
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Ranch Love: Embry Brothers

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There's always been something missing from my life. I crave the love and affection, and the commitment my parents had for one another. Then, one morning, I meet her. Lauren, a beautiful stranger in a coffee shop, who buys me coffee after my wallet has gone missing. A funny, and fortunate, turn of events has my beautiful Lauren showing up on my doorstep, with her teenaged sister in tow. Agreeing to keep her sister around to work off her debt was the best decision I could have made. I fall hard for Lauren, envisioning a future of love and happiness. After Lauren captures the attention of a stalker, I do everything in my power, with the help of my brothers, to keep Lauren safe, and to stop the threat against our future .

Ranch Love is the first novella in the series, and should be read first. Kevyn and Lauren get their happily ever after, as their story continues over the course of the series. This book contains hot and steamy bedroom fun and is only recommended for adults over the age of 18. Warning: This book contains some violence, and may contain triggers for some readers.

PublisherEmmalee Quinn
Release dateSep 21, 2020
Ranch Love: Embry Brothers

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    Book preview

    Ranch Love - Emmalee Quinn

    Chapter 1



    You can't keep doing this!  I had to leave work early because you decided to skip school and disappear.  Again! There was only so much my boss, Mr. Roberts, would tolerate. I could tell he was losing his patience with me.  I had already had to leave early twice this week, and I had to leave half-way through the morning, again, today.

    Kat seemed completely unaffected, sitting there texting on her cell phone.

    You are going tomorrow.  I'm driving you to school and I'm going to walk you into the building myself, I huff out.

    That finally got her attention.  She stared back at me, wide-eyed, and her mouth gaping open.

    You can't do that!  That is so embarrassing!

    I lifted my hands out to my sides in defeat.  What is it that I'm supposed to do then?  You leave me no choice.  You have to go to school.

    You can't make me go.  You're not Mom or Dad! She throws herself back into the sofa.  Her cell phone chimes and before she can look at it, I grab it.  She huffs and turns from me. I sit down beside her on the sofa and try to calm myself down.  I look at her, all of the fight leaving my body. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?  If there's something going on at school -

    She rolls her eyes and stands up, cutting me off.  We're not besties, Lauren, She says, using air quotes. Just leave me alone.  And with that, she leaves the room and heads upstairs to her bedroom.

    I run my hand through my hair for what feels like the hundredth time today.  I'm tired of fighting with my sister.  I wish she would talk to me.  She used to tell me everything.  That is, until our parents died in a car accident last year, leaving me sole custody of Kat. Everything has changed in the last few months.  She started skipping periods at school until she just decided not to go all together, and she started hanging out with the wrong crowd.  I know she's still grieving the loss of our parents, but something has to give. Her so-called friends are not helping the situation.

    Speaking of the little shits, Kat's cell phone chimes with a text message.  I glance at it, still in my hand.

    Remy: Yo Kat! Miss Pissy was so mad when she picked u up. She's such a bitch! Skipping again 2morrow and hangin at my place. C u 2morrow.

    I could feel my blood start to boil.  My fingers tapped over the keyboard of the phone while I fumed.

    Kat: This is Miss Pissy.  Kat will be at school tomorrow.  I recommend you do the same.

    I turn off her phone and place it on the coffee table.  I don't know how to do this.  I'm twenty-four years old and don't know the first thing about parenting a fifteen-year old.  I slouch down and rest my head on the back of the sofa, closing my eyes.  What would Mom and Dad do?

    Chapter 2



    I walk out of the barn and swipe at my forehead with my handkerchief.  Molly, one of our rescue mares, has had a difficult pregnancy.  We had Doc Simmons come out to the ranch early this morning, after Kingston heard Molly's pained cries.  She and the unborn foal are stable now, but Molly needs a close eye kept on her until she delivers. 

    I glance behind me as I hear Kingston follow me out of the barn.  I look at my older brother as he walks towards me.  He looks as exhausted as I feel.  At twenty-eight, Kingston is the oldest of three.  He tends to be the most serious and responsible of us.  Kyler, the youngest of us,  is the free-spirited, wild child. I'm the middle brother, being two years apart from both of my brothers.  I like to think I'm perfectly balanced when it comes to being responsible and level-headed.  I can be serious when it matters, but also enjoy life at the same time.

    Kingston squints at sun already shining overhead at this early hour. It's going to be another long-ass day.

    I feel like I've already worked a full day, I agreed.  I glance at my watch and see it's only 7:48 in the morning, and groan.  I need caffeine and something to eat if I'm going to function anymore today.

    We both look up to the main house as we hear the screen door close.  Kyler comes down the porch steps, putting on a ballcap, and he walks down towards us. 

    I shake my head, knowing damn well he just rolled out out bed. Where have you been?

    Kyler smirks. I had a late night.

    Kingston rolls his eyes.  Partying it up with Callie again?

    Nah.  I met someone new.

    What's her name? I ask.

    Lily. No ,wait. Layla. I don't know. Leah, maybe?

    Christ, Ky.  You're out all night with the girl and you can't remember her name? I ask in disbelief.

    We didn't do much talking, if you know what I mean, Kyler says, wiggling his eyebrows.

    Manwhore, Kingston mutters.

    Nothing wrong with living life, boys.  You should try it sometime, Ky winks.

    Don't worry about Ky, King.  One of these days, he's going to meet a woman that brings him to his knees, I tease.  I can only hope to be that lucky.  I can't imagine being with a different girl every week.  Even living in a college town, the pickings are slim.  The women around here seem to only be interested in money.  The ones I met sure didn't have any interest in ranch life. 

    No way in hell am I settling down, Ky retorts.

    At least cut back the partying.  You need to start taking on more responsibility around here, Admonishes King.

    You can start by checking in on Molly and keeping an eye on her for a while, I nod towards the barn and head to my truck.

    Where are you going? Ky asks.

    King and I have errands to run.  We'll be back in a couple of hours.


    We get out of my truck and step onto the sidewalk.  We start walking towards the hardware store when a young girl bumps into me.

    Excuse me, I mutter apologetically as I glance back at her.  She turns her head and glares her green eyes at me.  She then turns and starts to sprint away.

    King shakes his head and keeps up pace with me.  Shouldn't she be in school? he mutters.

    He looks at his list of items needed to fix a barn door in one of our back pastures.

    I can get what we need from Joe's Hardware, if you want to head down the street to Bonnie's and grab us a couple of coffees.

    I keep walking, as he steps inside Joe's Hardware. 

    Bonnie's Bakery is a local favorite.  It's not frequented much by the college community, which makes Bonnie's a hidden gem.

    I wait in line while others order their fancy-sounding coffees.

    The woman in front of me orders herself a regular black coffee and a bagel.  A woman after my own heart.  She pays and steps aside.  I place my order and reach for my wallet. Only, my wallet isn't in my pocket.  I curse under my breath and pat down my pockets.  Well, shit.  Maybe it fell out in my truck.  At least, I hope it did.

    I sigh, shaking my head. I'm sorry, Bonnie. I'll have to come back.

    I'd like to pay for this man's coffees, Bonnie, I hear the sweetest voice I've ever heard say from my left.  I look over and my knees nearly buckle.  Black coffee and bagel woman is a goddess. She has long, wavy, brown hair that frames her face, a cute little nose, and full pouty lips. 

    She smiles at me and I notice she has the most piercing green eyes. 

    Where have I seen those eyes?  I shake my wandering thoughts away.

    You really don't need to do that.

    I insist, She argues as she hands Bonnie some cash.

    Thank you, I hold out my hand. I'm Kevyn.

    Lauren, she says with a smile and shakes my hand.

    Her skin is as soft as silk.  I find myself gazing again into her deep emerald-green eyes.

    I shake myself out of my stupor as I try to get ahold of myself.

    "I'd like to pay you back.  I think

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