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U.S. Election 2016, No Collusion?
U.S. Election 2016, No Collusion?
U.S. Election 2016, No Collusion?
Ebook228 pages3 hours

U.S. Election 2016, No Collusion?

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The US 2016 Election is an absolute obstruct compared to other elections in the past years and probably for years to come. Politically, Morally, and even Socially. For politicians, this election was questionable. This event instigated doubts and admonished the political opponent to launch an investigation on the President to know if the Presiden

Release dateNov 11, 2022
U.S. Election 2016, No Collusion?

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    Book preview

    U.S. Election 2016, No Collusion? - Jean Robert Revolus

    U.S. Election 2016 NO COLLUSION?

    An Unforgettable Severe Storm Our Historic Nightmare.

    Jean Robert Revolus

    Copyright © [Year of First Publication] by [Author or Pen Name]

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


    U.S. Election 2016, No Collusion?






    1. Chapter 1

    1. The Election

    2. Collusion

    3. Part 1 DNI

    4. Part 2 DNI

    5. The Attorney from Kremlin

    6. Same day cyber-attack on DNC after then Candidate President Trump asks Russia to find missing emails from Hillary Clinton

    7. Manafort and Yanukovych

    8. WikiLeaks and Hillary Clinton

    9. WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and Russia

    10. Kushner Meetings

    11. James Comey

    12. Facebook

    13. The Curious Case of Michael Flynn

    14. Michael Cohen

    15. Trump 17

    16. Investigations & Mystery Information(s) Found and Provided to Chief of Justice John

    17. The Attorney Gen. Barr Report vs. the Secret Mueller Report vs. the Reasonable Doubt

    18. The Cover-up in Order to Clear the President

    19. Mueller Report Exposed


    U.S. Election 2016, No Collusion?

    Jean Robert Revolus

    Copyright © 2020

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN: 978-1-95-163003-4


    I want to dedicate this book to my whole

    family and my friends for supporting me and making it possible. To the media

    networks, Independents, DNC members, some GOP Senators, a few GOP Congressmen,

    and some individuals from the right-wing media who support the reality of the

    truth and who work so hard to make the fact available to the American people.

    This book is for those who deserve to know the truth to know what happened

    during the US Election in 2016. An unforgettable moment in American election



    Iwant to acknowledge everyone who has assisted me with their knowledge while writing this book. More importantly, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to you, the readers, for your willingness to explore the reality behind what we witness and experience.


    Jean Robert Revolus is to be admired for his notable accomplishments that are nothing short of Extraordinary. As a devout Christian, a devoted husband, and a dedicated and enthusiastic father of four children, he says that God is front and center in his life. Jean Robert Revolus earned a degree in Business with an emphasis in Information Technology from Colorado Technical University.

    In addition to his wide variety of experiences, Jean Robert is a well-rounded individual. He adeptly blends common sense and logic to navigate through the fields of Science, Religion, Philosophy, and Psychoanalysis. Throughout his career, Jean Robert has strived to establish himself as a credible author and a distinguished researcher.

    A versatile and entrepreneurial individual, Jean Robert Revolus founded REVOLUS, LLC, a company specializing in social media marketing with automatic language translation to facilitate global communication. He serves as the company's lead project manager. He endeavors to do all this while passionately pursuing his career as a professional writer, a job he undertakes with enthusiasm and perseverance. One might presume that Jean Robert does not have much time to devote to any other pursuits besides his work. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. His hobbies are limitless. They include singing, creative writing, and performing.

    My humble opinion is that Jean Robert Revolus possesses some impressive talents; if he continues down this path, he will be a force to be reckoned with in the future. Besides his prolific writing style, he possesses a unique style that will make him a distinguished public figure of his time. Cain's Wife was neither his Sister nor his Relative; Women's Equality and the legitimacy of the 2016 presidential election are among his published writings.


    The US 2016 Election is an absolute obstruct compared to other elections in the past years and probably for years to come. Politically, Morally, and even Socially. For politicians, this election was questionable. This event instigated doubts and admonished the political opponent to launch an investigation on the President to know if the President and his allies did not contribute to illegal activity to win this election.

    Morally, The GOP brain is entirely corrupt, and no one needs to be a psychologist to see the reality behind the GOP brain. And Socially, most GOP Governors, senators, and members of Congress lack common sense when answering questions. They have one common goal, Keep the American people away from the truth. and even consider the media as their worst enemy.

    Collusion: Definitions and Meanings

    Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary as secret cooperation for an illegal or dishonest purpose. However, a secret agreement for a fraudulent or illegal purpose; conspiracy. According to, collusion is a deceitful agreement or compact between two or more people, for the one party to bring an action against the other for some evil purpose, as to defraud a third party of his right.

    Is it legal for a candidate to look for help from foreign countries to deceive the people of his country to win an election?

    Some supporters believe that President Donald Trump is the fulfillment of the Bible; they strongly believe it is predicted in the Bible. I decided to ask a Doctorate Candidate in Theology, who is also a Political Analyst, Max Pierre. And according to him, There is no such information in the Bible related to President Trump, and he cannot support this account.

    For those who support the Bible, there are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

    Moreover, according to John 8:44, you are of your father, the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and had nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    As everyone is conscious, the President is the Liar-in-Chief and cannot spend just half-hour without deceiving you. Now, it is for you to draw your conclusion at this point.

    Some President's supporters believe that the President did not have any secret cooperation for an illegal action during the 2016 Election. However, if the President did not pledge an unlawful activity to convey him along with GOP Senators and Congressman to win the election. therefore, why those so many lies?

    Why did they put so much effort into stopping the truth from being revealed?

    The media had made many efforts to reveal the secret to the public. But so far, it has been unsuccessful. The President, along with the supporters of the GOP, even consider the media their worst enemy, which puzzles American society.

    After Muller's Report which cleared the President, and his campaign of illegal secret cooperation activities with other foreign countries in other to deceive the American people, some analysts believe that the President is also guilty of Obstruction of Justice. However, to determine an Obstruction of Justice; there must be a first cause and an illegal action behind it, and through that cause, you can commit an Obstruction of Justice to prevent the public from clearly understanding your illicit activity.

    Let's find out the foremost speculation, which leads to the Obstruction of Justice.






    Chapter 1

    The Election

    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3

    Part 1 DNI

    Chapter 4

    Part 2 DNI

    Chapter 5

    The Attorney from Kremlin

    Chapter 6

    Same day cyber-attack on DNC after then Candidate President Trump asked Russia to find missing emails from Hillary Clinton

    Chapter 7

    Manafort and Yanukovych

    Chapter 8

    WikiLeaks and Hillary Clinton

    Chapter 9

    WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and Russia

    Chapter 10

    Kushner Meetings

    Chapter 11

    James Comey

    Chapter 12


    Chapter 13

    The Curious Case of Michael Flynn

    Chapter 14

    Michael Cohen

    Chapter 15

    Trump 17

    Chapter 16

    Investigations & Mystery Information(s) Found and Provided to Chief of Justice John

    Chapter 17

    The Attorney Gen. Barr Report vs. the Secret Mueller Report vs. the Reasonable Doubt

    Chapter 18

    The Cover-up in Order to Clear the President

    Chapter 19

    Mueller Report Expose


    Page Left Blank Intentionally

    Chapter one

    The Election

    The U.S. election of 2016 is regarded as the most surreal and unbelievable event in the history of America. From the most unusual nominees to the outrageous campaigns, from divisive controversies to the most unpredictable results; it was a rollercoaster ride. Nobody could even come close to guessing Trump’s candidacy a year before the election, let alone predicting his success.

    The 2016 Election was historic in many ways. It was a presidential contest between New Yorkers. Someone without any political or military experience was nominated too. For the first time, a female candidate ran for office, albeit a well-known politician.

    The Unforgettable Election Night

    Election night was a complete nail-biter as results started pouring in, and people sat glued to their screens. It was a night no one saw coming. In the early hours of November 9th, 2016, the celebrations started at the Trump Tower when the billionaire, entrepreneur, cum reality TV star, Donald J. Trump emerged triumphantly and became the 45th President of the United States of America. Supporters roared as the newly appointed President-elect of the US took the stage in New York City with his family to make his victory speech, after receiving the conceding call from his opponent, Hillary Clinton. Trump pledged: I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. He added: Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division.

    The Morning After – Shock, Mistrust & Anger

    There’s no denying the fact that Trump’s victory was a shock for everyone, supporter or non-supporter, American or Non-American. However, it was especially devastating and utterly mortifying for the liberals. Videos of people crying their eyes out went viral over the internet as the news broke. It was a very, very long night for Democrats and their camps presented a sad sight. The night came to an end, but the morning held no ray of hope for liberals. It was as if the entire country was engulfed by a dense cloud of suspicion, mistrust, and apprehension.

    Liberals shared the bleak sentiment as the prospect of having Trump as their President stared them in the face. They couldn’t believe that the widely held US voters would make such a decision. They didn’t know what or who to trust anymore. The country suddenly felt alien to them. About 1.3 million Citizens looked to the authorities to do something to fix it. To some, Trump was the champion of the new face of America, but many believed that having Trump in office was scary and a disgrace to women, minorities, immigrants, and people with disabilities.

    Trump won, and this made liberals question the values of the nation. He had quite explicitly bragged about sexual harassment, mocked a disabled reporter, and tagged all Muslims as terrorists. Trump wanted to ‘bomb every inch’ of countries he thought ‘deserved it,’ African Americans were thrown out of his rallies, and he declared Mexicans as criminals and rapists.

    Trump was unapologetic about his bigotry, and this enraged many people. People took to the streets at two in the morning, protesting against impending doom. They also felt guilty. Their thoughts started with if only... as if they have failed in fulfilling a considerable responsibility. Amanda Litman, a Clinton campaign worker, recounts the aftermath: I remember for months, every woman I saw on the street, I wanted to apologize to, She confessed, Little girls, little boys, I wanted to tell them, I'm so sorry this is the president you are going to grow up with.

    Women marched as a gesture of defiance against the newly elected leadership. Nine months later, they gathered in Detroit at the Women's Convention where they narrated their stories of election night, and how it transformed them.

    Some liberals accepted that they hoped that President Trump might just come out of the full election mode and adopt a more controlled and balanced stance. However, they soon realized the naivety of their hopes.

    Diane Russell, a former Maine legislator, and current governorship candidate recounted telling her friends, It's going to be really bad; I don't think you know what's coming. He means what he said.

    Soon the cat was out of the bag, and Donald Trump surrounded himself with conservatives. Trump continued to recklessly tweet and speak whatever came to his mind, uncensored. His inaugural address seemed to be full of the promises he knew, and everyone knew, he would not keep. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now, he vowed. There was no way he was going to step back from ‘building the wall’ or ‘deporting the immigrants.’ Trump’s position on climate change and the Muslim ban was proof enough. His Twitter feuds, rants, and raw criticism against media houses remain unstoppable. The ghosts from this election continue to haunt the liberals to this day.

    Election 2016 – Fact Check

    On Tuesday, November 8th, 2016, the US observed its 58th quadrennial Presidential election. Republicans, Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence defeated Democrats, Hillary Clinton, and Tim Kaine. Trump was the first-ever candidate without any experience in politics or military service, whereas Clinton was the former Secretary of State.

    Trump won the Electoral College with 306 electoral votes from 30 states in comparison to Clinton’s 227. Two Republican electors defected from Trump’s camp, while five Democratic electors didn’t vote for Clinton. That was the most significant political upset in modern US history since Clinton won every pre-election national poll and got 2.87 million more votes than her opponent. Trump was the fifth President to win office even after losing the popular vote. He is also the oldest and wealthiest President yet. He took charge of the President's Office on January 20, 2017. Clinton was a clear favorite, but still, she lost. Many experts compared Trump's success with that of Harry S. Truman in 1948. The polls conducted on election eve showed Clinton was expected to receive 52-53% votes whereas she got 51%. A two percent difference wasn't much of an upset honestly.

    Statistics show that Republicans sealed their success and got 5% more votes in their active states. In swing states, they outperformed by 2% and failed to win in highly Democratic states. The better-than-expected results in Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and several other states swung the elections in Republicans' favor. On January 6, 2017, an inquiry was initiated by the Government's Intelligence Agencies against the alleged Russian interference in the elections 2016.

    Rust Belt States – Real Game Changers

    The Rust Belt states such as Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin played a significant role in taking Trump to the Presidential office. There are 64 electoral votes in these four states. These states have been considered predominantly pro-Democratic. However, the Republicans did particularly well in the small cities and towns of these states. Michael Moore called it 'Our Rust Belt Brexit.'

    These four blue states proved that there was nothing 'traditional' about this election. Until this election, these states remained loyal to the Democrats and did not follow in the footsteps of the rural, uneducated white population. The proof is Barack Obama's clean sweep in 2008, in which he bagged 53 out of 99 counties. In contrast to this, in 2016 Hillary failed to win any county except the six in Iowa.

    We should keep in mind that all four of these states have not elected a single Democratic governor from 2010 to 2016. A valid reason for this surprise or instead shocks for Democrats is that the people of these states were unhappy, even angry. Clinton's support for NAFTA, TPP, and other trade policies had left the nations of the Upper Midwest in industrial turmoil. Voters also ignored Donald's big mouth when it came to his populist message. Trump's aggressive nationalism appealed to the people of Michigan, especially when Ford Motor Factory planned to shut down and shift to Mexico. He threatened the company that doing this would mean a 35% tariff on any

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