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What is the 11th Commandment ?
What is the 11th Commandment ?
What is the 11th Commandment ?
Ebook72 pages51 minutes

What is the 11th Commandment ?

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What is the 11th Commandment?   A New way to love is an affirmation of Jesus profound and deep words to His closest disciples at the Last Supper. It is designed to inspire us to choose love, God's beautiful Agape' love,  as the focus of how we can tranform our own lives, the people around us and our culture as an everlasting spiritual community.

Release dateNov 17, 2022
What is the 11th Commandment ?

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    What is the 11th Commandment ? - David Clisset

    What is the 11th Commandment ?

    ... a new way to love

    Love is a powerful word...and even more powerful as a reality in life and in the realm of the Spirit. Although it is only four letters in the English language, it is very complex in the reality it expresses. The purpose of this little book is to inspire you to reach into heaven and into your heart, to find and release the greatest kind of love ever seen, Jesus kind of love, God’s kind of love. The goal is to reveal the keys  and cultivate a lifestyle so that it permeates our personal culture, affects our walk in this world, impacting our lives and relationships, in every way, every day. Although it is especially pointed toward our fellow followers of Christ, changing to express this love all ways will influence every aspect of our lives and how we interact with everyone around us. This is all about living and walking in a place of grace, not a place of performance. As we surrender to God’s grace, not simply relying on our own strength we can say: ‘Lord please help each of us be inspired and enabled by Your power of love from heaven. Through our hearts, spirits and every part of our beings, overflow and flood the earth, through us to others, with Your pure love. 

    There was a moment during the perennial Jewish Passover celebration, over 2000 years ago, famously known as the Last Supper, which was Jesus final celebration of that commemoration while He was in human form. It was to be His last meal with His disciples, when He said  '...a New Commandment I give to you, that you shall love one another just as I have loved you. That’s the way you should love one another. This is how everyone will know that you’re My disciples,  truly My followers, by actually loving each other this way.'   John 13:34-35 (pp = personal paraphrase)

    Upon carefully examining this 11th commandment, Jesus kind of love, is it is clearly directed to be activated amongst ourselves and only able to be practiced by those who are part of Jesus’ spiritual family, His body, the born again believers who are His followers, His disciples, those of us whose heart’s

    desire is to follow Him. As we connect to the God-head, the Holy Trinity, our hearts begin to beat in harmony with God, with heaven and with our family of faith here on earth. As believers we are part of one body, Jesus’ body, God’s temple. It is a special bond and opportunity to share in this love which every human heart is designed to cherish and experience. It is full of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, humility, and self control, the fruits of the Holy Spirit. We are the Kingdom of God. He is our King.

    Once we recognize this truth, we can choose to let Jesus kind of love flood our being and consciousness, fill our imagination, our hearts, minds and souls. It is our strength and the source of all our creativity. The need and opportunity for that is true for all of us, obviously including me. It is a personal, inner decision. By the power and presence of the Holy Spirit within, God can hear our thoughts and prayers. God and His love are within each of us, always. Since we have invited Jesus into our lives and hearts, we can experience it more and more each day. There’s more than enough to go around. God’s love is an overflowing fountain. There is a river of life and love flowing from God’s throne in the kingdom of heaven that’s inside you and me right now. Let it flow through you. Enjoy its presence. Please, go ahead and focus your consciousness on the joy and peace of God’s presence, the power and beauty of His eternal love. Be and feel free to spread it and share it with those around you. Especially those who are his disciples. That includes us today. He prayed that night, ‘I ask not only for these disciples, but also for all those who will one day believe in me through their message. I pray for them all to be joined together as one, even as You and I, Father, are

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