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In Search of Real Monsters: Adventures in Cryptozoology, Volume II
In Search of Real Monsters: Adventures in Cryptozoology, Volume II
In Search of Real Monsters: Adventures in Cryptozoology, Volume II
Ebook306 pages6 hours

In Search of Real Monsters: Adventures in Cryptozoology, Volume II

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From animals long believed extinct to monsters we thought never existed —a cryptozoologist’s true accounts of his worldwide hunt for legendary creatures.

Cryptozoologist Richard Freeman has spent years researching and tracking down mythical monsters. In this book, he recounts more riveting monster hunt stories from his globetrotting adventures: through the dense forests of Sumatra on the trail of a mystery ape known as the orang-pendek, to Tasmania in search of the thylacine or Tasmanian wolf. Every corner of Earth has its own monster —even in the traceless Gobi Desert, where he searches for the Mongolian death worm, a creature so feared by the nomads that it can send a whole community into a panic.

Freeman also provides excellent advice on how to carry out your own cryptozoological expeditions from scratch—with information on:
  • what equipment to take
  • inoculations
  • how to choose which mythical animals to hunt
  • planning ahead
  • the importance of getting good local guides, and more
Release dateJan 18, 2022
In Search of Real Monsters: Adventures in Cryptozoology, Volume II

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    In Search of Real Monsters - Richard Freeman


    Praise for In Search Of Real Monsters

    Richard Freeman must surely be the world’s most widely-travelled field cryptozoologist, scouring the globe for well over twenty years in search of such elusive mystery beasts as British lake monsters, Mongolian death worms, Tasmanian wolves, Russian and Sumatran man-beasts, South American water tigers, and African dragons, to name but a few. Now he has drawn upon the extensive knowledge and experience gained during his many expeditions and voracious reading to write this fascinating book, packed with new, original insights and forthright opinions, making it essential reading for everyone who dreams of following in his footsteps seeking unknown animals.

    —Dr. Karl Shuker, zoologist and author

    Freeman’s book on monsters is a page-turning treat. Not only does he pack it with excellent overviews, facts, and details on cryptozoology, he also grips the reader with accounts of his own expeditions. These globe-trotting journals bring the hidden and mysterious creatures of nature into the mud and dirt of serious, real-world research, leaving us with a thrilling and inspiring book. Yes, Freeman takes monsters seriously, but he never loses his sense of fun, wonder, and adventure. Recommended.

    —Peter Laws, author of The Frighteners: Why We Love Monsters, Ghosts, Death, and Gore

    Copyright © 2022 Richard Freeman

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    In Search of Real Monsters: Adventures in Cryptozoology Volume 2

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication number: 2021946732

    ISBN: (p) 978-1-64250-750-8 (e) 978-1-64250-751-5

    BISAC NAT007000, NATURE / Animals / Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures

    Printed in the United States of America

    In Search


    Real Monsters

    Adventures in Cryptozoology

    Volume ii

    Richard Freeman

    Coral Gables

    Table of Contents



    Chapter One

    Living or Dead?

    Chapter Two

    Giant Creatures

    Chapter Three

    My Own Adventures in Monster Hunting

    Chapter Four

    How to Hunt for Monsters: Organizing a Cryptozoological Expedition

    An Afterword

    About the Author


    I started the Centre for Fortean Zoology back in 1992, but it was four years later that, at the Unconvention run by Fortean Times, I met Richard Freeman, who was then a student in zoology at Leeds University. And we have been friends ever since. He spent much of 1997 visiting me and my friend Graham Inglis at my house in Exeter. Together, we carried out a string of investigations into local zoological mysteries; we hunted for big cats, visited the woodlands in southern Cornwall which are the haunts of the grotesque owlman, and carried out a necropsy on a dolphin which had died under mysterious circumstances.

    It seemed, therefore, totally logical that, when Richard finished his studies in 1998, he would move down to Exeter to work with us.

    For the next seven years, until I moved up to North Devon to look after my dying father, Richard and I were housemates and planned his early expeditions. The first one was in 2000, when he went to Thailand, searching for the terrifying serpent dragon, the naga. Upon his return, I was on the edge of my seat as I heard how he crawled through subterranean passages in which he was probably the only European to have been, in the certain knowledge that if anything went wrong, nobody would be able to rescue him, and he would certainly die down there. Three years later came his first expedition in search of the Orang-Pendek, a fabled upright walking ape of the Sumatran rain forests. It was the first of many trips that he took to the Kerinci Sablat National Park, a series of expeditions which finally bore fruit in 2009, when Dave Archer and Sahar Deimus of the expedition actually saw the creature.

    Since those early expeditions, Richard has been to the Gambia, Karbadino Balkaria in the Russian Caucasus, Northern India, Guyana, and on a number of trips to Tasmania in search of the thylacine.

    Richard is more than a friend to me; he is closer to being a brother. And I have worked with him now for a quarter of a century. He is undoubtedly the most visible member of the Centre for Fortean Zoology, and as well as being an intrepid explorer who has visited many places where no other European has been, he is a fine author and raconteur, and—unusually, for the present generation of cryptozoologists—he is a very logical biological theorist. Not for him, ludicrous flights of fancy which would fit more obviously into works of science fiction, but firm and logical hypothesising which fit comfortably into the accepted framework of modern zoology.

    People like Richard and myself find it hard to fit into twenty-first-century Britain. Richard in particular gives off the aura of somebody who was born a hundred years before, and in an increasingly homogenous and often bland society, in my humble opinion, we need people like Richard Freeman more than ever.

    Jon Downes

    Director, Centre for Fortean Zoology

    North Devon

    July 202



    So here we are at the start of volume two of Adventures in Cryptozoology. It was never meant to be a two-volume work, but the sheer amount of material, even in an introductory work such as this, would have resulted in a tome thick enough to use as a doorstop. Ergo the hefty volume was rent asunder into two parts.

    In this part we continue our exploration of real-life monsters by first looking at creatures once known to have existed but now thought by mainstream science to have become extinct. In many cases, this presumption may be premature. Chief among these is the Tasmanian wolf, the beautiful animal that graces the cover of this very book—a wolf-like striped marsupial that haunts the wilds of Tasmania, and possibly mainland Australia and the mysterious island of New Guinea. In the jungles of South America, we follow the spoor of the giant ground sloth, a shaggy giant thought extinct since the end of the last ice age. Could relic populations still persist in the depths of the green hell of the Amazon and other remote areas?

    Some monsters may have an even older pedigree. From the steaming rain forests and swamps of Central Africa come stories of surviving dinosaurs. Vast, long-necked sauropods, horned ceratopsians, and even the infamous Tyrannosaurus rex. Do they really exist, and if they do, are they really what we think they are?

    Monsters do not need to be prehistoric or even unknown. Size itself can be a factor in creating a cryptid. We will examine hair-raising stories of giant reptiles. Crocodiles are feared as the most dangerous man-eaters on the planet, but we do not know the true extent of their size. From three continents, we look at stories of monster crocs that dwarf the largest known specimens and are truly the stuff of our most primal fears. We also go on the trail of mega-serpents, massive anacondas and pythons from the traveller’s tales of old to modern-day sightings.

    This volume is more personal than the first insofar as I recount some of my own adventures tracking cryptids across the globe. These include expeditions in search of the yeti, the Mongolian death worm, the Tasmanian wolf, the orang-pendek, the almasty, and the gul.

    Finally, I will end the book with some advice for would-be cryptozoologists who want to follow in my footsteps. I will tell you how to organize your very own cryptozoological expedition from scratch. What beast to select? What equipment to take? How to find native guides? These and other questions will be answered.

    Good luck—it may be you writing the next book on cryptozoology with your own discoveries.

    —Richard Freeman,

    The Centre for Fortean Zoology,

    Devon, England

    Chapter One

    Living or Dead?

    Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.

    —Carl Sagan

    Time and again animals that we have thought to be extinct have turned up alive and well. The night parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) is a small parrot from central Australia which was thought to be extinct. No sighting had occurred since 1912. Then, in 2013, it turned up out of the blue in a remote, arid area of the outback.

    The night parrot is a small creature, a bit like a budgie on steroids. Not like the Zanzibar leopard (Panthera pardus pardus), which was thought extinct after a campaign to exterminate it in the 1960s. In 2018 one strolled into view and was filmed by a camera trap. Zanzibar has an area of 950 square miles, a tiny space in which to hide a population of leopards, but they are there.

    The takahē (Porphyrio hochstetteri) is a large, flightless bird related to the moorhen and found only on New Zealand. It was last seen in 1898, but was rediscovered in 1948 in the mountains of South Island.

    The Bermuda petrel (Pterodroma cahow) is a seabird identified in 1612. It was thought to have been hunted to extinction by the 1620s, and was thought extinct for over three hundred years, until one crashed into a lighthouse in 1951. We now know this extinct bird nests on four islands off Bermuda.

    These are just a few examples from a long list. If these creatures could survive, we must ask ourselves, what other animals that mainstream science assures us are long gone still walk the earth?

    The Tasmanian Wolf

    Of all the world’s cryptids, the most likely to exist is the enigmatic and beautiful creature known as the thylacine. This flesh-eating marsupial is one of the most spectacular examples of convergent evolution, where two distinct species, often on opposite sides of the world, bear a remarkable resemblance to one another due to both inhabiting similar ecological niches. The thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) is also known as the Tasmanian wolf or Tasmanian tiger and is convergent with the placental wolf. The animal bears a striking resemblance to a wolf or dog, but with stripes along its hindquarters. Of course, it is not related to the wolf or the tiger. Neither should it be confused with the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), a superficially badger-like flesh-eating marsupial, or the spotted or tiger quoll (Dasyurus maculatus), a native cat-like marsupial predator. Both sexes have a backward-facing pouch. In females it is used to nurture and protect developing young, and in males to protect the sex organs as the animal runs through vegetation after prey. The skull has a gape far wider than that of a wolf or dog. The thylacine’s dental formula is different to a wolf’s. It bears four incisors and four molars in each quadrant of the jaw, as opposed to only three of each in true canids. The thylacine has a more powerful bite than a wolf, but the skull is less adapted to holding struggling prey. This suggests a different hunting strategy. Whereas pack-hunting wolves use number to pull down prey and worry it to death, thylacines may kill small prey animals with one bite and, with larger victims, inflict a bite, then let them bleed to death. It is not as well adapted for fast running as a wolf, but seems to have more stamina for pursuit over long distances.

    The thylacine is the largest marsupial predator of recent times, and has a lineage that reaches back to the Miocene epoch. Thylacines were once found across mainland Australia and New Guinea as well as Tasmania. Standard thinking would have us believe that the species died out on the mainland around three thousand years ago, perhaps from diseases transmitted by the introduced dingo. However, sightings persist in both Australia and New Guinea up to the present day.

    When white settlers first colonized Tasmania in 1803, they began an act of ecological genocide. The largest broad-leafed trees on earth, the giant mountain ashes, were cut down. The Tasmanian black emus were hunted into extinction by the 1830s. The Tasmanian Aboriginal populations were decimated by hunting and disease. Their culture has almost entirely vanished, and only vestiges remain.

    Areas of forest were cut down to allow the grazing of sheep. The Tasmanian wolf was an inconvenience for sheep farmers. Doubtless the creature did indeed kill some sheep. Slow-moving, placid targets are hard for predators to resist, but the claims of predation by some sheep farmers were on such a scale as to be physically impossible.

    Like most politicians everywhere and at every time, the Tasmanian officials were self-serving cowards with knee-jerk reactions. To be seen as doing something, they offered bounties on thylacines from 1830 to 1909. The bounty was set at one dollar per head. During those years, 2,184 bounties were paid. By the 1920s, the thylacine had become scarce in the wild. A thylacine was shot by Wilf Batty at Mawbanna in 1930. Elias Churchill trapped one alive in the Florentine Valley in 1933.

    Many specimens were caught for zoos around the world, including London, but no concerted attempt was made to captive-breed them. The last captive animal died on September 7, 1936, at Hobart Zoo, apparently from cold, as it had been locked out of its sleeping quarters.

    Since the date of the Tasmanian wolf’s official extinction, there have been more than four thousand reported sightings.

    These come not just from laymen, but also from some very credible witnesses, including zoologist Hans Naarding, who in 1982 observed a large male thylacine near the Arthur River in the state’s northwest. He had spent decades studying animals around the world. In Tasmania, he had been studying a bird called Latham’s snipe (Gallinago hardwickii). At two in the morning, he awoke.

    I was in the habit of intermittently shining a spotlight around. The beam fell on an animal in front of the vehicle, less than ten meters away. Instead of risking movement by grabbing for a camera, I decided to register very carefully what I was seeing. The animal was about the size of a small shepherd dog, a very healthy male in prime condition. What set it apart from a dog, though, was a slightly sloping hindquarter, with a fairly thick tail being a straight continuation of the backline of the animal. It had twelve distinct stripes on its back, continuing onto its butt. I knew perfectly well what I was seeing. As soon as I reached for the camera, it disappeared into the tea-tree undergrowth and scrub.

    The official government report into the sighting concluded that it must be accepted that thylacines survive in a number of areas of Tasmania.

    Another expert witness was Charlie Beasley, a ranger with the Department of Environment and Land Management. It occurred in January 1995. Beasley was bird-watching at dusk in a valley in the Pyangana region, inland from St. Helens, in the northeast of the island. He saw an animal sniffing around on a ledge, and observed via binoculars and described the beast.

    Dirty brown colour with black stripes down its ribcage and about half the size of a full-grown Alsatian dog. It had a face like a Staffordshire bull terrier, but more elongated. The animal stretched, turned, and walked back into the dense scrub. The tail was heavy and somewhat like that of a kangaroo, and was held out in a gentle curve.

    Beasley had the animal in view for two minutes.

    The creature’s continued survival has even been predicted by a computer programme. Professor Henry Nix of the Australian University’s Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies developed a programme called BIOCLIM. A research tool, BIOCLIM matched what was known about the habits and preferences of a species with geographical areas. It matched the two up and predicted where, within a given area, the target species was most likely to be found. Nix applied this to the thylacine. There was an almost perfect match between where the programme predicted the animals would be if they had survived and the areas where sightings were being made. Nix concluded that people really were seeing thylacines. Professor Nix thought that as many as a thousand thylacines may still exist island-wide.

    The following factors should also be noted. Firstly, there are many iconic extinct animals, such as the dodo (Raphus cucullatus), the great auk (Pinguinus impennis), and the passenger pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), that nobody reports seeing. But people report the Tasmanian wolf on a regular basis. Secondly, the southwest of Tasmania was never settled, save for a handful of tin miners and fishermen at Port Davey. The area itself produced no thylacines during the bounty period. The area is not ideal for the animal, but we know that creatures under pressure can retreat to, and indeed thrive in, less-than-perfect conditions. A good example is the recently discovered population of Bengal tigers (Panthera tigris tigris) living in the high Himalayan mountains in Bhutan at an altitude of up to 11,500 feet, far above their normal range. Therefore, it is quite possible that thylacine populations moved into the southwest during the bounty years and remained unmolested. Eventually, these would have recolonized other areas of the island. Today most reports come from the northeast and west of Tasmania, and the west coast.

    Dr. David Pemberton, curator of zoology at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, whose PhD thesis was on the thylacine, says that despite the scientific belief that five hundred animals are required to sustain a population, the Florida panther is down to a dozen or so animals and, while it does have some inbreeding problems, is still ticking along. He said, I’d take a punt and say that, if we manage to find a thylacine in the scrub, it means that there are fifty-plus animals out there.

    The thylacine’s closest living relative, the Tasmanian devil has recently had problems with a disease sweeping through its populations. Devil facial tumour disease is a form of transmissible cancer passed on through bites. It has affected 65 percent of Tasmania and caused an 80 percent reduction in populations in the affected areas. However, genetic research into the devils has suggested that the species would only need a base population of around twenty-five individuals to repopulate. If the Tasmanian devil has the genetic capacity to do this, then perhaps the Tasmanian wolf does as well. It is not without reason that the thylacine has been called the healthiest extinct animal you will ever see.

    Further examples of thylacine sightings in Tasmania will be looked at in a later chapter. Now we will look at claims of thylacines seen on mainland Australia, where conventional wisdom tells us they died out around three thousand years ago.

    Journalist Samela Harris of Naracoorte News began to collect and investigate stories of animals resembling Tasmanian wolves reported from South Australia. In 1967, a group of children on a school bus saw a strange, striped, dog-like animal between Naracoorte and Lucindale. The mother of one of the witnesses, Mrs. Dawn Anderson, also began to collect sightings. Between them, they amassed many eyewitness accounts. Mrs. Anderson produced a drawing based on the school children’s descriptions. The sketch shows the distinctive long hind feet of a thylacine.

    In mid-1967, Mrs. Anderson and her son observed a thylacine for fifteen minutes as it moved along a ditch in a swamp. In February of the following year, she and fifteen other people in three cars tried to corner a thylacine in a reed bed, unsuccessfully. In March of the same year, she saw one crossing a paddock.

    Samela Harris interviewed a witness called Jack Victory, a Parks Commission employee who had seen one such creature along the Younghusband Peninsula.

    "I was about four hundred yards away, looking at birds through a telescope. I just didn’t know what he was… He was a large animal, a bit like a fox and a bit like a kangaroo. But he was neither. He started to run along, loping gait. He had a dog’s head and a large, tapering, rather stiff-looking tail. His torso was striped in grey. The rest of the body was brown.

    When we got to the spot where we had seen him, we found his paw prints in the clay. They were about the size of my fist, and looked quite similar when I stuck my fist into the clay beside his imprint. We estimated his weight to be between 120 and 150 pounds. The animal’s appearance fits only that of the thylacine.

    Tourist officer John Pocock was rounding up emus in long grass on a private wildlife reserve just outside of Rendlesham when he saw an animal observing him. It was a weird-looking thing, with canine features in the upper part of the body and marsupial features, like a kangaroo, at the rear. It was striped like a tiger.

    A commonwealth film crew was in the area at the time, filming wildlife, but by the time he had located the crew and brought the cameraman to the area, the creature had gone.

    A creature that was seen around the hamlet of Ozenkadnook in southern Victoria was given the tongue-twisting name of the Ozenkadnook tiger by the media. Farmer Cyril Tucker tracked one in 1962 and came within sixty feet of it. He said it was larger than an Alsatian dog, with a low-slung body, a long, thick tail, and a kangaroo-like head. It was grey with black stripes on the rump. It ran off with a strange loping gait, the hind legs moving together.

    Another time he came upon the creature with his dogs. He set the dogs on it, and it leapt away, making three big bounds on its hind legs, a mode of movement thylacines were known to use. Tucker was lucky the beast did not turn on its pursuers. Thylacines have been known to bite right through the skulls of dogs that attack them.

    In the same year, nine members of the Edenhope Hunt Club chased one of the animals through the scrub. Miss Lee Lightburn described it as amazingly like a Tasmanian tiger.

    In 1982, National Parks Ranger Peter Simon saw a thylacine in a clearing near Gibraltar Creek, Australian Capital Territory. Having seen many illustrations of the Tasmanian wolf, he was adamant that this is what he had seen. He was only one hundred feet from the animal as it crossed the clearing. During the following year, two groups of tourists told him that they had seen the same animal in the area.

    Wilson’s Promontory in Victoria is another hotspot for mainland sightings. It began in 1955, when something began to kill sheep in large numbers. Sheep were devoured overnight and dragged over two hundred yards. People started to report a strange creature that was named the Wonthaggi monster after a town in the era.

    On December 6, 1955, Ern Featherstone, a car salesman, was demonstrating a car to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Schmedje just one and a half miles from Wonthaggi when a strange creature appeared.

    It ran along the side of the road and disappeared into some scrub. When we stopped, it was looking at us. I’ve never seen anything like it. It was brown-striped, a sleek coat, and got along with a peculiar bound. It was two feet six inches tall and five feet long and had a tail as long as its body.

    Mr. Schmedje added It moved like a wallaby does when running on all fours. It had a fox-like head and long nose.

    In November 1979, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thorpe were driving in the Promontory’s National Park when a creature emerged from the bush and crossed the road in front of their car.

    We were not moving fast, probably around forty kilometres per hour, and got a good look at the animal. It was taller than my Labrador, but was lower in the hindquarters. It moved with a peculiar hopping gait. Its tail was very thick at the base and longer than a dog’s, tapering to a point. It appeared to be a dark to light grey in colour and had distinctive darker bands around the hindquarters. The stripes did not appear to be black but were a darker grey than the rest of the body.

    These are just a few scattered examples out of hundreds of sightings that suggest the creature may still be alive on the mainland. A number of films and photographs have turned up purporting to show thylacines on the mainland. Most of these appear to be feral red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) with mange.

    In West Papua (formally Irian Jaya), the hill tribes report a dog-like carnivore they call dobsonga. They describe it as looking like a dog with striped flanks, a stiff tail, and wide jaws. They say it comes down from the mountains and kills pigs, goats, and other livestock. Thylacine hunter Ned Terry visited the area and showed the natives pictures of the Tasmanian wolf, which they identified as the dobsonga.

    Ralf Kiesel, an explorer of Western Papua, wrote to renowned cryptozoologist Karl Shuker about persistent sightings of thylacines in Baliem Valley. In the early 1970s Jan Sarkang, a Papuan friend of Kiesel, working with a friend, Punca Jaya, had just made camp for some geologists and were eating a meal. Two dog-like

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