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King of Nord & The end of all religions & Peace and Security on Earth
King of Nord & The end of all religions & Peace and Security on Earth
King of Nord & The end of all religions & Peace and Security on Earth
Ebook56 pages50 minutes

King of Nord & The end of all religions & Peace and Security on Earth

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About this ebook

Today, we see more and more clearly that the world is polarizing, grouping into two large blocs. Only now is this process developing clearly in front of us.

That's why we want to present what was written thousands of years before these events that are unfolding before our eyes.

The answer to which block will prevail is what will hap

PublisherJohn Sky
Release dateNov 30, 2022
King of Nord & The end of all religions & Peace and Security on Earth

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    King of Nord & The end of all religions & Peace and Security on Earth - John Sky

    King of Nord

    The end of all


    Peace and Security on Earth

    John Sky

    In front of us, two blocs are increasingly confronting each other, who will prevail in the coming conflict between Anglo-America and its allies on the one hand, against China & Russia and their allies on the other side?

    What are the consequences, from whom comes the destruction of all religions and the establishment of peace and security on earth?

    What does a house without windows look like?

    Isn't that the case with a person without faith?

    Imagine someone telling you that there won't be a single faith or religion on the planet anymore, God will die?

    That people will close the spiritual windows?

    What is coming, who is the King of the North, by whom will be proclaimed Peace and Security on Earth?

    For as long as humans have existed, they have always had some form of faith.

    A multitude of different origins and races, of all generations, persistently tried to understand the meaning of life.

    Beliefs have been interwoven throughout the millennia, in their various forms, in the iris of human history.

    For thousands of years, people thought everything is transitory, only the Church is eternal and thought, whose country is, whose religion is.

    It is forgotten that humanity has been at war since its inception. Not from this century, the last or several centuries ago, but over six thousand years. And that same conflict is still going on. Since humans have been involved in the dispute over sovereignty in the Universe, the conflict of higher creatures has also involved our race in an overarching question.

    That universal chess, with heavenly and earthly fields and figures, unfolds according to certain moves.

    Some wonder, is all this happening just the semi-final or the final of the great showdown on Earth?

    The answer is given in the book of Daniel, which is the twenty-seventh book of the Holy Scriptures, written around the year 585 BC, which would tell us more than two thousand six hundred years ago.

    It is a sad fact that it is not written or talked about enough. That is why this publication intends to provide insight into the prophecies, without any interference and mediation in politics, religion, or any other processes, relationships, and intentions.

    To arrive at an explanation of the prophet's accurate prediction, we want to look back at the time frame, the picture of the world in which we find ourselves.


    Today, we see more and more clearly that the world is polarizing, grouping into two large blocs. Only now is this process developing clearly in front of us. That's why we want to present what was written thousands of years before these events that are unfolding before our eyes.

    The answer to which block will prevail is what will happen in the future.

    Those who have studied the scriptures from various sources know about Daniel's prophecy about the end times that he saw in the statue vision of world governments, where Daniel explains the vision given to him by Almighty God YHWH (the unvocalized proper name of Almighty God, which due to usage vowels between the four letters of the Tetragrammaton יהוה used differently, of which the most common forms are Yahweh or Jehovah). Some translations use Lord and other expressions instead of the name YHWH.                                                                      #

    The prophet Daniel saw four great beasts emerging from the sea: a lion, a bear, a leopard, and a cruel beast.

    It is interesting that a prophet who lived more than two and a half thousand years ago, could look into the passage of time, and show the blueprint of the future with such accuracy.

    Daniel described the giant image that king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon saw in a vision. As the prophet explained to the ruler, the vision came from God. He explained

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