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Inspirational Explosion from Deep Within God's Anointed Touch
Inspirational Explosion from Deep Within God's Anointed Touch
Inspirational Explosion from Deep Within God's Anointed Touch
Ebook267 pages3 hours

Inspirational Explosion from Deep Within God's Anointed Touch

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About this ebook

Inspired stories, poems, visions, and daily reading to help lift the spirits on anyone assuring them they are not in the world alone and there is a bright and shining star to every story.  Based on my experiences and those I was able to help others get through when we would sit down together. 

Release dateNov 11, 2022
Inspirational Explosion from Deep Within God's Anointed Touch

Leroy Hubbert

Born premature the doctors said I would not live to be this old. They didn't give me any chance at all but for a praying mother, a lady she met on the bus, and a doctor who prescribed --Up and crackers for medicine, I am still here. I am a 22 year retired veteran of the United States Air Force and single parent who found grace through all my adversities and the peace of the words in my prayers. After going to be with my Lord twice from out of the counsel came this book and the spirit that gives other hope. Through all my struggles I have managed to work and go to school full time while taking care of two children under the anointed hand of God. I've been raised through many adversities and it was grace that leaves here today waiting on my next journey in life.

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    Inspirational Explosion from Deep Within God's Anointed Touch - Leroy Hubbert


    As we get into the book, let me tell the true story of the author and how this anointing came to be shining ever so brightly in the sight of God Almighty. The story is something that has been stemming from the conception of who I am as a person and a blessed child of God. I give him the glory, for, without him, my life would not have come to be, and I should have been taken from this earth long before it happened. But God had a plan for me, and when I had played out every aspect of my pretending to be happy but never finding satisfaction in the road I was traveling, the Lord lay his hand on me as if to say, Welcome home, for my child has returned. In my life, I did what most people would call cheating death, but I call it the grace of my Savior, Jesus the Christ, standing in the gap as God worked out my kinks.

    My story began on November 4, 1964, when I was welcomed into this world approximately six months premature, and the doctors did not give me hope to live to be a year-old if I remember correctly how the story went. One day, my mother, being the praying godly saint of a woman she is, was sitting with a sick baby in her hand and was approached by the light that illuminated around her. The lady looked at me and gave my mother instructions on who I was to see, and it is a funny thing how the favor of God works. Immediately after all the doctors had given up hope, the one soldier of fortune looked at me and told her the hospital doctors were trying to starve (kill) that baby. It was as simple as 7 Up soda and crackers for a newborn that healed what all of the modern medicine at that time could not. I live for seven up now because it is so hard to find or maybe I am just not looking in the right places, but rest assured, I get me a couple of bottles when I see them and think about the goodness of God’s grace that sustained me. It is my drink of choice. LOL!

    As time went on, I was somewhat a sickly child until I started to get well into my school-age years, and I began to grow into my own. I managed to make it through high school and then a year and a half of college before joining the military to defend my country and see the world. It took a while, but I was headstrong in some respects and did not allow anyone to walk over me. I used to always preach and did not know I was doing so until one day I was standing on the street of Kansas City, Missouri, in my old neighborhood, after being gone a few years. To my surprise, one of the guys I met in the fourth grade just happened to be driving by where I was standing and got out of his car and began to testify to me. I had saved his life by talking to him about his drug use which was the in thing when we were growing, but it was limited to marijuana use because no one knew about the harder stuff until we were out of school.

    I sat in silence and pondered on life and the many things that come our way along with situations that keep us on edge, leaving us faced with a whirlwind of decisions that need to be processed with both our carnal mind as well as our spiritual mind during one of the few times God calls them to work together. From time to time, we face these decisions that are better left in their original state and other times where a very delicate touch is required. Just as I did the previous night, I sat asking myself as to what causes a person to be put on edge.

    Why do I even try? Why do I keep pursuing those things that are sometimes better left alone? Why am I faced with situations in which, when my mind tells me one thing, a monkey wrench is thrown into the midst, putting me in a quandary of confusion? Then I find the answer deep in my spirit and in a song that reveals the answer in its lyrics: "It’s only a test we’re going through. It won’t last always. You just try him. Don’t deny him. It’s only a test you’re going through. Somewhere amid that sound, the words just kept ringing out— Stay the course!"

    Being a parent is one of the most difficult yet rewarding adventures you can take in life. But in the midst, there is something always lurking to not only take that joy from you but also to keep you tied down in wake of your deliverance. When I said in the wake, it means God is only nudging now to keep your attention on him so that you can be witness to the full glory of what plan he has in store. There are still a lot of unanswered questions that need God’s attention and your patience to be a testimony and witness to the glory that has sustained you. But if you will just follow your heart and stay the course, it will come in due time because if all these mixed signals get in your way, that can only mean one thing: the consideration that you have in glory has run its course, and the devil is given that last shot at destroying what God has already ordained. Amen!

    Back in July 2006, when God took me from this earth, I did not see the pearly gates of heaven or the streets paved with gold, but what I did see was the darkness—the darkness that surrounded me, and for three days, Jesus held me and comforted me as we walked together in the gardens of glory. Some of you might have heard the story; you might know and understand that I was lifted from out of the darkness. God showed me the light of salvation as I opened my eyes. I still did not understand, but in his time, God gave me grace upon my head. God was not through with me yet, but he did send the Savior that would stand in the gap as the angels ministered to my soul the same as they did with Jesus when he went into seclusion for forty days and forty nights. When I rose again, all the power of Jesus was in my hand each time I called out his name. My days were extended; the anointing of my territory extended each time someone read a post that I put on Facebook, telling of his glory not only in my testimony but also in your story. Your test is almost over; do not spend your days trying to make something happen, but let the will of God deliver it to you in the time and season he has already deemed to be.

    In the spirit, the Lord spoke to me the other morning, making a revelation in this way: Sometimes, you have to remain outside the box to see what is happening on the inside. Meaning: Stop trying to solve every situation that comes your way and just wait to see what comes.


    Live your dreams, and don’t let the blessings pass you by

    First, I want to give praise to my God of order, without whose blessings and favor this book would not have been made possible.

    I want to give special thanks to my parents and children who gave me strength as well as encouragement to always do the right thing and making me realize that blessings come when least expected.

    I also want to thank Mrs. H. B. Hermean, who is heaven-sent, who recognized that the load I was carrying was too much for me to bear.

    I want to thank my pastor, Reverend B. R. Thompson, of Simon Temple AME Zion Church in North Carolina, who guided my path when the world seemed to be closing in on me.

    Let your visions be made possible to your situations, for God said, Write the vision and make it plain for at an appointed time, and you will see the glory. Just as an architect draws up the blueprint before construction, God gives you the authority to draw the blueprint of your life when you step out on faith. Design your dreams on paper, and let it be known to God, for the doorway is already open. Don’t let your dreams pass you by always wondering what if when the doorway is open right now. All you have to do is step through with trust and understand that mistakes made in the past are now being erased as you start your beginning for the future. Amen!

    In loving memory of my father, Mr. Willie L. Hubbert who looked at me, saying, This could be God’s gift to your freedom and so the writing continues.

    In loving memory of my brother, Mr. Russell Hubbert whose favorite saying when things were hard, It’s going to get better later!


    A Word for Everyday Uplifting

    Blessed are those comforted by the Father and relieved by our Lord of grace who came in the flesh that we might have solace throughout our eternal life.

    Father God in heaven, bless another day here on earth, once again in the plan for your people you bring us close yet one more time both in the flesh as well as in the spirit of unity. Fill this place, dear Lord, with your presence, and let those also that come into my path be filled by the anointed power of your deliverance through Jesus’s blessed and mighty name. Give us a word of peace as we sit by grace, anointed by favor, to see the miracles once again that you would deliver to us on this day. Your word tells us today, ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are his and to God the things that belong to him’ (Mk. 12:17).

    Fulfilled by his will in heaven and touched by the Lord of grace, we have found happiness in the will of my God in heaven that has brought us close together in mind, body, and spirit. By his power found in our prayers, we can start a new revolution of hope and tranquility that I pray will last throughout the generations to come and continue to get bigger as time passes by.

    Nothing is done on our own but according to his will, and the works that we have in our prayer, as well as the actions we take to carry out his will, can make a difference (Eph. 3:20–21).

    So many of us seek to find the word of the Lord for ourselves, yet we sometimes forget that the message is meant to be shared with others. This I bring, hoping that we might all find our deliverance when we come together and agree in the blessings of his anointed works, yet we hunger for more but are afraid to reveal that which is given during our journeys to continue to climb the ladder of salvation or deliverance. Understand that when I search to find the positive people in my life, I seek to find the inner man or woman that is publicized in the discernment of his will that sustains me. We have to discipline ourselves to be responsive to those that are in need instead of seeking to be needy, and in that instance, we reach the rewards of my God in heaven. Bowed down in fervent prayer, there is just something about those prayers that keep us coming back for more, knowing God is still amid our desires. Amen (Isa. 58:6–9).

    The choices we make in life can mean the difference between rising to see another day soaring high with grace or destroying all that was given in this gift of living in the peace and love of God’s anointing. When something as delicate as life is put in your hands, do you ignore it or do you embrace it and seek out the pleasures of knowing it, no matter how hard it may get sometimes? It is all up to you; the choice is yours to live in peace and harmony, accepting that which has been dealt with you and understanding it is sometimes a test and sometimes a blessing of God’s rewards (Ps. 18:19–21).

    Sometimes, I sit in the tranquility of my home, looking at all that I am blessed with, and cannot help but wonder where would I be had it not been for my God in heaven. Judge me not lest you be judged in what you are going through. Separate me from your dilemma in life, and there I will find my comfort in the things that I must face as I walk this earth with my Lord holding open the door to salvation. It is funny the things we face in life with everyone seeing the things that we cannot, but we know that God has a plan and place for it all. Deliverance is near when things start to happen to test your faith and patience, yet you are still able to fall on your face, giving God the praise, the rebuking that which is not of the Christian following. Sometimes, we look to others to define and defend when we need God to solidify our journey and reaffirm by our faith and his voice that the battles are not our but his to command when peace is given to us. (Phil. 4:6–8)

    Settle me from deep within my soul, O Lord, and lay your hand upon me as you bring my spirit to rest before our Father in heaven. Help me to find a way that I might rise in your anointed blessings and no longer find myself blinded by the world that caused my suffering. Change me, dear God, and edify my soul with wisdom. Speak, Lord, and let the sound of your voice rest upon my ears and the spirit of them that gather. Father God in heaven, remove that which is not of your call and nature as you reveal my new direction in my walk with Christ. Father, you know my will and desire to serve the blessed children of whom you have called. O Lord, let me not stand alone but surround me with kingdom-minded people that I might rise in the path of your glory that is bestowed upon me in Jesus’s mighty name. Amen!

    I believe God is lifting the heavy burdens of your soul right now that you might walk and not stagger as you embrace the new season in prayer and hope for better days trusting in his power. He is called by so many names, each with a different meaning, and still, he never fails to answer when we call on him in humble faith, no matter what religion you might practice. He does not work in darkness but works past it instead and brings you to the light of salvation during new seasons with him in glory (Matt. 11:28).

    Discouragement: Something that happens when the people around you try to bring you down with the tools, they bring to the fight each time they see a child of God begins to receive elevation. Just because they come to you and can read some of the things that are going on in life doesn’t mean they are heaven-sent. Sometimes, they come with the intent to keep the fires of destruction burning, and we just have to let the powers of discernment take over and guide us through his wisdom. Amen.

    The edification of Jesus’s teachings provides you with the wisdom and spiritual insight needed to keep on pushing on. Check this: John 14:1–3 tells us in short, Keep our eye on the prize for he has already started to build the home that we long-awaited to have and in time he shall open the doors and hand us the key. Don’t lose the home that is being prepared for you because of a false prophet; listen to the voice of God in your life, and let the elevation of his anointing guide your ways.

    Here we begin as we find new light lifting us from our tribulations. The unstable waves and rocky roads we once traveled are beginning to smooth out, and prayer, once again, has delivered us into the arms of peace and comfort. As we give way to God and all the glory of what he has accomplished in our lives, let us start this New Year with the excitement of knowing the desires of our hearts and the joys we have prayed for will not go unanswered. So many wonderful people past and present that have come into my life and this new season, I pray that you will find life and the issues that we face easier to cope with as we grow in this new chapter of life. Keeping up with the tradition of his anointing that you all have come to expect from me, I believe this revelation is just what the doctor ordered as we toss out the old and set up with the new (2 Cor. 5:17).

    "Father in heaven, as we look to you for prosperity in the mighty name of Jesus, let us find peace in our determination to reach for new heights to bring us glory. Let us not tarry in our destination any longer, dear God, but show us the way that time is not wasted.

    Remove the hands of our captors and the pain that comes with them day by day as you teach us to find the joy that we have longed to have as this new season comes to pass. My road has become less traveled because I know there is a new path in my journey being laid out as we sit in the confidence of this meeting place that we call prayer understanding; what we see will not last because new things have been granted each day that we rise in glory. Touch my heart that I might continue to grow and mind that it might be emptied of the worldly things and filled with spiritual ease that puts me at rest. As we come to the mountaintop, let our hearts not be troubled any longer, but let us find peace in midst of all things that come against us in life, for this is the season of claiming the victory in Jesus’s mighty name I pray. Amen! (Ps. 90:12–17).

    Miracles happen when we least expect them, bringing joy not only to the giver but also the receiver of his will, helping us to feel God is pleased and not finished with us yet. It’s funny we get so wrapped up in the people and things that once brought us joy, and when they are gone from our lives, we forget to look at the glory of the new that is being revealed as we are being restored.

    We have so many things that bring havoc in our lives that when the tides roll in, washing away the bad, we get so caught up in being shielded from the storms that we forget to take down that which shielded us. In doing so, the

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